MIA: History: ETOL: Newspapers & Periodicals
International Socialist Review
(1997 – 2019)
(under construction)* * *
Issue 1: Summer 1997
China from Mao to Deng
- Arming a new generation of Marxists
- Zaire: A U.S.-made dictator falls
- A step backward for abortion rights
- Clinton: Bipartisan president
China: From Mao to Deng, by Ahmed Shawki
A New labor Movement?, by Lee Sustar
50 Years of the International Socialist Tradition, Ahmed Shawki interviews Tony Cliff
The Communist Party and Black Liberation in the 1930s, by Paul D’Amato
- William Greider and Robert Kuttner, reviewed by Bill Keach
- When Work Disappears, reviewed by Lance Selfa
- New Book on the CIO
- Stephen J. Gould
- Blacks in the American Revolution
- Yugoslavia Dismembered
- Class struggle in the Ivy League
- Alternative Unionism in the 1930s
- Race, Gender and Work
- Chomsky on the new world order
* * *
Issue 2: Fall 1997
Contradictions of
the “Miracle” EconomyNOTES OF THE QUARTER
Contradictions of the Miracle Economy, by Joel Geier & Ahmed Shawki
The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen, by Katherine Dwyer
- Selections of his writings on fascism, by Leon Trotsky
China: Deng’s Legacy, by Ahmed Shawki
Engels and the Origin of Women’s Oppression, by Sharon Smith
* * *
Issue 3: Winter 1997
80 Years Since the
Russian RevolutionEDITORIALS
- Attack on Ron Carey
- Crisis in Asia
- Iraq Sanctions
- Affirmative Action
80 Years Since the Russian Revolution, by Ahmed Shawki
Kronstadt and the Defeat of the Russian Revolution, by Chris Harman
The Politics of the Death Penalty, by Marlene Martin
Puerto Rico: The Last Colony, by Hector Reyes
Anarchism: How Not to Make a Revolution, by Paul D’Amato
* * *
Issue 4: Spring 1998
Origins of the
- Asia: Has the crisis passed?
- Republicans in a Box
- The Employers Strike Back
- France: Deals with the Devil
Zionism: False Messiah, by Lance Selfa
- Israel: The Watchdog State, by Lance Selfa
1968–1998: The Dynamics of Struggle, interview with Chris Harman, conducted by Ahmed Shawki
U.S. and Iraq: Back from the Brink? by Paul D’Amato & Lance Selfa
Reprint: What is Economism? by Duncan Hallas
- Legal but inaccessible, reviewed by Katherine Dwyer
- Hitler’s willing resisters, reviewed by Anthony Arnove
- Return to The Jungle, reviewed by Joe Allen
- By right of discovery, reviewed by Paul D’Amato
- Eavesdropping on the faculty party, reviewed by Lance Selfa
- Inside the pressure cooker, reviewed by Lee Sustar
- Taking stock of their greed, reviewed by Anthony Arnove
- Why tigers fall, reviewed by Leighton Christiansen
* * *
Issue 5: Fall 1998
Asia in Crisis
- Clinton’s crisis
- Asia and the World Economy
- U.S. Labor Movement
- German Elections
Indonesia: Crisis and Revolt, by Anthony Arnove
- Birth of a new labor movement
- Using anti-Chinese Racism to Deflect the Struggle
- Resistance and Repression in Indonesia
A Manifesto for Today, by Phil Gasper
Socialism on Trial, Courtroom Speeches of South Korean Socialists
Whatever Happened to Feminism? by Sharon Smith
Reprint: Lenin and the Revolutionary Party, by Tony Cliff
- The Case for Affirmative Action
- The Truth About the War on Drugs
- The war for Civil Rights
- Killing for Fashion
- McCarthyism Parading as History
- 1898: The “Splendid Little War”
- The Roots of Postwar Fascism
- The Killing Fields
- Profits of Doom
