The Revolutionary Age Masthead

(November 1918 until August 1919)

The Revolutionary Age was an American radical newspaper edited by Louis C. Fraina and published from November 1918 until August 1919. Originally the publication of Local Boston, Socialist Party, the paper evolved into the de facto national organ of the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party which battled for control of the Socialist Party throughout the spring and summer of 1919. With the establishment of the Left Wing National Council in June 1919, the paper was moved from Boston to New York City thus gaining status as the official voice of the nascent American communist movement. The publication was terminated in August 1919, replaced by the official organ of the new Communist Party of America, a weekly newspaper known as The Communist. Other periodicals named "The Revolutionary Age" were published from 1929 to 1932, and in 1968. The issues below are the full run of the serial's first incarnation.

Special Note of thanks to the following individuals and institutions that made copies of The Revolutionary Age available and help scan and process them for this archive: Dr. Marty Goodman and Robin Palmer of the The Riazanov Project and David Walters from the Marxists Internet Archive.

Click here for the High Resolution (1200 dpi) images of the full tabloid page Gropper cartoons on covers of Revolutionary Age
(scanned from the Greenwood Press Reprint of Revolutionary Age)

Volume 1, Number 1, Saturday November 16, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

There Shall Not Be A New War--Against Socialism!
The German Revolution
Against Intervention in Russia
The War against Russia
At the "Kerensky" Stage
"Excesses" and "Disorder" in Russia

Volume 1, Number 2, Wednesday November 20, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

The Trend Of Socialism in Europe
To Our Readers
Counter-Revolutionary Plots in Russia
The Revolution--Russian and German
Counter-Revolutionary Socialism
Work to Do
Starving the Revolution!
Two Struggles
Why Soviet Russia Made Peace By N. Lenin

Volume 1, Number 3, Saturday November 23, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

Withdraw From Russia!
The Time For Action Has Come!
The Coming Of The Final Struggle By Gregory Weinstein
Peace--Where There Is No Peace
In The Ukraine--And Elsewhere
A Labor Peace Conference
The Drive Against Bolshevism
Pause And Preparations
The Origins of Worker's Control of Industry In Russia By John Reed
A Mistake Made By Bolsheviki

Volume 1, Number 4, Wednesday November 27, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

The German Revolution In Action By Ludwig Lore
Mooney, Strikes, And The A. F. of L.
They Are Still There!
Developing Alliances
Division of Power
The Spartacus Group
Chapters from My Diary I By Leon Trotzky
Socialist Divisions In Germany By Franz Mehring
The Repudiation of Debts In Russia
The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring
The Problems of Reconstruction By Louis C. Fraina
Sinn Fein--and the New Struggle By Eadmonn MacAlpine

Volume 1, Number 5, Saturday November 30, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

The Crisis and the Socialist Party
A Call for a Party Convention
Clemency is for the Guilty!
They are Still There!
Bakhmetieff--and Money
All Power to the Soviets!
Bolsheviki and Mensheviki in Bulgaria
Revolutionary Socialism in Germany By Karl Liebknecht
Chapters from My Diary II By Leon Trotzky
The Constituent Assembly In Russia By John Reed
The Angel of Death
The International Movement

Volume 1, Number 6, Saturday December 7, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

The Stranglers of Socialism?
Reconstructing Governments
They Are Still There!
Love Your Enemy as Yourself
Proletarian Dictatorship
Revolutions and "Separatism"
The Quality of Clemency
Socialism--the Hope of all Sides
The Fundamentals of Bolshevism by N. I. Hourwich
The Struggle in Australia
Chapters from My Diary III By Leon Trotzky
Alien Democracy in Russia By Gregory Weinstein
Debs and Moyer--A Page of American Labor History
Socialism and Reaction in Austria By Friedrich Adler

Volume 1, Number 7, Wednesday December 11, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

