Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

World Outlook
A Labor Press Service — Un Service de Presse Ouvrier
World Outlook was published by Pierre Frank, Joseph and Reba Hansen in Paris, France. It was published in 1963 under the auspices of newly created United Secretariat of the Fourth International. Published out Paris it was eventually moved to New York City and published by the US Socialist Workers Party as a fraternal courtesy to the USFI. With the change of location it started, under Joseph Hansen’s editorship, reflecting the politics of the SWP and away from the strictly European USFI influence. In 1968 it was renamed Intercontinental Press. World Outlook started publishing twice-monthly initially then within a few months started publishing weekly. The reporting in the magazine focused on the goings on and activities of the world Trotskyist movement in the 1960s as well as analysis of the major events of the period, from the Cuban Missile Crisis through counter-revolutionary coup in Indonesia in 1965 to the rise of the May events in France in 1968.
This archive was created by Marty Goodman of the Riazanov Project. Hard copy originals provided by the Holt Labor Library in San Francisco, CA
Please note that all year-end country/subject/author indexes provided by
World Outlook editors are also available for each of the following years, in PDF format with searchable text:
Index for 1963 | Index for 1964 | Index for 1965 | Index for 1966 | Index for 1967
We have also provided the user a text-only file combining
all the available indexes for off-line use: click here
1963 (vol. 1)
Vol. 1, No. 1, September 27, 1963
Algeria’s new Constitution and the Election of Ben Bella
The Soviet Loan Algeria
Algeria on the Eve of the Decisive Stage by Michel Pablo
Hunger Strike Wins Release of Peruvian Peasant Leaders
Moscow-Peking Dispute Effects Scandinavian CP’s
Cuba Displays Independent Position
He Was “Wanted” Wasn’t He (on the arrest of Dennis Brutas in S. Africa) by Laure Gervais
Fourth International Greets Ceylonese Development
Ceylonese Express Solidarity with People of South Vietnam
The Test Case of Jamaica
“Izvestia” Attacks the Fourth International
Vol. 1, No. 2, October 6, 1963
Ben Bella Affirms Socialist Aims
In Reply to “S. Ivanovitch” (Izvestia) by Pierre Frank
Memorable Scene Department
Indian Workers Protest Inflation
Striker Tortured in Spain
New Threat Faces Eskimos and Lapps
Dennis Brutus Taken to “The Fort”
Scholar Arrested in S. Africa (Dr. Neville Alexander)
Bitter Strike Struggle in Bolivia
Celebrate Chinese Revolution
Vol. 1, No. 3, October 11, 1963
Algeria Faces Armed Rebellion
For the Defense of the Algerian Revolution by Michel Pablo
Aims of the Armed Rebellion in Algeria
British Labour Party Confident of Victory by A. Adair
Castro Outlines Independent Policy of the Test-Ban Pact
New Revolt in Communist Party of India
Togliatti Clamps Dow on the “Pro-Chinese”
More Land Nationalized in Cuba
Forward to Lenin! — Not Back to Stalin in the Fight Against Khruschev by E. Germain (Ernest Mandel)
A Soviet Artist Speaks His Mind
Vol. 1, No. 4, October 18, 1963
Ben Bella Wins Big Victory in Kabylie
China Grants Algeria $50,000,000 Loan
Hugo Blanco Addresses the People of Peru
UN Requests South Africa to Free Political Prisoners
The Neville Alexander Case
Algerians Approve of Cuba’s Stand on Test-Ban Pact
Good Choice for Peace Prize (Linus Pauling)
A Few More Steps Along the Path of Insanity (Nuclear arms race)
Norwegian Communist Party Straddles In Moscow-Peking Dispute
Indonesian Communist Party Leaders Veer Toward China
Guerrilla Warfare Stepped Up in Angola
The Austrian Miners Strike
Castro Responsible for Hurricane?
Behind Khrushchev’s $1,000,000,000 order for wheat by E. Germain
The Highest Expression of Khrushchevism by Pierre Frank
Vol. 1, No. 5, October 25, 1963
Fourth International Appeals for Defense of Algerian Revolution
Moroccan Monarchy Spearheads Neocolonialist Assault on Algeria
The “Front of Socialist Forces” by Joseph Hansen
French Imperialism Fears Another Cuba
Chou En-Lai Seeks to Ease Tension
Doctor Togliatti to the Rescue
Good Word for Stalin’s Concentration Camps
Franco Court Gives Cruel Sentences to Young French Revolutionaries
FLN Protests Betancourt’s Repressive Measures (Venezuela)
Castro Explains Significance of the New Agrarian Reform
Canadian Fair Play for Cuba Committee Launches Tour
Guerrilla Warfare — A Method by Ernesto Che Guevara
Vol. 1, No. 6, November 1, 1963
Algerian Scores Gains in Defense Against Moroccan Attack
National Congress of Peasants Opens in Algeria
Appeal for Aid to Algeria
Moroccan Embassy Picketed in London
Wave of Nationalizations in Algeria
Ben Bella as Seen Through the Capitalist Press
New Arrests in Bilbao
Castro Asks Kennedy to Lift Blockade Because of Hurricane
Appel to Latin-Americans to Help Cuban Hurricane Victims
Chinese Help Arrives in Cuba
Ceylon Group Urges Relief Fund for Cuba
Moscow Says Story about “Ultimatum” to Cuba is Fabrication
Khrushchev Announces Major Aid for Hurricane Victims in Cuba
German-Cuba Mail Censored by U.S.?
“The First All-Out Nuclear Confrontation”
Operation “Big Lift”
French Nuclear Games Arouse Consternation
U.S. Now “Modernizing” its Artillery
Do the Dead of Hiroshima Weigh on His Conscience?
Neville Alexander Case
Garlands Counter Censure of Gopalan by S.R. Singh (on Indian Communist Party)
Greek Communist Party Lines Up
Criminal Insult to Franco’s Political Police
Adenauer Gives Way to Erhard (Germany) by E. Germain
Guerrilla Warfare — A Method by Ernesto Che Guevara [continued form last issue]
Vol. 1, No. 7, November 8, 1963
Algeria Celebrates Ninth Anniversary
Moroccan Embassy Picketed Again in London
Book on Algerian Revolution Published
Defeatism on Both Sides? by Joseph Hansen
More on the “Front of Socialist Forces”
Coup d’etat in Vietnam
Asturians Confirm Report of Torture
Greek Political Prisoner Dies
Peru Jogs Oil Company on Tax Bill
Oil Companies Under Attack in Argentina
Imperialists Squabble Over Congo Oil
Death Toll Still Rising in Hiroshima
Tell U.S. to Go Home with Polaris Bases
Animals Less Free than You Think
The Earl Bomces a “Commoner”
Robin Williams on Tour in China
Grave Deficiency in Soviet Agriculture
CP Seeks Parliamentary Road in Mexico
Italian CP Debates “Left-of-Center” Government
U.S. Troops in Vietnam Now 16,500
Ougegane Tells Chinese About Algeria’s Freedom Struggle
Moscow Levels New Attack on Fourth International
CP of India Opens War on “Trotskyism”
Vol. 1, No. 8, November 15, 1963
French Workers say, "Pay Attention"
Rightists Suffer Heavy Defeat in Greek Elections
More Nationalizations in Algeria
New Situation in Greece
Another Step in De-Stalinization
A Welcome Development in Peking’s Polemics:
— On Khrushchev’s Attitude Toward the Algerian Revolution
— French Communist Party Attitude Tward the Algerian Revolution (an Example of Social-Chauvinism)
— On the Theory of Socialism in One Country
Algeria’s Congress of Peasants — A Revolutionary GatheringIndictment Quashed in South African Trial of Eleven
How a Prisoner Like Mandela is Kept
New York Times Confirms Reports of South African Prison Conditions
Sometimes South Africa’s Political Police Get Impatient
First Hanging Under South Africa’s New Law
South Africa — Paradise for Capitalists
Vol. 1, No. 9, November 22, 1963
American Oil Kings Lose in Argentina
An Italian Socialist View of Algeria
Pro-Chinese Group Denounces British CP Leadership
Betancourt Continues Preparations for Fraudulent Election
Political Shift in Nigeria
Nigerian Left Wing Takes Big Stride Forward
Peruvian Peasants Seize Land
Portuguese Terror in Angola
Twenty Women and Children Escape from Angola
Greek Political Prisoners to be Freed
Bombay Meeting Celebrates Algerian Independence
“New Statesman” Speculates Over Attack on Trotskyism
Timofeyev Tackles “Permanent Revolution” by E. Germain
“Private Enterprise Has Never Been Had It So Good” by S. R. Singh
Canadian Government Attack on Maritime Unions Runs into Squalls
Twenty-Five Years of the Fourth International by Leslie Goonewardene
Reply to Five Proposals Published in “The Newsletter”
Vol. 1, No. 10, November 29, 1963
The Assassination of Kennedy: It’s Political Background and Aftermath by Joseph Hansen
Peasants Attacked in Peru
Gartolin and Molina Appeal for Aid (Peru)
“Peace Corps” Ousted at University of Ayacucho
Lining Up for the Elections (UK) by T. J. Peters
Ceylonese Communist Party Expels Union Chief
The General Election in Japan by S. Okatani
Japanese Election Results
Italian Socialist Accuses U.S. of Preparing New Invasion of Cuba
Cubans Continue to Battle Blockade
New Algerian Magazine
French CP and Algeria: A Typical Case of Social-Chuavanism by Pierre Frank
Not From Peking
British CP Expells Eight Dissidents
The American Negro, Popular Shifts and Economic Status by Evelyn Sell
If the Bomb Doesn’t Get Us, DDT Will by Paul Abbott
Ross Dowson Explains Aligeran Revolution to Canadians
Vol. 1, No. 11, December 6, 1963
The Dallas Police and Oswald
Marxists in the U.S. Denounce Assassination
Fourth International Answers Moscow Slander of Oswald
Fourth International Disavows “Alvahuete” Statement
The American Way of Life, Your Country, Too, News a Vice-President
Students and Teachers Strike in France
Labour Party Delegation to Visit Algeria
Mohamed Boudiaf Released (Algeria)
British Pro-Chinese Communists Hold Meeting
Ceylonese Communist Groups Convokes Congress
No Jubilation on Nehru’s Birthday by Kailas Chandra
AFL-CIO Bureaucrats Feel Pressure of “Freedom Now” by Evelyn Sell
Vol. 1, No. 12, December 13, 1963
ACLU Accuses Dallas Police
Johnson — A Champion of Civil Rights? American Negros Adopt Wait-and-See Attitude by Evelyn Sell
Hugo Blanco Joins Four Comrades in Hunger Strike
Message from Hugo Blanco to Peruvian People
Luis Vitale Sentence for Pro-Cuba Position
Support in Chile for Hugo Blanco
Campaign in Uruguay for Hugo Blanco
Trotsky Included in Havana Mural
Pro-Chinese Wing Advances in Chile
Ceylon Communist Party on verge of Split by Sydney Wanasinghe
Vol. 1, No. 13, December 20, 1963
Will Kennedy Assassination Become Excuse for New Witch-Hunt by Joseph Hansen
Paz Estenssoro Provokes Battle with Bolivian Miners
Setback for the Left in Venezuela
Italy’s “Center-Left” Government by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
The Need for a Revolutionary Party in Peru by Hugo Blanco
Young Martinique Rebels Condemned
Acilor — Algeria Confronts a Case of Bureaucraticsm
Association to Aid Algeria Organized in Quebec
Where the Algerian Revolution Stand Today by Michel Raptis (Pablo)
Deutscher’s Biography of Trotsky — by Joseph Hansen
Vol. 1, No. 14, December 27, 1963 includes Volume 1 index for all of 1963
Khrushchev Greets Algerian Delegation
Chou En-Lai Tours Africa
Stool Pigeons Testify in Dr. Neville Alexander Case
Pro-Nazis in South African Cabinent by Ilizwi Lesizwe
Parti Socialiste du Quebec
Canadian CP Leaders Back Moscow Against Peking
John Birchers Try to Stir Up Witch-Hunt
Castro Voices Marxist Opposition to Assassination
The Law of Value in Relation to Self-Management and Investment in the Economy of the Workers States.
Some Remarks on the Discussion in Cuba by E. Germain
⇑ 1964 (vol. 2)
Vol. 2, No. 1, January 3, 1964
Cuzco General Strike Demands Freedom for Hugo Blanco
Witch-Hunt Trial in South Africa
Two South African Victims Judged in Insane
Christmas Never Merrier in New York
Algerians Prepare for FLN Congress
The Bureaucratic Danger in Algeria
Chou En-Lai Addresses the FLN
Algerians Pleased with Soviet Trip
Launch Youth Paper in Canada
General Humberto Delgado — Revolutionary or Adventurer by Julio Cabral
Britain After Kennedy Pre Election Crisis Intensified by T.J. Peters
The Negro Struggle Begins to Pick Up Again by Evelyn Sell
The Law of Value in Relation to Self-Management and Investment in the Economy of the Workers States.
Some Remarks on the Discussion in Cuba [continued from last issue] by E. Germain
Vol. 2, No. 2, January 10, 1964
The Canadian Nuclear Threat
Angolans Seek Aid from China, USSR, Cuba
Chou En-Lai’s Remarks on the Algerian Revolution
Seventh Fleet Becomes Issue in India
France Loosens Blockade on China
New Gains Made by Belgian Labor Movement by Henri Vallin
Khrushchev’s Advice to the Algerians
Legislative Run-Around on Civil Rights by Evelyn Sell
Behind the Agricultural Crisis in the Soviet Union
Nazim Hikmet
Vol. 2, No. 3, January 17, 1964
First Negro Candidate for President of the U. S. By Joseph Hansen
Tiny Panama Stands Up to the U. S.
The Demonstrations at Oran
Algeria Corrects Some Error s in Nationalization
Ben Bell a Reaffirms Solidarity with Cuba
German Students Observe Human Rights Day — Cite Alexander Case in South Africa
Eritreans Report Guerrilla Successes
Spanish Revolutionary Socialists Initiate Discussion
Johnson Offers the Beginning of “Disarmament”
“Irrevocable” Decision to Test French H-Bomb
Tunisia Recognizes the New China
France Takes Another Step Toward Recognizing China
Wayward Bus Company Helps Cuba
U .S. Seventh Fleet Maneuvers in Indian Ocean By Kailas Chandra
Soviet Union Gives Books to Algeria
Forecast for 1964: More and Bigger Demonstrations in Negro Struggle — By Evelyn Sell
De-Stalinization a la Togliatti
Airmail Rates of World Outlook
Pravda Eulogizes J. Lenski
Kind Remarks Sting State Department
“To Split or Not To Split — Left Wing Indian Communists
Ponder Course of Action — By S .R. Singh
Another American Success Story
Vol. 2, No. 4, January 27, 1964
Revolution in Zanzibar
Thousands of Peasants Take Over Land in North of Peru
Ben Bella Pledges Revolution Will Continue to the End
Panama’s President Denounces Washington
What Happened in Panama
French Imperialists Recall Suez
France Tells US: “We’re Going to Recognize China”
Memo on China for the State Department
Italy’s New Party , the PSIUP — By Sirio Di Giuliomaria
The Italian CP Tries to Hook onto the Algerian Revolution By Livio Maitan
The French Left Unveils “Mr X” — By Pierre Frank
The CIA Gives Figures
“Mingguan Pekerdja” — An Indonesian Marxist Magazine
The End of “Sotsialisticheski Viestnik”
Can Canada’s Unemployed Survive?
Label for Atomic Bomb Demanded
Dennis Brutus Sentenced
Discrhtlnation in New York Schools Challenged — By Evelyn Sell
Vol. 2, No. 5, January 31, 1964
Declarations of the Fourth International
Greetings Sent to People’s Republic of Zanzibar
Use of Troops in East Africa Denounced
French Recognition a Big Victory for China
Castro’s Trip to Moscow
Soviet Union Threatened with Meat Shortage
The Negro Thrust Toward Political Action — By Evelyn Sell
China, Uranium and the OAS (Problems for Pearson) By Philip Scott
The Events in Cyprus
The Conversation Opens (Can the French Socialists and Communists Get Together?) — By Pierre Frank
Recent Events in Aden — By Muhsin Abo Mishaal
Ceylonese Strikers Win Tough Battle — By Rohini Dunuwille
Maitan Speaks in Brussels
The Socio-Economic Situation in South Africa (A Background Article) — By Franz J. T. Lee
Vol. 2, No. 6, February 7, 1964
Another Coup d’Etat in South Vietnam
High Prices An Issue in Ceylon
Sultan Loses Yacht, Too
In Defense of the Free World
Tschombe's Revelations on the Murder of Lumumba
Who Will Win the Chilean Elections?
An Economist Looks at Cuba (Stronger in the Fifth Year)
Juan Lechin in Break with Paz Estenssoro
Big Pressure on American Negro Leaders By Evelyn Sell
Portuguese Ultracolonialism in Mozambique By Franz J.T. Lee
Vol. 2, No. 7, February 14, 1964
The New Crisis Over Cuba — By Joseph Hansen
8,000 Peasants Seize Land in Peru
One-Day General Strike Hits Italy
Kasavubu to “Investigate” Lumumba Murder
Chou En-lai Finds Africa Up to Expectations
Guerrilla War Flares in the Congo
Zanzibar Trade Unions Back New Government
A Thorny Question for Ceylonese CP
Mexico — Silver Lining in Some Dark Clouds
Junta Closes Ecuador University
Alexander Case Scheduled to Resume
Caravelles for China?
Algeria’s “Socialist Pilot Stores” By Henri Dumoulin
Demonstration in London over Cyprus
The Special Congress of the French Socialist Party By Pierre Frank
Victories Best Described as “Hallow” (Civil Rights in the US) — By Evelyn Sell
Whose Suicide?
Vol. 2, No. 8, February 21, 1964
Resolutions of the Fourth International:
On the Character of the Algerian Government
New Developments in the Angolan Revolution
Washington’s Last Card in South Vietnam
Behind the Bloodshed in Cyprus
Self-management Proves a Success in Algeria (First Balance Sheet) — By Henri Dumoulin
Text of Ben Bella's Speech on the Success of Self-management (Cash Bonuses for Workers)
An African Leader Scores a Point
A Survivor Recalls How Stalin Liquidated Congress Delegates
Works by Trotsky Circulate in Italy
Belgian Students Protest Intervention in Cyprus
The UN Expedition to Atlanta — By Evelyn Sell
In Quebec the Armory Raid Was Not Unpopular
Nehru’s Congress Party Routed in Goa (An Analysis of the Election Results) — By Kailas Chandra
New Frontier Breaks Through White House
Vol. 2, No. 9, February 28, 1964
Hands Off Gabon!
Cypriotes Tell British To Get Out
Kwilu Made Forbidden Territory
Prerevolutionary Situation in Brazil, Juliao Declares
Barzani Orders Kurd Forces to Retain Arms
China Grants Aid to Zanzibar
Political Atmosphere Eases in Greece
Spain Sells Trucks to Cuba
Successes Scorod in One-Day School Boycotts — By Evelyn Sell
Forces Unite in South West Africa
Colonialists Join Anti-Salazar Front — By Julio Cabral
Iraq Recognizes Angolan Exile Government
Three Years of the Angolan Revolution
“Haven’t Those People Read Even Machiavelli?” Castro’s Speech to the Bank Workers
New Idea Sent to White House
Vol. 2, No. 10, March 6, 1964
“Critical Support” for Whom? — By Joseph Hansen
The Coming FLN Congress in Algeria — By L. Couturier
A Victory for Both the Kurds and Nasser — By A. Said
London Council Elections — Omen of the Future? By John Powell
No Crime to Return from Cuba — By Ruth Porter
Canadian Students Support Indiana Witch-Hunt Victims By Catherine Scott
The Political Shift in Bolivia
New Revolutionary Party Formed in Chile
Can You Shame India into Communism? (S. A. Dange Turns to "Mass Fasting") — By Kailas Chandra
The UN Ponders South Africa — By Franz J. T. Lee
We Are Gratified and Considerably Surprised
Vol. 2, No. 11, March 13, 1964
Hugo Blanco’s Sister Arrested
An Assist for Big Business in Italy
Johnson Calculates to Risks — By Joseph Hansen
Alexander Defense Answers South African Slanderers
Bolivian Vice-Presidential Candidate Resigns
Postmen May Place “Stop Delivery” Order on Britain’s Mail (Second Strike Since 1861?)
Algerian Militants Look Forward to March 28 Congress By Henri Dumoulin
CP Wings Move to Left in Latin America
Indian Social Democrats Reshuffle Forces
Rising West German Influence in Africa — By Ilizw Lesizwe
The Black Muslims in America — By Evelyn Sell
Are New “Rehabilitations” in Preparation in the Soviet Union?
Indonesian CP Adopts “Four Amulets”
Shell Oil Picks Up Castro’s Bid
Vol. 2, No. 12, March 20, 1964
Biggest Rally in History of Brazil
First Campus “Sedition” Trial in U.S. (The Bloomington Case)
Bertrand Russell Backs Bloomington Students
The Black Muslims Today [Part II] — By Evelyn Sell
The Congress Party Makes A Bid to the Left — By Kailas Chandra
Peruvian Leftists State Common Aims
New Democratic Party Red-Baits Canadian “Trotskyists” By Catherine Scott
Continental Congress to be Held in Montreal
Fate of Pietro Tresso Still Disturbs Italian Workers Movement By Livio Maitan
Eritreans Continue Their Struggle
Georg Lukacs Takes Up the Moscow-Peking Dispute — By Fernand Charlier
Franco’s Spain on Europe’s Doorstep — By Ramón Vazquez
Fourth International Denounces Rabat Verdict
Get U. S. Troops Out of Vietnam!
Vol. 2, No. 13, March 27, 1964
Political Crisis in Chile
Dr Alexander Takes the Stand in Cape Town Witch-Hunt Case
Issue of “Révolution” Banned
Algerians Discuss Problems of Self-managed Industry — By Henri Dumloulin
The Congo Regime Continues Downhill — By René Massa
Khrushchev’s Proposed “Labor Passport” (Setback for De-Stalinization)
Truman Gives the French A Lesson in Fencing
The Congress of the French Communist Students — By C Henry
Record Rise in Prices
France Was “Not Completely Paralyzed” — By Pierre Frank
London Labour Edges Leftwards
Possible Shift in Sino-Indian Border Dispute?
