MIA: Marxist Historical-Subjects: The German Revolution: 1918-1923:
Gilles Dauv� / Denis Authier
The Communist Left in Germany 1918-1921
With texts by:
Laufenberg, Wolffheim, Gorter,
Roland-Holst and Pfempfert1976
Original Title: "La Gauche Communiste en Allemagne (1918-1921)"
Transcriber: Collective Action Notes
HTML-markup: Jonas Holmgren
Table of Contents:
- Translator's Note
- Introduction
- Chapter 1. Germany in 1914
- Chapter 2. Origins of the German Workers Movement
- Chapter 3. The German Left before 1914
- Chapter 4. War and Radicalization
- Chapter 5. The 1918 "November Revolution"
- Chapter 6. Before the Confrontation: The Relation of Forces
- Chapter 7. The Confrontations: November 1918 to May 1919
- Chapter 8. The International and Domestic Situations May 1919-March 1920
- Chapter 9. Revolutionary Syndicalism and Unionism
- Chapter 10. The KPD: January 1919 to March 1920
- Chapter 11. Between the First and the Second Congresses Of the Communist International
- Chapter 12. The Kapp Putsch and the Ruhr Insurrection
- Chapter 13. The VKPD
- Chapter 14. The KAPD and the AAUD-E
- Chapter 15. The March Action (1921)
- Chapter 16. The German Left and the Third International
- Chapter 17. The "International Communist Left"
- Conclusion
- Appendix I. The Groupuscular Phase
- Appendix II. Bibliography of Topics Addressed by the German Left during the 1930s
- Appendix III. Note on "National Bolshevism"
- Texts
- Foreword
- Heinrich Laufenberg: The Hamburg Revolution
- Fritz Wolffheim: Factory Organizations or Trade Unions?
- Hermann Gorter: The Opportunism of the Communist Party of the Netherlands
- Resolution of the Conference of the Abstentionist Communist Fraction of the Italian Socialist Party
- H. Roland-Holst: The Communist Left and the Resolutions of the Second Congress of the Communist International
- Hermann Gorter: The Lessons of the "March Action": Gorter's Last Letter to Lenin
- The KAPD's Report on the Third Congress of the Communist International
- Program of the AAUD (December 1920)
- Extracts from the Guidelines of the AAUD (December 1920)
- Guidelines of the AAU-E (June 1921)
- Franz Pfemfert: Lenin's Infantile Disorder... and the Third International
- Leading Principles of the KAI (1922)
- Epilogue (2004)