MIA: History: ETOL: Newspapers & Periodicals: International Socialist Review
Issue 18: June–July 2001
Bush’s World
- The Oil and Gas Administration
- Death penalty under scrutiny
- Cold War with China?
- Defend the Charleston 5!, by Lee Sustar
- General strike in Greece, by Antonis Davanellos
- Turkey’s economic meltdown
Bush’s Offensive, Liberals’ Retreat, by Lance Selfa
“What They Want is My Silence” (Part 1), interview with Edward Said, conducted by David Barsamian
Between Things Ended and Things Begun, by Ahmed Shawki
Lessons of Quebec City, by Katherine Dwyer
Eyewitness in Quebec, by Meredith Kolodner
Forging Cross-Border Solidarity, by Stuart Easterling
What Next for the FTAA? by Eric Ruder
Brazil: The Struggle Against Neoliberalism, by Tom Lewis
Fighting the Bosses in Brazil, interview with Dirceu Travesco
Operation Gatekeeper: Militarizing the Border, by Justin Akers
South Korean Workers: The Battle for Daewoo, by Scott Johnson
Climate Chaos: Can Global Warming be Stopped? by Sherry Wolf
A Guide to the Millionaires’ Tax Cut, by Amy Muldoon
- How FDR got Japan to Attack
- Indians and Ecology
- Class Struggle in Hollywood
- The Impact of the Feminist Movement
- Books to Challenge the Official History of Vietman
- Two by Eduardo Galeano
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