International Working Men’s Association
The minutes are in an unknown hand on pp. 17-18 of the Minute Book.
Vice-President Eccarius in the chair.
The minutes of the former meeting having been read, on the motion of Mr. Dell, seconded by Mr. Whitlock, were confirmed.
The following was then elected on the Central Council. Mr. Hansen proposed by Bolleter, seconded by Lessner.
The Secretary [Cremer] stated that he had corresponded with Mr. Adams, the United States Minister, and had arranged with his secretary for the Council to present the address on Tuesday next, the 20th inst., at 6 o'clock in the evening.
Mr. Le Lubez proposed and Mr. Whitlock seconded:
That the Council meet on Tuesday evening next at 18, Greek St., at 6 o'clock in the evening. Carried unanimously.
Dr. Marx proposed and Mr. Dell seconded:
That Mr. Whitlock be elected financial secretary. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Fox then read the address which he proposed should be adopted by the British section of the Association and then transmitted to the National Government of Poland.
A long discussion took place consequent on certain statements contained in the address and which statements[22] were opposed by Mr. Jung, Le Lubez, Dr. Marx and supported by Mr. Carter.
Mr. Fox replied defending the statement that the traditional foreign policy of France had been favourable to the restoration and independence of Poland.
Mr. Cremer thought it important that the truth of this statement should be ascertained and would propose that the further consideration of the address be deferred till the next meeting.
Mr. Morgan seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Cremer proposed that during the ensuing holidays a festive gathering of the members and friends be held to celebrate the foundation of the International Association and that for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing a committee of three be appointed to make enquiries and report to the next meeting. Carried unanimously.
Messrs. Fontana, Bolleter and Cremer were elected as the Committee.
Mr. Fontana then stated he had been deputed by the Italian Working Men’s Association in London, which Association numbered about 350 members, to ask for their admission into the Association, and he could also state the band of that association would attend the festive gathering.
Mr. Bolleter stated he had no doubt the German chorus would also attend.
Mr. Whitlock proposed and Le Lubez seconded:
That the Italian Working Men’s Association be admitted as members of the International Association. Carried unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned.
John Weston, Vice-President pro tem.
W. Cremer, Honorary General Secretary
The minutes are in an unknown hand on pp. 18-19 of the Minute Book.
Mr. Weston in the chair.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read, were confirmed on the motion of Mr. Dell, seconded by Mr. Fontana.
A discussion took place as to the soiree, the Sub-Committee having reported the price of halls, and Mr. Le Lubez proposed, Mr. Fontana seconded, that the soiree be held in Cambridge Hall, Newman St., on Monday evening, January 9th, the price of admission to be a shilling to tea and 6d. after tea.
Mr. Cremer read a letter from Mr. Adams, the United States Minister, suggesting that the address to President Lincoln be sent to him, Mr. Adams, instead of being brought.
Dr. Marx proposed, Mr. Fontana seconded, that the Secretary send the address to Mr. Adams.
Mr. Worley proposed, Mr. Wheeler seconded, that Mr. Adams be again appealed to to receive the deputation.
For amendment — 5, for resolution — 13.
Mr. Fox then resumed his defence of the address to the Polish National Government and in an able address contended for the truth of the assertions therein contained.
After some discussion it was agreed to adjourn the question till the next meeting.
The meeting then adjourned to Thursday, December 29th.
J. G. Eccarius, Vice-President
W. Cremer, Honorary General Secretary
The minutes are in an unknown hand on pp. 19-20 of the Minute Book.
Mr. Eccarius in the chair.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read, were confirmed on the motion of Mr. Dell, seconded by Mr. Le Lubez.
The question of cards of membership was then discussed, and it was ultimately agreed that the cards being so badly executed they should be returned to the printer.
The soiree was then discussed, and on the motion of Mr. Dell, seconded by Mr. Fox, it was agreed to invite Messrs. Beales, Beesly and Harrison, also that the Secretary send cards of invitation to the editors of the weekly papers.
It having been stated that the Italian band could not attend on the 9th, it was agreed to postpone the soiree till the 16th of January.
Mr. Fox stated in the absence of Dr. Marx he should defer any discussion on the address to the National Government of Poland.
A long and desultory discussion then took place on the propriety of the Association taking up the question of the suffrage, and ultimately Mr. Cremer gave notice of his intention to move at the first opportunity that the Council deem it desirable to agitate for the complete suffrage.[23]
It was then agreed that the Council for the future meet on Tuesday evening, Thursday being too late for the press.[24]
The meeting then adjourned to Tuesday, January 3, 1865.
J. G. Eccarius, Vice-President
W. Cremer, Honorary General Secretary