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Socialist Worker
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Exclusive: Strike pictures smuggled from Africa
- Police vehicles moving in on the Katatura compound ..., one of the centres of the strike (photo), from SWAPO
- Workers in the sealed compound (photo), from SWAPO
Pay, rents, jobs, union laws – crucial battles ahead
Call for mines-power unity
World News
- American dockers fight to save their jobs, by Richard Boyden
- Briefing:
[Presidential election in Italy]
[British withdrawal from Malta]
[Who is Zulfikar Ali Bhutto?]
- Black strike wave shakes S. African racists, by W. Enda
African miners forced to live in slum accommodation (photo)
The contract labour system in South-West Africa
- Happy Xmas – Nixon style, by Ian Birchall
“We’ll fight but sometimes I wonder about him” (cartoon), by Evans
- Violence condemned – by the men who condemn violence
Cottons Yarns
- Royal debagged
- Vote altared
- [Red setter turned white]
- Ship mates
Reid (photo)
- [Wrong kind of disabled person]
- KO at the PO
- [Labour Party museum]
- More in Sorrow
Arrests in the night as crisis shakes Tito, by Chris Harman
- Tito (photo)
- Yugoslavia (map)
1971: year of Tory attack and union weakness, by Roger Rosewell
- 21 February: tough words but no action (photo)
- Postal workers left to fight alone (photo)
Anger in the pits as coal bosses deny a living wage, by Laurie Flynnn
- Pithead (photo)
- What the union wants
- Fewer miners, fewer pits, more coal (charts)
- Bled dry by moneylenders (table)
- [Miner] (photo)
- Men foot the bill for state takeover
- Death and disease stalk the coalfields
[Miners] (photo)
Rent strike hits Orange police state, by Sue Kelly
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- IV. ‘Independence’ born in bloodshed and religions [sic!] hatred ...
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- World War Two: why ‘victory’ spelt defeat for workers in Britain ..., by Martin Tomkins
‘The Blitz’ (photo)
Bevin and Attlee (photo)
- Assembly to assembly (poem), by D.R. Brown
What We Stand For
The Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- When half-truths equal an inquisition
IS News
- [Meeting about the fight for Bangladesh]
- [Make a New Year’s resolution ...]
- Obituary for Harold Elliott
What’s On
Union panic sinks R-R workers
UCS demand pledge on jobs before launch
- Loving up to Labour leaders ... (photo)
Electricians demand united action on pay claim, by Ron Brown
Tories plan new attack on students and teachers, by SW Education Reporter
Shedding light on anti-union corporation
Power men back miners
Dockers meet
120 workers occupy plant in a bid to save jobs, by Steve Emms
Empty talk from soft left in N. Ireland, by Eamonn McCann
- Marcher and soldier confrontation (photo)
Six weeks’ parity fight on Tyneside, by Jim Hutchinson
Pressmen’s leaders break union policy on local deals
Backing for Parson’s jobs fight
Building militants on frame-up charges
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Miners must win
Solid support for the strike
- Fife
- Notts
- Kent
- Yorkshire
World News
- Black strike against racist regime spreads, by W. Enda
- Briefing:
[Government of Mauritius has banned 13 trade unions]
[Things not getting better]
[US soldiers in Vietnam more proficient at fighting their own officers]
[Mussolini’s widow claiming pension increase]
- Where the Tories are the only choice, by Dave Finkel
Police and protestors battle at the Democratic Convention, Chicago 1968 (photo)
- Danish shipyard bosses victimise strike leaders, by Rasmus Rasmussen
- Railmen in prod deal battle
“Anybody there?” (cartoon), by Evans
- Miners’ fight is for the whole union movement
Cottons Yarns
- By Gorm!
- [Sensational divorce case in Israel]
Dayan to know (photo)
- Doctored
- [Nasty, right-wing farmers never forget]
- Soft landing
- [Plessey management generous to the Tories]
- Grocer’s bill
- Palsied Hans
A tin medal – that’s all Britain gave to Malta, by Fred Camilleri & Paul Stafrace
85 Weeks, by Roger Rosewell
- Police shove pickets as they clear a way for scabs (photo)
The great telly ‘bore in’ on Ulster, by Bernadette Devlin MP
Women: The long, unfinished struggle
- Second-class status still the rule, by Valerie Clark
- 1880s: the match girls; 1990s: the fight for the vote; 1970s: equal pay, equal opportunity (photos)
- 1888: match girls strike a light that’s burning still ..., by Kathy Sims
- Low pay or the dole: the choice for women at work, by Sara Carver
- Equal rights will strengthen the unions
Wild talk on school violence, by Eric Porter
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- V. Scramble for power led to world war
- Up to ... First World War most of Africa and Asia fell to the European powers (drawing)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Original Bond, ersatz Bogart, by David East
The Man in the White Suit amd the Man in the Off-white Vest (photo)
- Talk shows: the Frost sets in, by John Telfair
Beans mean Braden
Classical Monty Python
What We Stand For
- Missing lessons of People’s War, from Alan West
- That lame duck is my job, from Keith Elliott & Sheila Melot
IS Notes
What’s On
Factory sit-in fight goes on
Engineers’ wages claim sold out, by Roger Rosewell
Strikers close Scots car plants, by Steve Jefferys
- An Avenger being inspected (photo)
How to fix the jobless figures
Socialists on trial for their lives
White collar union bans left-winger
Backing the miners
Dockers plan counter-attack, by Bob Light
Bendix – the inside story, by Malcolm Marks
- Scene in the Fisher-Bendix canteen (photo)
Sit-ins are threat to the Tories, by Jack Spriggs
Big Tyneside battle over sack for 950, by Terry Rodgers
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Urgent appeal for funds, by Jim Nichol
Back the miners: blacking key to victory
- Miners from the Coventry area (photo)
- Miners wives lobby parliament (photo)
Sit-in ends
World News
- Black militancy grows in Rhodesia, by Roger Tembo
- Briefing:
[Problems facing American miners]
[Military coup in Ghana]
[Stakhanov in Pravda]
[Political arrests in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia]
- Marchers in London remind South Africa ... (photo)
- Peace, but trouble lies ahead, by Edward Crawford
- Promises, promises ..., from Lutte Ouvrière
“Couldn’t afford it anyway ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- TUC leaders must be forced to fight
- Mess the system leaves
Cottons Yarns
- Sheppard’s flock
- Go, Joe
Gormley (photo)
- [Sez you]
- Jules’ robbery
- [Monsieur Bourgeois]
- Unfair Co-op
- Smart talk
- [Nicest thing seen on television]
Bosses’ lies exposed by sit-in strikes at Kirkby, by Roger Protz
- Aerial view of Fisher-Bendix plant (photo)
- The gatehouse (photo)
Rents, by Jim Kincaid
- The houses were poorly built (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Happy old year for profiteers
The great wages battle
- And the man who won’t lead it, interview with Vic Feather, by Laurie Flynn
- When the TUC betrayed the miners, by Chris Harman
A blackleg train derailed by Northumberland miners in 1926 (photo)
- Union fights along the bosses’ chosen line, by Roger Rosewell
- Time we turned up the power, from Advance
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- VI. The ‘socialists’ who betrayed the cause at the wave of a flag
- The men who fought ‘to make the world safe for democracy’ – or was it capitalism? (photo)
Pollution (photo)
- Disaster still looms, but the press has got bored with it, by Dale Fox
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Artist revolutionary who toppled Napoleon, by Phil Evans
- Oh what a lovely Tsar! by Glyn Carver
Lenin arrives at the Finland satation – scene from Nicholas and Alexandria
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- When papers come across the truth
IS News
- International Socialists Industrial Conference
What’s On
Tough time in student fight, by SW Student Reporter
Resistance stiffens in Northern Ireland, by Brian Trench
United fight at Parson’s (photo)
Rents – Labour council gives in to Tories, by Hugh Kerr
Rank and file protest at union ban
Builders fight for closed shop site, by Gerry Kelly
Sackings start strike
Power ‘ban’ is a gesture
Scots car plants: the fight for parity goes on, by Steve Jefferys
Miners on the pickets
- George Dainton (photo)
- George Cowlens (photo)
- South Wales
- Kent
- Yorkshire
- Durham
- North Westminster
- Fife
- Staffordshire
- Northamptonshire
- Warwickshire
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Victory for miners will aid jobless
- “Your lorries aren’t moving” (photo), by Jeff Pick
Roll in cash for IS Fighting Fund
World News on the Crisis in South Africa
- Rhodesians fight back, by Roger Tembo
Rhodesians give their answer in the Salisbury township of Harari: No (photo)
- Chiefs paid by the regime
- Ovambos: The struggle goes on, by W. Enda
- Zambian workers challenge legal shackles, by a correspondent in Lusaka
- [Strikes in Yugoslavia]
- [Assets of Nigerian organisations seized]
- [Free public transport in Rome]
- [Chinese CP on ‘Democratic America’ – in 1944]
- [Police clashed with students at Madrid University]
“That’s a few violent hooligans who won’t be on the picket lines ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Unemployment and wages: Tories’ big lie campaign
Cottons Yarns
- Chain gang
- Cry Wolfenden
- [Peaceful coexistence (1)]
- I’m Dashed
Dash (photo)
- Wight stain
- [Report on Warrington New Town]
- Dog’s life
- [Dog lovers corner]
The Docks
- Port bosses out to wreck dock jobs, by Bob Light
Dockland to let (photo)
- Death of a ‘careless’ docker, by Roger Protz
The day the fleet went on strike, by Peter Hitchens
- HMS Nelson (photo)
- Ramsay Macdonald (photo)
In the City (column), by Arthur Millium
- Crocodile tears as the profits roll in
Tories plan big blitz on tenants with ‘Fair Rents’ Act, by Hugh Kerr
- London transport workers supported tenants (photo)
- Needed: mass campaign with a programme of action
- High-rise rents: what the Tories plan to do (photo/table)
The scandal that is Britain’s mental hospitals, by a special correspondent
- Mental hospital patient (photo)
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- VII. How Japan escaped the West’s grip
- Another ship is launched in Japan (photo)
Shipyards that leave the Clyde bosses in the cold, by Tony Polan
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Clubbing together against the system, by Dave Wilson
Working class London in the mid-1980s (print)
- TV:
[Stocker’s Copper], by David East
What We Stand For
- Plea for help from Ulster prisoner, from Des O’Hagan
- Black attack, from Bob Kornreich
Socialist Worker comment
- Gloomy reports, from Jim Smith
IS News
- [IS Yorkshire region on full alert]
- [Brighton IS offer help to NUM]
- [Swansea debate about way to socialism]
What’s On
Car men link with miners’ struggle, by Steve Jefferys
Union out to cool Austin strike
Thanks from Britain’s concentration camp
Liam Daltun
Machine tool makers fight closure plan
Talks over printers’ pay offer
Laggers’ long fight for pay parity, by Dave Southern
Strike in its 23rd week
Naval depot jobs threatened, by Brian Ebbatson
Speed-up stops the trains
Troops step up Ulster terror, by Eamonn McCann
‘Future sure’ for Fisher-Bendix sit-in
Digging in for long fight
- Miners and students confront a boat with a cargo of blacking coal (photo)
- Staffs
- West Drayton
- Yorkshire
- Fife
- Notts
- South Wales
- Essex
Nalgo group fights registration
Power call for Triple Alliance
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
- But the barricades still stand – there will be another day ..., by Eamonn McCann & Mary Holland
- Devlin: ‘Fists not enough’
- A Sunday’s pleasure (photo)
- ‘Jimmy’s blood must bear fruit’
World News
- Ceylon: The big clampdown goes on, by Edward Crawford
- Briefing:
[Student demonstrators in Egypt: tear gas and accusations of ‘outside agitators’]
[Know your enemy in Rhodesia]
[Death of Aksel Larsen]
[Nixon’s peace proposals nothing new]
[Allende seems to be going the way of others]
- Bangladesh faces a grim future, by John Ashdown
A joyful Mujibur (photo)
- Right turn for Italian Communists, by Mike Balfour
Committee of Enquiry ... (cartoon), by Evans
- Stop Tory barbarism in Ireland – NOW
Cottons Yarns
- Peyton’s place
- Ur-gent
- [Miners on picket duty in Manchester]
- NUT wanted
A kiss for The Teacher’s pet
- [Just what she always wanted]
- Donkey work
- [The new film version of Macbeth]
- Each-way bet
Defeat the Tories – and their system
- Jim Higgins (photo)
- Malcolm Marks (photo)
- The struggle on the shop floor
Miners Talking
- Maerdy pit at dawn (photo)
- You can break a stick, but not a bundle
Macdonald (photo)
- ‘It’s the best strike I’ve ever conducted’
