MIA: Subjects: Africa: MPLA



The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA)


The Angolan Revolution: A Chronology, 1956-1976, Compiled by Beth Youhn and Steve Goldfield, LSM News, Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 1976


Portuguese Colonialism on Trial for the First Time, by Amilcar Cabral [under the pseudonym Abel Djassi] 1960
Declaration Addressed to the Portuguese Govermnent by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (1960)
MPLA Appeal to the Member States of the UN (1960)


Angola, 1961. The Factual Record, by Basil Davidson (1961)
Angolan Nationalism (1961)
Statement on the Founding of the "Conference of Nationalist Organizations in Portuguese Colonies" (C.O.N.C.P.), (1961)
The Struggle for Freedom in Angola, by Lucio Lara, Voice of Africa, November 1961


The President of the MPLA (1962)
Nkrumah's Proposal for the Formation of a Military Alliance and Unified Military Command for Angolan Liberation Forces (1962)
MPLA Communique [against UPA] (1962)
The Angolan Revolution Enters Its Second Year, by Michael Pablo, Fourth International, May-June 1962
Mistimed Angolan Quarrels, by David Baad, The New African, July 1962
MPLA: Program of Immediate Action (1962)


Freedom for the Reverend Father Pinto de Andrade, Honarary President of MPLA (1963)
MPLA Steering Committee Statement [remembering February 4, 1961] (1963)
Results of the Convention of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Angola (1963)


What Kind of Independence for Angola?, by Viriato da Cruz, Revolution, Vol. 1, No. 9, January 1964
MPLA: Reminder on the Angolan Question for the OAU's Conference of Foreign Ministers (1964)
Petition from the MPLA to the OAU's Conference of Foreign Ministers (1964)
United Secretariat of the Fourth International: New Developments in the Angolan Revolution, World Outlook, Vol. 2, No. 8, February 21, 1964
Three Years of the Angolan Revolution, [discussion with Viriato Da Cruz and Nicholas Vieira] World Outlook, Vol. 2, No. 9, February 28, 1964
MPLA and Positions of the Congolese Authorities of the Provinces Bordering Angola after "grae" recognition. Documents sent to the Secretariat of Africa's Liberation Committee (1964)
The Growth of Nationalism in Angola, by Mario de Andrade (1964)
Viriato da Cruz Joins Angolan Front, World Outlook, Vol. 2, No. 18, May 1, 1964
MPLA Delegation Intervention at the Meeting of the OAU's Liberation Committee (1964)
The Origins of the Angolan Insurrection, by Mario de Andrade, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] (1964)
Joint Memorandum Submitted by the African National Liberation Movements to the OAU's Conference of the Heads of African States Held in Cairo 17th to 21st July, 1964 (1964)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU's Conference of the Heads of African States Held in Cairo 17th to 21st July, 1964 (1964)
MPLA Steering Committee Communique (1964)
MPLA at the Cairo Conference (1964)
MPLA: Appeal to the Congo-Leopoldville Government and the OAU (1964)
MPLA Press Communique [on crisis of GRAE] (1964)
MPLA Press Communique [further on crisis of GRAE] (1964)
Some Facts Showing "G.R.A.E." Incapacity to Lead the Angolan People's Fight and the Arbitrary Behavior of the Committee on Nine on the Angolan Question, (1964)
The Split in the Angolan Movement, by Livio Maitan, World Outlook, Vol. 2, No. 31, September 18, 1964
MPLA's Appeal to Africa Voice of Africa, September-October 1964
Problems of the Angolan Revolution, by Viriato Da Cruz (1964)
Report of the Conciliating Committee Between the Angolan Revolutionary Government (GRAE) and the People's Liberation Movement of Angola (MPLA) (1964)
The MPLA Recognized by the OAU's Africa Liberation Committee (1964)