The COMECON’s Pricing Policy (An Issue in the Sino-Soviet Conflict) — By Fernand Charlier
Oil Discovered in China
America’s Black Muslims and Political Action (Malcolm X Rises to the Challenge) [Part III] — By Evelyn Sell
New Socialist Magazine
Vol. 2, No. 14, April 3, 1964
Socialist Youth Score Major Legal Victory in U.S.
Armed Forces in Brazil Fraternize with Unionists
Venezuelan Freedom Fighters Gird for Long Struggle
Regroupment of Chilean Socialists
Bolivia’s Deepening Crisis
The Nazi Spirit Lives On
Sachs Case Poses Puzzler for South African Jurists
Justice Seasoned with Mercy
Natal Defendants Given 206 Years
Another “Sabotage” Case Scheduled in South Africa
Irish Pay for Rule of Fianna Fail — by Sean Reed
British Postmen Set Strike Date — by Alan Adair
A Welcome Mat for Foreign Investors (India's New Budget) — by S. R. Singh
New Rise in Freedom Now Struggle — by Evelyn Sell
Economic Crisis in Czechoslovakia
That Anti-Semitic Pamphlet
On “Specks of Dust”
The Debate Between the French Socialists and Communists — by Pierre Frank
Italian Communists Hold Conference
Vol. 2, No. 15, April 10, 1964
Counterrevolutionary Coup d’Etat in Brazil
Another Step Forward in Algeria — by Henri Dumoulin
Giant Rally Answers “Emergency” Decree in Ceylon
No Sale
An “Irregularity” in the Alexander Case
A Philosophical Discussion on the Nature of Man [In a South African Court]
The Testimony of Ian Leslie Van Der Heyden
Double-Dealing in Transkei — by Franz J. T. Lee
“L’Unita” Finds Anti-Semitic Pamphlet Distasteful
Work Vacation in Cuba for Canadian Students
Pro-Chinese Tendency in Britain Makes Gains — by Sean Reed
Algerian Athletes Back an Irish Protest
Eritreans in Battle with Ethiopian Forces
Political Book a Best Seller in Chile
Economic Difficulties in Italy — by Livia Maitan
“Doctors, Are Sick People Your Enemies?”
Vol. 2, No. 16, April 17, 1964
Labour Party Triumphs in London Election
Belgium’s Fascist-Minded Doctors
Unhappy Brazil — by Joseph Hansen
Algerians Study Important Congress Documents
Trotskyism Haunts Both Moscow and Peking — by Pierre Frank
Dango’s “Letter” “Key Issue for Indian CP? — by Kallas Chandra
Split in Communist Party of India
Report from New Zealand — by Harry Holland
Negro Freedom Fighters Face White Racists — by Evelyn Sell
Sadistic Cops Sentenced in South Africa
Deutscher’s View of the Trotskyists — by J.B.Stuart
And What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Needed — A Stupidity Detector
Vol. 2, No. 17, April 24, 1964
Savage Sentences in Dr Alexander Case
FLN Congress Opens in Algeria — by Livio Maitan
The Swing to Labour Is Wide and Deep (London Letter) — by T J Peters
British Postal Strike Canceled — by Alan Adair
Will Italian CP Attend That Conference?
U.S. Headed for a “Dien-Bien-Phu”
Suslov Points to the Danger of Trotskyism — by Pierre Frank
Whitsun March Planned in Denmark
The Sanctions Show Who Supports South African “Apartheid” — by Franz J. T. Lee
Ranks Stired by Sino-Soviet Conflict (In the Canadian CP) — by Harry Anderson
The Francisco Abarca Case by Fernand Charlier
US Censorship Challenged
Deutscher’s View of the Trotskyists — by J. B. Stuart
Our Candidate for Command of World’s Nuclear Stockpile
Vol. 2, No. 18, May 1, 1964
FLN Congress Reaffirms Algeria’s Socialist Orientation — by Livio Maitan
Fourth International Sends Greetings to FLN Congress
Viriato da Cruz Joins Angolan Front
New stage in Spanish Workers Struggle — by Ramon Vazquez
The Lesson of Brazil — by Manolo Sarmiento
The “Cutback” in Nuclear Production
Showdown Looming in Southern Rhodesia
Werner Heisenberg Affidavit Offered in Alexander Case
Nelson Mandela Tells Court, “I Am Ready to Die”
Civil-Rights Exhibit at World’s Fair — by Evelyn Sell
New Miracle Product for Your Nerves
Oswald Photo Was Faked — by Joseph Hansen
And What About that Shot Fired at General Walker?
Belgian Gov't Bows to Doctors — by Fernand Charlier
“Trotskyist” Purge in British Communist Party
Quebec Students Say It with Snowballs — by R Brock
Ontario's Hospital Crisis — by Catherine Scott
Vol. 2, No. 19, May 8, 1964
Khrushchev's Warning to US on Cuba — by Joseph Hansen
Proposed Conference of Communist Parties — by Pierre Frank
What Kind of Unions Are They?
Pentagon Seeking “Death Ray”
Cubans Challenge Yugoslav Action
Please Correct the Address for Shipments of Gold
Che Guevara on the Cuban Party, Brazilian Crisis, etc.
Spy Plane Flights Exposed in Venezuela
Venezuelan FALN Rescues Prisoner
Italian Trotskyists Call for Resolute Struggle
Guerrilla War Continues in Eritrea
US Heads for Disaster in South Viet Nam — by Juan de la Cruz
1,340 Civil-Rights Battles in US — by Evelyn Sell
Lenin’s Correspondence with Second International (Book Review) — by Fernand Charlier
Multimillionaire Has Only Praise for South Africa
Vol. 2, No. 20, May 15, 1964
Asturian Miners Down Tools
Soviet Union Grants Generous Aid to Algeria
Cuba on the Eve of May Day — by Edward Duncan
France Sells Locomotives to Cuba
Teodoro Mosooso Bows Out
End of the Alliance for Progress? — by Joseph Hansen
Witch Hunt Continues in Brazil
Coup d’Etat Feared in Chile
Bolivian Miners Defend Radio Station
Venezuelan Rebels Score the Pentagon
Defendants Seek Appeal in Alexander Case
A Dien-Bien-Phu for the United States?
British Communist Youth Expel “Trotskyistsm” — by Alan Adair
“A Message from Our Sponsor”
Freedom Now Party Files in Michigan
Alfred Rosmer — by Pierre Frank
Ceylonese May Day Resolution
Vol. 2, No. 21, May 22, 1964
A South African Appeal for Help
Spanish Strikers Stick Tough
Tunisia Expropriates French Held Land
New Guerrilla Front in the Congo
Crisis Looms in Caribbean — by Joseph Hansen
Yugoslav Reply to Cuban Criticism
Havana’s “International Society”
Soviet Military Aid for India
Algeria and Agrarian Reform — by Henri Dumoulin
Big Enough
“It Looks Like a Long Hot Summer” — Evelyn Sell
The World Trade Conference — by Fernand Charlier
“A Serious Thought”
Book Review: Morality and Politics in Poland — by William F Warde
Vol. 2, No. 22, May 29, 1964
In Defense of Revolutionary Cuba — by Ernest Mandel
What the Soccer Game in Lima Revealed
Rejuvenation of the French CP? — by Pierre Frank
Boycott of Bolivian Elections
Mohamed Harbi Defines Tasks in Algeria
Ban on Luthuli Extended Another Five Years
South Vietnamese Guerrillas Score Victories
Guerrilla Activity Continues in Guatemala
Beware the Atrocity Stories — by Evelyn Sell
PSIUP Position on the Sino-Soviet Conflict
Peking Calls Attention to Lessons of Brazilian Defeat
US “Loses” Plutonium in Atmosphere
Vol. 2, No. 23, June 5, 1964
In the Asturias Coal Basin
The Death of Nehru
Japanese CP Expels Two Top Leaders
“Pravda” Again Points to Specter of Trotskyism
Congolese Guerrilla Fighters Forge Ahead
South Africa’s Prisons Like Nazi Camps
Caprivi Seeks Independence
Loan Made to Meet South African Ransom Demand
Step Toward Labor Unity in Ireland
West German Students Given Hearing in East Germany
Belgians Demand Freedom for Abarca
Negroes Battle to End Prejudice in Unions — by Evelyn Sell
World Trade Conference Draws to an End — by Fernand Charlier
On the Methodology of “Sectarianism” [Lukács Decides between Mao and Khrushchev] — by P.L. Carp
The Mysterious Case or the 40 Microphones
Noted in Passing:
Practice-What-You-Preach Department
One Country Where Private Property Is Still Sacred
Insecticide Production Opens New Possibilities
Trotskyist Leaders Discuss World Situation
The Lesson of the Coup d’Etat in Brazil
Vol. 2, No. 24, June 12, 1964
Workers Occupy Plants in Argentina
Nigerian Workers Stage General Strike
Student Demonstrations in South Korea
Attempt Under Way to Crush Colombian Guerrillas
Paz Wins Illegal Bolivian Election
Francisco Juliao Arrested
Mexican Communist Group Analyzes Brazilian Defeat
Appeal Denied in Alexander Case
Alexander Case Witnesses Charged with “Sabotage”
Help Needed to Save Abrahams’ Home
Guerrilla Struggle in Cameroun
Counterrevo1utionaries Strike Again in Algeria — by Henri Dumoulin
Negro Party Wins Place on Michigan Ballot — by Evelyn Sell
The Havemann Case — by Ludwig Dürer
On the Proposed Programme for the CPI — by Himoo Kalani
That Week End Meeting in Honolulu
Vol. 2, No. 25, June 19, 1964
Trotskyists Battle Against Opportunism in Ceylonese Party
Algerians Raise Slogan of Workers Control
Life Imprisonment for Nelson Mandela and His Comrades
Dennis Brutus Transferred to Robben Island
Couve de Murville Calls on General Franco — by Ramon Vazquez
Faversham By-Election Confirms Swing to Labour Party
The Meaning of Goldwater’s California Victory — by Joseph Hansen
Nigerian General Strike Wins
The Political Situation in Peru
Italian Communist Youth Heartened by De Berry Candidacy
Report Arrest of “Trotskyists” in Spain
Book Review: On the Assassination of Kennedy
A Little Justice After All
Vol. 2, No. 26, June 26, 1964
Venezuela’s Struggle for Freedom
Letter from Comandante Manuitt to Poland’s UN Representative
Socialists Arrested in Spain
Demand Release of Ismael Frias
Rumania Turns Away from the COMECON — by E Germain
Freedom Won for Francisco Abarca
Call for Popular Militia in Algeria
A Modest Proposal
The “Bomb” of Gramcsi’s Letter — by Livio Maitan
Under South Africa’s 90-Day Law
Sino-Soviet Dispute Affects Japanese Labor Movement — by S. Okatani
Spectre of Trotskyism in Sino-Soviet Conflict (Interview with Pierre Frank)
Statement by the Revolutionary Section of the LSSP
Declaration by Fourth International on the LSSP
Ceylon Government Locks Out Workers
Analysis of the SLFP-LSSP Coalition — by V Karalasingham
As Blindly as a Force of Nature
Vol. 2, No. 27, July 3, 1964
Imperialism Sets Up a New Saviour in the Congo
Kivu Was Always Lumumbist — by Anioet Kashamura
General Taylor’s Task — by Joseph Hansen
Italy’s “Center-Left” Cabinet Breaks Down
Cuban Notebook:
“A Billion Times Better than Before — by Ernest Mandel
A Disquieting Fishing Contest
Venezuela’s Struggle for Freedom (Cuban Revolution and Freedom Now Movement)
Equality on a Silver Platter? — by Evelyn Sell
Hands Off Southern Arabia!
Pauling Again Warns on Nuclear War
How Important Is the Individual in Making History? — by William F Warde
Must Reading in Both Peking and Moscow
Vol. 2, No. 28, July 17, 1964
A “Plot” to Assassinate Khrushchev?
Warders Assault Dr Alexander and Two Others
Soviet Play Fails to Slander Trotsky
Counterrevolution Tries Again in Algeria
A Setback and a Rising Danger (Tokyo Letter) — by Eiiohi Yamanishi
Mexico’s Jackal Press Unleashed on Cuba — by Manolo Sarmiento
French-Canada's “RIN” — by R Brook
Mine Strike in Chile
Leader of Filipino Freedom Fighters Captured
“We Go Afraid, Yet Dedicated” — by Evelyn Sell
Nuclear Arms in West Germany
Cuban Notebook:
The Camilo Cienfuegos School City — by Ernest Mandel
Canadian Students Find Cuba a Free Country
Nenni Accidentnlly Kicked Out the Props — by Tullio Venturi
Canadians Back Nelson Mandela
Londoners Protest Mandela Sentences — by John Powell
Shastri Continues on Nehru’s Path — by S.R.Singh
Castro’s Offer to Washington
On Ceylon
The Wearing Out of a Revolutionary Leadership — by Pierre Frank
Fourth International Backs Emergency Congress
The Prime Minister’s New Servants
United Nations Meets Threat to Peace in Rome
Vol. 2, No. 29, July 31, 1964
Details about Assaults in Dr Alexander Case
What Goldwater Represents — by Joseph Hansen
The New OAS Sanctions Against Cuba
What Castro Really Said in that Interview with the New York Times
Students See Revolutionary Cuba for Themselves
Britain’s Big Mail Pile Up — by Alan Adair
Hot Gambling Tip — Buy British
Mixed Response to New Civil-Rights Law in US — by Evelyn Sell
A Difference Between Poujade and Goldwater
“Throw Wallace to the Lions,” Say Toronto Pickets
Will the Chilean Communist Party Prove to be an Exception? — by Emmanuel Aguinaldo
Indian Communist Party Opposition Holds Convention — by A Raheem
Photos of Cuban Revolution Shown in Bombay
German Metal Workers Win Favorable Agreement
New Zealanders Protest French Nuclear Tests
New Zealand CND “Open Letter to de Gaulle”
Maoris Moving Toward Towns
Frias Wins Release from Prison
Venezuela’s Struggle for Freedom (The Question of Guerrilla Warfare)
Vol. 2, No. 30, September 11, 1964
Election Results in Chile
The General Strike in Nigeria
Colonial People Grateful for Cuban Example
Canadian Students Impressed by Cuban Revolution — by Ross Dowson
New Wave of Militant Action in India — by Kailas Chandra
Indian Communists Schedule Rival Congresses — by A Raheem
Opposition in U.S. to Role in South Vietnam
Mississippi’s Long Hot Summer — by Evelyn Sell
Johnson’s Strategy — by Joseph Hansen
Report on Alexander Case
Alexander Defence Rally in London
“I Have Not Forgotten” (Concerning Thorez and Togliatti)
Hands Off North Vietnam!
Ceylonese Trotskyists Oppose Coalition Platform (Text of Speech by Edmund Samarakkody)
Vol. 2, No. 31, September 18, 1964
“Chaos” in Saigon
The Algerian Revolution Marks Time
The Split in the Angolan Movement
A Tragic Event in Argentina
Silence on Hell — by Livio Maitan
The “Gorillas” Grant Land Reform in Ecuador — by Emmanuel Aguinaldo
Jeunes Gardes Carry on Tradition of First International
Like Selling Soft Soap?
The Kidnapping of Dennis Higgs
“Wall Street Journal” Doubts Dr Perera Can Succeed
The “Testament” of Palmiro Togliatti — by Pierre Frank
Why Moscow Published Togliatti “Testament”
Vol. 2, No. 32, September 25, 1964
General Strike in Saigon
Attempt to Crush Political Opposition in Bolivia
The Territorial Issues in the Sino-Soviet Dispute
Negro Struggle Shakes Party Alignments in US — by Evelyn Sell
Dr. Perera vs. Leon Trotsky
Rise in West German Economic Cycle
Ready to Resume Nuclear Testing
The Lumpa Church Rebellion
USSR Has New Weapon Capable of Destroying Mankind
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (On the ninth article of the Chinese Communist Party in reply to the “Open
Letter” of the Central Committee of the Communist party of the USSR) — by Ernest Germain
Ben Bella Maintains Pressure on Oil Companies
Japanese Trotskyists Publish Theoretical Magazine
In Celebration of the Centenary of the First International
For the Congolese Freedom Fighters
Vol. 2, No. 33, October 2, 1964
Doubts Still Remain in Oswald Case
Cuba’s Record in Medical Care (Text of a Speech — by Fidel Castro)
Brazilian Sociologist Jailed
Political Prisoners Tortured in Brazil
The Coup d'Etat in Brazil (A Report by “Fortune” Magazine)
Crisis in Austrian Socialist Party
Boudiaf's Damaging Admissions
Campaigning for Revolutionary Socialism in Imperialist America — By Evelyn Sell
Vol. 2, No. 34, October 9, 1964
China and the Bomb
Dutch CP Paper Retracts Slander of Trotskyists
Kremlin Grants Indian Bourgeoisie Huge Armaments Credit
Johnson Says a Kind Word for Peace
Half of African Children Tubercular
Alexander Appeal May Be Heard in November
Two Alexander Witnesses Hounded in South Africa
Kidnap cars “Owned” by Verwoerd Men
Nelson Mandela’s Lawyer Seized
Witch-Hunt Case in Nigeria
Put a Stop to Dangerous Speculation!
Countryside Stirs in India — by Kailas Chandra
The Puzzling Defeat in South Vietnam — by Joseph Hansen
Freedom Now Party Nominates Candidates — by Evelyn Sell
Honest Government?
Chile — Failure of a Policy
The Gains in the Chilean Election (Text of a Speech by Fidel Castro)
New Display in Philippine Show Window
Vol. 2, No. 35, October 16, 1964
Voskhod Goes into Orbit
On the Eve of the British Elections
New Steps Forward in the Algerian Revolution — by Livio Maitan
Bourguiba Devaluates the Dinar
German Social Democrats Score Electoral Victory
The Crisis in the Austrian Socialist Party (A Background Article)
Papandreou Heats Up the Cyprus Issue
Happy Hunting Ground in Latin America
The Uproar Over Peron’s Proposed Return
Guerrilla Fighters in Action in Venezuela
Police Terror in South Africa
South Africa (A Memorandum Submitted to the Committee of Nine)
What Was Behind the Riots in the USA? — by Evelyn Sell
Vol. 2, No. 36, October 23, 1964
First Reactions in the Communist Movement
Labour’s Victory in the British Elections — by TJ Peters
Brazilian Communists Depose Luis Carlos Prestes
England’s Queen of Clubs Visits Quebec — by R Brock
Socialist League Founded in Montreal
New Turn in Allen Case
Cairo Conference Straddles Key Issues
Guards Protect Leather Worker Delegates from Leaflets
Two Nuclear Explosions October
Ait Ahmed Captured in Algeria
The Downfall of Khrushchev (A New Stage Opens in the Crisis of the Soviet Bureaucracy) — Statement by the United Secretariat of the Fourth International
Vol. 2, No. 37, October 30, 1964
Why Not Accept the Chinese Proposal?
Moscow Promises a Better Explanation
French CP Asks New Moscow Leaders What It’s All About — by Pierre Frank
Setback for Government Coalition in Belgian Elections
Under the Verwoerd Regime
Plan Resumption of Action in Angola
Demonstrators in Bolivian Cities
Famous Last Words
Guerrilla Fighting Flares in Venezuela
Meets Standard of Modern Liberals
The Joint Statement of the FLN and the French CP
Guerrilla Warfare in Mozambique
Southern Rhodesia, A “Volcano”
Zambia Gains Political Independence
Suspicious-Minded Americans
Revolt Shakes Abboud Regime in Sudan
Ceylonese Trotskyists Plan New Paper
Allen Sentenced for Attempt to Leave Nigeria
South Africa (A Memorandum Submitted to the Committee of Nine) - Part 2
Ceylonese Trotskyists Defend Freedom of Press
China Proposes a Nuclear Summit Conference
Vol. 2, No. 38, November 6, 1964
Johnson’s Problems Begin — by Joseph Hansen
Mass Arrest of Left Communist Leaders in West Bengal
Negro Vote Goes to Johnson — by Evelyn Sell
Violent Demonstrations Sweep Bolivia
Puerto Rican Students Demonstrate for Independence
Sudan Demonstrations Gain Big Concessions
Japanese Socialists Criticize China’s Bomb
The Shock Over Khrushchev’s Downfall — by Ernest Germain
America’s TV Syndrome
Election Campaign in Nigeria
How to Break the Power of the Press Magnates — by V. Karalasingham
West Bengal Left Communists Hold State Conference — by Himoo Kalani
Ian Smith Backs Up
How Was Khrushchev Replaced? (French Communist Students Speak Up for Democracy)
Vol. 2, No. 39, November 13, 1964
The End of the Paz Estenssoro Regime
Wilson Begins Labour’s Parliamentary Struggle — by T.J. Peters
De Gaulle Rocks the Boat
Reaction to Khrushchev buster:
Peking Responds to Moscow’s Overtures
The French CP Delegation Reports Back — by Pierre Frank
Indian CP Finds It a Hard One to Swallow — by Kailas Chandra
Italian CP Deepens Course Toward “Autonomy” — by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
Let Nuclear Submarines Stay Out of Japan!
“Each Day We Risk Imminent Destruction”
Zanzibar News Service Hails China’s Nuclear Test
Danes Protest Madrid Trial of Spanish Poet
Democrats Tour King, Powell Against Freedom Now Party
South African Government Murders Three More
Chilean Government Petitioned to Release Luis Vitale
U.S. Not So Generous
An Unfounded Criticism of a Cuban Leader — by Ernest Germain
Book Review:
A Dark Chapter in Soviet History — by L Couturier
Vol. 2, No. 40, November 20, 1964
Bolivian Miners Show Skepticism toward Junta
’’New Frontier” for Chile? — by Livio Maitan
Demonstrations Continue to Shake Sudan
Cuba’s Annual Rate of Growth Placed at Nine Per Cent
Reading Cuban Literature a Criminal Offense in Jamaica
The Cost of the Arms Race
Victor Allen Sentenced in Nigeria
A Curious Criticism — by Joseph Hansen
Kerala Faces Famine
South African Freedom Fighters Report on Activities
Vol. 2, No. 41, November 27, 1964
On Bolivia:
“Preventive Coup d’Etat” in Bolivia
Bolivian Unions Present Junta with 38-Point Platform
Bolivian Trotskyists Advise “No Confidence” in Military Junta
Trotskyists Freed by Insurgent Bolivians
Repercussions of Khrushchev’s Ouster:
Venezuelan CP Has Its Own Position
Swedish CP Scores Illegality of Khrushchev’s Ouster
A Shift in Moscow’s Policy Toward India?