Bryn Williams (photo)
- ‘Any trade unionist not a socialist’
Alan Jones (photo)
- The foreman’s broken promise
Joe Thomas (photo)
- The coal was landed at another port
Emlyn Thomas (photo)
- No room for union shufflers, from James L. Jones
- Ireland – danger of blind-alley tactics, from Padraig Yeates
- [Fund for widow and children of Liam Daltun]
- Promises? from Ken Geering
- Unions unite, from Alexander Cordell
Miners can shake these vicious Tories: NUM leader, by Laurie Flynn
- Betteshanger strike committee
Cold and dying – the terrible plight of Britain’s old, by Arthur Malone
- Islington 1972 (photo), by Brendan Monks
- John Hyde – two rooms of misery (photo), by Mike Cohen
- A mantlepiece of memories (photo), by Brendan Monks
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- VIII. Russia today: The new imperialists
- The confrontation of Czechoslovakia 1968 (photo)
No dole for the investors
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
Who is mad – you or the system? by Peter Sedgwick
- Lenin: stay away from ‘doctor-comrades’ (photo)
- Sandy Ratfliff in Family Life (photo)
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Ssh – keep quiet on poisoned workers
IS News
- [North Staffs meeting in support of the miners]
- [Woverhampton meeting in support of the miners]
What’s On
IS Industrial Conference in session (photo)
Poison lead smelter – no action until workers strike, by Keith Elliott
Bendix: Round one to the strikers, by Roger Rosewell
Plessey deal: fewer jobs, but sit-in makes big gains
Boiler welded to track
About turn at UCS yard
Fight for union rights goes on
Trades council leads rent bill struggle
Chrysler men ‘No’ to pay offer
Miners + power = victory
Rank and file must demand action now, by Wally Preston
Fight for our fund
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Solidarity action can help miners
- A vast army of police battle with pickets at Saltley Gates (photo)
- Surrender by power unions
Fighting for the fund
World News
- Eastern bloc riddled with contradictions, by Dale Fox
- Briefing:
[Demonstrations in many cities]
[Allende still walking a tightrope]
[Old gangsters never die]
[Call for protests to Argentinian authorities]
- Czech wave of arrests – 200 held
- Russian soldiers near Prague airport (photo)
- Yankee go home, by Derek Linton & Laurie Landy
“They’ll do anything to get the coal in ... (cartoon), by Evans
- Violence in Ireland: Heath is to blame
Cottons Yarns
- IRAte Tito
Tito (photo)
- [Cottons’ accolade]
- Managed new
- [Faith, over the centuries, has failed to move mountains]
- Pink sin
- Scots reel
- [He is rolling in it ...]
- Black looks
After the massacre
- Anger blazes in the South as workers strike in protest, by Brian Trench
Tony ‘Dutch’ Doherty (photo)
- The Paras: Heath’s trained killers
- It’s happened before
- The one-man inquiry with a sound army background
Pit strikers: Don’t let Social Security cheat you of your rights
Unsafe mines – NCB to blame, by Laurie Flynn
- Trunk conveyor being crushed underground (photo), from The Times
- Miners (poem), by D.R. Brown
Southern Africa: continent in chains, by W. Enda
- [Ian Smith aiming rifle] (photo)
- A big deal for the profiteers, by Peter Lincoln, with facts from Anti-Apartheid News
- Southern Africa (map)
- The people
The owners
The guerrillas for freedom
The wages
- Separate stairs, separate bus stops, separate buses (photo)
- Demonstrators in Salisbury (photo)
- The Bantustan fraud
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- IX. The exploitation goew on – now it’s called aid
Mighty union leaders threw in the towel, by Raymond Challinor
- Robert Smillie (photo)
- Lloyd George (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- When all the world’s a prison, by Chris Harman
Tim Courtney as Ivan Denisovitch (photo)
Dinner time in a Stalinist camp (photo)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn (photo)
- A day in the life of a detainee, by Martin Piper
What We Stand For
- Miners: tell MPs to stop those lorries, from Pete Glatter & Vic Richards
- Weak analysis, from Brian Collett
- Labour left can help, from Brian Ebbatson
IS News
- Swansea meeting in support of the miners
- Kingston meeting in support of the miners
- Dunfermline meeting in support of the miners
What’s On
Benefit to aid 88-week strike
- Fine Tubes striker Mr T. Murdock with his wife and two children (photo)
Builders on strike against rent rises, by Hugh Kerr & Michael Downing
IS conference supports equal pay struggle
Car workers £5-no strings, by Steve Jefferys
Anti-racist demo
NUJ betrayal
Coal Board safety talk only about machinery
- Miners’ leader hits out at press
- Safety men out – call
Stormont ‘justice’ hits Britain
- March leaders dragged from their beds
- Thirteen coffins lined up in Whitehall
- Newry defies police state, by Eamonn McCann
- Police brutally beat printer
- End Tory regime – Bernadette
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Unity can win
- Miners, their wives and other groups of workers have rocked the Tories (photo)
- Demand TUC calls general strike
World News
- The Six: 2m now out of work, by David Yaffe
- Ostpolitik: end of the ‘communist politics’?
The Berlin confrontation/Willi Brandt (photos)
- Briefing:
[Fascist movement in south of Italy]
[The Zambian government bans opposition]
[Women casualties in Bangladesh]
[Ghanaian army officder in coup making leftist noises]
[French studet delegates expelled from Poland]
- More young Israelis refusing to serve in the army, by Rami Heilbronn
The man who won a prize for European statesmanship (cartoon), by Evans
- Union offensive can bring down Tories
Cottons Yarns
- Green stories
- [Much dithering on the London Stock Exchange]
- Sparks fly
- [Thoughts on Sunday’s anti-Rhodesia settlement march]
- Blacked out
- [First time in his constituency since the election]
- Collared
- Rat race
Rolls: Why the City is laughing, by T.H. Rogmorton
- [Rolls Royce] (cartoon), by Evans
- Ireland: Don’t forget the green Tory barbarism in the south, from Frank Murphy
[Lynch] (photo)
- It’s time ‘First in, Last out’ was changed, by Steve Evans
- Family Life – 1, from Alan Phipps
- Family Life – 2, from A. Richards
- Family Life – 3, from Bob Carter
- Family Life – 4, from Ken Montague
- Family Life – 5, from Sandy Rose
- Family Life – 6, [sender unknown]
- This film rang absolutely true, [sender unknown]
Fight for Union Rights (series), by Roger Rosewell
- A miner is arrested
- A fighting programme to beat the Tory law
- How to smash a union with the help of the law, by Glyn Carver
The Rape of Ireland
- 300 years of looting and murder
- Cork 1921: Razed to the ground by Auxiliaries and Black and Tans (photo)
- Fact
- Six Counties statelet born out of bigotry
Chichester-Clark (photo)
- ‘Free State’ not free from British sharks
De Valera (photo)
- United socialist republic – the only way forward
- It is happening here ... Long Kesh concentration camp (photo)
- Troops go in to protect profits
- Fact
- Orange march (photo)
Woman’s estate, by Valerie Clark
- Why ‘Mrs Average’ is on tranquillisers
What Is Imperialism? (series), by Stephen Marks
- X. The lessons we must learn from the Chinese revolution
- Chinese soldiers watching the border with Russia (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Serjeant – painter of the middle class, by John Nichol
Canvassing for votes, with a little cash to hand (engraving), by Hogarth
- When ruling classes fight, what should the people do? by Chris Harman
Stalin’s attempt to remove Trotsky from history
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Press in the dark as miners start to bite
IS News
- Meeting in Grimethorpe in support of the miners
- Conference for trade unionists on the Irish situation
What’s On
Labour councils in rents dither, by Hugh Kerr
Militant meeting lacks call to action
Building workers fight blacklist, by Gerry Kelly
City engineers issue strike challenge
How YOU can help a vital struggle
- Fine Tubes striker Trevor Bond, his wife and son (photo)
Alliance to fight Tory Rent Bill, by Patricia Owen
120 locked out of biscuit factory
Staff union reinstates left-winger
Victory to the miners! by Bernadette Devlin MP
- [Bernadette Devlin] (photo)
Why Wilberforce won’t free the wage slaves, by Laurie Flynn
Police violence breaks up London march (photo)
Power strike over sell out
Our fund goes into action
College crackdown on occupation’s leaders
Pickets refused bail
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
We’re all a special case
Aldershot explosion
Army grabs our cameraman – held for six hours
World News
- Graveyard party wakes up to Women’s Lib, by Norah Carlin
- Briefing:
[Racialist nature of US forces in Vietnam]
[Mrs Gandhi doing quite nicely]
[The Swedish Metalworkers’ Union may have to sue Russian-owned Matresco]
[George Meany never much of a militant]
[Greek list of books to be ‘discouraged’]
[Vorster has ordered investigation into 4 liberal organisations]
- Bit Indian unions agree to ban, by John Ashdown
Police in India launch a tear-gas attack on strikers’ wives (photo)
- World trade crisis will give Japan’s militants a chance, by Edward Crawford
7½% – 20% (cartoon), by Evans
- Deathbed conversion to ‘incomes policy’
Cottons Yarns
- Stop press
- Jack’s back
Jones (photo)
- [Tales by candlelight (1)]
- [Tales by candlelight (2)]
- Omo sapiens
- [DATA to TASS]
- Swan song
- Pay pickets’ fines, from Patrick Goode & Mark Perkins
- Ireland’s missing national liberation, from Brian Trench
- I was proud of the miners, from Mollie Worthy
- A matter of competition, from Frank Mann
Wha Mao wants to be friends with Nixon, by Chris Harman
- No handshakes here (photo)
- Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai, Lin Piao (photos)
Fight for Union Rights (series), by Roger Rosewell
- 2. Law aims to smash the organised workers
Death and mining families: One doctor’s grim findings, by Aubrey Gordon
- Maedy, South Wales (photo)
- Cliff Jones (photo)
- Miner Alan Jones and his family (photo)
The law – ‘impartial’ system that props up the rule of rich and powerful, by Martin Piper
- Glad to the back of you (photo)
- Jake Prescott, Melford ‘Truncheons’ Stevenson (photos)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Pop stars who make cash for the big landlords
- Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones (photos)
Prices ... What we must do to keep them down, by Kevin Whitston
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Brecht’s back in town, by Jonathan Hammond
Macheath and Tiger Brown in a scene from The Threepenny Opera (photo)
Bertolt Brecht (photo)
- Mr Watkins gives us a caning, by Richard Kirkwood
What We Stand For
SW breaks all records – but we’re not satisfied, by the Editor
IS News
- Socialist Workers Movement in Ireland
- Rugby meeting against unemployment
- Mary Holland: a correction, from Mary Holland
[Apology], by the Editor
What’s On
Assembly is a red herring
Stewards hold key to car men’s fight, by Steve Jefferys
The political life and death of Captain Ray Gunter
Building sites strike big
Late notices
Sack threat to women, by Stella Cawood
Tenants ready for rents fight
The fighting the Tories fund
Miners rock Tories – but there are snags ahead
Bosses’ £1m war against strikers
[Trucks burned by the Official IRA while carrying scab coal] (photo)
London bus workers reject pay offer that sticks to ‘norms’, by Chris Davison
Laggers protest over union’s refusal
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Tories’ attack hots up
- Heath photo
- Bernadette Devlin MP writes
Police seize pamphlet on Bloody Sunday
World News
- Facts give the lie to Peru’s ‘revolution’, by Richard Kirkwood
Miners in prison camp (extracts from a letter)
- Briefing:
[The ‘Godfather Game’], from Spark
Echoes of the Irish struggle (1)
Echoes of the Irish struggle (2)
- Political scandals, just a French tradition
Chaban-Delmas (photo)
- Ovambo strikers make contact with freedom fighters, by W. Enda
- German miners ahead on pay
Registered Staff Only (cartoon),
- No substitute for mass action
- China joins the club
Cottons Yarns
- FULI things
Alec (photo)
- [Advertised in Germany]
- Dive in
- Crossbarred
- [Champagne corks popping at commercial television]
- Flying ducks
- [Mrs Bandanaraike thanks Chinese government]
- Peerless
Inflation: The idea that wage rises cause inflation the price spiral is just a myth
- How the Catholics were tricked, from Stephen Kent
- Laws that protect the ruling minority, from R. Forrest
- Better ‘Last in, First out,’ than giving the boss a free hand, from J. Ryan
- Pickets who are fined should just refuse to pay, from J. Setters
Fight for Union Rights (series), by Roger Rosewell
- 3. Act gives freedom to sack militants
Bosses’ union out to smash closed shop
You did it too” – Why ...