Angolan Movement Faces Critical Situation, by Livio Maitan, World Outlook, Vol. 3, No. 3, January 15, 1965
Memorandum on the UPA in Zambia, the Resignation of UPA Regional Officials, and their joining the MPLA (1965)
MPLA: The Role of the Angolan Worker in the National Revolution, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1965)
Once Again on the Situation in the Angolan Movement, by Livio Maitan, World Outlook, Vol. 3, No. 9, March 5, 1965
MPLA Spokesman Praises Mao, World Outlook, Vol. 3, No. 22, June 11, 1965
Angola and the New Imperialist Strategy in Southern Africa, by Hugo Menezes [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 3] (1965)
MPLA Steering Committee: Decomposition of the So-called "GRAE" Is a Fact (1965)
An Open Letter to the Angolan People, by K.N. Cikomo [on resigning from UPA and joining the MPLA] (1965)
MPLA Steering Committee: Press Communique (1965)
The Political Situation in Portugal and the Liberation Struggle in the Portuguese Colonies, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1965)
Statements and Resolutions of the Second "Conference of Nationalist Organizations in Portuguese Colonies" (C.O.N.C.P.) (1965)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU Council of Ministers (1965)


Statutes and Programme of MPLA (1966)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU Council of Foreign Ministers (1966)
Minutes of conciliatory joint meeting between two alien rival nationalists from Angola [MPLA, UNITA] (1966)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU's Committee of Three (1966)
MPLA Declaration on the Agreement Reached in the Conciliatory Joint Meeting [between MPLA and GRAE] (1966)


MPLA: Ten Years of Struggle
MPLA: Ten Years of Existence; Six Years of Armed Struggle (1967)
Angolan Guerrillas Fail to Heal Rift, World Outlook, Vol. 5, No. 8, February 24, 1967
Angola: Seven Years of Consecutive Victories Over Imperialism, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year II, Numbers 11-12, February-March 1967
Pope – Ally of Salazar, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] 1967
An Odious Balance. Instead of Combatting Against the Portuguese Colonists, Holden is Using the Territory of Congo (Kinshasa) As His Base to Kidnap and Assassinate True Angolan Patriots (1967)
MPLA: Portugal: A Parasite Country Par Excellence, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1967)


Not an Isolated Struggle, by Agostinho Neto, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] 1968
Report, Decisions and Recommendations of the OAU's Committee of Five For Angola (1968)
Speech by Dr. Agostinho Neto: A message to companions in the struggle (1968)
What the MPLA Expects from the OAU, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 28, July 1968
Interview with Paulo Jorge, From the MPLA, Tricontinental, Number 7, July-August 1968
Angola and the Fight for Freedom. Interview with Lucio Barreto de Lara, Sechaba, Volume 2, Number 10, October 1968


Angola: The Armed Struggle Throughout the Territory, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
MPLA: Guerrilla Warfare: Only Valid Form of Struggle, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] (1969)
Angola: Freedom for Members of the MPLA, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
Colonialism, Culture, and Revolution, by Mario de Andrade, Tricontinental, Number 13 (1969)
MPLA: The Problem of the Assimilados, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1969)


National Liberation Wars in the Portuguese Colonies by the Permanent Secretariat of the Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organization (1970)
Angola: Ninth Year of Armed Rebellion, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 48, March 1970
Portuguese Colonies: Front of Solidarity Against Reaction, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 48, March 1970
People's War in Angola by Roy Harvey (1970)
With the Guerrillas in Angola by Don Barnett (1970)
MPLA 1970 1970
Angola, MPLA: Interview with Daniel Chipenda, Member MPLA Steering Committee (1970)
Angola, MPLA: Interview with Spartacus Monimambu, Member MPLA Steering Committee (1970)
Speech of Dr. Agostinho Neto to the 3rd Conference of Non-aligned Countries (1970)


Getting Hip to Imperialism: ALCAN, Jamaica and Cabora Bassa (1971)
MPLA: The Effects of Colonialism on the Colonized African Peoples,, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1971)
An International War, by Marcelino dos Santos, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
immediate Objective: Cabora Bassa, by Peter Kellner, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
Agostinho Neto Answers 13 Questions (1971)
MPLA's statement on OAU's withdrawl of recognition of "G.R.A.E." (1971)
Interview with Agostinho Neto: Angola: Facets of the Freedom Struggle , Mozambique Revolution, Number 49, October-December 1971