- While Six Million Died
* * *
Issue 6: Winter 1999
The Democrats and
the Death Penalty
- Clinton’s impeachment
- The unravelling of U.S. policy toward Iraq
- Teamster election
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
The Democrats and the Death Penalty, by Paul D’Amato
Gay Politics in the U.S., by Lance Selfa
John Reed: The Workers’ Journalist
Courtroom Speeches of South Korean Socialists
Chile: The State and Revolution, by Tom Lewis
Can the U.S. Escape the Gobal Crisis? by Joel Geier
Briefing: Human Underdevelopment Report, by Bill Roberts
* * *
Issue 7: Spring 1999
Stop NATO’s war
Origins of the war in the Balkans, by Paul D’Amato
- The Collapse of Yugoslavia
- The rise of Milosevic and the Descent into War
- Bosnia: How Western Intervention Fueled the Crisis
Why Kosovo is not Serbia, by Leonard Kline & Paul D’Amato
U.S. Imperialism: A century of slaughter, by Lance Selfa
“What we say goes”: The Gulf War of 1991, by Lance Selfa
Can the UN bring peace? by Bridget Broderick
While six million died: How the West abandoned the Jews, by Annie Levin
Reprints on socialism and war: by Leon Trotsky, John Reed, Lenin & Duncan Hallas
- Rwanda’s genocide
- Books on Yugoslavia
* * *
Issue 8: Summer 1999
New Masters of the Balkans
- New Masters of the Balkans
- The Real War Criminals
- China: The New Enemy
Bosnia: Model for a New Colonialism? by Paul D’Amato
From Cold War to Kosovo, by Lance Selfa
The Roots of Serbian Nationalism, by Phil Gasper
Marxism and War, by Joel Geier
Racism and the Criminal Injustice System, by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
The Crisis in Healthcare, by Helen Redmond
Briefing: Guns vs. Butter, by Eric Ruder
A Theory of Modern War, by David Whitehouse
- Rwanda’s genocide
- Books on Yugoslavia
* * *
Issue 9: Fall 1999
The New Movement Against
- Terror in East Timor
- The Students’ Revolt
- Colombia: Backing butchers in the name of fighting drugs
- The politics of hate crimes
The New Movement Against Sweatshops, by Jennifer Roesch
U.S. Imperialism After Kosovo, by Lance Selfa
School of the Assasins, by Katherine Dwyer
- Appendix 1: Torture Training Manuals
- Appendix 2: School of the Americas Gallery of Butchers
Marxism and Oppression, by Paul D’Amato
Vietnam: the Soldiers’ Rebellion, by Joel Geier
The Iranian Revolution, by Saman Sepehri
Iran at the Crossroads, by Saman Sepehri
Interview with Howard Zinn, by Helen Scott
- Multiracial Organizing
- Unnatural Disasters
- Hitler vs. Workers
- Dr. Strangelove’s New Military
- Puff About Globalization
- Books on India’s Far Right and the Conflict with Pakistan
* * *
Issue 10: Winter 2000
Criss and Class Struggle
- WTO – Crashing the bosses’ party
- The Battle in Seattle – Eyewitness report
- Thieves Kitchen – Slicing up the world
- New York Transit workers
Latin America: Birth of Resistance, by Lance Selfa
The Left in Latin America, by Lance Selfa
Colombia: the Terrorist State, by Tristan Adie & Paul D’Amato
Can Mexico’s rulers weather the storm? by Todd Chretien
Toward a democratic labor movement in Mexico, by Dan laBotz
The fall of Stalinism 10 years on, by Anthony Arnove
World War II: The good war? by Ashley Smith
The Mark Twain they didn’t teach us in school, by Helen Scott
- American men betrayed
- U.S. profiteers in Latin America
- Books on the Balkans and U.S. intervention
- Whey does anyone go hungry?