Khrushchev’s Heirs Seek to Consolidate Their Position— by Pierre Frank
The Editorial in “Red Flag” — by Joseph Hansen
Rebellion Among Young Socialists in Chile
Brizola Offers a Self-Criticism
Grim South African Statistics
The Case of Joseph Johnson
Not Illegal to Burn Franco Effigy in Copenhagen
West Germany to Get “Improved” Nuclear Arsenal
Vol. 2, No. 42, December 4, 1964
On Bolivia:
Bolivia After the Downfall of Paz Estenssoro — by Livio Maitan
The Battle of Sora-Sora (Interview with a Participant)
Bolivian Teachers Elect Elsa Clodera
On the Congo:
Protests Flare in Belgium — by Fernand Charlier
Belgian Youth Oppose the Paratrooper Operation
No Applause Among These Belgian Workers for Congo Operation
Courageous Stand of Congolese Students in Belgium
The Truth about the “Humanitarian Reasons”
Spaak Turned Down Offer to Save Children
Let the Congolese People Decide Their Own Fate!
Belgian Socialists Resist Right-wing Attack
Negroes Play New Role in American Electoral Process — by Evelyn Sell
Wilson’s Quid Pro Quo with World Imperialism — by Ernest Germain
A Change in Mood Among the French Workers? — by Pierre Frank
Vol. 2, No. 43, December 11, 1964
Spaak Admits Deaths Were Provoked in Congo
Hoover’s Slur of Rev King Stirs Bitter Response — by Evelyn Sell
Housing Segregation Increasing in U.S.
Did the Doctor Pass Lie-Detector Test?
New Attacks Against Apartheid Opponents
South Africa’s Minister of Justice
Ben Bella Approves Chinese Bomb Test
The Tamil Minority Problem — by Edmund Samarakkody
Kremlin Permits John Reed to Praise Trotsky
Three Years at Hard Labor for “Insulting” Shah
Wilson’s Dilemma after the Run on the Pound — by T.J. Peters
U.S. Post Office Serves as Political Police
Heavy Setback for Kremlin Campaign against Peking — by Pierre Frank
Vol. 2, No. 44, December 18, 1964
French Workers Stage One-Day Strike — by Pierre Frank
45,000 Colombian Teachers on Strike
The Rising Sun of Japanese Capitalism
Conspicuous Size Is a Problem, Too
Cuba’s Position on Belgo-American Intervention in the Congo
Vietnamese Freedom Fighters Report Successes
Dollar Explosion in Philippines
Robert Williams, Malcom X Praise China’s Test of Bomb
Supreme Soviet Rubberstamps Khrushchev’s Ouster
Kennedy Assassination Still Unsolved Mystery
Aid Recommended for Both Wings of Angolan
Freedom Movement
⇑ 1965/ (vol. 3)
Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1, 1965
Johnson Defied in Cairo and Saigon
Atomic Booby Trap
Mississippi Horror-Story — by Evelyn Sell
American Negroes Can’t Stomach Tshombe
Medical Detectives Unravel Strange Cause of Death
Discussion Flares in Italian CP over Amendola Article — by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
Toronto Trotskyists in Municipal Campaign
The Defeat of the Coalition Government in Ceylon — by Edmund Samarakkody
90,000 Homeless in Britain
Cuzco: Land and Death — by Livio Maitan
Vol. 3, No. 2, January 8, 1965
Chinese Framed Up in Brazil
Left Socialist Party Formed in Belgium
Economic Policy in the USSR Since Khrushchev’s Downfall
“Why I Am Resigning from the Chilean Communist Party”
The Meaning of Barros’ Resignation
Youth Break from Chilean Socialist Party
Chilean Revolutionists Pay Homage to Luis Emilio Recabbaren
Luis Vitale Gains Freedom
American “Justice” Protects Its Own — by Evelyn Sell
Some Lessons in the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa
“Case Dismissed”
New Area of Overproduction
Central African Republic Feels Impact of Revolutions — by J. Ndelé
Che Guevara Scores American Intervention in the Congo
Spanish Poet Given Double Sentence
Is It Legal to Sue for Damages Due to Torture?
An End Result of “Trotskyism in One Country” — by Ernest Germain
Vol. 3 ,No. 3, January 15, 1965
Contents:“To Hell with the UN”
Strikes Flare in Algeria
Witch-Hunt in India — by Himoo Kalani
Pro-Moscow Indian Communists Refurbish Dange — by Kailas Chandra
Mammoth Rally Staged in Calcutta
West Bengal Trotksyist Wins Municipal Election
North or South Police Are the Same — by Evelyn Sell
A Step toward a Revolutionary Party in Spain
Help Needed in Nigerian Cases
Algerian Workers on the Land Hold Congress — by Henri Dumoulin
French Communists and Socialists Form Seine Electoral Bloc — by Pierre Frank
Angolan Movement Faces Critical Situation — by Livio Maitan
Plenum of the IEC of the Fourth International
Vol. 3 No. 4, January 22, 1965
Cuban Students Withdrawn from Rumania — by Joseph Hansen
New Give Away Begins in Brazil
The Atomic Diplomats Play with War-Suicide — by Maurice Leuven
Neville Alexander in “Times Literary Supplement”
Ahidjo to the Rescue of Tshombe
Verwoerd’s Police State — by Franz J.T. Lee
Part of the Dollar Empire
Discussion of “Literature and Revolution”
Guerrilla Activity, Strike Threat in Colombia
Book Review:
A Famous Set of Minutes — by Louis Couturier
Vol. 3 No. 5, January 29, 1965
Belgian Left-Wing Socialists Move Ahead
Strikes Testify to Restiveness of Belgian Workers
Appeal Date Set in Alexander Case — by Susan Williams
Celebrate First Anniversary of Zanzibar Revolution
Mozambicans Call for Stepped Up Struggle 1965
Colombian Guerrillas Put Up Strong Defense
Regroupment Process Continues in Chile
Biggest, Most Profitable Business in History
The Cancer in American Society — by Evelyn Sell
Position of Bolivian Trotskyists on Barrientos Regime
Statement on Wandsworth Incidents
Vol. 3 No. 6, February 12, 1965
Johnson’s Brinkmanship — by Joseph Hansen
Defferre Caught in Squeeze Play — by Pierre Frank
Workers, Students Demonstrate in Spain
African Students in Toronto Defend Congolese
The Mississippi Battlefield — by Evelyn Sell
Japanese Girl Gets Quick Education in Mississippi
Che Guevara on Africa and Latin America
Ask Canadians to Help in Alexander and Mandela Cases
British Alexander Defence Connnittee Intensifies Efforts — by Susari Williams
Robben Island: “Hell Headquarters”
“South African Freedom Day”
Christophe Gbenye Grants First Press Conf’erence
Lisbon Students 48-Hour Strike
Vol. 3 No. 7, February 19, 1965
Crisis in Washington — by Joseph Hansen
In Their Hearts They Know They’re Doomed
But the Golden Days of World Capitalism Are Gone Forever — by Ernest Germain
Waldeck Rochet Opens Fight against Communist Intellectuals — by Pierre Frank
Tshombe Bars Holden Roberto from Visiting Zambia
Is Still Another Law Needed? — by Evelyn Sell
Algiers Weekly Defends Chinese
Alexander Case Stirs Wide Response
New Student Demonstration in Madrid
Fourth International Backs Vietnamese Revolution
African Movements Protest American Aggression in Vietnam
Anti-Imperialist Platform of Manila Demonstrators
French CP Intellectuals Demand Free Discussion
Vol. 3 No. 8, February 20, 1965
Malcolm X — Martyr in the Cause of Freedom — by Joseph Hansen
Chaos in Saigon Eases War Crisis
Outbreak in India over the Language Question — by Kailas Chandra
Police "Error" in Caracas
Ninth World Youth Festival
An Appeal to American Relic Collectors
On Guerrilla Fighters and Militia — by Hugo Blanco
Transkei Rejects Bantustans
Madrid Students Score a Victory
Workers Control Advocated in Algeria
Cpn the Dollar Stand Any More Investment Abroad?
Cuba Tackles the Problem of Bureaucracy
Vol. 3 No. 9, March 5, 1965
Behind Johnson’s Secrecy
Student Agitation Rises in Spain
Walloon Section of New Socialist Party Founded in Belgium
After Wilson’s “Hundred Days” — by T. J. Peters
The U S “Victory!” at Dong Hoi
The March 1 Meeting in Moscow
One of Malcolm X’s Last Interviews
Malcolm X — American Negro Fighter — by Evelyn Sell
Alexander Defense Committee Formed in New York
Canadian Poets Aid Alexander Case
“Cittá Futura” Stirs Controversy in Italian CP
Dispute Sharpens Between French CP and Youth — by Pierre Frank
For the White House Suggestion Box
Left-Wing Communists Witch-Hunted in India — by S. R. Singh
Victory for a “Barefoot People”
Once Again on the Situation in the Angolan Movement — by Livio Maitan
Vol. 3 No. 10, March 12, 1965
“Unity — Not Vengeance” Says Companion of Malcolm X
Castro Points Way Out of Vietnam Crisis
Johnson — a Case of “Unclouded Vision”?
Left Wing Communists Win in Kerala
Spanish Students Gain Concessions
Bertrand Russell Assails Wilson for Abetting War in Vietnam
Leftist Labour Leader Resigns from Wilson Government
Ink Bottles for the American Embassy
Statistics Confirm Soviet Economic Difficulties
The Soviet Union Today
Stefan Heym’s Plea for Proletarian Democracy
Alexander Defence Committee Demonstrates in Trafalgar Square — by Alan Adair
Successful Strike Action in Argentina — by O. Gomes
Sit-Down Strikes with Hostages
Youth Give French CP Leaders Tough Battle — by Pierre Frank
General Humberto Delgado Reported Missing
Che Guevara Stresses Proletarian Internationalism
The Meteoric Rise of Malcolm X — by Evelyn Sell
Vol. 3 No. 11, March 19, 1965
Castro Appeals for Immediate Aid to North Vietnam
“Will Continue to Send Arms,” Says Ben Bella
Selma and Vietnam — by Joseph Hansen
Toronto Students Demonstrate for Selma
South African Court Reserves Decision on Alexander Appeal
More Political Arrests in South Africa
Trotskyists Uphold Class-Struggle Program in Ceylon Election
Mutiny among Tshombe’s Forces
Malcolm X’s Last Insights — by Evelyn Sell
What Malcolm X Really Stood For (Review)
In Tribute to Malcolm X
Help the Vietnamese Revolution!
Vol. 3 No. 12, March 26, 1965
“Tactical” Nuclear Weapons Next?
Crisis over Left Communist Victory in Kerala — by Kailas Chandra
Does Africa Need a Fidel Castro?
The Battle Against the “Burnt-Cork” Stereotype — by Evelyn Sell
The Ethiopian Struggle for Freedom
The SLL Yields Again to Imperialist Pressure — by Joseph Hansen
De Gaulle Bets on Hanoi
The Sihlali and Mtshizana Cases
The French Municipal Elections
British Radio Dramatizes Moscow Trials
Lenin-Trotsky Correspondence (Book Review) — by Pierre Frank
Vol. 3 No. 13, April 2, 1965
And Now the Fumes of Johnson’s Propaganda
“Hygienic, Pasteurized Gases…”
Castro’s Appeal for Effective Aid to Vietnam
Wilson’s Foreign Policy under Attack
Guerrillas Reported in Southern Brazil
New Revolutionary Party Formed in Argentina
The New Struggles in Spain — by Paul Arnault
Defense Problem Grows More Acute in Alabama — by Evelyn Sell
Liége Miners Strike Against Pit Closure
Prison Sentence for Playing Bridge
Cartolìn and Molina To Be Tried in Peru
Bolivian Trotskyists Oppose Barrientos
UN Committee Circularizes Alexander Case
Dr Victor Allen on Hunger Strike
Canadian Pickets Demand Truth about Delgado
Apartheid in the Morgue
The Lessons of the Ceylon Election
Vol. 3 No. 14, April 9, 1965
World Opinion Continues to Mount Against Johnson — by Joseph Hansen
25,000 Belgian Youth in Antinuclear March
Frankfort Youth Protest Dirty War in Vietnam
Mexican Students Appeal for Immediate, Effective Aid to Vietnam
No Backing Down in Face of the Crimes of Imperialism
Three-Country Antinuclear Demonstration Planned
New Belgian Socialist Party Holds First Rally
Liége Miners End Sit-Down Strike Appeal of Alexander Eleven Rejected
Why Sartre Won’t Go to the US
Italians Blocked Kremlin at March 1 Moscow Meeting
Brezhnev Promises to Make Good Where Khrushchev Failed — by Pierre Frank
Italian Communist Youth Congress Postponed — by Francesco Marchi
Nationalizations in Syria Remain Uncertain
John Baird
Congolese Repudiate Slander of Holden Roberto
Balance Sheet of the Chilean Election — by Jose Valdes
American Socialist Youth Defend Vietnam
Vol. 3 No. 15, April 16, 1965
The Meaning of Johnson’s “Carrot” Speech
Algerian Role in Attempted Vietnam Negotiations
Is Johnson Following in Footsteps of Mikado?
Framed Up Chinese Freed in Brazil
On the Guerrilla Struggle in Venezuela
Interview with Comandante Yong Sosa
Guerrilla Front Active in Peru
“Izvestia“ Censors Sartre
Fight Continues to Free Alexander Eleven
Committee of Nine Scored on Use of Funds
Sihlali-Mtshizana Trial Begins
The Zaca, Zulu and Nyakeni Cases
Secret Arrest of Gcabashe
“A Girl Just Like Me“— by Evelyn Sell
Clash with Fascists in Streets of Vienna
Ben Bella Commutes Ait Ahmed Death Sentence
Once Again — The SLL and Vietnam — by Joseph Hansen
Open Letter to the Comrades of the LSSP (Reformist)
Vol. 3 No. 16, April 23, 1965
20,000 Demonstrate in Washington Against Vietnam War
"Teach-in" Tactic Against Vietnam War Spreads on American Campuses — by Evelyn Sell
Tokyo Rally Scheduled Against Vietnam War
Vietnam War Drawing Japanese Socialists, Communists Together
Japanese Seamen Turn Down U. S. Demand
U. S. Violates Treaty with Japan
Japanese Unions Reject AFL-CIO Charges
Negus Opposes Gassing Civilians in Vietnam
A Well-Heeled Vicar
Workers of Brittany Send Mass Delegation to Paris
Frankfort Mayor Disavows Police Role in Vietnam Demonstration
Deutscher Tells about Trotsky on French Television
Victor Allen Wins Release
Mother in Alexander Case Sends Thanks
Angolan Freedom Fighters Report Successes
Ethiopian Nationalists Back Vietnamese Cause
Sihlali-Mtshizana Trials Remanded
Indian Communists Close Ranks over Vietnam
The Present Situation in Ceylon under the UNP — by Edmund Samarakkody
The Algerian Revolution Again in Movement — by Henri Dumoulin
Vol. 3 No. 17, April 30, 1965
World Opinion Resounds Inside the United States
Vietnam War Brings Indian Communists Closer Together
Vietnam Solidarity Demonstration in Belgium Sabotaged by Pro-Peking CP
A Lesson in Pentagon Arithmetic
In Vietnam with the American “Special Forces”
Johnson’s “Great Carrot” Was Only Peanuts
Opposition Rises in Chile to Vietnam War
Propose Joint Command of Kosygin, Mao and Castro in Vietnam
Johnson Finds One Friend in the World
Japanese Government Fearful over Vietnam
The Power Play Between Bonn, Cairo and Tel-Aviv
Conversations with Soviet Students
Indian CP Moves Toward Polycentrism — by Kailas Chandra
Plotters of Coup Sentenced in Ceylon
Assassination of Delgado Confirmed
Can the Rev King Capture SNCC Militants? — by Evelyn Sell
Footnote on an SLL Headline — by Joseph Hansen
Vol. 3 No. 18, May 7, 1965
Johnson Opens a Second Front in Santo Domingo — by Joseph Hansen
“Get U.S. Troops Out of Vietnam!” Say Japanese Pacifist
British Union Denounces American Policy in Vietnam
State Department Sees “Communist Takeover” in Tokyo Press
Shouts of “Hands Off Vietnam!” Drown Out Labour Speaker
Johnson’s War Policy Frightens Koreans in Japan
Japanese Merchants of Death See Bright Future
Talk in Japan About Volunteers for Vietnam
Japanese Unions Stage Half-Day Strike
US Consulate Bombed in Montreal
Hugo Bressano Appeals Case to Argentine Supreme Court
Price Increases Spur Chilean Workers into Action
New Step Toward Socialist Unification in Chile
Discontent Grows in Bolivia
Speakers Call for Workers Government in Bolivia
Witch-Hunt in Mexico
Belgian Left Socialists Conducting Vigorous Election Campaign
Camille Huysmans Breaks with Belgian SP
Latest American Invention
Egyptian CP Commits Hara-Kiri — by Pierre Frank
Bulgarian Political Lid Again in place
Campus Revolt over Vietnam Worries Washington
Johnson Is Right on One Point
One of the “Major” Presidencies?
Permits to Stand or Sit?
End the Imperialist Aggression in Santo Domingo!
The Deepening Crisis over Vietnam
Vol. 3 No. 19, May 14, 1965
U S Invasion of Dominican Republic Stirs World-Wide Anger
Japanese Workers Express Solidarity with Vietnamese and Koreans
Escalation à la Pentagon
Japanese Intellectuals Demand End to Vietnam Bombings
Japanese General Tells Johnson How to Avoid Disaster
May Learn About War the Hard Way
Japanese Unions to Send Material Aid to North Vietnam
Japanese Socialist Leader Denounces U S War Moves
U S Tightens Vietnam Censorship
Labourites Gag at Backing U. S. Marines
Johnson Fails to Inspire Saigon’s Troops
Sugar-Coated Pill for Steel Stockholders
Electric Shock Torture Resumed in South Africa
The May Day Parade in Algiers — by Henri Dumoulin
Proud Achievement of South African Justice
Prestige on the Cheap for de Gaulle — by Pierre Frank
A Fertile Ground for “Communism”? — by Evelyn Sell
The Unity Movement of South Africa — by Susan Craig
Bourguiba’s Proposal on Israel
H-Bomb Test Still Providing Data
The Alexander Eleven
Good Deal for Aluminum Kings
Vol. 3 No. 20, May 21, 1965
The Heroic Defiance of the Dominicans — by Joseph Hansen
“Johnson Assassin!” Shout 20,000 in Mexico City
Sihlali and Mtshizana Found “Guilty”
Repression in Ecuador
Bolivia — A Second Dominican Republic?
May Day Message of Bolivian POR
Bolivian Trotskyists Call for Aid to Dominican People
Even Venezuelan Ruling Party Tense over Dominican Affair
Young German Workers Score U S Warmongering
Johnson’s Society of the Great Lie
Official Lies of US Embarrass Reporter
Johnson Resumes Bombing
Communist Troublemakers Leave for New Assignment
Is It Good Taste to Carry a Severed Head?
Japanese Unions to Campaign Against Vietnam War
China’s Second Nuclear Test
Cologne Workers Revive May Day Tradition
West German Intellectuals Oppose Antidemocratic Law
Poison Gas Unloaded in Santo Domingo
New Repression in Iran
Brezhnev Praises Wrong Man
Why Negro Masses Remain Suspicious of American CP — by Evelyn Sell
Vol. 3 No. 21, May 28, 1965
Jolmson Sinks Deeper into the Morass
“Virtual Civil War” in Bali
The Crisis in Bolivia
Did Luigi Longo Plot to Take over Bolivia?
“Workers Militia Take Over the Mines”
Bolivian Political Parties Condemn Dictatorial Move
The “Center Left” Demagogy of General Barrientos
Atrocity Scenes Removed from South Vietnam War Film
Belgian Social Democrats Suffer Major Defeat
Brussels Solidarity March for Vietnamese and Dominicans
Pro-Cuba Meeting in Amsterdam
Guerrilla Struggle Continues in Angola
Venezuela Guerrilla Fighters Battle Encirclement — by Daniel Chirinos
Nigerian Witch-Hunt Case Thrown Out of Court
Okinawans Worried over War in Vietnam
Campaign in Japan to Make War Legal
“Teach-ins” Embarrass Johnson Administration — by Evelyn Sell
Soviet Historians Demand More Facts
Revolutionary-Minded Students in Poland
Okinawa Seamen Reject US Request
Ceylon Compensates Oil Companies
Declaration of Pablo Grouping
Pablo Announces His Break with the Fourth International
Vol. 3 No. 22, June 11, 1965
Johnson Gives the Green Light to His Generals
Chinese Army Abolishes System of Ranks
Cubans Announce Big Sugar Harvest
Bolivian Workers Resist Counterrevolution
Castro Calls for Revolutionary Defense Against Imperialism
Wilson’s “Special Relationship”
Japanese Revolted by US War in Vietnam
Havana Institute Cancels Tour of Canadians
Tshombe Named as Murderer of Lumumba
Head of Indonesian CP Attacks “Trotskyism”
Bosch Couldn’t Deliver Lie Needed by Johnson
Cuban Government’s Position in Economic Discussion
MPLA Spokesman Praises Mao
New Road to Peace
“The Most Discredited President”
The Vote for the Left in the Belgian Elections — by Henri Valin
A Case Where Patience Is No Virtue
Trend Among US Whites Is Away from Racism
Demonstrations in Chile Against US
Italian CP Leaders Air Differences — by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
French SP Faces Crisis of Perspective — by Pierre Frank
Deutscher Describes “Teach-In” Movement
Suggest Volunteers to Aid Dominicans
Shastri’s Trip to Moscow — by Kallas Chandra
Dangeites Back Shastri Government — by SR Singh
Fight for Civil Liberties in India
Eritreans Lose Arms Shipment
German Unions Block Authoritarian Legislation
Munich Marchers Protest US Role in Vietnam
Guerrilla War Continues in Angola
Vol. 3 No. 23, June 25, 1965
Boumedienne’s Seizure of Power
Youth Festival in Doubt
Johnson Escalates to New Levels
’’Project Long Hot Summer” — by Evelyn Sell
A German Columnist Names Johnson’s Actions
Philippine Students Condemn US War in Vietnam
School on African Affairs Held in London
Arms Stolen in South Africa
News About South Africa’s Prison Island
Students Demonstrate in Addis Abeba
Kyoto Rally Backs Vietnamese Freedom Fighters
The Neon Lights Go Out in Sasebo
An International Capitalist Custom
Depression Hits Japan
157,026 Japanese Unionists Punished for Strike Action
Portuguese Accused of Using Gas in Angola
Hiroshima to Reveal Story Banned by US
Defferre and the Bucket of Milk — by Pierre Frank
Want to Tour Free World Before It’s Too Late
Followers of Posadas Released in Cuba — by Joseph Hansen
Extremely Careless
Defend the Algerian Revolution!