They Are Still There! By John Reed
Famine in Russia
The Coming Era of Strikes
Why This Reserve, Pray?
The Italian "Socialist Mission
The Struggle Starts
Sinister Proposals
Arming the Proletariat in Germany
Counter-Revolutionary Socialism in Poland
Aspects of the Coming Peace
Wages and High Prices in Russia By M. Bronsky
The Class Character of Bourgeois Mercy By N. I. Hourwich
Chapters from My Diary IV By Leon Trotzky
They Have Started to Quarrel By Gregory Weinstein
A Problem in Tactics By Louis C. Fraina

Volume 1, Number 8, Saturday December 14, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

Open the Prison Gates!
Political Amnesty
Annexations and Indemnities
Soviets and Allies
They Are Still There!
How Much Longer, O Karl?
Waging the Class Struggle
Reconstruction in Germany
Words and Deeds
On the Eve of Disaster By N. I. Hourwich
The Siberian Soviets Protest Against Intervention
Ireland and the Peace Conference By Eadmonn MacAlpine
Chapters from My Diary V By Leon Trotzky
The British Fleet and the Baltic Provinces By J. Klawa
Withdraw from Russia!

Volume 1, Number 9, Wednesday December 18, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

Peace--and the Revolution
No Answer Yet!
The Great Deception
Waging the Class Struggle
A Challenge to a Liar
The Beam in Our Eye
They Are Still There
The Labor Party
Bolshevism in America By John Reed
Japan and Siberian Intervention By Sen Katayama
Divide and Rule
The International Revolution By N. Lenin
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat By S. J. Rutgers
The Bolsheviki will catch you if you don't watch out By Julia Hill
Withdraw from Russia!

Volume 1, Number 10, Wednesday December 21, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein

The Russian Soviet Republic Speaks to President Wilson, Note of Soviet Commissaire of Foreign Affairs
They Are Still There!
The Red Flag
A New Move by Labor
The White Terror
The Passing of Ebert
The Labor Situation
The White Terror in Finland
The Revolution by Ferdinand Freiligrath
Capitalistically Undeveloped Countries and Socialism By M. Altschuler
The Bureau of Misinformation By Gregory Weinstein
"Liebknecht Autocracy"
The International Movement

Volume 1, Number 11, Saturday December 28, 1918 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Story of the First Days of the German Revolution Told in Proclamations
They Are Still There!
"And Who are the Judges?"
Education in Russia, Official Document of People's Commissaire of Education A. V. Lunacharsky
To the American Workers By N. Lenin (alternate translation)
The Constituent Assembly By N. I. Hourwich
"The Blind Leading the Blind" By Scott Nearing
Concerning the Russian Revolution By Romain Rolland
End--and Beginning By Louis C. Fraina

Volume 1, Number 12, Saturday January 4, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Struggle of the New Year
The International
French Syndicalism
The Situation in Ireland
They Are Still There!
The British Elections
The International Socialist Congress
The Bad Russian Bolsheviki
The Brotherhood of Sham By Samuel Smalhausen
The Lettish Socialists in America
The Background of the German Revolution By Louis C. Fraina
Tschitcherin's Report to the Fifth Soviet Congress, July, 1918
The Socialism of the Left By Sen Katayama
The Reconstruction Program of the French Syndicalists
A White New Year By John Reed

Volume 1, Number 13, Saturday January 11, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The New Stage Opens
They Are Still There!
International Socialist Delegates
Labor and the New Era
The Struggle of the Ages By Maurice Malone
The Truth About Bethlehem Steel By Scott Nearing
British Workers Speak to President Wilson
The Background of the German Revolution II By Louis C. Fraina
What is a Strike? By Facts

Volume 1, Number 14, Saturday January 18, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Necessity of an Emergency National Convention
American Journalism
They Are Still There!
Spargo and the Labor Party
Nothing Doing! By George Bernard Shaw
A Criticism of the Finnish Revolution By O. V. Kuusinen
The Background of the German Revolution III By Louis C. Fraina
Craft Unionism and the New Movement By Michael T. Berry
A New Appeal By John Reed