- Pat Buchanan’s racist rant
* * *
Issue 11: April–May 2000
Death Penalty on Trial
- Presidential Elections: Money Wins Either Way
- Economy: Ingredients for a Market-Led Downturn
- China and the WTO
- Austria: Opposition to Haider
Briefing: The Shape of World Capitalism, by Ahmed Shawki & Paul D’Amato
- WTO: Corporate Club, by Paul D’Amato
- IMF: Debt Cop, by Joel Geier
- World Bank: Plunder with a Human Face, by Eric Ruder
Death Penalty on Trial, by Eric Ruder
- Interview with Leonard Weinglass, conducted by Eric Ruder
Mexico after the Student Strike, by Todd Chretien
Cuba: Crisis of State Capitalism, by Hector Reyes
A Strike Derailed, by Meredith Kolodnor & Shaun Harkin
Reprint: What is Sectarianism? by Duncan Hallas
- Hurricane Carter
- World History from Below
- Iraq Under Siege
- Explaining Economic Instability
- Rootless Capitalists
- Joe McCarthey’s European Cousins
- The Catholic Church in Ireland
* * *
Issue 12: June–July 2000
The Revolt Against
- This is the way labor can win
- Reports from Latin America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
- Iran: Heading for a showdown
- The struggle over Vieques
Birth of a new movement
- Shifting the terms of debate, by Ahmed Shawki
- Organizing for April 16 in D.C.: A resurgence of campus activism, by David Zirin & Michele Bollinger
- The turn to direct action, by Ashley Smith
- Interview with Walden Bello, conducted by Alan Maass
- Fighting the global goliaths: Speeches from a D.C. Teach-in
- Globalization: Myths and realities, by Lee Sustar
- Students and labor, stronger together, by Sherry Wolf
- Former Gap sweatshop worker speaks out, interview with Chie Abad, conducted by Sherry Wolf
The color of justice, by Paul D’Amato
Ethiopia: Roots of Famine, by David Whitehouse
The hidden war against Iraq, by Anthony Arnove
The new assault on a woman’s right to choose, by Elizabeth Schulte
Rehabilitating McCarthyism, by William Keach
Standing on the shoulders of a giant: Remembering Tony Cliff
- Vietnam
- Crime and punishment
- NATO’s Balkan war
- A new barnyard revolt
- Defending evolution
- Textile strike of 1934
- Repressing Salt of the Earth
* * *
Issue 13: August–September 2000
The Price of Lesser Evilism
- There is a Choice in Election 2000
- Colombia: Washington Fuels the Fire
- “Operation Hold Up Democracy” in Haiti
- The Teamsters Three Years after the UPS Strike
Eight Years of Clinton-Gore – The Price of Lesser Evilism, by Lance Selfa
- Nader 2000: Challenging the Parties of Corporate America, by Joel Geier
- Marxists and Elections, by Paul D’Amato
Death Penalty in the Spotlight, by Alice Kim
“Hiroshima Was No Longer a City”, by Mikki Smith
The Hidden History of America’s Concentration Camps, by Ken Matsumura
Marxism and Nationalism, by Tom Lewis
A Conversation with Denis Halliday
Reprint: On Perspectives, by Tony Cliff
- Karl Marx: Above All a Revolutionary
- A Newly Updated Anti-racist Classic
- How to Convict the Innocent
- Palestinian Hopes Betrayed
* * *
Issue 14: October–November 2000
The Nader Challenge
- The only real choice in election 2000
- Socialists and Nader
- The Verizon victory
- Labor – signs of a revival
- Growing opposition to the death penalty
Washington’s men in Kosovo, by Jeremy Scahill
Taking on the parties of Big Business, by Ralph Nader (speech)
- An exclusive interview with Ralph Nader
- Al Gore: The corporate prizefighter as populist, by Paul D’Amato
- Fake left, go right
- Lesser evilism and the Supreme Court, by Lance Selfa
How “Governor Death” runs Texas, by Quent Reese
“Hunger follows them like a shadow”, by Sharon Smith
The myth of the New Economy, by Lee Sustar
Gandhi and the politics of non-violence, by Meneejeh Moradian & David Whitehouse
100 years since the original ISR, by Alan Maass