- Wilson (photo)
- Miners:
... Labour can’t really fight the Tories, by Paul Foot
- Ireland:
Full support for army terror
Callaghan (photo)
- Unemployment:
Policy for jobs means loot for bosses
The depths of hypocrisy (photo)
Report from the South, by Brian Trench
- Tenants on rent strike
- Tenants on march in Galway (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- BSA, the hit-and-run bosses
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Shedding light on the balckest of jobs, by Martin Shaw
Coalface (painting), by Oliver Kilbourn
- Whatever happened to the politics? by Eamonn McCann
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- No praise for the Mail man who told the truth
IS News
- Correspondence between IS and SLL
Unemploymen march, from Jim Higgins, National Secretary, IS
Reply by the SLL Political Committee, from Gerry Healy, for the Political Committee of the SLL
Reply, from Jim Higgins
What’s On
Miners’ fight is now for safety
Militants under union attack
Jim’s Journal, by Alan Watts
Workers’ action wins reprieve for factory
Farmworkers’ pay appallingly low
Strike failed – 20 sacked
Trade unionists against racialism
Car strikers vote to stay out, by Steve Jefferys
Tories retreat but UCS fight goes on
Miners defend closed shop
Laggers protest at union move (photo)
Bernadette packs them in
Women: equal pay now!
Lynch acts in South to back Heath
Don’t forget our fund
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Poverty: the hidden truth
Fine Tubes fught on – without union help ...
- Symbolic action only (photo)
World News
- Prisoners the press prefers to forget
- Briefing:
[Israeli repression against draft resisters]
[‘Unbiased’ Pearce Commission]
[FRELIMO step up attacks]
[One worker killed every two hours in Italy]
[Fish factory bosses fear strike by Ovambo workers]
[Latin American revolutionaries critical of Cuban government]
- Huge demo against Renault’s gunmen, by Richard Kirkwood
- Factory sit-in brings victory for Italian carworkers, by Mike Balfour
A mass meeting at Alfa factory in Milan (photo)
T.G.W.U. Wing (cartoon), by Evans
- ‘Income policy’ – siren song to head off unions
Cottons Yarns
- Freedom popped
- [Nurses told not to wear union badges]
- Disco-detec
- Fancy that ... (headlines), from Workers Press & Morning Star
- [Police attempt to intimidate anti-internment demonstrators]
- Sweet William
- [Another bastion of male domination under attack]
- Niet, Narodny
The generals who led the orange army, by Brian Trench
- Leaders of the Ulster Vanguard (photo)
- Family Life: The critic replies to his critics, from Peter Sedgwick
Rank and file action while union leaders dither, by Roger Rosewell
- Jack Jones (photo)
- Police move a Fine Tubes picket (photo)
- Hugh Scanlon (photo)
Fight for Union Rights (series), [by Roger Rosewell]
- 4. How the law will bind unions
Car Chaos, by Chris Davison
- Powerful motor bosses snarl up our cities ...
- Well at least they’ll get rid of those tiresome fairies at the bottom of your garden ... (photos)
- Annual cost of road congestion (chart), from British Industry Roads Campaign
Why we must win the picket fight, by a special correspondent
- [Police arresting picket] (photo)
Why the press barons want to blow the Last Post over the Bugle, by Laurie Flynn
- Chrissy Maher (photo)
- The Tuebrook Bugle (cover)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Licensed to make a killing
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Revolution in chains, by David Widgery
Angela Davis (photo)
- TV:
Keep it trivial – or TV and the pop revolution, by Barry Ellis
What We Stand For
- Wrong recipe for tackling prices ..., from F.J. Corbett
- Hypocritical, from Andrew Rawel & Kevin Corr
- Smug comment, from Bruce Johnson
- Response to the previous 2 letters, by the Editor
- Rent strikes – powerful weapon to break the system, from Tom Braddock
What’s On
Torture is illegal, er, but ..., by Tim Shallice
Bosses and Tories bid to to split UCS, by Steve Jefferys
Backing for anti-internemnt
- Mike Cooley speaking at last Sunday’s conference (photo)
Sack threat to striking laggers
Teachers’ pay talks will not beat the ‘norm’, by Leni Solinger
Atomic site men strike
Women’s success
Councils told: refuse rents scheme
We’ll defy TUC says postal union leader, by Roger Rosewell
Poison drip deaths: warning ignored, by Paul Foot
Toothy Ted meets Karl and Fred ... (photo)
1,000 pamphlets sold in Derry
Two factories vote for sit-ins
Printers in firing line, by Ross Pritchard
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
No retreat over pay!
Plymouth strikers get £550 booster
- [Bernadette Devlin MP, Jim Nichol & Frank Clark]
World News
- Sudan shift to the right, by Nimule Kareima
- What now for the French left? by Ian Birchall
carry Flaggs at Overney’s funeral )photo)
- India’s forgotten war, by Norah Carlin
- Briefing:
[Children face repression in Italy]
[Welcome home from Vietnam for ex-servicemen, but not many jobs]
[Theodorakis resigns from Greek Communist Party]
[Economic problems provoke unrest in Sweden]
[Misleading statistics issued about black poverty in the US]
[Two Spanish shipyard workers killed in clashes with police]
Congratulations Mr Parker! You have just won £500,000!
- Announcing Labour’s featherweight fight
- Maudling’s victory
Cottons Yarns
- Airlift
- [Sponsorship at BBC London]
- Purle Dumpking
- Buster John
Stonehouse (photo)
- [Sugar price cut]
- Easy lay
Artists salute Fine Tube strikers
- Alex Glasgow (photo), by Jeff Pick
- Sandra Kerry & John Faulkner (photo), by Jeff Pick
- East of Eden (photo), by Jeff Pick
- Trevor Hyett, Bobby Campbell & Gordon McCullough (photo), by Jeff Pick
- David Cliff Amalgam (photo), by Jeff Pick
‘Miners showed united movement could kick out the Tories ...’, interview with Jimmy Miller, by Aubrey Gordon
Fight for Union Rights (series), [by Roger Rosewell]
- 5. Strike laws are a direct attack on working class
Crumbs: That’s all we get for producing the wealth, by Lionel Sims & Arthur Malone
- The ‘humane society’got lost in the profits jungle
The profits of public companies between 1954 and 1968 (chart)
- Report from the Sheffield Star, January 1970
An advert in The Times, November 1971
- [Diagram showing interests of directors of 6 of the highest valued coompanies in Britain]
- Never been had so good – as Macmillan almost said
Workers’ share 1861 – Workers’ share 1961 (diagrams)
Why the blacks are right to fight, by Mike Caffoor
- Protestors in Liverpool demanding the freedom of Angela Davis (photo)
The rise and fall of Michael X, from Freedom News
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- The workers: Ireland’s only secure foundation, by Brian Trench
[The Irish Citizen Army] (photo)
- A strong left hook but weak with the right, by Roger Protz
What We Stand For
- The system thrives on those left splits, from Iris M. Ashford
- Prices battle, from Kevin Whitston
- Aldershot, from Pat Prenderville & Alan Woodcock
- Bosses come before buses, from Anthony Collings
What’s On
Ireland waits for the offensive, by Brian Trench
Tories’ union law starts to lash out
- Print bosses launch attack on closed shop
Section of print bosses’ contract (facsimile)
- NALGO slap in face for Tories
Strikers get poor support from TGWU
Rally ends Right to Work marches
Sit-in goes on
Builders locked out
Strike call defeated
No union help in lock-out
Dockers locked in a cold war
Engineers ready to call bosses’ bluff, by Roger Rosewell
Strikers now out 32 weeks
- Millingford pickets (photo)
News in Brief
- [Car workers at British Leyland’s Bathgate plant force management to increase pay offer]
- Workers at Sexton Son and Evrard’s shoe factory abandon plans to occupy
- Power workers victimised for solidarity with the miners
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Police tap rail leaders’ phones
Con trick, by Chris Harman
We’re staying in say shoe women (photo)
Raids: What I.S. Said
Fighting fund – one last push
Noel Jenkinson
World News
- What Angela’s trial really means, by David Finkel
- French rulers exploit divided left
The murder of René-Pierre Overney by a Renault secret policeman (photo)
- Congo army chief purges 70 socialists, by W. Enda
- Briefing:
[Violent death of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli]
[‘Black power has never taken away white rule in Africa’]
[Drug smuggling in Turkey]
[Civil war in Sudan]
[Makarios survives Czech arms crisis]
“Good idea, having real lions ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Unity can defeat police repression
Cottons Yarns
- Musical chairs
Benn (photo)
- Clip joint
- [‘Fourth International Folk Song Contest’]
- Coch-eye
- Refund
- [Endless search]
Mr Robert Edwards, MP: An apology
- ‘Fair Rents’: Never anything so barbaric, from (Mrs) Joan Russell
- Two-faced about Adershot, from Padraig Yeates
- UCS: time for analysis, from Frank Mann
- The women of Ireland, from Judith Barker & Margaret Mooney
- Return to the Labour fold, from Tom Braddock
- [Council tenants], from Richard G. Field
- In defence of the IRA, from Jim Raftery, Shelagh Duncan & John Galvin
- Soledad and the Old Grey Whistle Test: corrections, from John Pearson
33 weeks: Now Fine Tubes comes to the North, by Laurie Flynn
- A picket line at the factory (photo)
- The only cared-for object at Millingford’s: the boss’s Jag (photo)
Fight for Union Rights (series), by Roger Rosewell
- 6. One law for the boss, one for the men
Goodbye jobs! British Rail makes the going easy ..., by Arthur Malone
- Productivity (diagram)
- Manpower (diagram)
- Beeching’s axe (diagram)
- High safety record always second to the costs
Keep death off the rails (photo)
- The railway broke down in 1947 ... (photo)
- 1948: all change, but not for the workers
- Beeching the axeman (photo)
When London had its Bloody Sunday ..., by Vic & Sheila Bailey
- Three killed, hundreds battered by police on march by jobless
- SDF leaders in the dock (drawing)
Stout year for beer men, by Ron Knowles
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Friends in hight places: blinkered view of Clyde struggle, by Peter Bain
The UCS shop stewards committee (photo)
- TV: [The Question of Ulster], by David East
Fighting to defend closed shop, by Dave Peers
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Big profits at no risk at all
What’s On
Man jailed after being attacked by the police
Counter-rally answers Vanguard demo, by Brian Trench
Union leader backs boss in BP lock-out
- Joint statement to A.U.E.W. (Construction Section) (facsimile)
Rents fight goes on
Strike opposes sacking threat
Stewards fight Tory law
News in Brief
- [Crucial negotiations about to start at Austin Longbridge]
- [Strike of 1,800 Hawker Siddeley workers enters eighth week]
- [Occupation at St Helens’ Plastics factory in third week]
- [Protests growing at attempts to victimise Scottish power workers]
1,000 NW engineersdefy bosses’ threat
- Behind locked gates, not bars (photo)
What happened on police raids
Bendix factory is solid
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
- Heath plan no solution
Head of 1,200-strong International Socialist contingent (photo)
Eamonn McCann addressing rally with Bowes Egan & Bernadett Devlin (photo)
World News
- France’s immigrant victims, by Richard Kirkwood
Bidonville (photo)
- Briefing:
[Internal spy network run by Fiat management]
[In Ghana ‘youth found dancing’ ... may be sent to work on farms]
[Development of police repression in France]
[Al-Fatah denounces King Hussein’s peace proposals as a fraud]
[Hungary has highest suicide rate in the world]
- Left calls for referendum boycott
- Government protest ban calls for a counter-attack, from Jorge Ash
- Keeping out deputies no empty gesture, from Jim Deakin
- Mass autobiography, from Sheila Rowbotham
- Time for left unity? from Brian Parsons
It’s time to take off the gloves off on the wages front, by Jim Kincaid
- What the miners really won (table)
- Barber’s big cash bonus for the rich, by Jim Nichol
Connolly, by Jimmy Greely
- After Easter (photo)
- [James Connolly] (drawing)
Patrol at 1 a.m.: It’s a woman’s life, by Nigel Fountain
- Women of Bogside march in protest (photo)
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Now book that country cottage in France ...