Volume 1, Number 15, Saturday January 25, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Our Dead Comrades
War Legends
They Are Still There!
The Situation in Germany
The Background of the German Revolution IV By Louis C. Fraina
Arrest and Liberation By Dr. Rakovsky
Fables for Proletarian Children By Louise Bryant
Concerning the Russian Revolution By George W. Russell
Doctor Rakovsky By John Reed
The Background of Bolshevism By John Reed

Volume 1, Number 16, Saturday February 1, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

They are not Dead, O Comrades! By Louis C. Fraina
The Future Belongs to the People
The Class Struggle During the War By Rosa Luxemburg (alternate translation)
The Communist Party of Germany
The Left Wing in the American Socialist Party By Nicholas I. Hourwich
To Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg (poem) By Maximilian Cohen
Karl Liebknecht and the International (Extracts from an article on International Socialism written in April 1917) By Nicholai Lenin
A Tribute from the Far East By Sen Katayama
Tchitcherin's Report to the Fifth Soviet Congress, July, 1918 II
Prospects of the Proletarian Dictatorship By Richard Hansen
Karl Liebknecht's Words By John Reed

Volume 1, Number 17, Saturday February 8, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

You Who Are Out--Act! By Louis C. Fraina
The Left Wing
"Freedom Only in Russia"
An Open Letter to Katherine Breshkovskaya
Manifesto and Program of the Left Wing of the American Socialist Movement
The Chicago Communist Propaganda League
Britain and Russia By Douglas Young
The Height of Impudence
The Birth of the American Soviet, Council of Workers, Soldiers and Sailors of Portland, Oregon

Volume 1, Number 18, Saturday February 15, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

They can Deport Men, but not Ideas!
Strike Breaking
Reactionary A. F. of L. Officials
Strikes and Mass Action
Turn to the Left!
The Lawrence Strike--Impressions By Richard Hansen
Three Socialist Strike Leaflets
A Soviet Republic for Britain!, Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party of Great Britain
The Character of the Russian Revolution from the Moscow Pravda, October 28, 1918
Soviet Russia Speaks to Britain
The Holy Trinity of Capital By Nicholas I. Hourwich
Withdraw from Berne!
The Bolsheviki Repudiate the Berne Congress

Volume 1, Number 19, Saturday February 22, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

A Bourgeois on Strikes and Deportations
Are You in the Fight?
A League for Camouflage
Industrial Revolution
They are Still There!
Our N. E. C.
Congress Investigates
Which International?
The Immorality of the Bolsheviki: A Study in Myths and Facts
The Revolution in Prison
The Day of the People By Eugene V. Debs
The Revolutionary Strike Movement By A. Nyemanov
Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship By N. Bucharin
The Wrath of the Millions By Barnet Braverman

Volume 1, Number 20, Saturday March 1, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Bolshevik Call for an International Communist Congress
Accept The Challenge!
The Torrent of Words
Governments and Peoples
Deporting Civil Rights
The Terror of Revolt
Imperial America
The Situation in the Baltic Provinces
The Birth of the New Age
An Independent Labor Party Leaflet
Thirty Days in Prison By Louis C. Fraina
The Artist and the Revolution, An Open Letter to Maxim Gorky By Henriette Roland-Holst
Socialism and the New International By Leon Trotzky
The Revolutionary Movement in Ireland
Butte--A Soviet Strike By Harold Lord Varney

Volume 1, Number 21, Saturday March 8, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

We Must Have a National Emergency Convention
Political Action
The Communist Congress
They Are Still There!
Industrial Parliaments
Soviet Germany
The Angelic Capitalists and the Atrocious Bolsheviki By E. Freidberg
The Humanity of Lawrence in Action By Richard Hansen
An Appeal
How the Machine Works
An Eyewitness on Russian Atrocities
Tchicherin's Report to the Fifth Soviet Congress, July 1918 III
The Growth of the Left Wing By Maximilian Cohen
Men in the Scotch Shop Steward Movement
A Program of Revolutionary Socialism