Marxism and nationalism (part 2), by Tom Lewis
Richard Wright: “Using words as a weapon”, by Annie Levin
- The U.S. labor Bureaucracy (Paul Buhle’s Taking Care of Business)
- Pseudo-science about rape (Thornhill and Palmer’s A Natural History of Rape)
- Politics of the media Giants (McChesney’s Rich Media, Poor Democracy)
- Field Guide to the global economy (Anderson, Cavanagh, Lee and Ehrenreich)
- Struggles of the 1930s (Dollinger and Dollinger’s Not Automatic, Watkins’ The Hungry Years)
* * *
Issue 15: December 2000–January 2001
The New Intifada:
Standing Up to GoliathEDITORIALS
- Election Fiasco, American Style
- Nader – With No Apologies
- Subverting Democracy in Allende’s Chile
- Overnite: The Forgotten Strike
Where Is the Serbian Revolution Headed? by Lee Sustar
The New Intifada: Standing up to Goliath, by Lance Selfa
- Oslo: Cover for Territorial Conquest, interview with Naseer Aruri, conducted by Anthony Arnove
- Interview with Palestinian Activist, Hakim Hussein, conducted by Eric Ruder
- Israel: Colonial-Settler State, by Phil Gasper
- U.S. Intervention in the Middle East: Blood for Oil, by Paul D’Amato
The War on Drugs: Myth and Reality, by Helen Redmond
Briefing: Disease and Disasters: Suffering Unequally, by Alex Taylor
Reprint: On Authority, by Frederick Engels
Reprint: The Economic Roots of Reformism, by Tony Cliff
- Marx and Engels on the Fight for Democracy
- Disarming the Gun Myth
- The Poisonwood Bible
- Marx and the Environment
- A Children’s Primer on Revolution
- Japan Under U.S. Occupation after the Second World War
- U.S. Labor History
* * *
Issue 16: February–March 2001
The Shape of Things to ComeEDITORIALS
- The Shape of Things to Come
- Ten Years After the Gulf War
- “People Power” in the Philippines
- The Counter-Davos Summit in Porto Alegre, Brazil, by Tom Lewis
- Protest in Nice, France, at the EU summit, by Sherry Wolf
- Appeal to defend Swiss union militants
Fat Cats, Bigwigs and War Criminals, by Alan Maass
What the Voters Really Said in 2000, by Lance Selfa
“Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand (panel discussion)
Power to the People? by Jessie Muldoon & Todd Chretien
The End of the Miracle Economy, by Paul D’Amato & Joel Geier
The Economics of Booms and Slumps, by Chris Harman
The FTAA: A Primer, by Lee Sustar
We, the People? by Annie Levin
Blacks and the American Revolution, by Leighton Christiansen
Reprint: Stalinism and Bolshevism, by Leon Trotsky
- Organizing Independent Unions in Mexico
- LA Sweatshops
- Paul Foot’s Partisan Journalism
- Struggle in South Africa After Apartheid
* * *
Issue 17: April–May 2001
Under the Eagle
- Stop the FTAA
- Abortion – every woman’s right
- Don’t mourn, organize
- “NATO is floundering in the Balkans”
- The Zapatistas march on Mexico City
- Crisis and Resistance in Latin America
FTAA for Beginners, by Leighton Christiansen
Canada’s Stake in the FTAA, by Chris Hodge
Imperialism and the State, by Paul D’Amato
We Need Cross-Border Solidarity, interview with Fred Azcarate of Jobs with Justice
Do Global Problems Have Local Solutions? by Ashley Smith
The Rise of a Global Justice Movement, by Lee Sustar
Ariel Sharon: War Criminal, by Hadas Thier
From Miracle to Malaise, interview with Doug Henwood
The Balance of Class Forces at the End of the Boom, by Joe Allen
On the United Front, by Leon Trotsky (reprint)
- Introduction, by Katherine Dwyer
Bush Won Florida? I’m Laughing, interview with Gregory Palast
- America’s racial image problem
- The populism of Venezuela’s Chavez
- The food business
- Hitler’s life and times
- Jews who fought back
- The early women’s movement
- Liberals try to set an agenda
* * *
Issue 18: June–July 2001
Bush’s World
- The Oil and Gas Administration
- Death penalty under scrutiny
- Cold War with China?