Vol. 3 No. 24, July 9, 1965
Peruvian Rulers Seek to Stamp Out Guerrilla Fighters
Johnson’s Dirty War in Vietnam
“Not Without Cynicism”
CP Leaders Worried over Kremlin’s Passivity in Vietnam
Canadian Political Leader Scores Johnson
Bournedienne Unveils His “Council” — by Pierre Frank
Washington “Rather Satisfied” with Boumedienne
Aidit Thanks Boumedienne — Ky Approves, Too
The Cuban Stand on Boumedienne’s Coup d’Etat
Gen Ky Says He has “One Hero” — Hitler
Is Johnson’s Personality Affecting History?
Another Exposure of South Africa’s Prisons
Bombay Convention Demands End to “Emergency” Rule
French Student Held in Spain
Eminent Canadians Back Victims of South African Apartheid
Demonstration at Mayakovsky’s Monument
Opposition Continues Against Japan-South Korea Treaty
American Officer with a Conscience
Extend the Field of Revolutionary Action
Unification Congress in Argentina
Vol. 3 No. 25, July 23, 1965
A Steadily Growing Land War in Asia
Peace Feeler from New Delhi to Peking — by Kailas Chandra
Bournedienne’s Government — by Pierre Frank
“Recession,” “Depression,” or Worse in Japan?
Japanese People Against US War in Vietnam
Socialists Gain seats in Japanese Election
Sohyo Turns to Political Action
Will Try Not To Do It Again
Poison Gas Shell?
“Resettlement Zone” in Malaysia
Political Crisis in Greece
General Ky Says Hitler Not Quite His “One Hero”
Peruvian Army Still Pursuing Guerrilla Forces
Communist Governor Ousted in Djakarta
Barrientos Reveals Another “Subversive” Plot
Ecuador Swept by Civil Strife
Stroessner Discovers “Communist” Plot
Angolans Condemn U.S. Aggression in Vietnam
Is Trotsky’s Transitional Program Applicable to Algeria? — by Joseph Hansen
It Was A Great Day for Wilson
On the Crisis in Algeria — Speech by Fidel Castro
Vol. 3 No. 26, August 6, 1965
“This Is Really War”
The Crisis in Greece — by George Sinos
Under the Military Junta in Bolivia
Belaunde Renews “State of Siege”
The Guerrilla War in Peru
Demand Release of Hugo Blanco
American Embassy Bombed in Quito
Guerrilla Group Reported in Mexico
Fresh Guerrilla Activities in Venezuela
Colombian Government Discovers “Communist Plot”
Angolan Guerrillas Score Successes
Japan’s Economic Slump
Prosperity for Japan in Vietnam War?
World’s Biggest City Votes Socialist
“Dream Island”
US Policy “Experimental Slaughter”
To Save the “Honor” of the US
“Johnson’s Inferno”
The First President with “Extra Glands”
No “Freedom Now” Without A Free Vietnam — by Evelyn Sell
Belgium’s New Government — A Further Shift to the Right — by Henri Valin
Economic Squeeze on Yugoslav Workers
Dissident Polish Youths Given Heavy Sentences
Swiss Group Breaks with Peking
Arab Magazine Denounces Algerian Coup d’Etat
Book by Trotsky Appears in Arabic
Toronto Pickets Demonstrate at US Consulate
Insecticides Contaminating the Atmosphere
Call Issued for Popular Resistance in Algeria
Vol. 3 No. 27, August 20, 1965
“We’d Rather Fight for the Negro Here”
The Greek Powder Magazine
Martyred Greek Student Was A Trotskyist — by George Sinos
Another Victim of the “Atomic Disease”
How Many Casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Thousands of Years of Radioactivity Ahead
General Strike in Tegucigalpa
Demand U.S. Withdrawal from Ryukyu and Bonin Islands
It’s Aggression in Esperanto, Too
Japanese Antiwar Attitude Affects Chinese Delegate
No Sanctuary in Japan?
Sohyo Denounces U.S. Role in Vietnam
Tell Japanese Government to End Cooperation with US
Defeat for Imperialism in Malaysia
Belgians Campaign for Medical Aid to Vietnames
Guerrilla War Continues in Peru
Hugo Blanco’s Role in the Peruvian Peasant Movement
Boumedienne Liquidates Popular Militia
“Confession” Denies Torture in South Africa’s Prisons
Just “Hunting Guns” for South Africa
Food Riots in India
The Antiwar “Teach-Ins” — by Doug Jenness
Indian Trotskyists Form Party
Live Revolutionary Coals in Latin America
The Military Coup d’Etat in Algeria and the Boumedienne Regime
Solidarity with the Vietnamese People! (Speech by Fidel Castro)
Vol. 3 No. 28, September 17, 1965
International Days of Protest Against War in Vietnam
Bertrand Russell on the Revolt in Los Angeles
The War Between India and Pakistan — by Pierre Frank
Young Japanese Workers Turning to Socialism
Abrupt End to “Teach-In” in Tokyo
Korean Students Clash with Police
Unemployment in the Soviet Union? — by Ernest Germain
Bolivian Trotskyist Leader Slain by Military Junta
Colonel Boumedienne Seeks More Scapegoats — by Henri Dumoulin
Seven French Technicians Arrested in Algeria
Campaign Opened in Behalf of Ben Bella
Japanese Housewives Stage Peace March
The “Deacons for Defense and Justice” — by Evelyn Sell
Gained Dignity Through Watts Revolt
Le Corbusier — by David Daumesnil
“Quiet Profits” in Napalm Business
Revolutionary Marxist Party Founded in Chile — by Jose Valdez
The Sentences Against the Spanish Professors — by Ramon Vazquez
Spanish Poet Released
Indian Press Notes Formation of Trotskyist Party
Japanese Pickets Protest Use of Airport for War
The Crisis in Greece
Vol. 3 No. 29, October 1, 1965
Eisenhower Was Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons
Harriman Irritated over Campus Ferment against Vietnam War
Well-Known Trotskyist Tortured by Boumedienne Government
Roux Challenges Algerian Ambassador
Bolivians Answer Repression by Calling for Guerrillas
Unity Movement Reports Victimizations in South Africa
Rise in Number of Strikes in Britain
Textbooks Refurbish the Mikado
Living Costs Continue to Skyrocket in Brazil
Great Accomplishment of the “Great Society”
US Prosperity Hinged on Escalation in Vietnam
Fighters for Peace Whom I Met in a Washington Jail
Walloon Workers Party Holds Second Congress
Belgian Pro-Mao Communists Split
Peking Sends Gifts to Tibetan People
Contradictory Vote in Germany
Mitterrand — The New Miracle Man of French Politics — by Pierre Frank
CP Policy in Greece Leads to Setback
Inflation in Colombia
Japan’s Depression — An “Unwitting” Mistake
The British Trades Union Congress — by Susan Williams
Labour’s First Year — Must It Be the Last?
First Work by Recabarren Appears in Chile
The Theses of the WFTU Congress — by Livio Maitan
Vol. 3 No. 30, October 10, 1965
And Roosevelt Was Ready to Atom-Bomb Germany
American Youth Seek to Evade Fighting in Vietnam
The Military Takeover in Indonesia
The British Try to Hang on to Aden
Use of Noxious Gas Resumed in Vietnam
“A New Field of Battle” for Che Guevara — by Joseph Hansen
Election Disappoints Brazilian Dictatorship
Asylum Sought for Francisco Juliao
Job Hunting Difficult for Women in Japan
Just Plain “Korea,” Please
Argentine Students Move toward United Organization
General Strike in Uruguay
Socialist Workers Confederation Formed in Belgium — by Henri Vallin
Swedes Overwhelmingly Opposed to Dirty War in Vietnam
Oil Interests Hit a Gusher in Ceylonese Rupees — by V Karalasingham
Police in Japan Told to Gird for Mass Rallies
The Blackpool Conference
The Newsletter Exposes a Case of “Insincerity” — by Peter Kork
The Economics of Neocapitalism
In the Aftermath of Watts
Civil-Rights Fighters Make It Another Long Hot Summer — by Evelyn Sell
Something New to Worry About
How Trotsky Defense
Appeal for Struggle
Vol. 3 No. 31, October 23
A Big Step Forward in Fight Against Vietnam War
The Brussels Demonstration
US Role Comes Under Fire at Toronto Teach-In
State Department Uneasy ovep Antiwar Sentiment in Japan
Japanese Farmers Halt Little John Rocket Tests
Mounting Witch-Hunt in Indonesia
Armed Conflict Breaks Out in Indonesia
Gen Castelo Decrees Himself Absolute Dictator of Brazil
Santo Domingo Again Near Point of Explosion
Luis de la Puente Reported Killed
Something Stirring in the "Switzerland of the Americas"
The Repression at Bolivia’s Tin Mines
Bolivian Mine Named "Free Territory"
Arrests of Trade-Union Leaders Begin in Greece
Strike Shuts Down Belgian CP Newspaper
Tabata on Tour in United States
Unrest in Nigeria
Nigerian Officials Rig the Elections
Interest Rising in Trotsky’s Views
Plea Made to Convert Trotsky’s Home into Museum
In Spain, Watch Your Tongue
But the Maine Goal Still Lies Ahead
“America’s Rulers Justify Cruelties Equalling Those of Hitler” — by Bertrand Russell
Text of Guevara’s Letter to Castro
Trotskyist Declaration Against Indo-Pakistan War
Wipe Out Labour’s Shame
⇑ 1966 (vol. 4)
Vol. 4, No. 1, February 4, 1966
Senator Morse Brands US as “International Outlaw"
The Realities Behind Johnson’s “Peace Offensive”
Moroccan Student Leader Tortured by Police
Evidence Mounts that Aidit Was Killed
Famine in India
Political Status Demanded for 11 Algerian Prisoners
Ben Bella Reported Still Alive
Wives of Peruvian Guerrilla Fighters Held as Hostages
Conflicting Reports on Lobaton
Dissemination of Nuclear Arms in Spain
Ben Barka Was Cast for Leading Role at Havana Conference
Scandal Grows in Ben Barka Case — by George Saunders
Avowed Trotskyist Among Defendants in Warsaw Court Relative
Relative Quiescence on Witch-Hunt Front in US — by George Novack
Nkrumah’s Book Angers State Department
The Situation in Latin America
Sneevliet — Marxist Missionary in Indonesia — by Jan Hekkenberg
The Example of Cuba — by Bertrand Russell
Vol. 4, No. 2, February 11, 1966
Luna 9 and “Operations Masher”
Johnson’s Secret Conference in Hawaii
Entrenching Themselves in Vietnam as New Colonial Masters
Antigovernment Demonstration in Ecuador
The Gleam in the Elephant’s Eye by Joseph Hansen
India’s Rulers Select a New Leader — by Kailas Chandra
More About Imprisoned Polish Trotskyist
Greek Workers and Students
Background to Gen Ironsi’s Take-Over
MIR Confirms Lobaton Still Alive
Castor’s Closing Speech at Tricontinetnal Congress
Vol. 4, No. 3, February 18, 1966
Senate Witnesses Deplore US Involvement in Vietnam
Moscow’s Balancing Act Between Peking and Washington — by George Novack
Belgian Unions Back Vietnam Day Committee
Demonstrations in Support of Belgian Miners
Is Kremlin Seeking to Unite Communists in India? — by Kailas Chandra
Inflation in Brazil
UN Observer Fears New Explosion in Santo Domingo
Students Seek Downfall of Junta in Ecuador
Tension Mounts in Korea
Is Wall Street Marxist?
Soil Contaminated by H-Bomb in Spain
Japanese Socialists Demand US Withdraw Troops from Vietnam
Jacques Birger
And in World War III?
Open Letter to Comandante Fidel Castro
The Present Situation in Ceylon
Vol. 4, No. 4, February 25, 1966
Plutonium “Trigger” on Lost H-Bomb
Senate Hearings Have’’Terrific Impact” on American People — by George Novack
First Big Union toQuestion Johnson on Vietnam
Senator Kennedy Widens Rift over Johnson’s Policy
Indonesia Drenched in Blood
False “Confession” Wrung from Aidit?
Njono Repudiates “Confession” as False
Indoriesian CP Made Illegal
Indonesia — “The Chief Prize"
“Disenchantment in the Senate"
Communist Parties Denounce Verdict in Moscow Trial
Political Countercurrents in the Soviet Union — by Sandro Mantovani
Kremlin Diplomats Embarrassed by Havana Conference
Imprisoned Wives of Peruvian Revolutionists on Hunger Strike
Interview with a Bolivian Trotskyist
Colombian Army Slays Rebel Priest
Havana Newspaper Attacks Yugoslavs
Castro Takes His Stand in the Sino-Soviet Conflict — by Joseph Hansen
Oil Companies Recognize the Real Power in South Vietnam
Asoka Mehta Wields the Whitewash Brush — by Kailas Chandra
2,000 Picket US Consulate in Montreal
Vol. 4, No. 5, March 4, 1966
Desertions on the Rise in South Vietnam
CIA Hand in Ghana Coup d’Etat?
Sukarno Succeeds in Splitting Generals
The Daniel and Sinyavsky Trial — by Pierre Frank
Polish Students Have Not Forgoten Modzelewski
Trials to be Speeded for Women Hostages in Peru?
Can the Super Cop Save the World for Wall Street? — by George Novack
The Situation Remains Tense in Santo Domingo
Eulogio Sanchez Threatened with Death
Demand Release of Isaac Camacho
Purges of Thirties cited in Sinyavsky-Daniel Trial
Sinyavsky-Daniel Witness Faces Prosecution
Nigerian Police Use Tear Gas on Strikers
Like Hunting for an H-bomb in Spain
American Source of Supply for Vietnamese Guerrillas
Heavyweight Champion Has NO Quarrel with Vietnamese
Castro’s Intervention in the Guatemalan Dispute — by Livio Maitan
Indian Trotskyists Launch New Magazine
Appeal of Women Hosages Held by Belaunde Government
Platform of the Bolivian Democratic Council of the People
Vol. 4, No. 6, March 11, 1966
“A Massive Land War on the Continent of Asia”
“Decency” Forgotten in Rush to Recognize Ghanaian Plotters
Congolese Guerrilla Movement Still Active
Cubela Charged with Plotting to Kill Castro
Murder of “Communists” Continues in Indonesia
Lessons of the Defeat in Indonesia — by Ernest Mandel
High Cost of Butchery
That Was Four H-bombs, State Department Confesses
Tokyo Conference Scheduled Against War in Vietnam
Book on Malcolm X Published in Japan
West German Metal Workers Win 11% Wage Boost
The Jaipur Session of the Congress Party — by Kailas Chandra
Meaning of the Bolivian Junta’s Call for Elections
The Student Demonstrations in Algeria
Dominican Workers Draw Another Lesson
An Embryonic Left Wing in the Italian CP — I. — by Sirio Di Guiliomaria
Vol. 4, No. 7, March 18, 1966
General Suharto Takes Over in Indonesia
Japanese CP Urges United Front Between Moscow-Peking
The Cubela-Guín Trial— by Joseph Hansen
Chilean Miners Widen Their Strike Struggle
Pentagon Steps Up War Propaganda Against China
Bolivian Crowd Greets Barrientos with Rocks
La Paz Political Police Fire at Trotskyists
Military Junta Smashes Bolivian Workers Radio
Meeting of the MNR Bombed
Leaders of Bolivian Mine Workers Held Prisoner
Why Don’t They Eat Words?
The New Draft Program of the American CP — by George Novack
No Love for the Bomb in Palomares
In Defense of the American Trotskyists — by Pierre Frank
An Embryonic Left Wing in the Italian CP — 2. — by Sirio Di Guiliomaria
Official Lies No Longer Convince Most Americans
Unification of the Bolivian POR
Vol. 4, No. 8, March 25, 1966
Johnson’s Favorite Puppet in Trouble
Frei Attacks Castro Over Strikes in Chile
Castro Again Scores Mao Tse-tung
Underground Revolutionary Publication in the USSR
Stalin’s Role Debated on Eve of Congress
Nerve Gas Shakes Colorado Rockies
No Imperialist Strings Attached?
Wilson Expected to Win Despite His Record — by John Walters
Boumedienne Tells Algerian Women They Have Already Won
Algerian Trade Unions Uneasy about Bourgeois Forces
Iranian Socialists Call for Protests in Teheran Case
Iranians Appeal Sentences
In Lagos During the Coup d’Etat
Pierre Frank Speaks in London by Brian Gormley
West Germany Underwrites Steel Mill for China
In the Soup
Student Youth Rebel Against French CP Bureaucrats
Students Demonstrate Against Brazilian Dictator
Deep-Going Changes in Zanzibar
Socialist Youth in US Report Encouraging Growth
An Appeal to the American Soldiers in Vietnam
Vol. 4, No. 9, April 1, 1966
Worldwide Demonstrations Against Johnson’s War in Vietnam
138,000 in Tokyo Rally Against US Treaty
Mao Deepens the Split with Moscow
Chilean Copper Strike Reported Near Settlement
High Time for New Policy on China, Say US Experts — by George Novack
Prize-Winning Joke in Democratic Party
Tories Hunt for Issues on Eve of British Election — by John Walters
Germans Fail to Salute McNamara Scheme
Soviet Intellectuals Protest Any move to Rehabilitate Stalin
The Bell Still Tolls in Hiroshima
Committee Set Up to Defend Iranian Political Prisoner
Iranian Courts Substitute Witch-Hunt for Justice
Venezuelan Leftists Released from Prison
After the Tricontinental Conference — by Livio Maitan
Yugoslavs Score at the Tricontinental Conference
The Cubans Answer Belgrade
Vol. 4, No. 10, April 8, 1966
Johnson Tries to Save His Saigon Puppet
Cubans Urge Increased Aid for Vietnam
Stalin Given Retouch Job at Soviet Congress
Military Regime in Ecuador Tossed Out
Anti-war Movement on the Rise in the US — by Caroline Jenness
Londoners Protest War in Vietnam — by Brian Gormley
Vietnamese Thank Israeli Demonstrators
“War on Poverty” Adds Fuel to Flames — by Evelyn Sell
CIA Does Cloak and Dagger Job on State Department
Gordon Lays Down the Law to Latin Americans
Cedric Belfrage Deplores Castro’s Factional Polemics
The Tricontinental and After (Monthly Review’s Comments on Castro’s Attack on Trotskyism)
The Lesson of Indonesia
Vol. 4, No. 11, April 15, 1966
Support the Cuban Call for Effective Aid to North Vietnam!
Washington’s Dilemma
Ky? — Johnson Isn’t Talking — by George Novack
Postscript to That Bomb
Reactionaries Bomb Berkeley Headquarters of Antiwar Committee
The Trial Begins — The Trial Ends — by Pierre Frank
Business As Usual
Venezuelan CP Backs Cubans Against “Borba”
And So Proceed Ad Infinitum
Nkrumah’s Donefall — Its Meaning and Portent — by Henri Valin
More Speculation About Che Guevara
Adolfo Gilly, Fidel Castro and the Fourth International — by Joseph Hansen
Swedish Students Call for Vietnamese Solidarity Fund
Vol. 4, No. 12, April 22, 1966
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Militant Celebration of April 9 in Bolivia
United Front Helps Bolivian Revolutionists
“Grisly Cataclysm” Continues in Indonesia
Berkeley Committee Defends Polish Oppositionists
Has de Gaulle Doomed the NATO Alliance? — by Gerhardt Knebel
Belgian Women Workers Stage Demonstration
The Meaning of the British Labour Party Victory — by John Walters
After the Austrian Elections — by Wilhelm Werner
Cap and Gown Included in CIA Cloak and Dagger Paraphernalia
The Demonstrations in West Bengal — by Gayatri Devi
Squatters Battle Police in Bogota
Greek Monarchy Preparing New Offensive Against Workers
Luu Thanh Kiem
Mallikarjun Rao
Castro’s Views on the Chilean Revolution
Vol. 4, No. 13, April 29, 1966
McNamara Forecasts Further Escalation
Russell Charges US Is Moving Toward Nuclear Attack
Vietnam Bombs Escalated to Three Times Korean War Figure
Bargain Counter Bombs
Australians Demonstrate Against Sending Troops to Vietnam
Che Guevara’s Brother-in-Law Captured in Lima
Political Climate in US Remains Unfavorable for Witch-Hunters — by George Novack
The Student Demonstrations at Waseda
Corporal Punishment, A Form of Scholarly Love
Law Proposed to End Teaching of “Anti-Japanese” Thoughts
Price Hikes Spur Strike Action in Japan
Successful Easter Demonstration in Germany
Peking’s New Zealand Showpiece
Algerian Political Prisoners Stage Hunger Strike
Vietnam Week Designated by New French Youth Organization
French Revolution Still Too Hot for Turks
Castro’s Rebuttal to President Frei
Vol. 4, No. 14, May 6, 1966
“The Country Wants Out”
Impressive Antinuclear March in Brussels
Israeli Youth Demand US Withdraw Troops from Vietnam
Behind the Curtain of Censorship in Rhodesia — by John Walters
Oginga Odinga’s Opposition to Kenyatta — by Juan Santos
Student Protests Continue at Waseda
The Twenty-Third Congress: A Preliminary Appraisal — by Henri Vallin
Opposition Strong in Philippines to Sending Troops to Vietnam
The Sinister CIA
Koreans Demonstrate in Tokyo
Is Nuclear War a Family Matter?