Volume 1, Number 22, Saturday March 15, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Paris Commune, 1871-1919
Lenin on Imperialism
Reaction Prepares
The Mooney Strike
Fear Chastens Them
A Bourgeois League
Tragic Lessons
Mass Action
The Proletarian Revolution in Russia By Gregory Weinstein
The Peace Conference in Action A Musical Comedy in One Act By Grisha Korichnevy
Debs--and the Struggle Against Reaction
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism By N. Lenin
Along the Descent to Disaster By Alexander Stoklitzky
Worker's Control in America By John Reed

Volume 1, Number 23, Saturday March 22, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Press as an Agent Provocateur
Police Brutality in Lawrence
The Reaction in Germany
Berne and the League
Unkind and Stupid
The Wrong Campaign
In the Shops
Cottin's Defence
Balkan Mexico
Reaction and Finance in Russia
Manifesto of the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party of New York City
Labor Conditions in Japan By Sen Katayama
Cottin's Defence--"Why I Tried to Kill Clemenceau"
Imperialism - the Final Stage of Capitalism II By N. Lenin
The Defeat of Germany and the Bolshevik Peril By Nicholas I. Hourwich
The Soviets on the Invitation to Prince's Island

Volume 1, Number 24, Saturday March 29, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Greetings to the Soviet Republic of Hungary!
The Soviet Representative
Liberating Egypt
Cries That Pass Away
The "Centre" Appears
The Oath of Enlistment of Soviet Soldiers
Financial Problems of Soviet Russia, Report of Peoples' Commissaire of Finances N. N. Krestinskyi
The German Revolution--First Stage By Anton Pannekoek
The Socialism of Revolutionary Struggle By S. J. Rutgers
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism III By N. Lenin

Volume 1, Number 25, Saturday April 5, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The International Revolutionary Epoch
The Allies Speak
Political Amnesty
Crushing Bolshevism
In Germany--Preparations
The I. W. W.
To the Left
I Am With You, O Workers! By J. O. Bentall
The American Left Wing in Action By N. I. Hourwich
The Voice of Impotence and Desperation By A. Stoklicky
The Victory of the Hungarian Proletariat
The Communist Congress
The Constituent Assembly Accepts the Soviets
The Young People's Socialist League and Revolution By Oliver C. Carlson
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism IV By N. Lenin
The Future of China By Sen Katayama

Volume 1, Number 26, Saturday April 12, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Associate Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

"Democracy" and Dictatorship in Germany By N. Lenin (January 5, 1919)
Greetings to the Soviet Republic of Bavaria! By The Central Council of Bavaria
The Soviets in Paris
Japan and China
"It Smells of Oil"
The Red League of Nations
A Real Scandal
Bavaria and--?
The "Centre" Again
A Call for a General Textile Strike
The Swing to Revolutionary Socialism By Louis C. Fraina
Turn to the Left!
The Russian Proletariat in Action By Eadmonn MacAlpine (a review of Ten Days That Shook The World, by John Reed)
A "Socialist" Prosecuting Attorney By Nicholas I. Hourwich
On Bolshevism, Russian and American By John Reed
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism V By N. Lenin
Where Women Wait By P. Phillips
Unemployment and the Bolshevik Menace

Volume 1, Number 27, Saturday April 19, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Debs, Haywood and Mooney
General Strike Call
On whose side are you? Workers' of capitalists'?, Russian Socialist Fererated Soviet Republic
The Principles and Tactics of the New International From the Call of Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki)
Imitating Reaction
Will They Impeach Him?
Are They Still There?
The "Labor Covenant"
The Monroe Doctrine
Left Wing and I. W. W.
The Tactics of the Right
Levien--Bavarian Bolshevik
In Germany During the First Revolution By A French War Prisoner
Turn to the Left!
Labor in the War--and After By "Half-Past Ten"
Debs and Developing Mass Action in Toledo By A. Schwarzenfeld, Secretary, Workers', Soldiers' and Sailors' Council
Soviet Russia and the World By L. C. A. K. Martens, Representative in the United States of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic
Problems of the Soviet Representative By Nicholas I. Hourwich
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism VI By N. Lenin
Left Wing or I. W. W.--The Way to Unity By Harold Lord Varney