- Defend the Charleston 5!, by Lee Sustar
- General strike in Greece, by Antonis Davanellos
- Turkey’s economic meltdown
Bush’s Offensive, Liberals’ Retreat, by Lance Selfa
“What They Want is My Silence” (Part 1), interview with Edward Said, conducted by David Barsamian
Between Things Ended and Things Begun, by Ahmed Shawki
Lessons of Quebec City, by Katherine Dwyer
Eyewitness in Quebec, by Meredith Kolodner
Forging Cross-Border Solidarity, by Stuart Easterling
What Next for the FTAA? by Eric Ruder
Brazil: The Struggle Against Neoliberalism, by Tom Lewis
Fighting the Bosses in Brazil, interview with Dirceu Travesco
Operation Gatekeeper: Militarizing the Border, by Justin Akers
South Korean Workers: The Battle for Daewoo, by Scott Johnson
Climate Chaos: Can Global Warming be Stopped? by Sherry Wolf
A Guide to the Millionaires’ Tax Cut, by Amy Muldoon
- How FDR got Japan to Attack
- Indians and Ecology
- Class Struggle in Hollywood
- The Impact of the Feminist Movement
- Books to Challenge the Official History of Vietman
- Two by Eduardo Galeano
* * *
Issue 19: July–August 2001
Whose World? Theirs or Ours
- Globalization at a glance
Global Capitalism: From triumph to crisis, by Walden Bello
Militarizing space “to protect U.S. interests and investment”, by Noam Chomsky
The state is more powerful than ever, by John Pilger
The globalizer who came in from the cold, by Gregory Palast
The Washington Consensus isn’t just foreign policy, by Katherine Dwyer
A “new economy”?, by Doug Henwood
Do Americans consume too much?, by Geoff Bailey
World Bank, WTO, and corporate control over water, by Vandana Shiva
They call all resistance “terrorism”, interview with Edward Said, conducted by David Barsamian Part I | Part II
China: Globalization and the new agenda, by Nigel Harris
Tijuana: Frontline battles against globalization, by Todd Chretien
Global media, neoliberalism and imperialism, by Robert McChesney
Dollarization: The recolonization of Latin America, by Marcelo García
New Labour and the Third Way, by Leo Panitch
Reflections from South Africa: Breaking the chains of global apartheid, by Patrick Bond
Globalization and union democracy, by Peter Rachleff
Deregulation: The mantra of corporate globalization, interview with Harvey Wasserman, conducted by Eric Ruder
People’s globalization vs. elite globalization, by Kevin Danaher
Carlo’s way, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Dancing – or yawning – on the grave of Carlo Giuliani, by Norman Solomon
Strategy and tactics after Genoa, by Ashley Smith
Lessons from Gothenburg, by Susan George
The violence at Gothenburg, by Christophe Aguiton
Quebec City showed that we have not lost momentum, interview with Dennis Brutus, conducted by Geoff Bailey
New targets, by Michael Albert
“Our tactics continue to evolve”, interview with Lisa Fithian, conducted by Randy Childs
Uniting the resistance, by Howie Hawkins
Taking the offensive: The challenge of the social movements, interview with Eric Toussaint, conducted by Sergio Ferrari
Report from Chiapas: Building solidarity with the Zapatistas, by Sarah Hines & Peter Lamphere
Stop the bombing: Vieques si, marina no!, by Roberto Barreto
Putting an end to sweatshop labor, interview with Chie Abad, conducted by Eric Ruder
The Russian left today, by Boris Kagarlitsky
Race, class, and globalization: The global struggle for democracy, by Manning Marable
The fight to defend the Charleston Five, by Lee Sustar
“We won’t rest until they’re vindicated”, by Kenneth Riley
“Address the bread-and-butter issues”, interview with Rev. Graylan Hagler, conducted by Dave Zirin
Combating racism: Only together – with our arms locked, by Rania Masri
What I voted for when I voted for Nader, by Tim Robbins
Don’t buy “Buy American”, by Stuart Easterling
Reprint: The tyranny of “structurelessness”, by Jo Freeman
Water struggle in Cochabamba: Our victory should also be yours, by Oscar Olivera
Debtors of the world, unite!, by Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello & Brendan Smith
Davos and Porto Alegre: Two opposing plans for civilization, by Michel Löwy
The left after Genoa, by Antonis Davanellos
Localize this!, by Mike Prokosch
Microcredit: The illusion of empowerment, by Gina Neff
Is there a solution for Latin America?, by Tom Lewis
“Class issues are what millions care about”, interview with Howard Zinn, conducted by Anthony Arnove
The fight for a different world, by Ahmed Shawki
* * *
Issue 20: November–December 2001
Why We Oppose This War
Speech at an anti-war teach-in in Burlington, VT, by Howard Zinn
Afghanistan, the Taliban, and the United States, by Nafeez Mosadeq Ahmed
“They call all resistance terrorism”, interview with Edward Said conducted by David Barsamian Part 1 & Part II
- A War on the Afghan people
- After September 11: Fault lines of a new world
- The war at home: Racial profiling and the assault on civil liberties
- War and the labor movement
- On terrorism: What we think
- Close down the U.S. School of the Assassins
“The war on terror: The other victims”, by John Pilger
“Bush and Blair’s hidden agenda”, by John Pilger
Noam Chomsky, interviewed by David Barsamian
William Blum, interviewed by Djibrile Oumarou and David Zirin
The lies they tell about Islam, by Lee Sustar
Behind the Fog of Deception: Washington’s real war aims, by Lance Selfa
Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban, by Phil Gasper
The bombing of Afghanistan, by Nafeez Mosadeq Ahmed
Rogue state: A history of U.S. Terror, by Katherine Dwyer
The squeeze on Pakistan, by David Whitehouse
Targeting Iraq: U.S. hypocrisy and media lies, by Sharon Smith
The Al-Aqsa Intifada: Consequence of Israel’s occupation, by Rania Masri
Pearl Harbor, internment and Hiroshima: Historical lessons, by Paul D’Amato
Reprint: The Canton, Ohio, speech, by Eugene V. Debs
- Ruling over the ruins of Afghanistan
- Blowback
- Explaining Pakistan’s crisis
- Portrait of a war criminal
* * *
Issue 21: January–February 2002
- From the editors
The war abroad
The war at home- German Greens cross the Rubicon
- The fall of the house of Enron
- Plan Colombia: Terror made in the U.S.A.