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
Fight for Union Rights (series)
- 7. The courts-martial of the class struggle, [by Roger Rosewell]
Cottons Yarns
- Slow drip
- [Generosity, Getty style]
- Eye witness
Tony Berwick (photo)
- [Upstairs, downstairs]
Letters Extra
- ASTMS wants unity, from Mike Teague
- Equal pay, from Sara Carver, Wendy Henry & Anna Paczuska
Docks jobs: court backs boss crackdown
- Dockers outside Transport House (photo)
Closure threat: We fight
Radiator bosses try bully boy tactics
Shoe women fight on
Lecturer sacked
Hunt for bren gun
Militant miners show the way
Sit-ins spread as pay fight hots up, by Colin Barker & Glyn Carver
Jailed men victims of political trial
Locked-out 57 lobby union (photo)
Split between print unions endangers wage claim, by Mike Heym
Fund hits target
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Don’t pay, by Roger Rosewell
Heroic Vietnamese fight on, by Chris Harman
Factories back holiday for Belfast children
- The Falls Road children arriving at Euston Station (photo)
World News
- Indian Left Communists reap defeat, by John Ashdown
Ms Gandhi (photo)
- Briefing:
[1,900 New York dock workers walk off jobs when British liner QE2 docks]
[Lutte Ouvrière plans another fete]
[Repression continues in Ceylon]
- Italian police clamp down on revolutionaries
Feltrinelli (photo)
- Trade unionists ready to fight apartheid, by W. Enda
The TUC resolution
- Invitation to a party
“Wonder who these kings and such get the gold off ...??” (cartoon), by Evans
- Ireland: the struggle must go on
Cottons Yarns
- Hard times
- [Galloping schizophrenia at Daily Telegraph]
- Waterlogged
- [Popularity poll at Madame Tussaud’s]
- Insanitory
Mrs Snatcher
- [International Socialist ‘cynicism’]
- Branching out
- Knock it off
Fight for Union Rights
- Final Part: How workers can defeat the act
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Union ‘left’ fear action, from Maurice Bennett & Terry Bristowe
[Benn] (photo)
Jimmy Miller (photo)
- Common Market – I’m no opportunist says Mr Benn, from Anthony Wedgewood Benn, MP
Reply, by Editor
- Thanks for the memory: Fine Tubes, from C. Williams
- Why does the Mole do such dirty grubbing? from Martin Shaw
- Appeal from Long Kesh Concentration Camp
- A end to kow-towing, from W. Bentley
Global Imex Ltd & John Stonehouse, MP: an apology
When strike power smashed the landlords, by Jim Kincaid
- Glasgow tenements during World War One (photo)
- Now get ready for the 10 bob battle
On the Lump, by Laurie Flynn
- Once in the system’s grip men can be exploited with ease
The man behing the Lump – R.J. Carr (photo)
Building workers in Birmingham (photo)
[Rescued building worker]
- The shabby work that boosts builders’ profits
- How to smash the Lump
Pete Carter (photo)
Union leader who called a strike ‘blackmail’
- So much for democracy (extract from circular issued by the ISTC)
- Steel forgings being inspected (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Sit-in workers sold all down the line
Fisher Bendix workers (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Sex, but no socialism
A scene from Mysteries of the Organism (photo)
- East, west: no home for Reich
What We Stand For
- IS meets challenge of Tory offensive
- The struggle in industry
- The Irish struggle: which way ahead?
- Women: exposing the myths
What’s On
The Rent Battle
- Tenants’ anger grows, by Hugh Kerr
- Councils ready to ignore the law
Against the Glosters
Students prepare for vital conference
Bosses battle to dislodge sit-in workers
Shoe women hold the key to jobs fight, by Margaret Renn
- ASTMS member Mrs Nancy McGrath (photo)
News in Brief
- [Bernard Pierce, victimised TASS executive member]
- [Attempt to downgrade 45 miners at Bentley Colliery]
- [Ford workers occupying factory in Doncaster]
Dockers’ sacking notices withdrawn
Angry teachers turn their backs on Mrs Thatcher
Building workers protest against ‘lump’
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Jenkins bails out Tories, by Roger Protz
Dockers defy law, by Roger Rosewell
Sit-in workers set on victory (photo)
World News
- The bribes and bullets that back profits, by Chris Harman
- Briefing:
[Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Jordan]
[Killing of Sheikh Karume of Zanzibar]
[New Czech Writers’ Union]
[New privileged elite in Bangladesh]
[13 South Africans convicted under Terorism Act]
[New Philadelphia mayor well known for savage methods as police chief]
[Strike by Sherpa porter of Mount Everest expedition]
[Gypsies – new scapegoat of Slovakian CP]
[Imperialism literally sucks blood in Haiti]
- Vietnam struggle enters new phase, by Ian Birchall
The crew of a South Vietnamese tank flee (photo)
- Czech repression: 285 arrested, by Dale Fox
“This is your BBC reporter in Northern Ireland ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- No surrender to Tories on anti-union laws
- Decisive struggle against imperialism
Cottons Yarns
- The Willies
Whitelaw (photo)
- [The rich hang on to their loot]
- Public Eyesore
- [No room for sentiment ...]
Children of the battlefield
- John and Julia McCourt (photo)
- Seamus Holmes (photo)
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Labour dances to the bosses’ tune, from Alan West
- [Thanks from The Bugle], from Chrissie Maher
- The lessons of the Easter Rising, by Praful C. Desai
- Left priorities, from Jim Higgins
- Living in dream world, from Terry Rodgers
The wobbling of Dr Allende, by Jose Martinez
- The President: Rapture ... (photo)
- ... has turned to rupture with militant workers (photo)
- Centres of MIR activity (map)
King Billy’s Orange hoax, by Brian Trench
- Craig (photo)
- Billy Hull ... inspecting the Vanguard (photo)
- The Vanguard youth battalion on the march (photo)
Nothing new about the sinister knock in the night, by Peter Hitchens
- The police seized a bust of Lenin
Shop Stewards in World War One
- Arming the war workers ... when the union leaders did a bunk, by Sabby Sagall
- John Hodge (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Dossier for total change? by Gerry Dawson
- Films of the Third World
A ‘still’ from the film Mexico: The Frozen Revolution
- TV: That Special relationship, by David Pearson
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Lack of witches to hunt saddens press
Antrim tyre battle on wages, by Mike Miller
What’s On
Sit-in wages battle nears the crunch, by Glyn Carver
- Social Security said No (photo)
- Pickets at the Bradbury steelworkers
Left students call for anti-Tory fight
Lockout smashed
2,000 carworkers vote for occupation
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Resist Tory blackmail, by Chris Harman
- London railwaymen (photo)
Nixon steps up airborne terrorism
World News
- Iceland fights for her fish, by Ian Birchall
- Argentina: End of the honeymoon
The kidnapped Fiat executive Sallustro (photo)
South America (map)
- Italy: jobless over a million
- Briefing:
[Dean of Johannesburg acquitted]
[EEC Commission report on labour cost]
[Insurance policy in Italy against loss of parliamentary seats]
[66 Cairo textile workers still in prison]
[Albania’s friendship with China waning]
[Little enthusiasm in Moscow for victories of Vietnamese liberation forces]
“You’re right, Corporal – morale is low ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Four-pronged Tory attack on workers
Cottons Yarns
- Brown and Mac
Macmillan (photo)
- [Distorted vision]
- Hanging party
- Evil times
- [Heaton’s Transport hardly passes muster as ‘law-abiding’ company]
- Foreman doctor
- [5 bullet-proof jackets purchased by Thames Valley police]
- His story
- Call the lift
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Away with the dogsbody image! from Sandra Peers
- Some light on IS support for IRA, from Mary Crampse & Jenny Davison
- Refuse to build these slums, from M. Dean Sherwin
- What abour John McLean? from Allan Laidlaw
- Union tactics against the Act, from Paul Lewis
- Dismissal not political, from Gavin Williams
The great sit-in battle, by Roger Rosewell
- Scanlon (photo)
- Manchester workers reading weekly bulletin (photo), by Red Saunders
- Worker with bulletin (photo), by Red Saunders
- What to fight for
Science – for us or against us?
- Prophets of doom are on the side of rich nations, by Tim Shallice
Beer – the bitter truth, by Laurie Flynn
- Maxwell Joseph (photo)
- How to launch a new beer (cartoon), Evans
- Counter-revolution by red keg men
What’s the difference? Nothing – except the price ... (beer mats)
Tory homes plan is green light for slum landlords, by Geoff Woolfe
Shop Stewards in World War One
- 2. Why was there no 1917 revolution in Britain, by Sabby Sagall
Where the working class was leading (photo)
H.M. Hyndman (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Spain 1936: How close was the socialist revolution? by Chris Harman
Citizen Army volunteers on the way to the front (photo)
- Nine loaves and a copy of the Communist Manifesto, by Roland Muldoon
What We Stand For
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Will Labour council splash out profits?