Volume 1, Number 28, Saturday April 26, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Unemployed and the Soldiers
Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing
The Principles and Tactics of the New International From the Call of Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki) II
Perhaps. Perhaps Not!
Irish Labor Acts
It Smells of Oil
Stone Age Minds
The Old and the New
A Criticism of The Revolutionary Age By Adolph Germer
This is Germer!
An Answer to Germer's Criticism By Louis C. Fraina
Soviet Problems--an Interview with Lenin, Granted to M. Puntevold, of Norway
The Revolt of the Small Peoples
American Soviets May Hold Convention
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism VII By N. Lenin
The Left Wing By C. E. Ruthenberg
Class Character of Bourgeois Justice By Nicholas I. Hourwich
Program of the Spartcacans in Germany

Volume 1, Number 29, Saturday May 3, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

May Day--and the Revolution
Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing
The Principles and Tactics of the New International From the Call of Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki) III
Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine
"Revising" the League
New Aggression Against Russia
The Great Collapse
In Germany
Which International?
May Day--and the Workers' Dead
The Old Strike and the New By Richard Hansen
After One Year in Soviet Russia By N. Lenin (December, 1918)
Welcome--Soldiers and Sailors! By Eadmonn MacAlpine
Lenin or Wilson--the Bourgeoisie Scents Danger By Nicholas I. Hourwich
A Call to the Workers of the World By Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Franz Mehring and Klara Zetkin, December 25, 1918
Bourgeois or Proletarian Dictatorship--Which? By A. Nyemanov
Soviet Russia Answers the Allies By Maxim Litvinoff and Worovski
This First of May--Promise and Achievement By Ludwig Lore

Volume 1, Number 30, Saturday May 10, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Manifesto of the Communist International
The White Terror
The Ideal Candidate
Terorism--Against Whom?
Bolshevism--Its Two Phases
Turn to the Left!
The Mooney Strike
Our Red May Day
Which International?, I Speech by Jean Longuet; II An Answer
The Cleveland May Day Demonstration By C. E. Ruthenberg
The Red First of May in Boston
The Congress of the Communist International By A. Nyemanov
'Socialism and Mass Action By S. J. Rutgers
The Left Wing and the Revolution By Louis C. Fraina
They Destroy the Left Wing! By A. L. Sugarman
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism VIII By N. Lenin

Volume 1, Number 31, Saturday May 17, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

They Incite to Murder and Riot
Disciplining the Youth
They Speak Socialism!
Calculated Defiance
Split the Party!
Germania Delenda Est!
Peace That is Aggression
Red May Day in Prison By Martha H. Foley
"A Poor Peace Better Than Proletarian Revolution" By Nicholas I. Hourwich
Deporting Democracy, Letter from Herman Shuster
Manifesto of the Communist International
The Collapse of Capitaiism, Declaration of the First Congress of the Communist International
The Czar's Hirelings are Active By A. Nyemanov
British Imperialism in Egypt
In the Shops By T. L.
Imperialism--the Final Stage of Capitalism IX By N. Lenin
The Socialist Party of Italy
An Apeal to You

Volume 1, Number 32, Saturday May 24, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Shall They Put it Over?
The Militant Strike
Starving Russia
Partial Disarmament
Which International?
The President's Message
Split the Party!
Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing
The Mass Strike in Action
Socialist Parties in England By N. Mescheriakov
Socialism and the "Majority" By N. Lenin
They Must Work, But Not Rebel By Frank R. Lopez
Anglo-Saxon Military Ideals
Stages of Revolutionary Socialism
A Discussion of Party Problems By Louis C. Fraina
Mobilizing Soldiers Against Socialism By V. G.