- Defend Oscar Olivera
“You have to take action from below”, interview with James Petras
Argentina’s revolt, by Tom Lewis
Who Shot Argentina? by Greg Palast
The real story behind America’s war, by John Pilger
The rehabilitation of colonialism, by Ahmed Shawki
The decline of anti-imperialism, by Paul D’Amato
Using women’s rights to sell Washington’s war, by Sharon Smith
Federal Bureau of Intimidation: The FBI’s record of repression, by Annie Levin
Hypocrisy and terror: The U.S., Britain, and biochemical weapons, by Joe Allen
Labor’s challenge in the Recession, by Lee Sustar
Labor can change the world, by Gregg Shotwell
Throwing away the key: The U.S. as the world’s leading jailer, by Joan Parkin
Frankenfoods: What’s wrong with genetic engineering? by Mary Rapien
September 11 and beyond: A view from Palestine, interview with Tikva Honig-Parnass and Toufic Haddad
Special reprint: Trotskyism reassessed, by Duncan Hallas
- Digging for the real roots of war
- Preventable plagues
- A century of American witchhunts
- Why biology is not destiny
- Revolt of the outcasts
- Unity across the color line
* * *
Issue 22: March–April 2002
The Assault on Civil Liberties
- The Washington axis of evil
- Next stop, Baghdad?
- Israel’s colonial war
- Argentina: The next step, by Tom Lewis
- Venezuela’s president under attack, by Bridget Broderick
- The escalating strife in Bolivia
The colder war, by John Pilger
The assault on civil liberties, by Candace Cohn
The Philippines: Second front in the “war on terrorism”, by Eduardo Capulong
How do you spell “crony capitalism”?, by Todd Chretien
The U.S. economy: Limits of recovery, by Lee Sustar
Vietnam: The antiwar movement we are supposed to forget, by H. Bruce Franklin
“Prison reform” from the inside, by Michael Pardue
Revolutionary struggles of Black workers in the 1960s, by Dan Georgakas
A view of the American Revolution from below, interview with Ray Raphael
Special Reprint: Deflected permanent revolution, by Tony Cliff
- Arundhati Roy’s voice of defiance
- Wollstonecraft and revolution
- Rank-and-file perspective on revolution
- Battle for Central Asia
- Where have the liberals gone?
- The case against the death penalty
- Didion cuts the drivel quotient
- A reporter’s jabs at the high and mighty
- and more ...
* * *
Issue 23: May–June 2002
Justice for Palestine
- How much can Bush get away with?
- A step forward for the antiwar movement
- Beating back Le Pen
- Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, by Bridget Broderick
Interview with James Petras- Greece: Social Democracy near collapse, by Antonis Davanellos
- U.S. escalates Colombia’s dirty war, by Tristan Adie
Jenin: Eyewitness report, by Jeff Guntzel
The war against the Palestinians, by Tikva Honig-Parnass
Israeli policy and Washington’s complicity, by Rania Masri, Tayseer Arouri, Toufic Haddad, Ghassan Andoni, Huwaidi Arraf, Chris Toensing
Lies, damned lies, and Israeli propaganda, by Anthony Arnove & Paul D’Amato
Students for justice in Palestine, by Snehal Shingavi
Language, media manipulation, and the “war on terror”, by Normon Solomon
Taking on the fascist menace in France, by Sherry Wolf
- Interviews with Hassan Berber and Danielle Sallandre
Class and poverty in the maquila zone, by Avery Wear
A new colonial “age of empire”?, by Lance Selfa
On the road with Karl Marx, by Brian Jones
Zionism and Anti-Semitism, by N. Israeli
Special reprint: The class character of Israel, by Moshe Machover & Akiva Orr
- The real story of class in the U.S.