Speech by Daniel Chipenda to commemorate the 11th anniversary of February 4th (1972)
Angola: Study Beneath the Bombs, by Lucio Lara, Tricontinental, Numbers 29-30, March-June 1972
Angola: Five Centuries of Portuguese Exploitation by Americo Boavida (1972)
MPLA: Facts and Documents (1972)
Messages to Companions in the Struggle: Speeches by Dr. Agostinho Neto, MPLA President (1972)
Liberation in Southern Africa. The Organization of Angolan Women
UNITA: The MPLA-GRAE Opportunistic Reconciliation Kwacha–Angola, July-August 1972
The MPLA's Appeal to the FNLA for the Unification of Angolan Fighting Forces (1972)
The MPLA's Proposals for the Unification of the Angolan Fighting Forces (1972)
OAU on Meeting of Reconciliation Between MPLA and FNLA (1972)
Draft Internal Regulations for the Supreme Council for the Liberation of Angola [pursuant to December 1972 unification agreement betweem MPLA and FNLA] (1972)
Daniel Chipenda responds to his expulsion from MPLA (1972)


Two Angolan Groups Announce Unification, by Tony Thomas Intercontinental Press, Vol. 11, No. 2, January 22, 1973
MPLA and FNLA form council, Guerrilheiro, No. 14, February-March 1973
Address of the Head of the MPLA Delegation at the Opening Session of the First Meeting for the Implementation of the Agreement of 13 December 1972 signed by the MPLA and FNLA (1973)
Statement of Holden Roberto on the December 13, 1972 Unity Accord (1973)
MPLA's Draft Charter for a United Front for the Liberation of Angola (1973)
The Milking of Angola. International Sources of Finance and Colonial Companies with Interests in Angola (1973)
The Angolan Pioneers (1973)
Comrade President Agostinho Neto Interviewed by Revolution Africaine (1973)
Angola, MPLA 1: The Making of a Middle Cadre: The Story of Rui de Pinto (1973)
Interviews in Depth: Angola, MPLA 4: Paulo Jorge, Director of MPLA's Department of Information and Propaganda (1973)


M.P.L.A.: Thirteen years of armed revolutionary struggle (1974)
Letter from Agostinho Neto to Holden Roberto (1974)
Interviews in Depth: Angola, MPLA 3: Seta Likambuila, MPLA Field Commander and middle cadre (1974)
Statement of Dr. Agostinho Neto on the Military Coup D'etat in Portugal (1974)
M.P.L.A.: Outline for the First Congress (1974)
Platform for the MPLA's First Congress (1974)
Delegation of the MPLA Executive: Account of an Incident Which Took Place in Lilanda [involving members of the Eastern Revolt] (1974)
Statement of MPLA Executive and Congress Delegates [on factionalism and the collapse of the First Congress] (1974)
Statement of MPLA Executive [against any single faction holding an MPLA Congress] (1974)
Statement of MPLA Executive [on Portugal's recognition of the colonies' right to independence] (1974)
Angola: Leadership Crisis, by Dr. Fola Soremekun, University of Zambia (1974)
Communique from the three tendencies in MPLA on overcoming their differences (1974)
MPLA Communique [on Portugal's refusal to negotiate with the MPLA] (1974)
MPLA Proclamation [on the eve of victory] (1974)
Final Declaration of the Inter-regional Conference of MPLA Militants (1974)
MPLA Resolves Leadership Questions Southern Africa, November 1974
Who Is the Enemy?... What is Our Objective? [Speech by Agostinho Neto] (1974)
President Agostinho Neto's Message to the Angolan People on the Occasion of the Opening of an MPLA Office in Luanda (1974)
Translation of Two Articles Written by Leif Biureborgh After His Visits to Angola in 1974 (1974)


Agreement Between the Portuguese Government and the Angolan Liberation Movements [the Alvor Agreement] (1975)
Speech of Agostinho Neto on Behalf of the Three Liberation Movements on the Signing of the Alvor Agreement (1975)
The Nakuru Agreement [of the three liberation movements] (1975)
Angola: Developments and Dangers, by Don Barnett LSM News, Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1975
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? Origin of the MPLA, FNLA, and UNITA, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 7, 1975
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? The Battle Against Portuguese Neocolonialism, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 14, 1975
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? A Fratricidal Struggle for Power, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 21, 1975
Nationalist Groups on Brink of Civil War in Angola, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 28, 1975
Armed Clashes Continue In Angola, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, August 4, 1975
Angola: The Struggle Continues. Interview with Paulo Jorge, MPLA, LSM News, Volume 2, Number 2, Summer 1975-76
The Report of the OAU Conciliation Commission on Angola (1975)
Interview with MPLA Delegation to the United Nations, CFM News & Notes, Number 33, November 1975