Volume 1, Number 33, Saturday May 31, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Great Adventure
Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing
A Warning
They Are Still There!
Labor in England
Polish Freedom
Clear the Decks!
The Creation of the Finnish Communist Party
Let us Clean House By Alanson Sessions
The General Strike in Canada
A Call to the American Workers By N. Lenin (January 12)
Problems of the Soviet Army By Vatsetis
American "Democracy" and the European Workers By A. Nyemanov
The Left Wing Manifesto and Program By Louis C. Fraina
Chicago Turns to the Left! By I. E. Ferguson

Volume 1, Number 34, Saturday June 7, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine, C.E. Ruthenberg
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Crisis and the Workers
The Left Wing Conquers
Rush Year Seconds
Still They Investigate!
Recognizing Reaction
Provoking a Crisis
The Militant Strike
Clear the Decks! II
N. E. C. Splits the Party!
The Left Wing Sweeps Massachusetts
Turn to the Left!
The Counter-revolution in the Party By I. E. Ferguson
Chicago--Running True to Form By Barnet Braverman
The Soviet Conquers By N. Lenin
A Great Epoch By Leon Trotzky
The Emptying of the Cities By Phillip Russell

Volume 1, Number 35, Saturday June 14, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine, C.E. Ruthenberg
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

The Mooney Strike
The Final Call--Act!
Another Peace of Aggression
Mass Action in the Unions
Industrial Democracy
Strangling Russia
Clear the Decks! III
The California Convention By Alanson Sessions
Dictatorship and Minority
An Appeal to the Workers of the Allies By G. Chicherin
The Crisis--Capitalism in Collapse By B. G.
The Yellow Streak
The N. E. C. Declaration of Party Principles: A Criticism
Industrial Unionism In Canada
The I. W. W. Convention By I. E. Ferguson
The Left Wing Manifesto and Program By Louis C. Fraina II

Volume 1, Number 36, Saturday June 21, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

The Revolutionary Age
A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe,
Issued every Saturday by Local Boston, Socialist Party

Louis Fraina: Editor
Contributing Editors: Scott Nearing, John Reed, H.I. Hourwich, Ludwig Lore, Sen Katayama, G. Weinstein, Eadmonn MacAlpine, C.E. Ruthenberg
H. G. Steiner, Business Manager

Workers' Control of Industry
Rush Your Seconds!
Aggression Against Mexico
Expel the Party!
Bulwark of Reaction
The Russian Offensive
Clear the Decks! IV
The N. E. C. Speaks
The Control of Government By Nicholas I. Hourwich
The Communist International to the Proletarians of the World
The Party Repudiating the N. E. C.
The Character of the Russian Revolution By Leon Trotzky
The Allies in Siberia: War Against the People
All Power to the Workers!, Resolutions Adopted at the Chicago Convention May 17-18, 1919
The Left Wing Manifesto and Program By Louis C. Fraina III
The Bolshevik Agitation in Hungary
The New International By Samson Freiman

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: With the organization of the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party The Revolutionary Age combined with The New York Communist, merging resources and shifting to The New York Communist office in New York City. The entire staff is shifted around and is reflected in the National Council as the new editorial board]

Volume 2, Number 1, Saturday July 5, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

Reaction Dominant
Another Expulsion
The Peace
A Correction
Clear the Decks!
Debs in Prison
The National Left Wing Conference
To the Workers of Germany By G. Chicherin
The Left Wing Manifesto
The Left Wing and the Socialist Party
The Communist Program Adopted by the National Left Wing Conference
Program of the Left Wing Adopted by the National Left Wing Conference
Labor Organization and Agitation
"Labor is Not a Commodity" By John Reed

Volume 2, Number 2, Saturday July 12, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

Words--and Words
Italy Moves
On to Mexico
The "14 Points"
The Communist Party
Here and There
A Call From Hungary: Hungarian Socialists Appeal to the Entente Workers
The World Revolution
The Left Wing Answers By I. E. Ferguson
Aspects of the Russian Revolution By John Reed
The Treaty of Versailles By G. Chicherin
Unionism and Mass Action By Louis C. Fraina From "Revolutionary Socialism"
Oflicial Left Wing News
Greater New York News

Volume 2, Number 3, Saturday July 19, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