What’s On
The Student Scene
- Militant challenge to NUS leaders
NUS president Digby Jacks
- Sit-in broken
- Nine charged
Blacking goes on despite court threat, by Steve Emms
Free Derry still solidly behind IRA struggle, by Eamonn McCann
- Irish TUC calls in strike-breakers
The Rents Battle
- Tenants’ action brings heavy pressure on Labour councils
Printers fight lock-out
Ferranti attack union rights
Sack threat sets Parsons alight
Picket Lines
- Toolroom strike goes on
- [BSC management refuses to reveal plans for River Don Steelworks]
- [Nearly 700 building workers marches through Glasgow]
- [2,000 workers at Cowley car body plant give strike notice]
- [4 IS members found guilty of using ‘insulting words and behaviour’]
- [650 engineers at GEC Blackheath on strike]
Shoe factory occupation now in firth week
400 protest at parade
Scanlon stalls as engineers’ wage struggle spreads, by Glyn Carver
Sit-ins cross the Pennines
No. 269, Apr 29, 1972, London
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Stop this retreat
- Force union leaders to fight Tories
- Cooley (photo)
May Day rally packs them in (photo)
Vietnam: US facing total defeat
World News
- Sheikh shifts towards the right, by John Ashdown
A poster of Mujib (photo)
- Briefing:
[South African government determined to destroy resistance of militant Ovambo workers]
[Greek junta’s reign of terror beginning to break]
[Chinese interpreters refuse to shake hands with Nixon]
[ISUS active in rank and file movements]
[Egyptian government to close 400 luxury shops]
[Lutte Ouvrière fete]
[8 Bombay workers shot by police]
- Kwame Nkrumah: death of a myth, by W. Enda
- May Day greetings from Spain, from Accion Communista
- Police bullets sharpen the struggle
Industrial Relations Act (cartoon), by Evans
- Worker must fight after TUC treachery
Cottons Yarns
- No joyride
- [‘Groups who used their power against the interests of the community’]
Barber (photo)
- Star turn
- [It’s possible to turn a somersault in 24 hours]
- [Making a clean breast of it]
- Miracle Humph
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- On trial for politics, from Stoke Newington 8 Defence Group
- IRA: what we mean by support, from Mike Heym
- Give troops a ‘royal’ welcome ..., from John Ormsby
- Kennedy, from B.J. Burden
When the dockers smashed union law, by Jules Townsend
- Victorious dockers being chaired from court (photo)
- Bevin (photo)
McGovern – man of ‘peace’ who backs the war, by Michael Stewart
- [George McGovern] (photo)
Race setback for bosses, by a special correspondent
How the TUC sold the pass, by Laurie Flynn
- TUC leaders George Lowthian and Tom Jackson (photo)
- Feather (photo)
The best law money can buy, by Raymond Challinor
The task of revolutionary party, by Sabby Sagall
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- 1972: the catch is the same, by Jill Branston
US soldier hits Vietcong prisoner ... in face (photo)
- Dishonest on film, by Philip Eastman
- Sedgwick and Laing (continued)
What We Stand For
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Papers silent over censorship protest
IS News
- Tottenham meeting about frame-up of Angela Davis
- Lambeth Public Employees’ Alliance
What’s On
Report from the South, by Brian Trench
- The choice is no choice
- And in the North ...
A day of ‘Loyalist’ anger
Union backs ‘lawbreakers’ at Parsons
Frank Chapple in power struggle
Technicians at the crossroads
The Rents Battle
No compromise on hours and pay say sit-in workers
- Victimisation
- 80 suspended
- Levy for strike
- 1,400 out
Dockers face their toughest battle, by Bob Light
Car workers ... at London’s May Day march (photo)
Sweat shop workers call a halt
Picket Lines
- Round the clock picket backs strike
- [Plessey plan to axe half the labour force]
- [London overseas telephonists turn down militant action]
- [Third annual conference of the Building Workers’ Charter]
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Vietnam: one last bloody fling by Nixon’s outlaws
- Young and old are held at gun point ub concentration camps (photo)
Why Tory law must be smashed
- Feather (photo)
- Support the railwaymen
World News
- £20 million fine threat kills strike, by Paul O’Flinn
- Briefing:
[Demonstration in Spain on May Day]
[‘How to spot urban guerrillas’ in Argentina]
[Celebrities breaking South African cultural boycott]
[More trouble for Allende]
[South African ‘descent to the sewers]
[French CP launches new attack on leftists]
[Icelandic students protest against Vietnam War]
[Portuguese difficulties violating Tanzanian air space]
[Private enterprise flourishes in Russia]
[Student strike in Athens]
- Thousands protest against Zambian anti-strike move, by a correspondent in Lusaka
“Don’t be nervous – I’m an army doctor” (cartoon), by Evans
- Tenants must force Labour to honour pledge on rents
- Solidarity with Vietnam struggle
Cottons Yarns
- Beeb ban
- [Fouls ... in front of the Queen]
- Shamrocked
Eamonn to that (illustration)
- SSussed out
- [Affiliation]
- Sweet talk
Cleaners start to mop up London’s offices, by Valerie Clark
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Internment under a new name hits N. Ireland, from Dennis Cassin
A May Day greeting card produced by Long Kesh prisoners
- Role of the masses, from Bob Dent
Comment, by Chris Harman
- Kennedy whitewash: fats paint a blacker picture, from Ian H. Birchall
- Don’t let Labour off the hook, from Barry Woodling
SW’s front page (facsimile)
- Derry: who gave the order, from Chris Jones
How Wilson smashed the seamen, by Chris Harman
- Ships queue in the Thames Estuary (photo)
- [Harold Wilson] (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- A bonus for the profiteers
Report from the South, by Brian Trench
- Irish Labour – graveyard party for militants who want workers’ republic ...
U.C.S – a balance sheet on the sit-in, by Roger Rosewell
- The work-in on the Clyde ... won massive support from workers ... (photo)
- How the jobs were slashed on the Clyde (map)
- Jimmy Reid, Jimmy Airlie, Dan McGarvey, Wedgewood Benn (photos)
Tory joy for land sharks as all controls are ripped up, by Irene Bruegel
‘Inferior’ blacks: this pernicious myth ..., by Troy Langley
- A typical IQ test (photomontage)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- A prophet revealed, by Peter Sedgwick
- Coming soon: Planet of the Mugs
CAST (photo)
- Gay lib: fighting against oppression, by Don Milligan
What We Stand For
Lame shareholders bailed out in Belfast, from a special correspondent
What’s On
Dubious army role in killings, by Mike Miller
The Rents Battle
- Don’t be fooled by Tories’ trickery
- Labour: promises, promises?
Part of an advertisement placed in the London Evening Standard
Another union off the register
Move to tone down TASS policies
No court boycott, Jenkins tells ASTMS confewrence, by Roger Rosewell
Italian election charade
Picket Lines
- 250 out at sweet factory
- [Wingrove and Rogers in Kirkby occupied by workers]
- [1,400 workers at Glasgow Caterpillar factory vote their strike into third week]
- [Workers at Hill Construction in Eastleigh locked out for 7 weeks]
- [Engineers in many Sheffield factories working to rule or banning overtime]
- [Bulletin produced for Hoovers in Perivale]
Dockers tell Tories the crunch is near, by Bob Light
- Liverpool docks: centre of the storm (photo)
Sit-in after sacking threat
Press silence over engineers’ struggle, by John Deason
Militant call for conference
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Tory Highwaymen
- Carrington, du Cann, Davies (photos)
‘I’d rather go to jail than appear before the NIRC’
- Dockers’ leader defies the law ... (photo)
Railmen: big ‘yes’ vote needed
World News
- Vietnam: back to the Goldwater Era, by Ian Birchall
Gifts from world’s richest people to some of the poorest (photo)
- Briefing:
[2 Left-wing organisations virtually wiped off Italian electoral map]
[Russian authorities trying to suppress clandestine publication]
[Indian industrial relations law]
[South African government attempts to restore tribal society]
[Turkish government executes 3 young militants]
- Burundi power struggle breaks into tribal war
- The attacks of Zion, by Edward Crawford
“This chap’s come from the union to withdraw your credentials Sid ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- NIRC – rubber stamp for Tories
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- The contempt of the Daily Telegraph
Cottons Yarns
- [Market in discarded reformist principles in Tottenham]
- [Impartiality of the law]
- [BOC offers Green Shield Stamps for snooping]
Pit prop profiteers mine fortune with numbers game, by Arthur Malone
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Appeal of an old’un, from J.J. French
- Right politics rule out atrocities, from Duncan Macpherson
- Use your power to stop building disasters, from Kathy Sims
Ronan Point (photo)
- From P.H. Clarke
- Wrong figures, from Pete Harvey
Reply, by Editor
- Are the doomsters right? from Aidan Foster-Carter
George Wallace: Trickster with a mask of hate, by James Coleman
Enough to make old Owen turn in his grave, by Terry Ward
Dockland’s battle for survival, by Laurie Flynn
- Dockers are pawns in profits scramble
Docks (photo)
- The danger, the dirt, the cold, the wet – they earn every penny
- Devlin’s ‘milk and honey’ leaves a bitter taste
Devlin, Jones, Mikardo (photo)
The Struggle for Britain’s Unions (series), by Bernard Ross
- 1. How the workers found they were strong
The matchgirls of Bryant & May (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- BBC: The Greeks have a word for it
Ian Hendry and Wanda Vertham filming in Crete for the Lotus Eaters (photo)
- History from bottom up
What We Stand For
Compromise at Parsons, by Malcolm Reid
What’s On
Postal union conference may end headlong retreat
Backlash rocks press union
The Rents Battlefield
- Labour councils ready to betray to Tories
Crosland (photo)
- Angry crowd blocks council
[13 Labour council members suspended by Labour group]
[300 angry Islington tenants pack public gallery]
[Dagenham tenants leaders meeting shop stewards]
[20 Scottish councils say they will refuse to raise rents]
[Federation of Camden Tenants Association set up]
Support this conference
Black youths on trial
Overtime ban hides retreat on 35 hours
Picket Lines
- [Lockout at the Erith works of GEC Osram entering fifth week]
- [500 maintenance workers at the Wolverhampton Goodyear factory strike]
- [Sit-in at Woodhead Springs in Ossett]
- [Workers at M.C. Hives in Wolverhampton win victory]
- [Workers at Laurence Scott and Electromotors in Norwich return to work]
- [5,000 workers at Singers in Clydebank on strike]
- [Humberside’s first sit-in strike in defence of jobs]
Four pickets arrested (photo)
Pupils and teachers fight the system
- 200 people attend Rank and File Teachers’ conference
Barricades rise again after attack on pub
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Heath will try new sell-out with Smith
Who are they kidding?
Black stays on say dockers (photo)
Street fights in USSR
World News
- Black militants speak out against integration, by John Lea
- Briefing:
[Clashes between police and demonstrators in Tananarive in Malagasy Republic]
[Assassination of notorious police officer of Milan political bureau]
- S. African students revolt, by W. Enda
Ramothibi Tiro (photo)
[Not the first student demonstrations in South Africa against the system] (photo)
- Jamaica: where the cream goes to the parasites
Redundant Railwaymen – 2nd Class – 1st Class (cartoon), by Evans
- Tell union leaders – stop appeasement
- Cause for concern
Cottons Yarns
- Foul play
Best (photo)
- [Edinburgh’s Blenheim Rooms]
- Uncivil
- [A case for the NIRC?]