A Letter from Cuba
One-Day General Strike in Aden
Gus Hall Answers a Question on Revolutions
Gus Hall’s Formula for Dooming Revolutions — by Joseph Hansen
Vol. 4, No. 15, May 13, 1966
New York Women March Against War in Vietnam — by Evelyn Novack
Philippine Trade Unions Condemn US Role in Vietnam
Che Guevara in Andes?
Witch-Hunt Against “Trotskyism” in Mexico
The Counterrevolution in Indonesia Takes Off the Mask — by Henri Vallin
Anyway, That’s What the Marines Said
Iranian Students Stage Protest Hunger Strike
Isaac Deutscher Protests
Political Trials in Poland
Soviet Literary Critic Tried
Kuo Mo-jo Rolls in the Mud
Max Born Opposes Proposed Antilabor Law in Germany
Rewarded for Finding Lost Article
A Czechoslovak Bouquet for de Gaulle
Cost of Living Hits New High in Japan
Johnson Offers East European Countries Baited Hook
Austrian Social Democrats Go into Opposition
Humanists, Please Note
“Perspective Mondiale”
The Kind of Aid that Attracts Interest
No Ashes, Please, on the White House Floor!
Johnson’s Moon Doctrine
Cuba’s Position at CPSU Congress
Help Free the Iranian Political Prisoners!
Vol. 4, No. 16, May 20, 1966
Ky’s “Act of Treachery”
American Troops Panicked in Saigon
China Tests Thermonuclear Materials
Japanese Transport Workers Win Wage Boost
US Draft Tests “Reminiscent of Hitler”
Students Protest Undemocratic US Draft Test
Pacifist Wing Declines in US Antiwar Movement
Antiwar Sentiment Begins to Affect Union Bureaucrats
Abram Fischer Given Life Sentence
Danger of a Coup d’Etat Rises in Argentina
Shift in Attitude of the ORP toward Boumedienne
Harsh Disciplinary Measures at Waseda
Indian Government Releases Political Prisoners — by Kailas Chandra
Ranadive’s Views on Political Situation in India
“Famine"? Not If You Know Your Semantics!
Where Is the “Tashkent Spirit"?
A Letter from Isaac Camacho
Co-eds on the Increase in Japan
Blas Roca’s Defense of the Slanders against Trotskyism
Vol. 4, No. 17, May 27, 1966
First Martyr in America’s Antiwar Movement
“He Hated the Whole Slimy War”
Washington Nervous Over Opposition to War in Vietnam
British Seamen Hit the Docks
“Tribune” Joins in Appeal for Polish Communist Victims
When Will They Explain the Tragedy in Indonesia? — by Ernest Mandel
Mass Murder in Bali
A Silent Purge in the Italian CP Apparatus
German Unions Reject Antidemocratic Legislation
Protests Save Life of Iranian Politic al Prisoner
Trotskyism Versus Stalinism in the Cuban Revolution — by Joseph Hansen
“La Batalla’s” Reply to Fidel Castro
Vol. 4, No. 18, June 3, 1966
A New Note in the American Antiwar Movement
Belgian MP Demands US Withdraw Troops from Vietnam
The Internal Struggle in Peking — by George Novack
British Seamen Continue to Tie Up Ships — by John Walters
Some Mercenaries for Saigon — by Pierre Le Greve
The Quebec Elections
Did Ky Sign Secret Agreement at Honolulu
Japanese Government urged to Reconsider China Policy
Use of Okinawa Base Arouses Fear in Japan
“Dr. Zhivago” Banned in Thailand
Wall Street Pleased with Coups in Africa
General Ironsi Tightens His Grip
New Regime Puts Ghana Up for Sale
Guerrilla Forces Reported Active in Rhodesia
More on Kuo Mo-jo
Makes Our Mouth Water
Castro, Guevara and Cuba’s Foreign Policy
Revolutionary Struggle Reported, Beginning in Thailand
Documents of Fourth International Congress
Vol. 4, No. 19, June 10, 1966
Opposition to War Hardens Among US Intellectuals
Johnson in Secret Deal for Korean Mercenaries
German Students Demonstrate Against War in Vietnam
The Final Conclusion — by Ralph Schoenman
Cuba Mobilizes in Reply to US Provocation
Alexander Defense Committee Unqer Attack
Text of ADC Letter to President Johnson
Statements of Support to Alexander Defense Committee
Hugo Blanco on Hunger Strike
Manifesto of Peru’s Political Prisoners
FIR Appeals for International Solidarity
Francisco Amado Killed in Guatemala — by Jose Valdes
Canadian Socialists Hold Conference
Havemann’s Proposal for a “New Communist Party” — by G Gerbel
Hekmatdjou’s Wife Appeals for Help
Verwoerd Takes Reprisals Against Fischer’s Daughter
New Ominous US Moves in Southeast Asia
Political Assassination in Detroit
Vol. 4, No. 20, June 17, 1966
Pentagon Considering 500,000 More Troops for Vietnam
Congressmen Afraid to Face American People
Ky’s Danang Victory a Costly One
Democrats Seek to Capture US Antiwar Movement
Meredith Shooting Gives New Urgency to Self-Defense
Guatemalan Guerrills Under Combined Assault
Counterrevolutionaries Project New Invasion of Cuba
Nicaragua Offered as Base for US Assault on Cuba
One-Day General Strike in Argentina
More Facts on the Killing of Cuban Sentry
Cuba Is Prepared Says Raul Castro
Toronto Pickets Tell US to Get Out of Guantanamo
Canadians Respond to Cuban Appeal for Aid
Adolfo Gilly Tortured in Mexico
New Frame-Up of “Trotskyists” at University of Mexico
Luis Carlos Prestes Sentenced in Absentia
Johnson Gains New Ally — The Combat Bedbug
Israel Under Pressure to Back Vietnam War
Concerning Torture at El Harrach — by Albert Roux
180,000 Ruhr Miners Schedule Strike
Widow of Trotskyist Leader Arrested in Algiers
Japanese CP Shifting Away from Peking?
Student Unrest Continues at Waseda
Anger in Japan over Visit of Nuclear Submarine
A lgerian Trade-Union Leaders Take Stock
Some Facts Worth Thinking About
Vol. 4, No. 21, June 24, 1966
Will Continue to Step Up War in Vietnam, Says Johnson
US Escalates Military Activities in Thailand — by Dick Roberts
Mississippi Marchers Discuss Self-Defense
The Political Purge in China Widens — by George Novack
TUC Stabs British Seamen in the Back — by John Walters
Iranian Court Hears Hekmatdjou’s Appeal
A Shift in Japan’s Policy toward China? — by Joseph Hansen
The Buddhist Opposition Is Weighed and Found Wanting — by Dick Lemaire
“Ban the Bomb” Trial Postponed in Greece
SPD Approves Talks with SED
American Officers Argue over Vietnam
Joan Baez Sings for Wolf Biermann
Japanese Workers Refuse to Film Dirty War
Indian Trotskyists Organize Gujarat Unit — by Kailas Chandra
Japanese Trotskyists Protest Murder of Leo Bernard
Suzanne Zakine Still Held in Frison by Boumedienne
Japanese Businessmen Feted in Peking
What Mao’s Thought Can Do for You:
Get the Mail Delivered on Time
Keep Perishable Goods without Refrigeration
Give the Vatican a Run for Its Money
The More You Read, the More You Want
A Radiant Sun, Telescope and Microscope Combined
To the People of Vietnam
To the American Soldiers in South Vietnam
Vol. 4, No. 22, July 1, 1966
Defense Problem Grows Acute for Meredith Narchers
Gallup Poll Shows Sharp Rise in Antiwar Sentiment in US
Morse Comments on Gallup Poll and Johnson’s Course
Farbstein Finds It Difficult to Evade War Issue
Vietnamese Freedom Groups Appeal to American People
Saigon Construction Workers Strike for More Pay
Matsumura’s Case for Ending Blockade of China
Japanese Socialists Demand Recognition of China
Peking Suspends Admission of New Students to Universities — by George Novack
Rising Competition from China in Far Eastern Markets
Devaluation Upsets Indian Price Structure
Her Peace Paint Was Not Smear Proof
Wilson Sees “Red Plot” in Seamen’s Strike— by John Walters
Fabricio Ojeda “Found” Hanged in Caracas Jail Cell
Court Turns Down Appeals of Hekmatdjou and Kharvi
AFL-CIO Ends Boycott of ILO
An Appeal to the American Conscience — by Bertrand Russell
Vol. 4, No. 23, July 15, 1966
’’Black Power’’ — A Giant Step Forward
Memo for a Coming War Criminal Trial
Johnson’s Calculations in Bombing Hanoi and Haiphong — by Dick Roberts
The Protests in Germany and Japan
The International Outlook from Peking — by George Novack
Hekmatdjou and Kharvi Win Stay of Sentence
The Communist Chinese Students
Built-in Obsolescence of Johnson Administration Lies
Coup d’Etat Topples Illia Regime
A Bonapartist Junta in Argentina
Waseda Students End Strike Action
Barrientos “Elected” in Bolivia
Three US Soldiers Denounce War in Vietnam
In Tribute to Fabricio Ojeda — by Miguel Fuente
Inside Story of Healy’s Conference
Secret CIA Channel between Manila and Djakarta
Note on Three Communiques
Communique of the MR-13 Movement
Communique of the Mexican Posadist Group
Communique of the Mexican Trotskyists
Vol. 4, No. 24, July 29, 1966
Notable Victory for Alexander Defense Committee
Wilson Faces the Bankers — and the Workers
Case of the Fort Hood Three — by Dick Roberts
Leftist Prisoners Slain by Guatemalan Police
America’s Ghettoes Explode Again — by Evelyn Sell
Tensions Remain in Dominican Republic
Back to the Trujillo Machine
Robert Williams Moves to China
De Gaulle’s Trip to Moscow — by Ernest Mandel
Vietnam in Background at Kyoto Meeting
The Crisis in Yugoslavia — by Henri Valin
One Reason Why War in Vietnam Is Unpopular among Negroes
A Seat for Japan in Nuclear Club?
Plantation Strike in Ceylon — by Edmund Samarakkody
Perspectiva Mundial
A Tribute to Malcolm X from Japan
Japanese Communists Explain Silence on China
On the MR-13’s Break with Posadas
Free Adolfo Gilly!
Vol. 4, No. 25, August 12, 1966
Death by Starvation in Indonesia’s Prisons
Background to the Purge in China — by Antonio Farien
Rusk Heavily Guarded in Japan
Against Titoism, the Cubans Re-affirm the Revolutionary Road
Vol. 4, No. 26, 1966
Sartre Calls on Soviet Leaders to Deter Washington
Text of Sartre Editorial
Desertion on the Rise in South Vietnamese Forces
Judges “Incline” to Death for Hugo Blanco
Peking Opera Star Commits Suicide
“Tupac Ameru” Case Opens in Lima
Mexican Witch-Hunters Strike at Victor Rico Galan
Yon Sosa Reportedly Merging Forces with Luis Turcios
America’s Exploding Ghettoes — by Evelyn Sell
Increasing Unrest in India — by Kailas Chandra
Tour in India for Tabata Under Discussion
The Tarnish Deepens on the Wilson Image — by John Walters
A Significant Change in the German Political Scene
Volunteers for Vietnam Sought in Denmark
Protest in Vancouver against Vietnam War
World’s Greatest Swimmer
Open Letter to Pablo Neruda
Neruda's Reply to Cuban Intellectuals
In Response to Neruda
Vol. 4, No. 27, 1966
Trial Opens for Hugo Blanco
400 Socialist Scholars in New York Plead for Hugo Blanco
An Appeal from Japan for Hugo Blanco
Japanese Unions Organizing Protest against War in Vietnam
Ogania Prepares to Move against Argentine Workers
Fort Hood Three Set Firm Example at Court-Martial
Bomb Wrecks American CP Headquarters
Stokely Carmichael Political Prisoner in Atlanta
After the Bolivian Election
Chilean Leftists Debate How to Defend Vietnamese — by José Valdés
Japan’s Trade with the USSR, China, on the Rise
Imperialists Welcomed to Ceylon — by Edmund Samarakkody
The Assassination of Verwoerd
Lessons from a Defeat — by T. Soedarso
Vol. 4, No. 28, 1966
25 Years in El Frontón for Hugo Blanco
Ludwig Hass Reported Freed
Vietnam Prices “Stabilized,” Says White House
China’s Achievement in the Synthesis of Insulin
“Miracle” in Brazil
Sato Fears “Overheating” of Japanese Economy
Japan Communist Party Moves Further from Peking
Johnson’s Electoral Sideshow in South Vietnam
“Like Flies on a Piece of Meat”
Wilson’s Wage Freeze — by Brian Gormley
Puerto Ricans to Dramatize Independence Struggle
The Latest Developments in the International Situation
Healy Breaks with Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
Japanese Unions Score U.S. Role in Vietnam
Vol. 4, No. 29, 1966
De Gaulle Bans Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal
French Intellectuals Support Hugo Blanco
The Young Red Guards and Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” — by George Novack
Students Demonstrate in Brazil
Fort Hood Three Show High Morale
Barbarous Treatment of Fort Hood Three
Japanese Protest Call of US Nuclear Submarine
The Japanese Labor Movement Reaches a Turning Point — by S Okatani
Why America’s Ghettoes Keep Exploding — by Evelyn Sell
North Korean CP Attacks “Trotskyism” — by Dick Roberts
“Multi--Issue” Advocates Split Antiwar Movement in Canada — by P. Kent
Unrest on the Rise in Ecuador
Why Healy Bolted from the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
Terrorists Bomb Cuban Embassy in Ottawa
Should USSR Give Effective Aid to Beleaguered Vietnamese? (Bertrand Russell Answers Francis Flavius)
Vol. 4, No. 30, 1966
SWP Headquarters Fire-Bombed in New York
Call Issued for Latin-American Defense Committee
Is Invasion of North Vietnam Next on Johnson’s Agenda? — by Joseph Hansen
Invasion “Now Inevitable”
Unification of Guerrilla Forces in Colombia
Student Demonstrations Sweep Brazil
Eisenhower Rattles Atom Bomb
Electoral Trend in Japan Parallels Industrial Growth
Japanese Educator Fears American Way of Life
Sato Cabinet Bars Youths from Visiting China
Mao’s Thought Moves Miracles in Dark Corners
Top Secret in Moscow
Stormy Internal Conflicts in China — I — by Livio Maitan
Mao Orders Foreign Students to Leave China
A.G. Frank Appeals for Blanco, Gilly, Rico Galán
Ottawa Committee Demands Release of Hugo Blanco
“The Worker” Was Only Reporting
What “Rodong Shinmoon” Said — by Dick Roberts
Democratic Bosses Say, “Johnson, Go Home!”
André Breton
Price of Entry to “Nuclear Club” Drops to New Low
Another Case of Police Torture in Peru
“Rally Round the Flag, Boys”
Ghanaian Dictator Orders Cuban Embassy Closed
Huk Comeback?
For the Unconditional Release of the Political Prisoners in Mexico
Message to the Surrealist Group
Vol. 4, No. 31, 1966
Johnson Prepares his “Peace” Conference
Mao’s Gift to the Opportunists in the Kremlin — by George Novack
Kim Il Sung Appeals for Increased Aid to North Vietnam
Luis Turcios Killed in Auto Crash
Maoist Headquarters Fire-Bombed in New York
Group Accused of Smuggling Arms to Guatemalan Guerrillas
London Demonstrators Support Vietnamese Fighters — by Antonio Farien
Walloon Workers Party Supports Hugo Blanco
Stormy Internal Conflicts in China — II — by Livio Mai tan
Hugo Blanco Defiant Throughout Trial
Manifesto Toward a Free Revolutionary Art
Bertrand Russell’s Appeal to Negro Soldiers in Vietnam
Deutscher Answers a Critic on Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal
On Modzelewski’s and Kuron’s “Open Letter” II — by Pierre Frank
Vol. 4, No. 32, 1966
US Troops to Invade Mekong Delta
Judge Refuses to Stay Imprisonment of Fort Hood Three
Russell Committee Resists White House Pressure
Russell Defends War Crimes Tribunal
State Department Pressures Greece to Stop Trade with Cuba
At Hugo Blanco’s Court-Martial
Campaign in Italy for Hugo Blanco's Release
More on the Deaths of David Agllilar and Eunice Campiran
Vietnam Center of Current Political Topics in Italian Left by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
Shake-up Reported in Staff of Cuban Newspaper
Another War Hawk Talks of Using A-Bombs in Vietnam
Mexican Students Protest Government Repression
Why Magan Desai Joined Indian Trotskyist Movement
Grim Proof the Nature of Vietnam Conflict
The continuing crisis in China — by Livio Maitan
Vol. 4, No. 33, 1966
A Step Ahead for “World Outlook”
Antiwar Pickets Greet Johnson in New Zealand and Australia
Puerto Rican Reports Low Morale Among U. S. Troops in Vietnam
Five Puerto Ricans Refuse to Serve in U.S. Army
“Bandiera Rossa” Becomes a Biweekly
Ceylon Trade Unions Face Challenge of Wage Freeze — by Edmund Samarakkody
Canadian Professors Join in Appeal for Hugo Blanco
The Rising Doubts About the Warren Commission — by Arthur Maglin
Welcome Prepared in New Zealand for Lyndon B Johnwater by H Holland
Scandals Embarrass Sato Government
How Sectarian Can You Get?
“Death of a Bureaucrat”
Realignment Toward the Right in Algeria
Fidel Castro on Moral Incentives in Cuban Revolution
Vol. 4, No. 34, 1966
Three Highlights in Johnson’s Far East Tour
Escalation of Military Aid to Thailand Announced
China’s Fourth Nuclear Test Again Catches Washington by Surprise
European Socialist Youth Stage Vietnam Solidarity March
Students Win Release of Four Comrades from Morelia Jail — by Manolo Sarmiento
Crew’s Solidarity Action with Vietnamese Brings Punishment on Company
Danger of a Coup d’Etat in Uruguay
China Emerges as an Advancing Industrial Power
Study Shows Rationing in China Has Helped Assure Even Distribution of Food
Mao’s Belated Recognition of the Danger in Vietnam
Mao’s Errors “Most Dangerous” Since Thirties, Declares Deutscher
The Computer Industry — A Case Study in Modern Monopoly — by John Marshall
A Computer Gambit for Britain in Crashing European Market?
With Mao on the Cultural Front:
Cultural Revolution in a Silk Mill
Boom in Publications Industry in China
Peking Sculptors, Painters Perform Glorious Tasks
Excitement High Over “Selected Works”
Mao Accorded Respect Due Him
Words of Wisdom from a Night-Soil Collector
Rising Rate of Desertions from Saigon Forces
Halt the Escalation — Statement by the United Secretariat of the Fourth International
New Revolutionary Marxist Publication in Australia
Cuban Magazine Publishes Excerpts from Speech by Malcolm X
Vol. 4, No. 35, 1966
Special Number
Cuba, North Korea Suggest Volunteers to Counter Escalation
The “New” Stalinist Version of “Trotskyism” [Full text of an article by N.P. Mikeshin]
Translator’s Notes on the Mikeshin Article
The Political Meaning of Mikeshin’s Attack — by Joseph Hansen
Stalin and the Nazi Aggression Against the Soviet Union [Minutes of a discussion between Soviet historians and army representatives]
State of Siege Decreed in Guatemala
Vol. 4, No. 36, 1966
Hugo Blanco’s Life Again at Stake
U.S. Committee Issues Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Committee Reminds Peruvian President of Petition for Hugo Blanco
USLA Justice Committee States Its Aims
The American Elections
“Pacification” of the Mekong Delta? — by Dick Roberts
Afro-Americans Speak Out Against War in Vietnam — by Evelyn Sell
Canadian Students Ready Protest Actions Against War in Vietnam
Problem of Succession to Mao Greatly Exaggerated
Exhibition in England Helps Publicize Tribunal — by Antonio Farien
New Mood in Irish Labour Part y — by Sean Ried
US Ultraright Group Caught with Ton of Arms
Healy’s United Front Against Revolutionary Socialists by Henri Valin
Modelewski and Kuron — Defenders of the Gains in Poland — by Joseph Hansen
Bertrand Russell Refutes Philip Toynbee on Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal
Text of Joint Korean-Cuban Statement on Vietnam
You Can Take McNamara’s Word for It
Vol. 4, No. 37, 1966
War Crimes Tribunal Holds First Press Conference
Canadian Journalist Interviews Yon Sosa
Freedom Fighters Report Progress in Mozambique
The Ben Barka Affair — by Michel Lequenne
Malcolm X Books Published in France
Four Bits of Fakery — by Henri Valin
Hundreds of Puerto Ricans Reject Serving in US Armed Forces
Vol. 4, No. 38, 1966
Demonstration for Hugo Blanco at Peruvian United Nations Mission
Italian Labor Confederation Sends Appeal for Hugo Blanco
A Good Beginning for the International War Crimes Tribunal
Johnson Pounded Table at Manila Conference for More Troops
Saigon Cutthroats Trained by British Labour Government
The Political Crisis in Germany — by Franz Dreher
Neo-Nazis Gain in German Elections — by J. C. Vergeylen
Topic of Gromyko’s Secret Talks with Johnson-Rusk Leaked to Press
High Proportion of Black Soldiers Sent to Vietnam — by Evelyn Sell
Montreal Police Raid Socialist Opponents of War in Vietnam
Like Whites Exterminating the Indians
Behind the Resignation of Juan Bosch — by George Saunders
Furor over Warren Report Grows in Volume — by Arthur Maglin
Hanoi Reports Negro GI “Bring Us Home!” Demonstration
New Left-Wing Magazine in Italy
Reactionary Moves Against “Politica” and Mexican CP
Desertions Said to Be on Rise Among Saigon Forces
Ernest Tate Beaten by Squad at SLL Meeting
Note on Four Documents: Concerning Ernest Tate Case
SWP National Committee Demands Healy Be Expelled
Text of Letter from SWP to Pierre Lambert
Text of Letter from SWP to Tim Wohlforth
Text of Letter from SWP to James Robertson
Indonesian Generals Order Destruction of “Communist” Books
Vol. 4, No. 39, 1966
Hugo Blanco’s Codefendants Ask Death Penalty, Too, If He Is To Be Shot
Bejar and Gadea Go on Hunger Strike in Support of Hugo Blanco
Chileans Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Sartre and de Beauvoir Plead for Hugo Blanco
Three French Unions Join in Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Members of Belgian Parliament Intervene in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
Petition for Hugo Blanco Presented to Peruvian Embassy in London
Glasgow Workers and Socialists Demonstrate at Peruvian Consulate
Portrait of Hugo Blanco
Rise in Working-Class Militancy Noted in Peru
Washington’s Overtures to Moscow and Eastern Europe — by George Novack
Washington Vultures Watch Power Struggle in Peking with Interest
Why the Vietnamese Count on Eventual Victory
Wilson to Extend Wage Freeze in Britain — by John Walters
“Capture” of Montes — A Case of Mistaken Identity
Sino-Soviet Conflict Gives Rise to a “Third Current” — by Pierre Frank
Forbes Burnham Seeks Dictatorial Law in Guyana
Trujillo Gang Making Comeback in Dominican Republic
Nasser Defies Retaliation in Scoring US on Vietnam Policy
Ernest Tate Appeals for Support Against Intimidation by Healyites
Young Canadian Socialists Express Solidarity with Ernest Tate
India’s Famine Is Johnson’s Opportunity
Argentine Bourgeois Newspaper Labels Castro a “Trotskyist”
Statement of Aims of International War Crimes Tribunal
Lidiya Chukovskaya’s Letter to Mikhail Sholokov
A New Bible of Revisionism
Vol. 4, No. 40, 1966
Campaign for Hugo Blanco Gains in Momentum
“Le Monde” Outlines Hugo Blanco Case
French Catholic Students Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Sketches of Hugo Blanco’s Trial at Tacna
Continental-Wide Mobilization Urged to Save Hugo Blanco
Yon Sosa Reported Wounded
Leftists Gain in Chilean Union
Koreans Raise Question of Vietnam at Bulgarian CP Congress
Laurent Schwartz Discusses How French Can Help Vietnam
Progress Report from the United Nations
How the Soviet People Size Up Maoism
Brezhnev-Kosygin Serve an Indonesian Guest an Hors d’Oeuvre
Where Did We Hear That Before?
