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Round the World

Revolutionary Armed Forces in Indonesia

Active in the Countryside

[This short article is reprinted from Peking Review, Vol. 11, #44, Nov. 1, 1968, pp. 27-28.]

This year witnessed a new growth in the armed struggle of the Indonesian Communists and other revolutionary people. Besides the struggle which the revolutionary armed forces have persisted in West Kalimantan, the flames of armed struggle have been kindled in the vast rural and mountain areas on Indonesia’s two major islands — Java and Sumatra. The struggle in Java is of considerable scale.

In a statement in mid August this year, fascist military regime chieftain Suharto publicly admitted that the Indonesian Communists and other revolutionary people are quite strong, especially in East and Central Java. Reactionary papers in Djakarta disclosed that the revolutionary armed forces active in Java had sprang several attacks on the reactionary troops this year and that they had sabotaged railway and long-distance military telephone lines. This had caused panic among the reactionaries, and, in some districts, the fascist regime’s local administration offices had to close down and the magistrates pack up and flee.

Recently, the fascist regime carried out several �mopping-up” operations against the revolutionary armed forces in East and Central Java. Besides local detachments controlled by landlords, it flung in large numbers of reactionary troops, using bombers and up-to-date military equipment supplied by U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism. Despite difficult conditions, the revolutionary forces have relied on the peasant masses to put up a courageous fight against these operations.

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