- Steel yourself
Workers taking over whole towns ... Canada’s May Days 1972, by Paul O’Flinn
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Irish trade unionist behind bars, from Patrick McCusker
Lond [sic!] Kesh concentration camp (photo)
- Against Labour or Tories (1), from Anthony Arblaster
- Against Labour or Tories (2), from Martin Barker
- Left unity, from S. Smith
- In support of gay lib, from Joanna Bornat & Richard Bornat
This bribe for getting sacked, by Roger Jackson & Jim Kincaid
- Workers from the AEI factory at Woowich (photo)
- [Ray Gunter] (photo)
Learn to speak topsy-turvy Toryese in one easy lesson
Bent coppers – Corruption swept under the carpet, by Paul Foot
- Photomontage, by Red Saunders
- The man who fly too high (facsimile)
Angela – Frame-up by the state, from Workers Power
The Struggle for Britain’s Unions (series), by Bernard Ross
- 2. The winning of the dockers’ tanner
- One of the great marches through London (photo)
- Frederick Engels, Ben Tillett (photos)
Our Norman (comic strips), by Evans
- War and peace, by Taku Ogawa
- Who killed Stephen McCarthy? by Nigel Fountain
Chief Superintendent Forrest, police violence, Wormwood Scrubs, [Stephen McCarthy] (photos)
[Mrs McCarthy with family on a recent march] (photo)
- Wilcox farewell gives Man Alive a chance
What We Stand For
Unions: the noose tightens, by Dave Lyddon
Big steel cut-back threat to workers, by Peter Ingham
What’s On
Police force against schools demo, by Steve Forey
Belfast battles take new pattern
The Rents Battle
- Victory! 3 councils reverse 50p rises
Cocktails à la Mac, by T.H. Rogmorton
- Macmillan, Callaghan, Scanlon (photos)
Threat to sit-in men
Fine Tubes strikers plan mass demo
TGWU leaders fight to get off the hook
Engineering unions all set for pay talks somersault, by Roger Rosewell
- Manchester struggle coming to an end, by Glyn Carver
One of Manchester’s deserted shop floors (photo)
Picket Lines
- [75th conference of the TSSA]
- [1,400 workers at Glasgow Caterpillar to continue]
- [School students in Tottenham harassed again by police]
- [7 women picketing James Galt in Cheadle]
Sit-in follows lay-off threat at Wembley
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Call this justice?
Vital battle for the docks
Wembley sit-in strikers fight-on (photos)
World News
- The ‘soviet’ facade cracks a little, by Chris Harman
- Vietnam: riches versus poverty, by Ian Birchall
South Vietnamese soldiers flee (photo)
- Big fete draws 15,000
- Briefing:
[Events in Cambodia]
[‘Liberalisation’ in Portugal]
[Women’s Liberation has now arrived in Israel]
[Shorter working hours for manual workers on Common Market]
“He’s here every week ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Safer world – for super powers
- Common enemy, common action
Cottons Yarns
- The puke of Windsor
Knotty problem for the ruling class
- Country gazumping ...
[‘Unique country cottage’ in St Albans] (facsimile)
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- [Fleet Street repays its debt to Harold Wilson]
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Civil war danger, from Emanuel Kelly
- Fighting organisation is needed, from Jim Butterfield
- Why the matchgirls struck a light, from T.J. McCarthy
- Life on the farm must be exposed ..., from Kathleen Basnett
Out in the cold (photo)
[Response, by Editor]
- [Correction on Italian elections], from R.E. Rawles
- Sites for sore eyes, from Robert Hair
- Floating the Tories, from G. Spink
- Politics and race, from Terence Ward
Why Willy walks the German tightrope, by our correspondent in Frankfurt
- Willy Brandt (photo)
- Opposition leader Barzel (photo)
- Brandt with Kosygin (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- When you’re in the know, £57,000 profit is a cinch
Greed: the ABC of RTZ, by David East
- Home for an African labourer (photo)
- Avonmouth (photo)
Homes racket, by Jim Kincaid
- The escalating cost of private housing ... (photo)
- The escalating cost of council rents ... (photo)
- Julian Amery (photo)
The Struggle for Britain’s Unions (series), by Bernard Ross
- 3. Bosses’ counter-attack but the new unions march on
- Mass demonstration during the big transport strike of 1912 (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Tribute to a strike, by Laurie Flynn
- The cobra that ruled Egypt
The symbols of Egypt ruled by Tutankhamun (photo)
A gold and jewelled brooch found in the king’s tomb (photo)
- Reproduction line (poem), by D.R. Brown
What We Stand For
Electricians’ leaders play the power game
Fred Gore (photo)
Immigrant workers fight exploitation
What’s On
The Rents Battle
- Camden
- Lambeth
- Redditch
- Greenwich
- London
- Manchester
- Scotland
- Crediton
Lung disease: NCB ready to fight miners
- Strike pickets face trial
Off to the nick (photo)
Sit-in fights strike-breaking machinery
No sweet talk
Sit-ins – the sting in the tail
N. Ireland: peace at what price? by Chris Harman
Building protestor heads for the top (photo)
Picket Lines
- Breakthrough as parts factory is occupied
- [School walk-outs in Sussex]
- [Demand for more democracy in ATTI]
- [Workers at D&E Plastics factory in Coventry in 7th week of strike]
Postmen snub union leaders
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Support grows for Ossett sit-in, by John Charlton
Angela is free – but the fight goes on ..., by Mike Caffoor
The real killers
World News
- [The International Socialist stall at the Lutte Ouvrière fete] (photo)
- US-backed crackdown snuffs out democracy, by Salvadoran reolutionaries and students in England
- Shipyard threat to Franco, by Vic Richards
- Shoot-out masks real German isues, by our Frankfurt correspondent
- Briefing:
[US war veterans facing unemployment]
[Chilean government facing challenge on its left]
[To compete in US presidential elections you need lots of rich friends]
[Lack of clear political leadership in Quebec strike]
[The Uruguayan guerrillas, the Tupamaros, suffer setback]
[Yugoslav professor groping towards a Marxist analysis of the society he live in]
For sale – To let (cartoon), by Evans
- Next steps in fight against Act
Cottons Yarns
- Naked truth
- [Police taken short]
A Grosvenor Square flasher (photo)
- As you were – 1
- As you were – 2
- [Celebrating 100th birthday]
- Pole-axed
- Cottons Power
Rangers’ fans put the boot in, by Peter Bain
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Union toughness in short supply, from D.J. Delaney
- ‘Tory bashing’ avoids the crucial issues, from Dave Hughes, Godfrey Webster, Gerry Kelly, Paul Holborough, Gerry Kelly & Granville Williams
- Victory? Don’t shoot too soon, from Mark Dougal
Don’t let councillors off the hook
- Trafford Park, from George Taylor
[Reply], by Glyn Carver
- [Thank you for your review], from Conrad Atkinson
On your marks for the price spring, by John Palmer
- Mr Rising Price (cartoon)
- The great grub scandal – how your weekly bill has soared, by Lionel Sims
Notting Hill: the slumlords laugh all the way to the bank, by Laurie Flynn
- 21 Powis Square (photo), by Nancy Hellborn
- Joseph Alix (photo), by Nancy Hellborn
- 1 to 9 Colville Gardens (photo), by Nancy Hellborn
- Grants boost profit rake-off (table)
Dirty Alex, spy the workers kept in the cold, by Raymond Challinor
The Struggle for Britain’s Unions (series), by Bernard Ross
- 4. Why the unions keep turning right
- Ernie Bevin (photo)
- Pilkington militants on the march (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Parity fight recharged Dagenham batteries, by Sabby Sagall
Leaving Dagenham ... at the start of the nine-week strike (photo)
- Kubrick takes the pith ..., by Nigel Fountain
What We Stand For
Militants set pace on building site
Campus occupation scene of students and workers unity
What’s On
Engineers strike – against their own union
The Rents Struggle
- Labout to urge backdown
- Kent miners and London building workers (photo), by Mike Cohen
- Birmingham
AUEW snub for Tories’ court, by Rob Clay
Workers take-over to win pay claim
Docks steward call strike
Picket Lines
- [In Glasgow 1,400 Caterpillar Tractor workers return to work]
- [Building workers on the Thamesmead site on strike]
- [In Harlow 800 workers at United Glass on strike]
- [Swansea Trades Council to set up Tenants Committee]
- [The whole workforce at Crepe Sizes in Nottingham on picket line]
Metal Box fights on for vital claim, by Glyn Carver
[A section of the IS contingent on Vietnam demonstration in London] (photo)
Work sharing call to fight sackings
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Pay: use your muscle for more
‘Court won’t stop our fight’ – defiant dockers
Rebuff for witch-hunt
World News
- Murder by pollution in Vietnam, by Tim Shallice
- Cape Town: Habits die slow, by W.Enda
South African police beating women students with batons (photo)
- Allende turns to ‘law and order’
The price of meat continues to rise ... (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Meanyful
Meany (photo)
- [Vic Feather at the Haldane Society]
- Landslide
- Orange squash
- [Touching scene in Belfast]
- Ginger wine
- Out of court
- Dead line
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Labour and unions ..., from Ken Muller
- Democracy – crucial issue for the Liaison Committee, from Ted Parker
- [Tenants want somebody to tell them how to take effective action], from Tom Braddock
- Who decides? from M. Pearce
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Not suitable for breakfast
Two Years on Strike! by Laurie Flynn
- ... and all for the right to be trade unionists ...
- Convenor Frank Clark (photo), by Red Saunders
- ’Unions must reimpose blacking quickly and oficially’ (photo), by Red Saunders
- Collecting strike pay (photo), by Red Saunders
Every baby must be a wanted baby ..., by Wendy Henry
- [Working-class women living in cramped conditions ...] (photo)
- Another dumped, abandoned baby (facsimile), from last week’s Daily Mirror
- Women on the march (photo)
The continuing sage of deformed profiteers, by Paul Foot
The I.R.A. – confusion in the ranks after political somersault, by Brian Trench
- Another new strategy (photo)
- Members of the Officials taking part in the Provisional-run peace march (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- TV goes cap in hand, by Barry Ellis
- A play that grabs you roughly by the collar, by Roger Huddle
- The effluent society, by Ken Montague
Poison leaks from a drum washed up on the South Coast from a wreck (photo)
What We Stand For
No real lead in the fight to kill Tories’ law
- More than a thousand delegates packed into Central Hall, Westminster (photo)
What’s On
Victory over anti-union boss, by Harry Tait
Loyalists open up danger of civil war, by Mike Miller
Left defeated at conference
The Rent Struggle
- Shock for 200,000 tenants – London rents to double
- Hammersmith
Sackings loom againcover Upper Clyde shipyards
Dockers defy ‘stop blacking’ order, by Bob Light
Building workers picket the World’s End site in Chelsea, London (photo)
Glass factories on strike
Engineers’ struggle grows
Picket Lines
- 2,500 workers take on whisky giant
- Wembley
- Sheffield
- Bristol
- Glasgow
Thousands join ‘Euro-strike’
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
The can be beaten
- Monday’s mass meeting of London dockers at Tower Hill (photo)
- ’A great victory’
Alan Williams (photo)
World News
- The Queen shakes bloody hands, by Ian Birchall
Iranian students cover their faces while demonstrating against the Shah (photo)
- Briefing:
[Allende’s government proud of record on civil liberties]
[French CP daily L’Humanité in acute financial difficulties]
[Iraqi government nationalises Iraq Petroleum Company]
[Croatian fascist Ustashi bombs of political opponent in Australia]
[French Defence Minister defends nuclear tests in the Pacific]
[18-year-old Israeli draft resister imprisoned for refusing to serve in occupied territories]
[Dozen Czechoslovakian actors prematurely retired]
- Terror rules on in Turkey, by a correspondent
- University students challenge Greek junta, by George Gionis
“We’re tightening up on on the company medicals, Parker ...” (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Sweethearts
- [Student action, Argentina-style]
- Cheeky
- [Sad sight in Stoke Newington, London]
- Blockbuster
Cunningham (photo)
- Gale force
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- A not-so-quaint old firm cashes in on on the property robbery
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Tying Labour with reforms, from Duncan Hallas
- Farm workers need all our support, from Ron Hale
- Unions must back us, from G. Spink
- Abortion (1), from Gloria Murphy
- Abortion (2), from Ellen Reynolds
- Why the Mail is afraid, from Tony Greenstein
The bureaucrats – union leaders who prefer the white flag to the red when under fire, by Mike Heym
Vic Feather (photo)
- Such face – in a socialist illusion!