Mass Rally in Paris Backs War Crimes Tribunal — by Ken Coates
Furor in Yugoslavia over International War Crimes Tribunal
Pablo Neruda Supports International War Crimes Tribunal
Ho Chi Minh Hails Formation of War Crimes Tribunal
Johnson’s Slip of the Finger
“To Hold, as ’Twere, the Mirror up to Nature” by Arthur Maglin
Mao Displays Remarkable Immunity to Cold
The Internal Crisis in China
Some Cheek!
Text of a Letter from French Trotskyists on Tate Case
Vol. 4, No. 41, 1966
The Bombing of Hanoi
Widening Campaign for Hugo Blanco
Jean-Paul Sartre’s Plea for Hugo Blanco
The Letter Hugo Blanco’s Comrades Sent to the Supreme Council
Glasgow Trades Council Demands Release of Hugo Blanco
Debate on Vietnam
“La Gauche,” the USSR and Vietnam — by Jean-Marie Chauvier
Defend Peace by Defending Vietnam and China! — by Ernest Mandel
In Rebuttal — by Ernest Mandel
Canadian Socialists Campaign Against War in Vietnam
The Student Elections in Chile — by Jose Valdes
Polish Intellectuals Agitated by Kolakowski’s Expulsion — by George Novack
Business Week’s Blueprint and Wilson’s White Paper by Dick Roberts
Green Berets Reported in Guatemala
The SLL Calls the Cops in Ernest Tate Case
Text of SWP Letter to Pierre Lambert
Text of SWP Letter to Tim Wohlforth
Text of SWP Letter to James Robertson
YSA Appeals to Young Socialists and Revoltes Group
Che Guevara “Alive and Well,” Declares Fidel Castro
Vol. 4, No. 42, 1966
Year End Index Subjects–Authors–Countries
⇑ 1967 (vol. 5)
Vol. 5, No. 1, January 6, 1967
Prominent Mexican Leftists Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Demonstration for Hugo Blanco at Peruvian Embassy in Paris
An Appeal from Alberta, Canada, in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
Swedish Youth Organization Speaks Up for Hugo Blanco
Amnesty International Asks Clemency for Hugo Blanco
Yugoslavs Demonstrate Against US Aggression in Vietnam
Salisbury Confirms Bombing of Civilian Targets in Vietnam
What America Is Doing to the Children of Vietnam
Johnson’s Ranch-Size Sense of History
Wouldn’t Gas Ovens Be Cheaper?
Unhappy New Year Foreseen for Johnson Administration by George Novack
China Buying More Machine Tools from Japan
Left Socialists in Belgium Hold Second Congress
How Much Aid Is Being Sent to the Vietnamese?
Kosaka’s Trip to Washington — Via Peking
French Communist Youth Regroup to the Left — by H Ancelot
French Youth Protest Vietnam War Despite CP
Japanese Unionists Protest Visit of Nuclear-Powered Submarine
Another World War Will Fix That Up
The Crisis in American Cities — by Evelyn Sell
Committee Formed in Bombay to Support War Crimes Tribunal
Birla Acknowledges Debt to Namboodiripad
Indian Trotskyist to Run for Bihar Assembly
An Odd United Front in Kerala
Another Step Ahead for “Perspective Mundial”
The Meaning of the Cow-Slaughter Demonstrations — by Kailas Chandra
Healy’s French Followers Strike a Blow Against Hugo Blanco
Jean-Paul Sartre Explains Aims of War Crimes Tribunal
Indonesian Communist Leaders Begin Self-Criticism
Fidel Castro on the Role of Women in Cuba Today
Healy Scores Another “Triumph” over Ernest Tate
Vol. 5, No. 2, January 13, 1967
Antiwar Appeal Given American GI’s in Japan
American Soldier No Longer Proud of His Country’s Uniform
Hugo Blanco Case:
Broad Campaign for Hugo Blanco Waged in Italy
Latin Americans in Paris Cable Belaunde about Hugo Blanco
Charles Bettelheim Voices Solidarity with Hugo Blanco
Prominent Paris Professors Intercede for Hugo Blanco
French Actress Circulating Petition for Hugo Blanco
Paris School Union Voices Solidarity with Hugo Blanco
“L’Humanite” Adds Its Voice to Protests in Blanco Case
Chilean CP Declares that Hugo Blanco Must Be Saved — by Jose Valdes
Santiago Municipal Workers Demand Release of Hugo Blanco
Chilean MIR Pays Tribute to Hugo Blanco
“Perspectiva Mundial” Devotes Entire Issue to Hugo Blanco
Militant California Farm Workers Leader Appeals for Blanco by Vilma Sanchez
War Crimes Tribunal Sends First Team of Investigators to Vietnam
China As I Saw It in October — by Mayorga
Sharpening Conflict at the Top in China — by George Novack
Down the Drain for All-China Model Night-Soil Collector?
Signs of Recession in West European Economy — by Henri Valin
Unemployment in Britain Continues to Rise — by John Walters
Additional Returns in Chilean Student Elections
Siqueiros Says Attempt on Trotsky’s Life Was Planned in Spain
Chinese Pens Spell Markdown for Japanese Profits
On Electoral Policy in India — by Kailas Chandra
The General Elections in Japan
Japanese Communist Party Still for “Coalition” Policy
Vol. 5, No. 3, January 20, 1967
Johnson Escalates the War Another Notch
A New Phase in the Political Crisis in China — by Joseph Hansen
Ouster of Adam Clayton Powell Angers Black Americans
New Year’s Greetings for American Sailors in Italy — by F Bassi
Nine PAC Members Sentenced to Die in South Africa — by Barney Desai
Japan Teachers Union Officials Arrested for Protesting Vietnam War
Japanese Socialists and Communists Vie in Membership Drive
Struggle over Program in Dominican June 14 Movement — by Antonio Valdes
A Militant Strike in Chile — by Jose Valdes
Dissatisfaction on the Carnpus in Japan
Canadian Professors Call for Immediate End to Bombings in Vietnam
Protests Mount in Britain Against Wilson’s Role in Vietnam War — by John Walters
Publisher of “La Sinistra” Expelled from Italian Communist Party
War Crimes Tribunal Group Visits Cambodia
Irish Farmers Barricade Key Points on Highways
Inflation Continues in Brazil
Coup Being Plotted in Guinea?
Wang Jen-Chung No Longer in the Swim
New Book by Livio Maitan
Well-Organized Sitdown Strike in Madrid
Police Fire on Demonstrating Students in India, Killing 9
Ruby’s Death Arouses New Doubts about Warren Commission Report — by Arthur Maglin
Johnson Is Right for Once
Hooliganism at Liege — Desertion at the Avenue Kleber — by Pierre Frank
Savage Conduct under Americans in Mekong Delta
“Bureaucracy Is Always on the Prowl” [Conclusion of Castro Speech]
Canadian Trotskyists Demand SLL Answer on Tate Case
American Student Youth Schedule Spring Antiwar Mobilization
“Irish Militant” Scores Healy in Ernest Tate Case
Vol. 5, No. 4, January 27, 1967
Economic Benefits at Issue among Chinese Workers
Hugo Blanco Case:
Hugo Blanco Gains Respite
Square Filled at Lima Rally for Hugo Blanco
Mexican Political Prisoners Speak Up for Hugo Blanco
Letter from Jacqueline Lobaton on Hugo Blanco Case
Leaders of “Minutemen” Convicted
Ralph Scboenman Detained by French Police
Johnson Escalates Bill for War
Johnson’s “Interest” Does Frei No Good
The Witch-Hunt Continues in Mexico — by Ricardo Ochoa
Dabernat’s Revelation about Peking and Vietnam
“Mysterious Deaths” in Aftermath of Kennedy Assassination — by Arthur Maglin
The Healy School of Falsification — by Henri Valin
The Slash in the Rice Ration in Ceylon
Women of Latin America Cry, “Enough!”
Truman as a Peacemonger
Vol. 5, No. 5, February 3, 1967
A Trotskyist Current among the Contending Forces in China?
A New Stage in the Crisis in China — by Livio Maitan
Capitalists, Managers and Workers in Communist China
The Oscar for Stupidity
Campaign for Hugo Blanco in India
Latecomers Raise High the Banner of Mao’s Thought — by Joseph Hansen
Warren Report under Increasing Fire in American Press — by Arthur Maglin
Make It Now — and in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Tells Johnson
From the Pickax to the Pen — or, Progress of the “New Criticism” — by L. Couturier
Cost of the War in Vietnam
“Spartacist” Publishes Open Letter Calling for Healy’s Ouster
Interest in Trotsky on Rise among Kerala Intellectuals
Vol. 5, No. 6, February 10, 1967
100,000 Workers Demonstrate in Madrid
Fascist Shoots Down Young Communist in London
Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” (Interview with Peng Shu-tse)
War Hawks in Washington Eye Conflict in China
Clergymen Demonstrate against Johnson’s War
Hugo Blanco Case:
Campaign in Argentina for Hugo Blanco
Chilean Chamber of Deputies Intervenes in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
Pro-Cuban Magazine in Chile Opens Campaign for Hugo Blanco
Labour MP’s Appeal for Clemency in Blanco Case
Solidarity Rally for Hugo Blanco in London — by Charles van Gelderen
“Newsletter” Reports Appeals for Blanco
Andre Gunder Frank Speaks for Hugo Blanco at Toronto Rally — by Ross Dowson
Guatemalan Guerrilla Movement Continues to Grow
The New US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings
Socialist Party Suffers Setback in Japanese Elections
Cultural Revolution Remolds Music in China
Mao’s Thought Proves Too Much for Night-Soil Collector
Chinese Transport Workers Overfulfill 1966 Plan
More about the Events in Shanghai — by George Novack
Price of Rice in Saigon Jumps Thirty Percent
War Crimes Team Give First Results of Inquiry in North Vietnam
Japanese War Crimes Team Reports Preliminary Findings
Sartre Invited to Speak at Antiwar Assembly in Toronto
From the Pickax to the Pen — or, Progress of the “New Criticism” — II — by L Couturier
Bertrand Russell on How to End the War in Vietnam
Students Find Session with Rusk Highly Enlightening
Vol. 5, No. 7, February 17, 1967
Mao Labels the Soviet Government “Fascist” — by Joseph Hansen
Venezuelan CP Leaders Escape from Prison
Draw Your Own Conclusions
Chen Yi Declares China Ready to Meet US Attack
Housing Shortage in Japan
“Who Is Adam Malik?” — by Les Evans
The Kremlin Defends Its Ties with the Indonesian Generals
Boumedienne Seeks a Way Out of Political Isolation by Henri Dumoulin
French Trotskyists Hold Nineteenth Congress
The Challenge of the Pig-tailed Macaque
Solidarity Messages Sent to Tony Bloom
Approaching a Decisive Turning Point in Great Britain [Statement by the United Secretariat of the Fourth International]
The Communist Party of South Africa — by KA Jordaan
Vol. 5, No. 8, February 24, 1967
Secret Police Chief Heads Peking’s “Paris Commune”
Western Specialists Consider Which Faction to Support in China
Deutscher’s Views on the Chinese “Cultural Revolution”
Kosygin on BBC
How Much Aid Is Vietnam Receiving from China and the USSR?
American Maoists Urge Chinese Wall for North Vietnam
The Western Press and US Crimes — by Bertrand Russell
American Antiwar Movement Feels Loss of A J Muste
Poem by 12-Year-Old Girl Burns the Pentagon
Che Guevara in Venezuela?
Welcome Omission in Fidel Castro’s Speech
Cuban CP Suspends Theoretical Magazine
Angolan Guerrillas Fail to Heal Rift
Tanzania Nationalizes the Banks
Inflation Continues under the Counterrevolution in Indonesia
Detroit City Council Evades Responsibility in Bernard Case by Neil Bronson
Trotskyist Position in the French Elections
200 French Youth Volunteer for Vietnam
Wohlforth Tries to Brazen It Out (Some Comments on a Curious Way of Defending Healy in the Tate Case) — by Joseph Hansen
Wohlforth’s Stand on the Ernest Tate Case
The Communist Party of South Africa, II — by KA Jordaan
Under the Cloak of the CIA
Vol. 5, No. 9, March 3, 1967
Election Registers Growing Ferment in India
Army Moves to the Fore in Sharpening Struggle in China
What Would You Tell the Vietnamese Targets? by Livio Maitan
In Defense of Bertrand Russell — by Joseph Hansen
The Mao Regime and the Paris Commune — by Fernand Charlier
What Mao’s Thought Can Do for You — Mend Broken Bones
Demonstration in Barcelona
Possibility of a New Coup d’Etat in Argentina
4,000 Coal Miners Stage Sympathy Strike in Spain
Claim Made that Arrests Are Expected in Kennedy Assassination by Arthur Maglin
Not Chiang Ching but Kang Sheng
The CIA Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the US
Primitive Tool Still Deadly
Urge Defeat of Discriminatory Bill in Ceylon
Election Platform of Indian Trotskyists
Indian Trotskyists Give Critical Support to Left CP
Political Lynching of Adam Clayton Powell
Vol. 5, No. 10, February 10, 1967
Johnson Again Escalates His War
In Response to Barbara Beidler
“Rectification Campaign” Curbs “Cultural Revolution” — by Joseph Hansen
Hugo Blanco Case:
March in London for Hugo Blanco — by C Van Gelderen
Argentine Meat Packers Local Appeals for Hugo Blanco
An Appeal for Hugo Blanco from Detroit — by Neil Bronson
“If We Would Prevent More Vietnams ” — Sidney Lens
Chicago Latin-American Group Solidarizes with Hugo Blanco
Illinois CP Expresses Solidarity with Hugo Blanco
Interview with Juana Pereyra on Hugo Blanco and Tupac Amaru Cases
Swiss March Hails American Opponents to War in Vietnam
The Case of Chou Yang — by George Novack
The Meaning of the Shanghai Events — by Pierre Frank
Ho Chi Minh, Nguyen Huu Tho Mourn Dea th of A J Muste
Johnson Opens Campaign to Correct Image Trouble
Another Blow to the Warren Report — by Arthur Maglin
Guerrilla Resurgence Alarms Philippine Government
Venezuelan Guerrilla Fighters Reject CP Policy — by Guillermo Bonilla
“La Era de la Revolución Permanente”
Asturian Miners End “Sit-In”
Bosch Admits US Is Running Dominican Republic
The Tightening Grip of US Imperialism in Guyana
Vol. 5, No. 11, February 17, 1967
Appeal for Student Antiwar Demonstrations Internationally April 8-15
Like the Fourth of July or Like a Flowering Rose?
US General Finds Iron Triangle a Depressing Experience
“Rectification Campaign” Curbs “Cultural Revolution” [II] by Joseph Hansen
Supardjo Accuses Generals of Murdering 500,000 in Indonesia
The March 5 Election — by Pierre Frank
Antiwar Demonstration in Brussels
Lodge Reported Quitting as Ky’s Boss
Brazilian Communist Leader Given Savage Sentence
Mandel Reports in Bombay on War Crimes Tribunal Work
Was Joan Baez a Victim of Translator or the CIA?
Congress Party Barely Wins Majority in India — by Kailas Chandra
Moscow Dubs Mao a “Trotskyist”
German Social Democrats Offer Olive Branch to Swordsmen
What Mao’s Thought Can Do for You
End Neurotic Need to Make Your Own Pile
1966 — Year of Limited Gains for Soviet Economy — by Sandro Mantovani
Impressive List of CIA Front Organizations — by C D Cavanagh
Arrest Made in Kennedy Case — by Arthur Meglin
Chance and Necessity in Vietnam and the US Draft
A Shift in Peking’s Attitude on Shipping Soviet Aid to Vietnam?
The Cubans Come to Closer Grips with the Bureaucratic Danger — by Joseph Hansen
“The Struggle Against Bureaucracy: A Decisive Task” [Text of Editorial in “Granma“]
A Possible Source of Mao’s Infallibility
Vol. 5, No. 12, February 24, 1967
The Meaning of the Guam Conference
Intensive Preparations in US for Antiwar Demonstrations
Scandinavian Vietnam Week
Witch-hunt in Bolivia
Shift to the Left in the French Elections — by Pierre Frank
Ky Welcomes Johnson’s “Kiss of Approval”
War Crimes Tribunal Set Up in Denmark
General Suharto Takes Over from Sukarno
Landless Peasants Singled Out in Indonesian Massacre
Students Launch Canada-wide Movement to End War in Vietnam
Opposition to Wilson Still Marking Time — by John Walters
Progress of the US Antiwar Movement — by Les Evans
Canadian War Crimes Committee Formed
Castro Reaffirms Independent Stand
Eludes South African Police in 700-Mile Trek for Freedom
Tsotsi Escapes While Being Deported to South Africa
Open Letter to the Members of the Chinese Communist Party from Peng Shu-tse
No Surprise on the Credibility Front
Vol. 5, No. 14, April 7, 1967
Bolivian Government Claims Outbreak of Guerrilla War
Australian Seamen Refuse to Carry Bombs to Vietnam
More on the Experience of the “Iron Triangle”
Is Chiang Kai-shek Considering a “Bay of Pigs” Expedition?
Bosch Predicts US Will Be at War with China within Two Years
The Confession of Liu Shao-chi
The American Way of Life:
“Sclerosis of the Kind”
Hugo Blanco Case:
Support for Hugo Blanco in Brazil
Nigerians Support Hugo Blanco
London “Tribune” Backs Hugo Blanco
Campaign for Hugo Blanco Continues in France
Appeal from Los Angeles for Hugo Blanco
West European Vanguard Youth Hold First Conference
Huge March in Brussels Shouts Anti-Johnson Slogan
London School of Economics Students Stage Sit-in
The Cuban Revolutionists Are Writing a New Page in History — by Livio Maitan
Ranks of Brazilian CP Revolt Against Soft Leadership
The Costa e Silva Government
Venezuelan CP Leaders Denounce Castro’s Speech
Guatemalan CP Leaders Support Castro’s Position
Timely Reminder
Interest Mounts in Kennedy Assassination Probe — by Arthur Maglin
War Crimes Tribunal Set Up in Norway
The Battle Around “Novy Mir” — by George Saunders
Book Review:
Russian Life 50 Years After the Revolution — by George Novack
Teeth Set on Edge
The Rational Kernel in the Myth of the Indian Sacred Cow
A Case of Wishful Thinking
Healy’s Admission of Guilt
Vol. 5, No. 15, April 14, 1967
Forecast Big Turnout for April 15 Antiwar Demonstrations
Bolivian Generals Claim Battle Victims
Hugo Blanco Case:
Biggest Student Organization in US Backs Hugo Blanco Campaign
West Berlin Socialist Youth Support Hugo Blanco
Young Socialist Alliance Sends Greetings to Hugo Blanco
A Letter from the YSA to Belaunde
US Committee Urges Protests in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
Blanco Campaign Gains Momentum in Argentina
Thant Sees Long, Bloody War in Vietnam
Humphrey Runs into a Roman Holiday
And Sees Paris in the Spring
Easter March in Germany Protests Vietnam War
Mark Lane Claims to Know Forces Behind Kennedy Assassination — by Arthur Maglin
The “Pacification” Continues in the Dominican Republic
Australian Troops Left with Bad Memories of Vietnam
Under the Military Heel in Indonesia
Science Marches Ahead — in Vietnam
Young Socialists Consider Next Steps in Fight Against War in Vietnam — by Les Evans
Indian and Ceylonese Trotskyists Meet in Bombay
Pearson Unhappy over Antiwar Demonstration — by Alan Harris
Workers Battle Police in Bilbao
The Spring Campaign of the Japanese Labor Movement — by S Okatani
Representative of War Crimes Tribunal Greeted in Cuba
An Impossible Victory
Text of Venezuelan CP Reply to Fidel Castro
Vol. 5, No. 16, April 21, 1967
PHOTO: At one of the assembly points for giant march to UN Plaza April 15
A New Stage in the Antiwar Struggle in the US — by Joseph Hansen
A United Front Between Peking and Moscow on Aid to Vietnam?
