Marxist-Leninist Party of the Philippines

Does the CPP Rejoice After our Losses?


Written by: Marxist-Leninist Party of the Philippines
Published: 14 June 2005 on Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Source: Text retrieved from Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin;
Copyright: No specific copyrights.

Press Release
Reference: Leonardo Guevarra, MLPP spokesperson
June 14, 2005

As we grieve with the people on the death of 14 red fighters and organizers of the Rebolusyunaryong Hukbong Bayan (RHB) in Mexico, Pampanga and Dinalupihan, Bataan, we are disturbed by a news report this morning broadcasted over DZRH radio. In the news section of program “Hataw” at 9 AM today Deo Macalma, in the news and commentary about the June 12 incident in Pampanga, referred directly to CPP spokesperson Gregorio “Roger” Rosal as having said, “Mabuti nabawasan ang karibal namin”. (“Good, our rival suffered losses.”)

We cannot surmise whether that was really said by “Roger” Rosal or whether Deo Macalma was putting words into Roger’s mouth. Nevertheless and uncharacteristic of Rosal, he did not make any disclaimer nor did Deo Macalma correct himself as expected of objective news reporting.

Indeed the RHB and the MLPP suffered losses in terms of precious lives dedicated in the service of the people. The reactionary army and police inflicted these on the people and us. On the other hand the CPP-NPA are acting as accomplices of the PA and PNP as confirmed in such manner by Roger Rosal as told by Deo Macalma.

The DZRH radio news report or commentary reveals insidious intentions. It is either a confirmation of antagonisms of CPP-NPA-NDF towards the MLPP-RHB or Deo Macalma acting on the AFP’s and PNP’s designs to fuel conflicts between the CPP-NPA-NDF and us.

The news rubs salt on our wounds bleeding in the interest of the people and the revolution. It is the latest proof of the urgent aim of the CPP-NPA-NDF to annihilate the MLPP-RHB and other progressive and revolutionary forces and groups. CPP-NPA-NDF have lumped-up all its political and ideological “rivals” as “counter revolutionaries” to reward itself the title as “the one and only champion” of the revolutionary cause in the Philippines. But in such sinister pursuit the CPP-NPA-NDF has actually aligned itself with the most reactionary forces, including Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in the Philippine political battleground.

The CPP-NPA-NDF has indeed attacked us militarily and politically many times in the past and in the most recent blabbers of Roger Rosal. They have dastardly killed no less than 20 of our comrades and mass leaders from 1999-2003 and have issued statements maligning us. The latest was in January 2005 when the NPA unit operating in Bukidnon assaulted the RHB squad in the same area.

Despite the bloods that have flowed from us, the MLPP-RHB maintains a policy of active defense against attacks by the CPP-NPA-NDF. In 2003 we proposed a truce with them so we could thrust our military and political energies against common enemies. But the leadership of CPP-NPA-NDF out-rightly rejected our offer done in the interests of the people and the revolution.

In demagogic, unthinkable but hegemonic fashion they replied, “There cannot be any truce between us because we have the same political line and, we are both armed. So, you are muddling the revolution.” The message was clear, “the MLPP-RHB must vanish itself into the air or else the CPP-NPA-NDF would do our annihilation”.

Much as we hold on to the intent of resolving our differences in sensible way or at least to come to a truce, the latest news reference to Gregorio “Roger” Rosal leads us to suspect that the CPP-NPA-NDF may have collaborated with the Philippine Army and Philippine National Police in the June 12, 2005 “Mexico, Pampanga massacre”.

This is most especially damaging to the people and the revolution and to all efforts at these times when the nation is seething with unrest against the most reactionary, most despicable, most vicious G MA. Could the CPP-NPA-NDF be falsely acting, as anti-GMA, but is actually hell-bent on attacking genuine anti-imperialist and anti-GMA forces? ##end