
The Real Score on Makabayan-Nacionalista Coalition

February 6, 2010

Written by: Ka Dennie Mapatalang
Published: Bulatlatan, February 6, 2010;
Source: Bulatlatan snapshot at the Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin.

Of course, Senatorial candidate Satur Ocampo (Bayan Muna) announced the decision of the Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan (Makabayan) not to support fellow Nacionalista candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos.

“We wish to emphasize that the key basis of Makabayan’s mutual adoption agreement with the Villar-Legarda tandem is the accord to carry specific reforms in our platform during the campaign and to implement them after victory,” said Ocampo.

“One important aspect of the platform we clinched with Sen. Villar and the Nacionalista Party is the commitment to immediately give justice and indemnification to martial law victims and the full recovery of ill gotten wealth according to law,” Ocampo concluded. He is of course referring to the humongous loot that the Marcoses stole during years of fascist dictatorial misrule.

“We respect and uphold the expressed will of our mass constituents not to support Bongbong Marcos senatorial bid because he echoes his mother’s repeated claim that former Pres. Marcos did nothing wrong in his dictatorial rule,” Ocampo said.

Now, that’s a totally funny and incredible statement. Satur is expecting arch bureaucrat capitalist Manuel Villar to go hook-and thong against Bongbong Marcos who is contributing to his campaign kitty from the Marcos estate? Is he nuts? Expecting Villar to bite the hands that’s feeding his campaign?

Ocampo added that “Makabayan intends to talk with other senatorial candidates of the Nacionalista Party for concrete forms of cooperation on the basis of our platform except with Bongbong Marcos.”

Ocampo added that the Marcoses “have in so many ways obstructed the rendering of justice and indemnification to the victims of martial law and the recovery of ill-gotten wealth.”

So, given a choice, would Villar turn his back on the Marcoses? Or most likely, turn against the Makabayan Coalition? Makabayan is a coalition of eight national democratic electoral parties, namely Bayan Muna, Anakpawis, Gabriela, Kabataan, Migrante, ACT Teachers, Courage and Katribu.

Come to think of it, it’s not the Nacionalista platform, or going after the Marcos’s ill-gotten wealth that made these political yellow dealers in orange clothing to hang on with Villar.

Emil Jurado, Manila Standard columnist, is right. He wrote, “This is why one must be practical when it comes to running for any elective post—from councilor to president If you don’t have the gold, forget it! Popularity is not enough, believe me. It all translates to money.”

It’s follow the money, stupid. Not the mass line.


Ka Dennie Mapatalang