MIA: History: ETOL: Documents: FI: 1951: The split between the IC and IS of the Fourth International
The Split between the International Committee and the International Secretariat
From Trotskyism Versus Revisionism, A Documentary History Vol 1: The Fight Against Pabloism in the Fourth International, ed. by Cliff Slaughter, New Park Publication, 1974, available at Index Books. Additionally, material in the US SWP published Education for Socialist Bulletins series, edited by Fred Feldman, which duplicates the New Park Publications contributions edited by Cliff Slaughter, contains some material not in the New Park version, including important material from Internaitonal Committee and SWP leader Joseph Hansen as well as numerous documents from the International Secretariat side of the debate.
The Third World Congress
On the Duration and the Nature of the Period of Transition from Capitalism to Socialism
—From SWP Educationa for Socialist Bulletin Volume 2 No. 4 of International Secretariat Doucments 1951-1954Where Are We Going?
—From SWP Educationa for Socialist Bulletin Volume 2 No. 4 of International Secretariat Doucments 1951-1954Document 3: Contribution to the Discussion on International Perspectives by the Political Committee of the SWP, June 5, 1951
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 4: Where is Pablo Going? by Bleibtreu-Favre, June 1951
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeSome Comments on the “Contribution to the Discussion,”
by George Clarke —from SWP Education for Socialists BulletinsTHE STRUGGLE IN THE FRENCH SECTION
Document 5: Letters exchanged between Daniel Renard and James P. Cannon, February 16 and May 9, 1952
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 6: The Struggle of the French Trotskyists against Pablo, October 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeTHE FIGHT AGAINST PABLOISM IS ENGAGED
Letter from Joseph Hansen, Morris Stein and Farrell Dobbs to George Novack January 30, 1953—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
Letter Morris Stein to Michel Pablo February 20, 1953—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
Letter James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs March 9, 1953—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
What the New York Discussion Has Revealed by Joseph Hansen—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
Document 7a: Letter from Sam Gordon to James P. Cannon, May 13, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeLetter James P. Cannon to Michel Pablo May 22, 1953—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
Document 7b: Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, May 27, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeLetter from Michel Pablo to George Novack May 28, 1953—from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers Party
Document 7c: Letter from James P. Cannon to Sam Gordon, June 4, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 7d: Letter from Sam Gordon to James P Cannon, June 22, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 7e: Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, July 9, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 7f: Letter from Sam Gordon to James P Cannon, July 17, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 7g: Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, July 21, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 7h: Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, July 28, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeTHE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY AND THE 1953 SPLIT
Document 8a: Letter from George Novack to G. Healy, August 2, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 8b: Report given to the majority caucus of the New York local by George Novack, August 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 8c: Letter from George Novack to the SWP National Committee Majority, September 10, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 9: Some remarks on The Rise and Fall of Stalinism by Morris Stein, August 23, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 10: Talk given to the New York majority caucus by George Novack, August 17, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 11: Memorandum of the SWP National Committee on The Rise and Decline of Stalinism, October 5, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 12a: Statement of Daniel Roberts to the Seattle Branch of the SWP, July 23, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 12b: Report from Seattle to the Majority Caucus, by George Flint, September 7, 1953
UNITY AGAINST PABLOITE REVISIONISM —from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International Committee
Document 13a: Letter from Sam Gordon to friends in the SWP, August 23, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13b: Letter from Sam Gordon to friends in the SWP, August 30, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13c: Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, August 31, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13d: Letter from James P. Cannon to George Novack, September 2, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13e: Letter from James P. Cannon to George Novack, September 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13f: Letter from James P. Cannon to G. Healy, September 5, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13g: Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, September 7, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13h: Letter from Sam Gordon to friends in the SWP, September 7, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13i: Report from Britain for the SWP National Committee majority, September 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13j: Letter from G. Healy to Farrell Dobbs, October 9, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 13k: Statement by G. Healy on The Rise and Fall of Stalinism, October 6, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14a: Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, September 18, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14b: Agreements reached at London meeting, October 3-4, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14c: Letter from George Breitman to James P. Cannon, October 7, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14d: Letter from Farrell Dobbs to G. Healy, October 25, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14e: Letter from Farrell Dobbs to G. Healy, November 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 14f: Resolution of the 25th Anniversary Plenum of the SWP, November 7-8, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeAgainst Pabloist Revisionism
—Thesis from 25th Anniversary Plenum of the SWP, November 7-8, 1953 —from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers PartyA Letter to Trotskyists Throughout the World—From the 25th Anniversary Plenum of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party.—the Militant, 16 November 1953
Document 14g: Letter from Farrell Dobbs to G. Healy, November 10, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDeclaration of the Delegates of the French Majority and Resolution on the Austrian Question—From SWP�s International Information Bulletin, December 1951
Document 15: The Open Letter of the SWP, November 16, 1953
—A letter to Trotskyists Througout the World from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 16: Resolution forming the International Committee, November 23, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 17: Document of the French Trotskyists, October 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 18: Editorial of The Militant, December 21, 1953
—from The MilitantDocument 19: Letter from Farrell Dobbs to co-thinkers in England and France, December 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeThe Chinese Experience With Pabloite Revisionism And Bureaucratism
—An Open Letter to James P. Cannon from Peng Shuzi, December 30, 1953, from Education for Socialists bulletin Volume 3 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers PartyDOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT
Document 20a: Letter from the IS to Sam Gordon, September 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 20b: Letter from the Bureau of the IS to G. Healy, September 23, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 20c: Letter from Michel Pablo to George Novack, September 24, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 20d: Letter from Michel Pablo to George Novack, October 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 21: Resolution of the Cochranite minority of the SWP Political Committee on the internal party situation, November 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 22: Letter from the Bureau of the IS to the November 7-8 Plenum of the SWP National Committee, November 3, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 23: Statement of the Cochran-Clarke-Bartell faction on the split in the SWP, November 11, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeDocument 24: Letter from the Bureau of the IS to the leaderships of all sections, November 15, 1953
—from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International CommitteeTHE METHOD OF ERNEST MANDEL
Document 1: Letter from Ernest Mandel to George Breitman, November 15, 1953
Document 1c: Letter from Ernest Mandel to George Breitman, December 9, 1953
Document 1d: Letter from George Breitman to Ernest Mandel, January 15, 1954
Document 2a: Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, December 7, 1953
Document 2b: Letter from James P. Cannon to George Breitman, January 12, 1954
Document 2c: Letter from George Breitman to Ernest Mandel, January 15, 1954
Letter from James P. Cannon to George Breitman, March 1, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Leslie Goonewardene, January 26, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Leslie Goonewardene, February 23, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Leslie Goonewardene, May 12, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, April 13, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, April 24, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, April 28, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, May 12, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, June 3, 1954.
Letter from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs, July 16, 1954.
Articles and Introductions to the Fight in the Fourth International
Toward a History of the Fourth International An Introduction to a Discussion
by Fred Feldman —from SWP Internal Discussion Bulletins and the International Bulletins of the International Committee —from Education for Socialists Bulletin Volume 1 of 4 of International Committee Documents 1951-1954 published by the Socialist Workers PartyDocument 1: Resolution of the International Committee instructing publication of the documents, August 24, 1973
—from Workers Press, August 29, 1973.Document 2: Perspectives resolution of the International Committee fourth conference, 1972
—from Fourth International, Vol. 7, No. 3, Spring 1972, pp. 107-121.
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