Angola: Behind the Civil War, by Tony Thomas, The Militant, January 23, 1976
Victory is Certain!, [Speech by Agostinho Neto] Sechaba, Volume 10, First Quarter, 1976
Special Issue: The People's Republic of Angola, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year X, 1975
Angola: Myths and Realities, LSM News, Volume 2, Number 4, Winter 1975-76
From Slavery to Freedom: A Story from Angola [comic book] (1976)
MPLA Is the People (1976)
Road to Liberation: MPLA Documents on the founding of the People's Republic of Angola (1976)
Speech of Agostinho Neto at the opening session of the emergency conference in solidarity with Angola organized by AAPSO (1976)
The People in Power: An Account from Angola's Second War of National Liberation, by Ole Gjerstad (1976)
No One Can Stop the Rain: Angola and the MPLA, by Jennifer Davis, George M. Houser, Susan Rogers and Herb Shore (1976)
Fidel Castro on Cuba and Angola (1976)
Angola – MPLA Stages Witch-hunt Against the Left, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, May 10, 1976
Angola: Behind the MPLA's 'Socialist' Mask, by Ernest Harsch (1976)


On Building a Party: Interview with Lucio Lara, Southern Africa, May 1977
Hundreds Arrested After Angolan Coup Attempt, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, June 13, 1977
Angola: Coup Crushed, 'factionalists' jailed, by Ernest Harsch, The Militant, June 24, 1977
Angola: Factional Revolt Suppressed, by Michael Shuster Southern Africa, June-July 1977
Wide Purge of MPLA Reported in Angola, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 4, 1977
Angola: Leaders of Attempted Coup Arrested Southern Africa, August 1977
MPLA Examines May Coup Southern Africa, October 1977


MPLA and FRELIMO: Perspectives on the Struggle Southern Africa, Sechaba Volume 11, Fourth Quarter 1977
Angola: Planning a Socialist Future, by Michael Shuster (1978)
MPLA: The Story of the First Congress, People's Power in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau, Number 11, January-March 1978
The Constitution of MPLA into a Party of the Working Class, People's Power in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau, Number 11, January-March 1978
Address of ANC President Oliver Tambo to the First Congress of the MPLA, Sechaba, Volume 12, Second Quarter, 1978
Speech of Comrade President Neto in the 25th Meeting of OAU Heads of State (1978)
Angola: Three Years After Independence, Africa In Struggle, Number 7, October-December 1978
Angola in the Whirlwind of Permanent Revolution (1978)
Angola and After, by Wilfred Burchett [from the book Southern Africa Stands Up 1978]


Statement of the Political Bureau of the MPLA, [on the death of President Neto] Dawn, September 1979
Homage to Comrade Neto, by Lucio Lara Dawn, October 1979
Angola's New President,Dawn, October 1979


The Rise and Fall of Nito Alves, Part Two, Dawn, May 1980
Angola is Not Seeking Peace at Any Price, Sechaba April 1983
Joint Statement of the Governments of Angola and Cuba (1984)
Angola Prepares for Second Party Congress Southern Africa Report, June 1985
Ten Years of Angolan Independence, by Zoyisile Mati, Sechaba November 1985
Angola: Tough Road Ahead, by Steve Godfrey, Southern Africa Report, April 1986


"Thieves or Murderers": Background to the Angolan Elections, Southern Africa Report, November 1992


Vitoria ou Morte: English Edition, Volume 2, Special Issue, February-April 1964
Vitoria ou Morte: English Edition, Volume 2, Number 2, July-August 1964
Vitoria ou Morte: English Edition, August-September 1965
Vitoria ou Morte: English Edition, May-July 1973
MPLA Informations (March 1969)
Angola in Arms (1967-1974)
Organization of Angolan Women Bulletin (1971-1978)
MPLA News (1972)
MPLA Documents Issued by the MPLA Representation in Sweden, Number 1 (1972)
MPLA Documents Issued by the MPLA Representation in Sweden, Numbers 3-4 (1972)
Flash on Angola, Number 1, n.d. [1970]
Flash on Angola, Number 2, n.d. [1970]
Flash on Angola, Number 4, October 1970
Flash on Angola, Number 6, December 1, 1970
Flash on Angola, Number 8, August 11, 1971
Flash on Angola, April 1972
Flash on Angola, May 1972