Union Bureaucracy
July 14--November 7
The Small Nations
Now to Work
Political Mass Strikes
The Party Fight
Here and There
Special Convention Stamps
The One Big Union in Canada By Ben Legere
From a Soldier
"Criminal Syndicalism"
The N. E. C. Mobilizing Slanders
All Power to the Left Wing! By Louis C. Fraina
Call For Delegates
The Bolshevik Sweep
Bolshevik Agitation
Soviet Hungary and the Allies By Bela Kun
The Communist Party By N. Bucharin
The Conquest of Capitalism
The Allies in Siberia
The Prison that is Society By Martha H. Foley
Official Left Wing News
Greater New York News

Volume 2, Number 4, Saturday July 26, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

Temporary Failure
The Shantung Controversy
The Communist Party
Another Peace
Repudiating Deserters
One Lie Nailed By L. E. Katterfeld
Here and There
An Interview With His Majesty By H. K. Moderwell
Morris Hillquit and the Left Wing By Sen Katayama
An Appeal to the British Workers By Nicholas Lenin
A Letter From Jail
Social Reforms and the Left Wing By Jay Lovestone
Soviet Hungary's Task By Joseph Pogany
A Call to Blockade the Allies, Issued by The Provisional Committee of the Scandinavian Workers' Movement, Party of the Left
Special Notice to National Left Wing Conference Delegates
The Conquest of Capitalism II
Starving the Soviet Republics
Parliaments and Soviets By N. Bucharin
Official Left Wing News
Greater New York News

Volume 2, Number 5, Saturday August 2, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
John Reed, Associate Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

The Internal Struggle
The Race Riots
The Left Wing Conference
The New N. E. C. Meets By Louis C. Fraina
N. E. C. Declaration to the Party
Here and There
What of Amnesty?
The Left Wing and the Communist Party, A Statement by the National Council
From a Soldier in France
Labor and the League of Nations By E. Sylvia Pankhurst
Clara Zetkin Defends the Bolsheviki
Moscow During the Early Part of 1919 By Arthur Ransome
Report of the National Left Wing Conference
Official Left Wing News
Greater New York News

Volume 2, Number 6, Saturday August 9, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
John Reed, Associate Editor
Eadmonn MacAlpine: Managing Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary
Benjamin Gitlow, Business Manager

The President's Power
A Trade Union Congress
The Negro Pogrom
The H. C. of L.
Here and There
Liar or Just Doesn't Know? By John Reed
Draft of the Russian Communist Party Program
The British Workers and Soviet Russia By E. Sylvia Pankhurst
The Versailles Peace By F. Loriot
Class War Prisoners Greet the Left Wing
The Hara Ministry and the Bolsheviki By Sen Katayama
Petrograd During the Early Part of 1919 By Arthur Ransome
Report of the National Left Wing Conference
Official Left Wing News
Greater New York News

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: With this issue of The Revolutionary Age a note is issued that reads the following:
“Owing to the siumltanous resignation from the staff of The Revolutionary Age of John Read, Eadmonn MacAlpine and Ben Gitlow, due to opposition to the joint call issued by the National Council for a Communist Party Convention on September 1, and financial disorganization, this paper appears in half its usual size. We shall resume sixteen-page publication with our next issue. But money is needed.”
It should be noted that while Gitlow was removed as Business Manager and noted as such, he is still accidently listed as part of the National Council.]

Volume 2, Number 7, Saturday August 23, 1919 (High Resolution PDF)

Combined with “The New York Communist”
The Revolutionary Age
Devoted to the International Communist Struggle,
National Organ of the Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party, Published in New York City

Louis Fraina: Editor
Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party
National Council:
John Ballam, C.E. Ruthenberg, Max Cohen, Benjamin Gitlow, Bertram D. Wolfe
I.E. Ferguson, National Secretary

Kolchak Collapses
The Yeast Ferments
Communist and Socialist
The Plumb Plan
The Left Wing Unites
The Negro Issue
Shall the Beast Rape Mexico? An Appeal from Mexico City
The Hour of Trial in Hungary By A. Nyemanov
Soviet Russia and Peace By Arthur Ransome
National Council and New N. E. C., Letter from Lous C. Fraina to A. Wagenknecht
Greater New York News
Joint Call for a Communist Party Convention

William Gropper's cartoons in The Revolutionary Age


Last updated on 30 March 2024