SKETCHES: At the April 15 demonstration in New York
Howard Petrick Case:
GI Fights for Right to Voice His Views in US Army Against Vietnam War — by Lew Jones
Fourth International Appeals for Increased Aid to Vietnamese Revolution
Bolivian Dictator Outlaws Leftist Parties
Hugo Blanco Case:
“Wavering About Shooting Me"
“With the Solidarity of the World Behind Us"
Hugo Blanco Reported in Prison Hospital
Pamphlet on Hugo Blanco
Witch-hunt Victims in Bolivia Pace Death in Jungle Camps
SLL "Capture" of NALSO Ends in Fiasco — by Brian Gormley
Peruvian Committee Appeals for Help for Daniel Pereyra
War Crimes Tribunal Sets Date for First Session in Paris
State Department Lists 37 Nations as "Helping" in Vietnam
What I Saw in North Vietnam — by Setsure Tsurshima
Welsh Nationalist Leader Condemns War in Vietnam
Why the Colombian Guerrillas Won't Give Up — by Guillermo Bonilla
Colombian Guerrillas Support Castro's March 13 Speech
Philippine Guerrillas Gaining in Strength
PHOTO: Demonstrators at April 15 antiwar march in New York
Vol. 5, No. 17, April 28, 1967
Vietnam and the World Struggle for Freedom — by Ernesto “Che” Guevara
As Che Was Saying
British Voters Deal Wilson a Stiff Blow — by Brian Gormley
Reported Guerrilla Activities Disturb Brazilian Congress
Police Estimate on Giant Antiwar March Scored as a Lie
PHOTO: Antiwar Demonstrators at Central Park Entrance
[See story on page 443]
An Eyewitness Account: Life in North Vietnam Under the American Bombs
Hugo Blanco Case:
Sartre Reports Embassy Promise that Hugo Blanco Will Not Be Shot
Detroit Educators Cable Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Howard Petrick Case:
Ft Hood Brass Turn It Over to Pentagon for Decision — by Lew Jones
Czechs Add Their Bit on “New Criticism” of Trotsky
Police Violence Mounts in Dominican Republic
Muhammad Ali Proves He Is a Real Champion
US Pressures Canadian Banks on Cashing Checks for Cuba Committee
How Mao’s Thought Reached New Zealand
Eleven Latin American Student Groups Withdraw from IUS Congress
Ask Messages Be Sent to War Crimes Tribunal
Vol. 5, No. 18, May 5, 1967
Hugo Blanco Case:
Hugo Blanco Beaten by Guards
Bertrand Russell Urges Belaunde to Free Peruvian Peasant Leader
Campaign Mounts in Chile for Hugo Blanco
Hugo Blanco Commends Solidarity Actions of YSA
War Crimes Tribunal to Open in Stockholm
The Coup d’Etat in Greece
Westmoreland Mounts “Operation Rescue” for Johnson on Home Front — by Les Evans
ProJohnson War Parade “Answers” Giant Antiwar Rally in a Very Small Voice
Students Demonstrate in Algiers Against the US
US Mission Stoned in Yemen
Howard Petrick Case:
Carmichael, McKissick, Bevel, Juan Rua Express Solidarity — by Lew Jones
Antiwar Demonstrators Battle Police in Florence
Bolivian Trotskyist Leader Seized by Political Police
Stalin’s Daughter Not Political?
Che Guevara’s New Revolutionary Message — by Livio Maitan
Venezuelan CP Turns Away Officially from Armed Struggle
Venezuelan CP Leader Outlines Party’s Turn to “Peaceful Road”
Lleras Restrepo Makes Cynical Bid to Brezhnev-Kosygin
World’s Largest City Votes Socialist
Michigan Students Hold War Crimes Tribunal — by Neil Bronson
Big Antiwar Demonstration Projected in Paris
British Young Socialists Score US Aggression in Vietnam — by Patrick Brain
Cuban Embassy Grants Political Asylum to GI in Japan
Play Based on Malcolm X Staged in England
The “Cultural Revolution” and Trotskyism — by Pierre Frank
Albania Copies the Cultural Revolution
Kupferman Asks Congress to Investigate Kennedy Assassination — by Arthur Maglin
The Kind of Literature the Greek Generals Hate and Fear
European Verdict on Humphrey — Persona Non Grata
Vol. 5, No. 19, May 12, 1967
PHOTO: New York Pickets protest coup d’état in Greece
Bertrand Russell’s Opening Statement at War Crimes Hearing
Text of de Gaulle’s Letter Banning War Crimes Tribunal
Jean Paul Sartre’s Answer to de Gaulle
Pickets in New York Denounce Military Coup in Greece
Greek Workers in Germany Demonstrate Against Athens Coup
The Dominican Left Discuss Problems of Their Revolution — by Antonio Valdes
Johnson’s “Pacification” Program To Win Back... or Merely to Kill? — by Dick Roberts
Extracurricular Activity Displeases Ky
Book Review:
Deutscher’s “Ironies of History” — by Pierre Prank
Youth Conference in London Discusses Antiwar Activities
Hugo Blanco Case:
5,500 Quebec Workers Call for Release of Hugo Blanco and His Comrades — by Art Young
Appeal Sent Out by Quebec Federation of Labour
Text of Petition Sent by Quebec Labour to President Belaunde
Bulletin from Credibility Gap
A Mighty Ally in the People of the USA [Excerpts from a Speech by Fidel Castro]
Vol. 5, No. 20, May 19, 1967
US Government Found Guilty by War Crimes Tribunal
Barrientos Holds Régis Debray Incommunicado
Terror Marks Second Anniversary of US Invasion of Santo Domingo
Already in the Initial Phase of World War III?
For Once Johnson Tells the Truth
Rome University Holds Its First Teach-in — by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
“A Nice Little War”
Hugo Blanco Case:
French-Canadian Journal Features Hugo Blanco Case
Quebec Young New Democrats Appeal for Hugo Blanco
Support for Hugo Blanco Mounts in Uruguay
Ky Demands More Troops from US
CIA-FBI Accused of Concealing Facts in Kennedy Assassination — by Arthur Maglin
Fair Play for Cuba Pickets Help Toronto Bank Find Error
Book Reviews:
An Illuminating Study of a Case of the Infantile Disorder — by Joseph Hansen
Trotsky’s Copenhagen Speech Available in French
Guevara’s Message a Sensation in Japan
Article by Novack and Hansen Published in Cuba and Mexico
Fourth International Opens Discussions on Developments in Chinese Revolution
French PCI Denounces Hoodlum Methods
A Vietnamese Professor Thanks the American Antiwar Movement
Psychologist Says Vietnamese Will Fight to the End
12,000 Political Prisoners in Greece
Vol. 5, No. 21, May 26, 1967
The Testimony of Do Van Ngoc
Guerrilla Front in Bolivia Pictured as “Impregnable”
Cubans Score a Record Harvest
Juan Lechin Hails Bolivian Guerrilla Front
Hugo Blanco Case:
Hugo Blanco Goes on Hunger Strike
Minneapolis Socialists Cable Belaunde
Campaign Stepped Up in Italy for Hugo Blanco
Ottawa Committee Appeals in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
What Three Parades Show on Rating of Vietnam War
French Workers Answer de Gaulle with 24 Hour General Strike — by Pierre Frank
“Labor Lieutenants” of the CIA — by Les Evans
New Facts Revealed about US Invasion of Cuba in 1961
Régis Debray’s Whereabouts a “Military Secret”
Senanayake Shows How Peace Proposals Can Be Made to Pay Off
October Antiwar Protest Set for Washington, DC — by Joseph Hansen
“Pravda” Sides with “Peaceful Roaders” in Debate on Strategy in Latin America
New York Columnist Describes Petrick Case
Book Review:
“Whitewash II” — by Arthur Maglin
Sartre’s Opening Address at War Crimes Tribunal
Ho Chi Minh’s Greetings to War Crimes Tribunal
Cambodian Appreciation of Tribunal
Solidarity with the Greek Worker and Peasant Masses! [A Statement by the Fourth International]
Vol. 5, No. 22, June 2, 1967
Worry Mounts over Johnson’s “Collision Course” in Vietnam — by Joseph Hansen
The Palestine Problem and the Israeli-Arab Dispute
Hugo Blanco Case:
Hugo Blanco Thanks Bertrand Russell for Intervening
A Letter to Canadian Supporters
Conspiracy of Silence in Moscow and Peking
Have U S “Special Forces” Taken Over in Debray Case?
Swedish CP Votes to Change Name
Spanish Students Speak Up for Vietnam
Cubans Distribute Guevara’s Revolutionary Message in Moscow
Troops Repress Demonstrations in Mexico
$2,500,000 Payoff for Stalin’s Daughter
Cuba’s Example and the World Revolution [Text of May Day Speech by Major Juan Almeida Bosque]
Bertrand Russell’s Closing Statement at War Crimes Tribunal
Photo: Juan Almeida in Harlem
The May 17 General Strike in France — by Pierre Frank
An American Gift for Europe
The Gospel Truth
Vol. 5, No. 23, June 9, 1967
Mao Takes Leon Trotsky as Target for Attack — by Les Evans
Death of Omotosho — a Blow to Nigerian Socialists
The “Cultural Revolution” and the Japanese Left — by S Okatani
Cuban Captured in Venezuela “Found” Hanged in Cell
The Futile Effort to Ban Proliferation of the Bomb — by Henri Valin
Johnson Plans Electronic Wall for Vietnam
Alarm in Japan over Escalating Danger of World War
Johnson Flounders in Middle East Crisis — by Joseph Hansen
U S Soldier Convicted for Antiwar Opinions
Régis Debray Case:
Report Régis Debray Being Starved
A Unrest in Mexico
Balaguer Gives Paper Concessions to Dominican Deputies
Cost of Living Continues to Climb in Brazil
Book Review:
“Castro’s Cuba, Cuba’s Fidel” — by Harry Ring
Philippine Freedom Leader Given Life Sentence
Nicaragua — U S Company Store — by Tom Sanders
Bombs at Carnival Anger Haitian Dictator
Vol. 5, No. 24, June 16, 1967
The Israeli Victory — a Setback for the Antiwar Movement
Cubans Denounce UN Blow Against Arab Cause
Nguyen Cao Ky Hails Israeli Blitzkrieg
The Kremlin Sees “Trotskyism” in “Cultural Revolution” — by George Saunders
Hugo Blanco Case:
Solidarity Rally in New York for Hugo Blanco
Spring Mobilization Members Send Protest to Belaunde
Militant Youth a Problem for Italian CP — by Sirio Di Giuliomaria
The Lessons of Greece —by Ernest Mandel
Underground “Patriotic Front” Announced in Greece
Irish Revolutionist Given Five-Year Sentence — by Sean Reed
Japanese Students Battle Police at U.S. Air Base
Some Remarks Concerning the Left in Israel
Vol. 5, No. 25, June 30, 1967
Kosygin Substitutes UN Talk for Action in Mideast
China’s H-bomb — a Deterrent to War
True Story Emerges of Egypt’s Casualties
Guerrillas Serve Notice on Guatemalan Butchers
It’s Official — Breathing Can Kill You
Mrs Winnie Mandela in Court
Bolivian Trotskyist Leader Exiled in Amazon Jungle
Régis Debray Case:
Russell Joins Régis Debray Solidarity Campaign
Bolivian Miners Proclaim “Free Territory”
Another Long Hot Summer Begins in the US — by Evelyn Sell
Bertrand Russell Scores Israel as Aggressor
Israeli Communist Party Backs Israel’s Aggression
Ten Year Record of Maoist “Democracy”
Governor of Tokyo Warns Against Rise of Fascism in Japan
Italian CP Leader Attacks Cuban Positions — by Livio Maitan
British YCL Debate Vietnam War Issue — by Fiona Campbell
Hugo Blanco Case:
Meeting Held for Hugo Blanco in London
Kuron Released — Modzelewski Still in Prison
20,000 Korean Students Protest Phony Election
Solzhenitsyn Appeals for an End to the Soviet Censorship — by George Saunders
Canadian Labor Backs Mobilization Against Vietnam War
Fourth International Calls for Support to Arab Cause
Vol. 5, No. 26, July 14, 1967
The Meaning of the New Guerrilla Front in Bolivia
Bolivian Students Declare University “Free Territory”
First Balance Sheet of the Middle East Conflict [A Resolution of the Fourth International]
Thousands Executed in Guatemalan Witchhunt
Nguyen Cao Ky “Steps Down”
Hugo Blanco Case:
“Bohemia” Tells Cuban Readers About Hugo Blanco
The Los Angeles Test of the “Spirit of Glassboro”
An Interview with Chen Pi-lan on the “Cultural Revolution”
Kyoto Students Block Army Use of University
Bertrand Russell Urges Ban on Use of Napalm
Vol. 5, No. 27, July 28, 1967
PHOTO: US Military Occupation of Newark
After Watts — Newark — by Elizabeth Barnes
US Students Call Mass Protest Against Vietnam War
Joint International Demonstrations Called for October 21
Régis Debray Case:
Agitation Mounts Around Régis Debray Case
The Disappearance of Enrique Amaya Quintana
Hugo Blanco Case:
Amnesty for Hugo Blanco Pressed in United States
Fortunato Vargas Arrested
Demand for Release of Américo Martin
Dominican Communist Party Denounces Kremlin’s Foreign Policy
China Celebrates Mao’s Swim
Tito-Kremlin Dispute Reported on Mideast War — by Les Evans
General Westmoreland’s “Truce” with the White House — by Dick Roberts
The Cubans Develop Their Position on tho Middle East
Peasant Uprising in West Bengal
Life in Calcutta — Festering Sore Breeds Revolt in India
Argentine Revolutionaries Hold Historic Congress
Terrorism in Guatemala
Vol. 5, No. 28, August 11, 1967
Detroit, the Biggest So Far — An Eyewitness Account — by Evelyn Sell
US Citizen is Deported from Mexico — by Manolo Sarmiento
A Flaw in the Pentagon Strategy?
Stokely Carmichael at OLAS
A Salute to the Cuban Revolution from France
US Figures Send Greetings to OLAS
Régis Debray Case:
Bolivian Judge States “Debray is as Good as Dead”
Dominican Communist Party Assesses Balaguer’s First Year — by Antonio Valdes
Is Guillermo Lobatón Still Alive?
Mexican Government Launches New Witch-Hunt
Victims of Mexican WitchHunt Imprisoned Without Trial
WitchHunt Prisoners Charge Brutal Physical and Mental Torture
What McNamara Said After His Trips to Vietnam
Hugo Blanco Case:
Philadelphia Professors Circulate Appeal for Blanco
Vol. 5, No. 29, August 25, 1967
Castro Challenges Moscow Line on Latin American Revolution — by George Novack
Carmichael Discusses Black Power in Havana Press Conference
The Wuhan “Kidnapping” and the “Cultural Revolution” — by Dick Roberts
Canadian Students Endorse October 21 Mobilization
Split in the ProPeking Communist Party of India — by Kailas Chandra
Ramachandran Explains His Expulsion
A New Split in the Maoist Party in Belgium — by Pascal Lubra
Secret US Casualties in Vietnam?
Political Evolution in Tanzania
Fourth International Defends Mexican WitchHunt Victims
The Indonesian Revolution Will Fight and Win
Under the Revolutionary Banner of Tan Malakka — by Fernand Charlier
Wide Publication of Trotsky’s Books in Italy
The Evolution of the Crisis in China — by Livio Maitan
Antiwar Developments in Japan
Vol. 5, No. 30, September 8, 1967
PHOTO: Socialist Workers Party Press Conference
Socialist Workers Party Launches 1968 Presidential Campaign
Isaac Deutscher — by Pierre Frank
Defense Committee for Mexican WitchHunt Victims
Guatemalan Guerrillas Use New Methods
Continued Harassment of Political Prisoners in Mexico — by Ricardo Ochoa
Russell Asks Inquiry into Mexican WitchHunt Case
Hugo Blanco Case:
Mass Chilean Meeting Demands Freedom for Blanco
Pereyra, Martorell, Candela Receive Additional Sentences
Régis Debray Case:
Debray Trial Arbitrarily Postponed
A Death in Sunny Mexico
Black Power and the Third World (Stokely Carmichael’s Address to OLAS)
US Sociologists Oppose Vietnam War
The Murder of Benno Ohnesorg and Student Radicalization in Germany — by Gisela Mandel
Book Review:
The Cult of J. Edgar Hoover — by Arthur Maglin
The Ideology of the Maoist Tendency — by Livio Maitan
Australian Students Support National Liberation Front
Vol. 5, No. 31, September 22, 1967
PHOTO: At the OLAS Conference
The Internal Struggle at the OLAS Conference
French CP Attacks Revolutionary Line of OLAS Conference
Johnson Edges Closer to Atomic War
Is the Struggle Sharpening Inside China? — by Dick Roberts
“Ming Pao” Publishes Interview with Peng Shu-tse
US Troops Train Bolivian Army
The Contest in the Amalgamated Engineering Union — by Ken Varney
British CP Continues to Decline
Socialist Scholars Protest Latin American Political Jailings
Ceylonese Trotskyist Leader Speaks in New York
Dissent Rises Among Czechoslovakian Intellectuals
Letter from Yioura
Report from the Greek Underground
Cuban Art Show in London
Régis Debray Case:
The Ordeal of Régis Debray — by Robin Blackburn and Perry Anderson
Tokyo Youths Break Up Trial of Antiwar Demonstrators
Chilean CP Leader Joins Foes of OLAS
Vol. 5, No. 32, October 6, 1967
What the Black Power Struggle Is About [Text of Stokely Carmichaells “Sucesos” Interview]
Canadian Capitalist Newspaper Dissents on OAS
Dominican PRD Switches Its Line
Japanese CP Rejects Mao “Cult”
Pentagon Jubilant over Apparent Paralysis of China’s Defense
The Cargo Cult Syndrome
London Antiwar Rally Planned for October 22
October 21 Demonstrations Set in Norway
The Trades Union Congress Goes Against Wilson — by Ernest Tate
The By-elections in Cambridge and Walthamstow
From Brighton to Scarborough — by George Cunvin
McNamara’s Perspective of Unlimited MegaDeaths
Trade Unions in Japan Set Vietnam War Protest for October 21
The Frankfurt Congress of the Socialist German Student Federation — by Manfred Ernst
Fourth International Greets SDS Congress
“I’m Not a Warmonger But...”
Vol. 5, No. 33, October 20, 1967
A Conversation with Fidel Castro
Brazilian CP Attacks OLAS Conference
Alas for the Canadian CP on OLAS
Socialist Senator Arrested in Chile
Vietnam an “Excellent Laboratory,” WellKnown Authority Claims
Dominican CP Backs Line Taken at OLAS Conference
The OLAS Conference and the “Principles” of Paul-Henri Spaak — by Ernest Mandel
Vietnamese Pledge Solidarity to Stokely Carmichael
The Good Life in Vietnam — American Style
Irish Labour Party Shifts to the Left — by Gery Lawless
Advice on “Riot Control”
Clement Attlee: Labour Caretaker of British Capitalism — by George Novack
Cuban Art Show Draws New Praise
A Voice of Peasant Discontent in China
Zengakuren Demonstrates Against Sato Tour
Régis Debray Case:
Logical Order
Canadians Demand Freedom for Debray
Impassioned Charges Open Debray Trial in Camiri
PRD Threatens Election Boycott in Response to Rising Terror
Vol. 5, No. 34, October 27, 1967
In Tribute to Che — by Fidel Castro
Régis Debray’s Farewell to Che
Fourth International Joins in Mourning Che
The Area Where Che Fell
Faded Jungle Greens Were His Funeral Robes
American “Observer” Present with Murderers of Che
“Orders Came Down to Execute Che”
Peruvian Military Court Spares Hugo Blanco’s Life
Biggest Antiwar Demonstration in History of Washington
A Week of Antiwar Protest Actions in the US
Chain of Antiwar Demonstrations Around the World
The Scarborough Labour Party Conference — by Ernest Tate
The Holdouts
Keeping Greece Safe for the Free World
On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the October Revolution — by Pierre Frank
Mao Finds It Difficult to Consolidate His Position — by Livio Maitan
Vol. 5, No. 35, November 3, 1967
PHOTO: Japanese Students Clash with Police
Hugo Blanco Thanks Those Whose Efforts Saved His Life
Strike Approved by God
Mexican Students Say Farewell to Che
Revolutionary Youth in Paris Mourn Che Guevara
Stan Newens’ Tribute to Che Guevara
London Demonstrators Besiege the American Embassy — by Ernest Tate
Swiss Demonstrators Tell US to Get Out of Vietnam
Ottawa’s Bigge st Antiwar Demonstration
“When Is the Next One Scheduled?”
Japanese Railway Union Objects to Handling US War Supplies
That Counterdemonstration in New York
New Antiwar Tactics Reported in Europe
North Vietnam’s “War” Industry
“It’s a Difficult Thing to Say”
PHOTOS: Japanese Student Demonstrations
Angry Protest in Japan over Escalation of Japanese Role in Vietnam
Social Democrats Suffer Rebuff in Bremen Vote — by Gisela Mandel
Bertrand Russell Appeals for Continued Solidarity with Vietnam
Dowson Announces Support of Last-Minute NDP Candidate
Preserving the Great Man for Posterity [The White House Photographers Do Their Best for Art and History]
Vol. 5, No. 36, November 10, 1967
Schoenman Deported from Bolivia after Attempt to Defend Debray — by Les Evans
Régis Debray Explains Reasons for Defeat of Che Guevara
Four Soldiers Testify on the Execution of Che Guevara
The Struggle Continues in Bolivia [A Message from the Underground Fighters]
20,000 in West Berlin March October 21
Stokely Carmichael Vows to Carry on Che Guevara’s Struggle
Was Guevara’s Body Handed over to the CIA?
