MIA: History: Haiti

Jean Jacques Dessalines Haiti

History of the
Haitian Independence Struggle

Toussaint Louverture Defiance

Toussaint Louverture Archive.

History of the Disasters in Saint-Domingue, Michel Etienne Decourtilz, 1791
Letter to Citizens of Color and Free Negroes of St-Domingue, Henri Gr�goire, 1791
Decree of the National Convention, 1793
Broadside, In the name of the Republic, L�ger-F�licit� Sonthonax November 1793
Proclamation, In the name of the Republic, L�ger-F�licit� Sonthonax August 1794

Henri Christophe

Constitution, 1801
The Expedition to Saint-Domingue, Bonaparte 1801
Act of Independence, 1804
Dessalines, the Flag, and Independence, 1804
King Henri Christophe, 1811
The Detractors of the Black Race and the Republic of Haiti, Louis-Joseph Janvier, 1882

Period of U.S. Domination of Haiti

Hundreds Killed by Marines in Haiti, The Militant, 1930
U.S. Forced Loan on Haiti, Workers Age, 1932

Papa Doc

Latin-American Exiles Granted Asylum in Cuba, The Militant, 1959
Jacques St�phen Alexis’s Letter to Fran�ois Duvalier, 1960
Dictatorship in Haiti Decrees Death for “Communists”, 1969

Baby Doc

Dollars from Blood, 1972
Famine Strikes Haiti, 1975
Letter from Ren� Th�odore to Jos� Francisco Pe�a G�mez, (PSF) 22 March 1979
Conference Hails Haitian Victory. Left groups prepare for post-Duvalier struggles, 1986

After the Duvaliers

The Forgotten Occupation, 2008