Arms race: rival giants menace the whole world, by Chris Harman
- [Vietnam] (photomontage), by Red Saunders
- Bombs and the balance of terror
[Missile] (photo]
- War economy – a bid to ward off slumps
Shut down in the 1930s (photo)
- The race goes on despite Moscow
Algeria: devastation of the ‘civilisers’, by Ian
- A mass demonstration of French settlers in Algeria (photo)
- A copy of Revolution, the FLN’s bulletin
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Rank-and-file power, by Julian Harber
- Where do the miners get their splendid solidarity? by Richard Croucher
[Miner] (photo)
[Pithead] (photo)
What We Stand For
The press quietly hides its gag, by Laurie Flynn
What’s On
Jobs in advert were being killed
Ireland: Danger of sell-out increases
The Rents Battle
- They can jail me says Labour man, by Ross Hill
- Inverness
Port Talbot
Critical wage struggle is ignored at conference
- Hugh Scanlon (photo)
- Aberdeen
We’ll defeat Act, pledge 800 stewards, by Steve Jefferys
No union aid for black strikers, by Anne Clark
National glassworks strike in the offing
- A strike meeting at United Glass, Harlow (photo)
Town hall workers’ union moves towards the left
Picket Lines
- Mass picketing at whisky factories
- Warrington
Anti-internment demonstration
Longannet 13 cleared
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
£: Big boost to prices
Big pay fight hits site
Sack threat to Wembley engineers
- ‘Return to sender’ (photo), by Mike Cohen
World News
- Russian police arrest anti-Stalinist critic, by Ian Birchall
- Briefing:
[Meeting of solidarity in London with Spanish students]
[Walkout by black students South Africa’s University of the North]
[Chilean CP minister slaps workers]
[Workers’ assemblies in Cuba to grade fellow workers]
[Chiang Kai-shek still has friends in the United States]
[More setbacks for Uruguay’s urban guerrillas]
- Italy: How far to the revolution? by John Palmer
The riots in Reggio Calabria (photo)
- Arab guerrilla groups still in disarray, by Ted Crawford
Rio Tinto Zinc Co. (cartoon), by Evans
- The swindle of ‘incomes policy’
Cottons Yarns
- Border war
- [Say that again?]
- Cpl punishment
- [Nice work if you can get it department]
- Gamekeeper
- Blackballed
Jane-Anne Peppler (photos)
- On spec
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Abortion:
The big talking point ..., from Nancy Hellebrand
Piffling, from Domhnall Mac Amhlaidh
Forced, from Valerie Clark
A right to life, from Wendy Henry
Prevention, from Trevor M. Shaw
- Backslaps, from Dave Strutt
- Now a word from the ABS, from D.A. Hearn
- Did China get lost in the smog? from Bill Fakes
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Fleet St all at sea on floating £
Peace? In a state built on violence, by Brian Trench
- [William Whitelaw] (photo)
Noise: it’s about time someone shouted, by Laurie Flynn
What happens if the Tories fail ..., by Duncan Hallas
- It sounds like a good slogan (photo)
- Wage freeze on the menu (photo)
- Last Word (cartoon), Evans
£ – Panic in hight places as sterling comes under the hammer, by Chris Harman
- London dockers have dealt Tory plans a body blow (photo)
Algeria – Victory and defeat, by Ian Birchall
- De Gaulle (photo)
- General Salan (photo)
- The myth ofmotherhood, by David Widgery
An advert for Mother magazine (facsimile)
The perfect family, advertisers’ eye view (facsimile)
The advertiser’s view of childhood (facsimile)
- In a legal blind alley, by David East
What We Stand For
On your Marks for a police state, by Laurie Flynn
What’s On
New sit-in on the Clyde
Provos call off armed struggle, by Mike Miller
Strikers end sit-in after court order, by Anne Clarke
Third whisky plant out
- Pickets turn back non-unionists at Slater Rogers (photo)
The Rents Battle
- Labour leaders bid to undermine tenants’ fight
- Llantrissant
East Kilbride
[Socialist Worker pamphlet]
Workers fight closure
Victory for the dockers! by Bob Light
North-east rocked by steel strike, by Rob Clay
- The 7,000 who face the axe
Print unions back workers’ takeover at colour works
Shop stewards lead fight to defend union rights
Picket Lines
- Strikers seal off shipyard
- Chesterfield
East London
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Wage freeze threat
- ... as TUC goes cap in hand to Heath, by Roger Rosewell
- Feather & Scanlon (photos)
World News
- Chilean government swings further to the right, by Vic Richards
- French left vote pact hedges bets, by a correspondent in Paris
A strike meeting at Renault (photo)
- Briefing:
[‘Vietnamising’ the Vietnam War is cheaper]
[In West Germany Springer press denounces book published by Spinger company]
[Mao Tse-tung greets Mrs Bandaranaike]
[Struggles of British dockers widely reported in Scandinavia]
[Izvestia shows how Russia’s so-called planned economy works]
[South African building workers pelt police with bricks]
[Nigerian Union of Teachers conducting militant campaign on wages and conditions]
“No fun, these union leaders – they don’t fight!” (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Razer’s edge
- [Last word on ... Harry Hyams]
- Last Post
- [Newspaper placard]
Windsor and friend (photo)
- Marking time
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Point the way – don’t patronise, from David Booth
- We know about the SS, from Andrew Capp
- Attack on the IRA ‘sheer bloody nonsense’, from Des O’Hagan
Rescuers search the rubble of a bombed bar (photo)
[Comment], by Socialist Worker
- The dangers of ‘community control’, from Laurie Landy
- But is there a socialist solution, from Simon Partridge
- Don’t keep NALGO down! from Sandy Rose
Engineers’ pay fight at the crossroad, by Roger Rosewell
- Workers wearily waiting at the Social Security offices (photo), by Red Saunders
- Scanlon & McGarvey (photos)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
Fakenham: the shoe is on the other foot
- Some of the sit-in strikers (photo)
- Socialist Worker reader (photo)
Coughing up a fortune, by Laurie Flynn
- An advert in the journal Tobacco (facsimile)
- [Health warning] (photomontage], by Red Saunders
- How Labour stubbed out the anti-smoking reforms
Black in Britain (series), by John Lea
- 1. Race Act gives green light to the police
- [Black men] (photo), by John Silver
- [Black children] (photo), by John Silver
- Pernicious – this ‘scientific racism’
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Bringing it all back home, by David Widgery
- At last it can be told, by Nigel Fountain
Best-selling writers: ... Guy Thorne, Erskine Childers, Ian Hay, Warwick Deeping & Michael Arlen (photos)
- The Other Catalogue
What We Stand For
Report from the South, by Brian Trench
- Green Tories shaken by wages defeat
- Socialist republicans demonstrate at gates of the Curragh Camp
Electricians’ union still on the register, by an electrician
What’s On
The Rents Battle
- Labour ready to abandon tenants
- Scotland
Newcastle under Lyme
Social workers back squatters, by Mike Heym
- Anywhere is home for the homeless (photos)
Protesters hit big army recruiting show, by Colin Falconer
Anger after steel strike
Now Loyalists take to the barricades, by Mike Miller
Steward: We’ve been betrayed
Building workers set for a long fight, by Glyn Carver
A thousand on Briants’ march
- Printers marching in solidarity with Briants’ occupation (photo)
Picket Line
- Whisky blacked
- Glasgow
South Wales
We’ll deregister – Printers
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
MPs knee deep in filth, by Martin Tomkinson
Tory dirty work in the docks, by Laurie Flynn
- Private cops at Midland Cold Stores ... hide their faces (photo), by Mike Cohen
- A picketing docker explains their case to a lorry driver (photo), by Mike Cohen
World News
- The horse-traders’ convention, by Hannah Shoemaker
The jockeys ... McGovern, Humphrey, Wallace & Nixon (photos)
- S. African students sack president, by W. Enda
- Will the French left be Messmerised? by Ian Birchall
Messmer (photo)
- Briefing:
[US forces moved from South Vietnam to Thailand]
[All industries are key industries in Ceylon]
[Social Security employees in French West Indies on strike]
[Story in Izvestia shows ho Russia’s bureaucracy works]
“That office block we built is still ahead of us, Pat!” (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Stern gang
- [Talking of Peter Walker ...]
Walker (photo)
- Yug up
- [Pay off ...]
- Black money
- [Headline in Morning Star ...]
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- The limits of militant action, from Keith Jackson
- [Hallas contradiction], from John Devonshire
- Why the strike pay was cut to £1, from M.R. Pierce
- They tell us we don’t need unions ..., from Mrs S.W.
- Solidarity, not politics, from Tom Braddock
- Hierarchy to blame, from Barry Docherty
- Safe smoke, from Dave Pearson
[Socialist Worker article] (facsimile)
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- As if they didn’t know about Reggie ...
Fifty years as a revolutionary, by Edinburgh International Socialists
The rat race’s non-starters, by Audrey Kincaid
- Social Services Minister Keith Joseph (photo)
India: the motor falters ..., by Nigel Harris
- [Starving Indians] (photo)
- Mrs Gandhi (photo)
When tenants won the battle of Quinn Square, by Margaret Falshaw
- East End tenements (photo)
- Bob Graves (photo)
The day the police invented a crowd, by Steve Jefferys
Black in Britain (series), by John Lea
- 2. Jobs – immigrants get the rawest deal
- The wealth that is beyond their reach (photo), by John Silver
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Neighbours, by Chris Searle
The clock seller (photo), by Ron McCormick
The schmaltz herring shop in Montague Street (photo), by Ron McCormick
- Pabst’s call to action, by Laurie Flynn
- Poor Marx, New Left, by Stuart Morgan
What We Stand For
Miners’ leaders dodge wage hook
What’s On
Workers oppose grants fiddle, by Dave Peers
5,000 march on big anti-closure demo, by Granville Williams
The Rents Battle
- Submit says Crosland, by Hugh Kerr
Nuclear site workers strike
Tin works staff refuse £175 offer
Sit-in as bosses break offer
Wages strike in 24th week, by Steve Jefferys
‘Equal pay’ demand
Ireland on brink: Tories aid bloodbath, statement by the Executive Committee of the International Socialists
Catholics who tried to move into Andersonstown (photo)
- Orange murder gangs on rampage, by Mike Miller
- Lynch’s cops get tough, by Brian Trench
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
British Army backs terror in Belfast, by Mike Miller
- Catholic families ... leaving for the South (photos)
Mr Maudling takes his pot of gold, by Paul Foot
World News
- East tells West: Why don’t we share profits, by Peter Hitchcock
The bosses (photo)
- Denmark: Workers say no to six, by Rasmus Rasmussen
- Police claim to have broken the Left, by Vic Richards
- Briefing:
[Japanese seamen’s strike stayed solid for more than 13 weeks]
[Plan to relax France’s medieval restricitons on contraception – but not in France]
[US to redefine ‘full employment]
[More and more Australian workers win 35-hour week]
[Students demonstrate in Lima in solidarity with students in southern Peru]
[South Korean regime survives by promoting anti-Communist hysteria]
Bogside Parachute Packers Ltd (cartoon), by Evans
- Conciliation equals class collaboration
- Expel this man!
