MIA: History: International: Communist International: International Review & World Survey [1941-1942]
International Review and
World SurveyBack to the Communist International Landing Page
By early 1941, the Comintern had long ceased to be an organization to promote world socialist revolution, and been solidly for much of the last decade an organization to further the national interests of the Soviet Union, and Stalin’s strategies. This was for the most part reflected in The Communist International in that period. It is not surprising that publication of The Communist International in Great Britain in English ceased at the end of 1939 (with no specific announcement of this in the last issue).
The Communist International continued to be published in the USA during 1940... 12 monthly issues. But now instead of declaring itself to be “An Instrument of the Executive Committee of the Communist International”, those 1940 USA-published issues had, substituted for that "Edited by Earl Browder". Publication ceased (again, with no announcement of this being about to happen) in December of 1940.
In April of 1941, the first of two periodicals considered by many historians to be the successors to The Communist International were published by the CP USA. There were a total of two issues printed of International Review, followed by (in late 1941 and early to mid 1942) five issues of World Survey. Naturally the politics found within changed rather dramatically after the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact was broken by the start of Operation Barbarossa in June of 1941.
The fifth and last issue of World Survey was published in May of 1941 (again, with no indication this would be the last issue offered).
We present here on this page ALL ISSUES known to have existed of International Review (scanned by me from original issues) and of World Survey (scanned by me from the Greenwood Press Reprint of same). As the last gasp of The Communist International.
In 1943, to further assure his capitalist allies during World War II, Stalin disbanded the Comintern.
Below is the last paragraph of the introduction to the Greenwood Press reprint of both International Review and World Survey, written by Walter Goldwater, who "wrote the book" listing radical periodicals of the USA, and who was editor in chief of Greenwood Press’ radical periodicals project:
Martin H. Goodman MD
Director, Riazanov Library digital archive projects“Readers of World Survey will find the articles hackneyed, trite, and repetitive, but they do contain the gist and the form of Communist propaganda: the exaggerated statistics-"2,000,000 workers are languishing in Franco’s jails; the exhortation - “The struggle is flaring up with a force to strike terror into the hearts of the Nazis and their henchmen”; and on every page high praise for the glorious Stalin. The student may easily wonder who could have read this, who could have borne it; but Party members and fellow-travelers did indeed bear it, and certainly would continue to bear it and revel in it to the present day if it were demanded of them. A dispassionate reading, however, will establish one fact clearly: the end of the magazine Communist International, like that of the parent Communist International itself, came not with a bang but with a whimper.”
Contents: International Review
April 1941:
3 Following Lenin’s Behests – A. S. Shcherbakov
13 Lenin’s Struggle Against Social-Chauvinism in the First Imperialist World War – M. Ercoli
28 Lenin’s Plan of Electrification – Frank Becker
38 The Twentieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of France – M. Thorez
56 Kliment Yefremovich VoroshilovJune 1941:
3 – Changes in Capitalism During the War – E. Varga
12 The Seventieth Anniversary of the Paris Commune – Georgi Dimitroff
18 The Great Example of the English People’s Convention
30 The Eighteenth Conference of the C.P.S.U.
42 Tasks in Industry and Transport in the Soviet Union – G. M. Malenkov
61 A Year of Reorganization in the Red Army – G. Zhukov
69 The New Life of the Baltic Peoples – G. Kuznetsov
Contents: World Survey
November 1941:
3 The Anti-Hitler Force Will Keep Growing!
12 About the Social Nature of Fascism – M. Ercoli
18 The Nazi "New Order" in Europe-What It Means – K. Gottwald
24 The French People Rise in Struggle Against the Invaders – Gaston Richard
25 German Reality as Reflected in Soldiers’ Correspondence – G. Friedrich
49 Only the Military Annihilation of Hitlerism Can Save the German Youth – Peter Wieden
56 Hitler’s War and Spain – Jesus Hernandez
62 Jean Catelas, Hero and Martyr of FranceJanuary 1942:
3 On the Threshold of 1942 – Eugene Varga
12 Hasten the Defeat of Hitler Fascism by Strengthening the World Anti-Fascist Front E. Gerey
19 Hitler Stands for Reaction, Chauvinism and War Without End – Peter Wieden
27 Molotov’s Note on German Atrocities in Occupied Soviet Territory
42 The Strength of the Soviet Union – F. Leopold
47 The Meaning of the Soviet Constitution – F. Donovan
50 Occupied Europe Seethes With Revolt – Victor Polar
58 The Mounting Struggle of the Yugoslav Peoples – V. Vlasov
63 Petain and Darlan Hasten to Hitler’s Aid – Gaston Richard
58 Hungarian Imperialists and German Fascism – Mathias RakosiMarch 1942
3 Stalin’s Order of the Day to the Red Army
8 For the Complete Defeat of Hitler Germany – E. Gerey
18 The Soviet People’s Patriotic War Against the German Invaders – M. Kalinin
38 The German Nation at the Crossroads of History – Peter Wieden
47 From the Reichstag Fire to World Conflagration – G. Friedrich
56 From the Intoxication of Victory to Bitter Sobering – K. Erwin 56
69 The Nazis’ Unreliable Hinterland – Victor Polar
77 The Fascist Murderers and Their Accomplices Will Be Called to Responsibility – M. Fried
82 The Polish People in Battle Against Hitler Occupation – Sophie BogdanskaApril 1942:
3 The Red Army’s Great Example
11 The Nazi Imperialists’ National Mask – Peter Wieden
23 The Spectre of Defeat Haunts Hitler Germany – E. Gerey
31 Sterling Sons of the French People – Andre Marty
37 The Morale of the German Rear and the German Army – M. Mitin
41 The New Stage in the National Liberation Struggle of the Czech People – Milos SkalaMay 1942:
3 Stalin’s Order of the Day on May Day, 1942
9 Economic Exhaustion Mounts in Hitler Germany – Eugene Varga
19 The Underworld Methods of German Fascism in Foreign Policy – P. Schultze
28 The Agitation Among German Soldiers in Occupied Countries – A. Blanche
35 The Peoples of Europe Are Staunchly Fighting For Freedom and Independence – P. Allard
42 Yugoslavia’s Fighting Example – B. Voynich
55 The Italian People's Struggle Against Mussolini and Hitler for Peace and Freedom
– (May Day Manifesto of the Communist Party of Italy)
59 Strengthen the Anti-Fascist Front of Women Throughout the World!
– (Appeal Adopted at an Anti-Fascist Women’s Meeting in Moscow, May, 1942)
Last updated on 16 February 2025