- Roots of Bush’s war
- Voices in the antiwar movement
- Cracking the lies of empire
- Formation of the South Korean working class
- Making Mexicans illegal
- Still the Commander-in-Thief
- Palestine – When “peace” means war
* * *
Issue 24: July–August 2002
The struggle against WAR
- Contagion in Latin America, by Tom Lewis
- Puerto Rico: Struggle for the land
- India, Pakistan, and the question of Kashmir, by Dina Roy, Ganesh Lal & David Whitehouse
- Afghanistan’s rigged democracy, by Sharon Smith
- Back to 1948: The conflict’s essence laid bare
- Sharon the ethnic cleanser
How the media cover for Israel, by John Pilger
Exposing the terrorism trap, interview with Michael Parenti
Pacifism and war, by Paul D’Amato
Stephen Jay Gould: Dialectical biologist, by Phil Gasper
The hidden history of Zionism, by Annie Levin
Empire strikes out, by Tom Lewis
Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War, by Geoff Bailey
Toward a revolutionary socialist party, by Duncan Hallas
- A slave’s story in her own words
- Palestine’s turning point
- History of bombing
- Worker-owned companies
- Biography of Grant
- Parenti’s and Pilger’s books on U.S. Imperialism
- Nader’s Crashing the Party
* * *
Issue 25: September–October 2002
The case against Bush’s war on Iraq
- The fake debate over the invasion
- U.S. politics: “September 11 effect” fading?
- The rich don’t pay
- Employers attack; unions blink
- Corporations win rigged game at UN summmit
- Philippines: War on the left
- Argentina: The revolution stalled?
- The IMF and the Brazilian election
Iraq: The case against Bush’s war, by Anthony Arnove
U.S. intervention from Afghanistan to Iraq, interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by David Barsamian
Target Baghdad, by John Pilger
Iraq under siege, edited by Anthony Arnove
The global AIDS crisis, by Elizabeth Terzakis
Where is the economy going? interview with Joel Geier
The 1930s: Turning point for U.S. Labor, by Sharon Smith
The Grapes of Wrath revisited, by David Rapkin
- Democrats up or democracy down?
- Reich’s falling short
- Journalists expose “free press”
- “Holocaust industry” off the deep end
- Cocktail-gossip case for imperialism
- Gore Vidal on war
- Unmanagable crisis
* * *
Issue 26: November–December 2002
The growing opposition to Bush’s war
- Stepping stone to a new empire
- The antiwar movement: A great beginning
- Renegades, false friends, and mistaken allies
- What change will Lula bring? by Tom Lewis
- Power on the docks: Use it or lose it
- Bush’s new search for black gold
- China’s succession crisis
- North Korea: Trying to get off the A-list
- The great proliferator
- Putin’s “war on terror”
- No to a Europe of capital and war
Spinning media gears for a faraway war, by Norman Solomon
The making of a UN fig leaf, by John Pilger
“They can’t privatize our dreams”, by Oscar Olivera
Q&A: The truth behind their war, by Eric Ruder
UN: Thieves’ Kitchen, by Phil Gasper
Bush Doctrine: Turning point for U.S. Imperialism, by Ahmed Shawki
The democrats and war: Not a lesser evil, by Sherry Wolf
The Geopolitics of Oil, by Saman Sepehri
The Italian left in the 1970s, by Yurii Colombo
Slavery and the origins of racism, by Lance Selfa
Slavery and the question of reparations, by Ben Dalbey
The founding of the Communist International, by Duncan Hallas
- On a collision course with nature
- Let them eat job training
- Roots of Bush’s new foreign policy
- William Z. Foster
- Chicago’s killer heat
- The Underground Railroad
- Insider exposes the IMF’s war on the poor
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Last updated on 16 August 2022