

May 29, 2009

Written by: Ka Denny Mapatalang
Published: Bulatlatan, May 25, 2009 ;
Source: Bulatlatan snapshot at the Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin.

Beloved comrades,

Ka Easel Argoza opened a can of worms with her blog. The letter was indeed an eye-opener: Prof. Jose Maria Sison cavorting with sexy star Asia Agcaoili in the Netherlands.

The photos confirmed what urban-based cadres and some in the countryside with access to the internet talk in hushed tones: that some cadres in our Party center are teaching us to do what they say, but not do as they do.

In our basic mass courses, communists and revolutionary activists were taught to practice simple living and hard struggle and integrate with the proletarian and peasant masses, as the great leader and teacher Chairman Mao taught us.

Living in Utrecht for years doesn’t fit the description of simple living and hard struggle, however. How can living in a bourgeois city compare with life in our guerilla zones in remote mountains? Where our leading cadres and red fighters often eat root crops, help the peasant masses with farm work, or shift in one camp to the next in guerilla fashion to avoid our fascist enemies?

Yet Prof. Sison aka Chairman Amado Guererro aka Armando Liwanag is increasingly flouting our revolutionary values and principles. He mixes not with the peasant masses but with decadent personalities such as Ara Mina and now Asia Agcaoili. In full public view! The gall!

I cannot imagine Ka Roger or any of our leading cadres go to red light districts of Olongangpo, with Katrina Halili or any of the FHM models, either on the sly or publicly.

We gave our Party Chairman the benefit of a doubt that his exile in Utrecht was the best for the Party whom he has guided over its early years. After all, the great communist Vladimir Ilyich Lenin spent most of his time in exile in Switzerland. It was here where he wrote “Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism.”

But our role model in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal Philippines is the great proletarian leader Chairman Mao who shared weal and woe with the Chinese comrades during the Long March and led the Chinese Communist Party in establishing guerilla bases and agrarian revolution all over China from the caves of Yennan.

No less than our Party Chairman should do the same. Yet Sison has denigrated himself as an NDF consultant and a mere “professor.” I wonder who he’s trying to fool: the US imperialists and their Filipino puppets?

Or the masses of our cadres to dissuade them to demand his return to the Motherland to lead the Party and the national democratic revolution the same way he did before the US-Marcos dictatorship arrested him in the 1970s?

I’m writing this letter in Bulatlatan because most certainly it won’t see the light of day either in the original Bulatlat or the Philippine Revolutionary Web Central. There is no room in these websites for criticisms of our “great, glorious and ever correct” leaders.

For the advance of the revolution,

Ka Denny Mapatalang