Trotsky Ignored in New History of Soviet Party
Guerrillas Active in Venezuela
New Guerrilla Front Reported in Colombia
Prices Spiral in Japan
A New Industrial Disease
PHOTOS: At Guevara Memorial Meeting in New York
New York Memorial for Che Guevara
General Strike in Arequipa May Mark New Turn in Peru
Bolivian Guerrillas Engage in Skirmish with Army
Two Suspected Guerrilla Training Camps in Chile
Sinyavsky, Daniel Excluded from Amnesty in USSR
“Pravda” Sets the Line for CP Attack on OLAS — by George Saunders
Johnson Keeps Up the Pressure
Report of a Participant on the Kolakowski Case
SWP Sends Fraternal Message to Cubans on Death of Che
For the Revolutionary Program of October!
Vol. 5, No. 37, November 17, 1967
PHOTO: Japanese Housewives Check Price and Quality of Rice
Japanese Housewives Start Moving against Spiraling Prices
Vietnam, Black Liberation Struggle, Reflected in US Election Results — by Joseph Hansen
The Case of Ricardo Gadea
Tupac Amaru Prisoners Released
Tsotsi Paced with Deportation from Zambia
Death of Che Touches Off Demonstrations in Chile — by José Valdes
Toronto Meeting Hails Che Guevara
Barrientos Hunts Fortune in Guevara’s Diary
Indonesian Government Arrests 2,000 in North Sumatra
Ruhr Coal Miners Protest Mass Layoffs
End of the Road for Grippa?
Pentagon Complains at “Expense” of Antiwar Demonstration
Cuba’s Economic Situation — 1965-66
Vol. 5, No. 38, November 24, 1967
The Real Turnout at Washington Antiwar Rally — 318,000
Johnson Throws in Sponge to Pollsters
The New York Rally Against Dean Rusk — What It Revealed — by Joseph Hansen
The Happening at Bruton Paris Church
Revolutionary Themes Sounded at West Berlin Gatherings
Régis Debray Case:
Excerpts from Che’s Diary Read at Debray Trial
Régis Debray, Che Guevara and the Bolivian Guerrillas [Interview with Ralph Schoenman]
Régis Debray Sentenced to Thirty Years
Zengakuren Students Protest Sato’s Trip to Washington
War Crimes Tribunal to Hear Witnesses in Copenhagen
US Senate Scores Victory Against Socialized Medicine
Hugo Blanco Case:
Campaign for Hugo Blanco to Continue
Belaunde Terry in Political Trouble
Warning on Radioactive Pollution of the Seas
PHOTO: Ralph Schoenman Speaking at Meeting in Tribute to Guevara
Johnson’s Popularity Declining in Britain, Too
Ernesto Guevara in the Days When We Were Friends [With Che Guevara in the Mexico Days] — by Lucila Velaquez
Arrests Continue in Greece
Are Canadian Indians Responding to Radio Havana?
Controversy over Introduction to Trotsky’s Biography of Stalin
Paris Meeting Commemorates October Revolution
Mexican Political Prisoners Win Concession
Vol. 5, No. 39, December 1, 1967
Devaluation of the Pound Shakes the Capitalist World — by Joseph Hansen
Fulbright Committee Sees US Threatened with “Tyranny or Disaster”
The Political Devaluation of Lyndon B Johnson — by George Novack
Johnson’s New Secret Weapon — “Wired for Sound”
Rector Wins Nationwide Applause for Needling Johnson
October 21 — Most Thorough Preparations for “Urban Trouble” Ever Made
Pentagon Plans for “One, Two, Many Detroits”
Wall Street Gamblers Invest in Unusual Form of Insurance
Two-Day Strike Paralyzes Calcutta
PHOTOS: Japanese Student Demonstrations in Tokyo
Tokyo Student Demonstration Larger than Previous One
Pour “Deserters” Meet with Sympathy in Japan
Sato’s Pilgrimage to Washington — by Les Evans
Nat Hentoff Issues Retraction on that 318,000 Figure
Chilean Workers Answer Wage Clampdown with General Strike
The Soviet Press Features a Venezuelan “Authority” Against the Cubans — by George Saunders
Vietnamese Delegation Greeted in Rome
Is Charity the Solution to Poverty in Yugoslavia? [An Exchange in the Belgrade Press]
Two Given Life Sentences in Greece for Opposition to Regime
Vol. 5, No. 40, December 8, 1967
The Pound Sterling Bows Out as the Queen of Moneys — by Ernest Mandel
Brazilian Police Put a Stop to Subversive Blouses
Why McNamara’s Removal from the Pentagon Stirs Fear — by George Novack
Johnson’s New Experiments Lead Him into Some Strange Alleys
One Is Missing from the Nineteen — by Pierre Frank
Vitale Writes on Zionism and the Arab World
Guatemalan Guerrilla Groups Working Together — by Antonio Valdés
St. Kitts Leader Found Innocent
Caamano Reported to Have “Disappeared”
Bolivian Generals “Discover” New Sensations in Che’s Diary
Cash Register Bells Fail to Ring Out for Svetlana
1,000 Students Protest at “Sedition” Trial in Berlin
Stokely Carmichael’s Message on Che Guevara
How the Vietnamese Save the Wounded and Burned
Survivors of Guevara Force Evade Bolivian Army Trap
Sartre’s Opening Speech at Copenhagen Hearings on US War Crimes
US Aggression in Vietnam a “Pure Crime of Conquest” [Bertrand Russell]
Christian Democrats Lose in Bellwether Chilean Student Election
Tributes to Che Guevara Continue in Chile
Bolivian CP View on the Guerrillas and the Death of Che
In Reply to the Bolivian CP and Its Backers — by Livio Maitan
War Crimes Tribunal Finds US Government Guilty of Genocide
Concerning J. Posadas
Vol. 5, No. 41, December 15, 1967
The Dai-Lai Massacre [Testimony at the Hearings on US War Crimes]
The Berkeley Student Vote — Another Victory for the Antiwar Movement
USLA Justice Committee Launches “Neediest” Campaign for Political Prisoners
Forthcoming Collection of Guevara’s Writings
Another Witch-Hunt Case in Mexico — by Ricardo Ochoa
US Prowess in North Vietnam
Mexican Defense Committee Appeals for Protest Actions
Wycliffe Tsotsi Wins Continued Political Asylum in Zambia
Che’s Name Resounds in Bolivia [Report from the Underground]
Fritz Teufel Freed
Cops Mobilized Against Draft Protest in New York — by Les Evans
Defiant Czech Writers Provoke a National and International Debate — by George Novack
Johnson Stars in Role of “Stand-up Comic”
A New Version of the Execution of Ernesto Che Guevara
Norwegian Students Regret Soviet Collaboration with Washington
American Intellectuals Debate “Civil Disobedience” — by Arthur Maglin
Stokely Carmichael Held at Paris Airport, Then Released
70,000 in Paris Demonstrate Against US Role in Vietnam
Speculation Mounts over Fate of Caamano
Ignacio da Palma Freed from Prison in France
Well-Earned Praise for Dow Chemical
⇑ 1968 (vol. 6)
Vol. 6, No. 1, January 12, 1968
More About Che Guevara
What Is a Guerrilla? — by Ernesto Che Guevara
Guerrilla Fighters Hunted in Philippines
2,000 Guerrillas Reported in West Irian
Johnson Prepares to “Go For Broke” in Southeast Asia — by George Novack
New Warnings of Wider War in Southeast Asia
Dissatisfaction in Czechoslovakia Leads to Ouster of Novotny
Violent Clashes with Guerrillas Reported in Angola
Algeria in the Year Five — by Larbi Hamdane
Black Poet in Newark Ghetto Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
Around the World with Johnson in Five Days
Johnson Ducks Demonstrators in Rome — by Tullio Venturi
Living Costs Continue to Skyrocket in Argentina
Ho Chi Minh’s Greetings to Antiwar Movement in the US
Dr Spock and Other Prominent Antiwar Figures Indicted
Generals Told to Provide Ammunition to Reelect Johnson
The American CP “Rehabilitates” Che Guevara
The Undertaker Presents His Bill for American Dead in Vietnam
Book Reviews
The Russian Revolution as Reported at the Time
Mexican Edition of Guevara’s Works
Brazilian CP Rejects Armed Struggle
The Conflict Between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus
Vol. 6, No. 2, January 19, 1968
Washington Puts the Squeeze on Prince Sihanouk
The Dollar Crisis — by Ernest Mandel
A “Plot” in Switzerland Against Barrientos?
“Flower” Plucked by Pacifists
General Hershey Beats Strategic Retreat
The Kremlin Finally Considers the Counterrevolution in Indonesia — by Ernest Germain
Herbert Matthews’ Interview with Fidel Castro
Camiri Oil Workers Indicate Sympathy for Regis Debray
Behind Barrientos1 Double-Talk About Exchanging Debray
Castro Offers 100 Counterrevolutionaries for Guevara’s Body
Greek Junta Take Off Uniforms But Keep Prisons Filled — by Les Evans
Guerrilla Forces Reported in Zambezi Valley
A New Situation for the Left in India — by Kailas Chandra
Crisis in Uttar Pradesh
Farmers Near Tokyo Join with Students in Opposing Spread of US Bases
Brazilian CP Condemns Che Guevara as “An Adventurer”
Text of French Communist Party Attack on Stokely Carmichael
In Defense of Stokely Carmichael — by Joseph Hansen
Guinea Freedom Fighters Forge Ahead Against Portuguese Imperialism
Vol. 6, No. 3, January 26, 1968
What Britain’s Retreat from Asia Means for Washington
Bolivian Regiment Rebels Against Barrientos
Eartha Kitt Tells Off the Johnsons
Johnson Spells Out What He Wants to “Negotiate” in Vietnam
Bosch’s Party Asks US Ambassador to Clarify a Point
Brazilian Bishop Approves Armed Revolution
Comandante Maximo Velando — Ever Present! — by Ricardo Gadea
Police Stage Witch-hunt Raid in Lima
Appeal of French Intellectuals in Behalf of Hugo Blanco
“Politica” Suspends Publication — by Manolo Sarmiento
Barrientos Says Offer to Exchange Regis Debray Was “Distorted”
Joan Baez Ready to Go to Jail Again in Protest Against Vietnam War
On Stokely Carmichael’s Alma Mater
Dak To — “A Famous Victory”
The Recent Attempted Coup in Algeria — by Livio Maitan
French CP Backs de Gaulle on British Membership in Common Market
The Case of Vyacheslav Chornovil — by Dick Fidler
Wide Sympathy in Soviet Union for Trial Victims — by George Saunders
Text of Pavel Litvinov’s and Larisa Daniel’s Denunciation of Trial
Support the Appeal of Pavel Litvinov and Larisa Daniel! [Statement by the Fourth International]
Saskatchewan Laborites Demand End to Canada’s Complicity in Vietnam War
Vol. 6, No. 4, February 2, 1968
Johnson Defies His Congressional Critics — by George Novack
But Why Clifford?
Pour H-Bombs in Greenland and One Spy Ship in North Korea
A New Current in the Danish Left
Famine Reported in Indonesia
K.S. Karol’s Four Days With Fidel
Moscow Reaches Accord With Bogota
New Wave of Repression in Peru
US Troops Told to Stop Taking Marijuana to Australia Books:
Kenya: Not Yet Uhuru — by Dick Roberts
Greek Colonels Win Recognition from Washington
A Contribution to the Discussion on Guerrilla Tactics in Latin America — by Hector Bejar
Students at University of Madrid Resist Police
On Workers Control of Production — by Leon Trotsky
Israeli Socialists Protest Arrest of Khalil Touame
Does General Wessin y Wessin Have a Coup in Mind?
Ceylon Trotskyist Statement on Devaluation of Rupee
Ceylon Union Calls for Struggle Against Devaluation
Vol. 6, No. 5, February 9, 1968
A New Stage Opens in the Vietnamese Revolution — by Joseph Hansen
Japanese People Show High Sensitivity to Nuclear Allergens
Don’t Pay the Postman That Six Cents
More on the New Witch-Hunt in Peru
Peruvian Police Seek to Transfer Hector Bejar to Torture Cell
Khalil Touame Still Held in Israeli Jail
Excerpts From Litvinov’s Letter on Bukovsky Case
New Regime Makes Concessions to Dissident Czech Writers — by George Novack
Resurgence of Guerrilla Struggle in Philippines
A New Government Crisis in Argentina?
Correction — On Johnson’s Hair Secret
The “Peace and Freedom Party” in California
Defending “Democracy” in Greece and South Vietnam
West German Stalinists Take Up Cudgels Against Che Guevara
Italian Trotskyists Publish New Magazine
Worldwide Student Strike Against Vietnam War Called for April
Trotsky’s Marxism: An Anti-Critique — by Ernest Mandel
Vol. 6, No. 6, February 16, 1968
DRAWING: Aleksandr Ginsburg
Barricades in Saigon
Kennedy Admits US Cannot Win in Vietnam — by Les Evans
National Liberation Front Deepens Revolutionary Tie to Masses
Mrs Lyudmila I Ginsburg Protests Slander of Her Son — by Gerry Foley
Cao Ky Ready to Arm the People?
Editor of “Pravda” Denounces Solzhenitsyn
Solzhenitsyn Demands Publication of His New Novel
Johnson Prepares His Alibi for a Military Defeat
Operation “Rescue”
Clark Clifford — “Counselor to the Mighty”
DRAWING: Clark Clifford
Dog Lovers, Too, Can Now Love Johnson
The Most Powerful World of Our Time — by Peter Weiss
Hobsbawm’s Assessment of the Cultural Congress of Havana
A Memento From Andre Breton
As Told by Siqueiros
“Za Rubezhom” Brings the Rear Guard Up to Late
Three Black Students Killed by Cops in South Carolina
Vladimir Bukovsky’s Plea for Soviet Democracy — by George Saunders
Vol. 6, No. 7, February 23, 1968
DRAWING: Vo Nguyen Giap
Will Johnson Use Nuclear Bombs in Vietnam? — by George Novack
“A Setback of Unprecedented Magnitude”
The Truth About Ben Tre
Call for European Antiwar Youth Demonstration in West Berlin
YSA Hails Vietnamese Freedom Fighters — by Elizabeth Barnes
Fred Halstead’s Name Heads College “Primary” List
Explorer Gives Barrientos the Jitters
Ongania Flips Wig Over Long Hair
Vinh Long, My Tho, and Hue
The Condemnation of Anibal Escalante — by Livio Maitan
Report by Major Raul Castro on Activities of Anibal Escalante Group
Support the Vietnamese Revolution! [Statement by International Executive Committee of Fourth International]
Wilson’s “Special Relationship” with Johnson Pays Off Handsomely
Vol. 6, No. 8, March 1, 1968
“Choice 68”
Pentagon Refuses to Release Secret Plan for World Domination — by George Novack
A Letter from Hugo Blanco
Canadian CP Reports on Its Investigations in the Ukraine — by Ross Dowson
Third World Students Asked to Back April 26 Strike
The Guatemalan Guerrillas Hold Their Own
Why Khe Sanh Is Crucial for Gen Westmoreland
DRAWING: General Westmoreland
Talk Continues in Saigon About Using Nuclear Weapons
Five of Che Guevara’s Comrades Seek Refuge in Chile
Moscow Political Police Warn Ginzburg’s Relatives and Friends
PHOTO: West Berlin Demonstration
West Berlin’s Biggest Antiwar Demonstration
Leaders of Fourth International Hold Meeting
Report by Major Raul Castro on Activities of Anibal Escalante Group
Vietnamese Freedom Fighters Appeal to the American People
DRAWING: Vietnamese freedom fighters
Zengakuren Students Have Impact on Political Thinking in Japan
Vol. 6, No. 9, March 8, 1968
How Many More Troops Was That?
“Wall Street Journal” Sees Defeat in Vietnam
Swedish Foreign Minister Speaks Up for Pentagon
Assembling Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam?
The West Berlin Demonstration — A Milestone for Europe’s Antiwar Youth — by Werner Grave
Soviet Intellectuals Appeal to World Communists Against Political Trials
Antiwar Stickers Appear in London Home of US Ambassador
Guevara’s Guerrilla Comrades Leave Chile
The Stalking-Horse Clears the Way for Mr Moneybags
DRAWING: Gov Nelson A. Rockefeller
Report by Major Raul Castro on Activities of Anibal Escalante Group
Guatemalan Guerrillas Break with Communist Party
H. Rap Brown’s Letter from Prison
Vol. 6, No. 10, March 15, 1968
COVER PHOTO: University of Rome students managed repeatedly to reach top of
stairs at College of Architecture only to be driven down by police clubs
How the City of Hue Was “Saved”
Vietnamese Freedom Fighters Set Up Revolutionary Committees
The Budapest Conference of Communist Bureaucrats — by Pierre Frank
Toronto Pickets Demand Release of Khalil Touame
Battles for “Student Power” in Italy — by Francesco Marchi
Disintegration in Saigon
Street Demonstrations Shake Nasser Government
Nice Piece of Real Estate for Sale in Vietnam
James Baldwin Defends Stokely Carmichael
New Concessions to Demands for Liberalization in Czechoslovakia — by George Novack
Humphrey Pinch-hits for Johnson on “Riot Panel” Report
DRAWING: Hubert Humphrey
Franz JT Lee Faced with Deportation to South Africa
Zengakuren Students Spearhead Protest Against Supersonic Airport
Report by Major Raul Castro on Activities of Anibal Escalante Group
Vol. 6, No. 11, March 22, 1968
Rose Karsner Cannon — Sixty Tears of Service to Socialism — by George Novack
PHOTO: Rose Karsner Cannon
Johnson’s Projected Troop Increase Meets Widespread Resistance
Khalil Touame Sentenced to Nine Months by Israeli Court
Moscow Levels Hew Attack Against Trotskyism
Notes and Comments on the Basmanov Article
Vol. 6, No. 12, March 29, 1968
DRAWING: Robert Kennedy
Why Kennedy Is Challenging Johnson for the Democratic Nomination — by George Novack
Novotny Forced Out as President of Czechoslovakia
Student Clashes with Polish Regime Resound Through East Europe — by George Saunders
PHOTO: Young Revolutionaries in West Berlin Demonstrate in Support of Polish Students
Respite for Washington: The Two-Price Gold System — by Dick Roberts
20,000 March in London to Protest Vietnam War
Indian Trotskyists Hold National Conference — by Magan Desai
Bolivian Peasants Revere Guevara
A New Issue of “Arab Revolution”
Torture of Greek Prisoners Reported
Soviet Collective Farm Chairman Protests Trial of Intellectuals
The Free World: Greece
The Free World: “China”
Hugo Blanco Tells of New Repression in Peru
Revolutionary French Youth Solidarize with Polish Students
The Crisis in Algeria: Its Meaning and Perspectives — by Larbi Hamdane
Solidarity with the Polish Students! [Statement by International Executive Committee of Fourth International]
Vol. 6, No. 13, April ,1968
DRAWING: A Vietnamese Refugee
General Westmoreland Goes — US Troops Stay in Vietnam — by George Novack
Gomulka Answers Student Struggles with Reprisals Against Professors — by George Saunders
Indians in Brazil Victims of Genocide
Dominican Communists Denounce Escalante Group — by Antonio Valdes
Czechoslovak Regime Under Pressure from Soviet Bloc
Help for London Bankers
Report on the Marc London Vietnam Protest — by Ernest Tate
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign Answers Right-Wing Tory Charges
Valentin Campa Denied Parole
Report of Sumulong’s Death Unconfirmed
Is Rehabilitation of Stalin a Possibility?
Lev Kopelev Expelled from CP
A Canadian Study of Education in the Soviet Union — by Ross Dowson
Vietnam War Protest Deepens in Japan
The Arab-Israeli War: Yost’s Analysis — by Peter Buch
Economic Downturn in West Germany and Its Political Consequences — by Gerhard Werner
Oginga Odinga Barred from Leaving Kenya
Worldwide Support Mounts for April Actions Against Vietnam War
Vol. 6, No. 14, April 12, 1968
PHOTO: Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Dr Martin Luther King — the End of an Era — by George Novack
Uprisings Rock Cities in US — by Joseph Hansen
Johnson’s Bid to “Negotiate” the War in Vietnam
The Dollar Crisis — by Ernest Mandel
Bourguiba Answers Student Demonstrations with Terror
Greek Resistance Movement Girds for Long Struggle — by T.N. Themistocles
West Bengal — What Next?
PHOTO: In Paris several hundred youth demonstrate in front of Polish embassy
100,000 in Rio de Janeiro Protest Police Killing of Student
Mexican Political Prisoners to Join Demetrio Vallejo in Hunger Strike
Anibal Escalante, Mike Banda, and Whitewash for the Kremlin — by Ernest Germain
Text of Vietnamese Answer to Johnson
Vol. 6, No. 15, April 19, 1968
The Triple Crisis Faced by America’s Rulers — by George Novack
What Stokely Carmichael Really Said About Slaying of Dr King
Racist Officials Aim New Blows at Black Leaders — by Les Evans
Mexican Intellectuals Appeal for Solidarity with Demetrio Vallejo
When I met Rudi Dutschke in Berlin — by Mary-Alice Waters
PHOTO: Rudi Dutschke
Bertrand Russell Sees Complete Defeat for US in Vietnam
Venezuelan Pastor, Friendly to Guerrillas, Assassinated
Johnson Once Again Breaks Troop “Ceiling” in Vietnam
DRAWING: Rusk, Westmoreland, Johnson, Clifford
“While Winning Johnson’s War”
Zengakuren Leads New Demonstrations at Army Hospital and Airport
The Socialism Antoni Zambrowski Wants for Poland
Widespread Sympathy in Brazil for Student Demonstrators
Kosygin-Brezhnev Threaten Dissenters in USSR with Police Club — by George Saunders
The Small Farmers in Cuba
Vol. 6, No. 16, April 26, 1968