Cottons Yarns
- Nark it
- [Open grave]
- Bristol clipper
- Rising Star
Heffer (photo)
- [Without comment department]
- Dead cell
- Emergency ward
Labour puts up the facade, by Stephen Marks
Letters on Ireland
- Statement ‘a diatribe against those it should be defending’, from S. McSweeney, E. McWilliams, D. Stocking, A. Prout, D. Silcock & B. Coppock
- Any ‘United Ireland’ policy is barrier to socialism, from Paul O’Mahony
- IRA has right to expect support, from Sara Carver
Manchester: Victory or defeat? by Glyn Carver
- Workers who occupied Laurence Scott & Electromotors factory (photo)
- Greater Manchester Engineer bulletin on the picket line (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorteon
- Let’s have a profit boom – send the workers the bill
Organise women and the TUC doesn’t want to know ..., interview with Pat Sturdy, conducted by Anna Paczuska
- Pat Sturdy (photo), from The Guardian
Equal Pay, by Margaret Renn
- ... we want it now
[Women workers] (photos)
- Two million women in industry – just think what they could achieve
Edna Roach
Black in Britain (series), by John Lea
- 3. Housing: exploited both as workers and as blacks
- ... exploited by slum landlords and factory bosses (photo), by John Silver
Ssh! Not a word about the biggest buggers ..., by Roger Protz
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Know your enemy, by Frank Roberts & Tony Boyle
Major General Frank Kitson (photo)
A British soldier in Northern Ireland
- Sport TV breaks its narrow limits, by Barry Ellis
- Provo’s view goes on film
What We Stand For
Bosses want workers in cold storage, by Laurie Flynn
- The ‘TO LET’ notices ... on Wapping High Street (photo)
What’s On
Big strike on site for potash mine, by Rob Clay
- Some of the pickets (photo)
Revolt over sweatshop conditions spreads
12,000 take on tobacco giant
The Rents Battle
- Tenants prepare for October, by Hugh Kerr
- Lewisham
Clay Cross
Boost for Tarmac
Blacking support for Fine Tube strikers
Dockers: why we fight on, by Bob Light
12,000 builders in big wage battle, by Gerry Kelly
- Round the sites
Printworkers occupation now in fourth week
- Kent miners march in solidarity with Briant occupation (photo), by John Francis
Whisky strike ends
Statement on Ireland, by IS Executive Committee
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Strike now: Free 5
- Dockers’ solidarity picket outside Pentonville jail (photo)
‘It could be you’
Dockland’s Battle for Survival, by Laurie Flynn
- Dockers are pawns in profits scramble
- [Docklands] (photo)
- The danger, the dirt, the cold, the wet – they earn every penny
Dockers loading a barge (photo)
- Devlin’s ‘milk and honey’ leaves a bitter taste
Devlin, Jones & Mikardo (photos)
The men behind Midland Cold Storage
- The ‘TO LET’ notices are out in Wapping High Street (photo)
Collapse of divide-and-rule ploy
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Victory – but the fight goes on
- Cornelius Clancy chaired by a triumphant crowd (photo), by
Mike Cohen
Docks report blueprint for heavy redundancies, by Arthur Malone
- London dockers unloading a barge (photo)
“The Industrial Relations Act must go ...”, by Keith Bell (actually Keith Jackson)
- Walter Cunningham (photo)
“Oh no – this looks like a case for ...” ... “Official Solicitor!” (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Stamped on
Freedom to snoop (facsimile)
- [Laurie Flynn’s new world record]
- Summing up
- [Who believes the class system is dead?]
- Square peg
- [Harold Wilson’s pet labrador]
- Timber!
- Flying high
The council that took 20 years to put in hot water, by Sue Jackson
£½ million profit then 1,500 sacked, by Granville Williams
- Tube Investment workers marching through Walsall (photo)
... as Lord Plowden prates about ‘the affront of unemployment’
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
Liveliest Letters on the Left
- Labour leadership shows its colours, from from Chris Russell
- How socialist is the IRA? from Brian Trench
- Ireland: our duty is to criticise, from Sean Treacy
- Call for equal work, from Eve Brook & Annie Bridgwood
Part of last weeks centre spread article (facsimile)
- Bombing and the Provos, from Keith Dattrey, John Newsinger, Stuart Riches & J. Riches
- Indiscriminate violence not the way to socialism, from Terry Ward
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Honourable Reggie and the untold Tales of Hoffman
What We Stand For
Truth abour the dock cowboys, by Laurie Flynn
What’s On
‘Make or break’ for Fine Tubes
Army on offensive after big bombing by Mike Miller
[Printworkers marched through London] (photo)
College attacks ATTI chairman
Story ‘distorted’
Rolls move
The Rents Battle
- Tenants must go it alone
- Bootle
Long Eaton
- Council houses: £100,000
Solidarity: Fleet Street workers spark militant stoppages all over Britain
- Section of Tuesday’s giant crowd at Tower Hill (photo)
- London
Sites strike hots up after paltry offer, by Gerry Kelly
Bernadette’s lone voice
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Dockers lead fight for jobs
- Printers and dockers picketing (photo)
- Backing for printers (photo)
- Dockers appeal
Forget the ‘Red scare’ – but there was certainly a plot
World News
- ‘Man-made’ famine kills thousands, by Chris Harman
- Italian socialist party breaks up, by Ian Birchall
- Workers’ manifesto group arrested
A recent demonstration in Greece (photo)
- Judgements on Republican Movement ‘arise out of ignorance’, from Des O’Hagan
- Nothing but a yarn, from Don Bateman
“As Marx once said history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce!” (cartoon), by Evans
- The army come not as peacemakers
- Political trials start again
Cottons Yarns
- Red-faced
[Poster] (facsimile)
- [New recruits to volunteer scab labour force]
- Beefy Para
- Crossed line
- Distorting
[8-page Socialist Worker during summer holidays]
The road to Pentonville, by Laurie Flynn
- The five who went to prison (photos)
- Mass meeting at London’s Tower Hill (photo)
- White Feather of ‘do nothing’ TUC leaders, by Roger Protz
- The battle is won, but the war goes on, by Tony Cliff
[Tony Cliff] (photo)
The high price of Prentice, by James Fenton
Robens’ big cover-up for factory death toll, by Arthur Malone
- An injured being helped away from an Aberdeen building site (photo)
- Robens (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
Union orders members to scab
- The letter sent to the union’s branches (facsimile)
The Rents Battle
- Tenants’ conference votes for action
- Halifax
The confused
The clear
What’s On
Jobs stolen from the dockers, by Diana Parker & David Gibbens
Now builders call for all-out strike, by Gerry Kelly
- Bristol
- London
- Southampton
- Leeds
Picket Lines
- Wolverhampton
- Harrow
- Fawley
- Goole
- London
[Dockers’ victory organised by IS in East London] (photo)
The day the British troops ‘freed’ Free Derry, by Eamonn McCann
Children used to unload fish
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Uganda threat brings out the racists, by Mike Caffoor
Press lies to back docks, by SW Industrial Correspondent
Builders stop union retreat – now all out for full claim
- Builders vote in Hyde Park, London (photo), by Mike Cohen
World News
- Allende’s retreat is turning into a rout, by Vic Richards
Chilean farmers occupy land seized from from big landowners (photo)
- Party stops left newspaper
- Romance
All’s not well in Ladywell, by David East
- A journalist’s appeal to Fleet Street, from Eric Winter
- Thanks for help with fines, from Steve Jefferys
“I submit!” (cartoon), by Evans
- The TUC plays poker with gangster – wages are stakes
Cottons Yarns
- Easy Ryder
- [The story that workers are responsible for all the ills of the world]
- Exposure?
- [‘Socialism ... can even perform miracles’] (facsimile)
- [The most expensive-ever council flat]
- Breakable
- Black eye
The Rot on the Sites, by Laurie Flynn
- [Crane] (silhouette]
- Building: Britain’s jungle of corruption
- “Nothing about us in the papers again ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Building workers on the march (photo)
The holiday racket, by Martin Piper
Unions against the law: it had to be broken, by Joseph Black
- Union card for the Bolton Weavers’ Association (facsimile)
Our Norman and “Human Nature” (comic strip), by Evans
The Rents Battle
- Silence as Rents Bill becomes law
- Tenants in Halifax demonstrating (photo)
- Neath
Belfast riot is ‘first of many’, by Eamonn McCann
Workers fight anti-union bosses
Police arrest 19 on shipyard picket
Boilermakers sign and UCS yard is sold
Strike over £55,000
What’s On
Cleaners strike spreads
Dirt in high places, by Paul Foot
Police arrest pickets at strike-breaking wharves
Picket Lines
- Glasgow
- Wolverhampton
- Wembley
- Kirkcaldy & Glenrothes
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Docks: Fight must go on
- Police and pickets clash at Neap Wharf (photo)
- ‘Going to the NIRC was diabolical’ – Chobham steward
Churchman (photo)
The props fall away from mining profiteers, by Arthur Malone
World News
- Manifesto calls for struggle, from Workers Power
Brezhnev (photo)
- Political prisoners on hunger strike
- Corruption year in Vietnam too, by Ian Birchall
- Something wrong
Powell politics pay off, by Peter Rankin
“Very good, Parkinson!” (cartoon), by Evans
- Unite against the headfixers
- A deadly threat
Cottons Yarns
- Shepherd’s flock
- [Obituary]
- Orange abuse
- [Forget the Test Match]
- Warpath
- Dropped brick
- Dropped brisk
Strike that never was (facsimile)
- [The ferry service across the River Tyne]
- Turned off
It’s exploitation that speeds Grand Met to those big profits, by Laurie Flynn
- Maxwell Joseph (photo)
- 8 ft by 6 ft – at £4 a week (photo)
- Hotel Rembrandt (photo)
So you don’t think the workers could run the country?
Builders: ‘It’s a backs to the wall fight’
- Builders’ stewards John Fontaine & Don Quinn (photo)
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Pawns on their golden chessboard
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
Stanmore engineers left high and dry by union
Top union man named in Poulson, by Martin Tomkinson
Youth take over empty office, by Sara Carver
- Action was more effective than polite letters (photo)
Transport men protest over job loss threat
We’ll back rent strike say factory workers, by Tony Boyle
What’s On
Builders’ strike hots up
Kangaroo courts against dockers
- ‘Police treated us like rats’
Picket Lines
Round-the-clock sit in wins pay increase
- Going back buoyant (photo)
Supervisors strike
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
TUC secret deal with Tories
Gad! They’re even on strike at the Commons
- [Official strike] (photo), by Mike Cohen
Docks: now for Round 2, by Bob Light
World News
- Come back Juan – to hoodwink left, by Vic Richards
Peron and Argentinian supporters (photos)
- It’s time we learnt to go Dutch ..., by Edward Crawford
- Japanese rail battle
- Expose bosses’ propaganda, from Arnie Prout
- From M.J. Reid
- Unjustified attack, from Paul Denham
- Combat ‘law and order’ nonsense, from Keith Jackson
“Tell them how independent you are!!” (cartoon), from Evans
- Who gains from the docks setback?
Cottons Yarns
- [Why newspapers often ignore important political stories]
- Bristol fashion
- [Small ad in Leicester Mercury]
- Shining Light
- [Postscript to the docks strike]
Jones (photo)
- Cracked China
The next threat to your pay – ‘incomes policy’ con game, by Sabby Sagall
- The Terrible Twins (photos)
- George Brown (photo)
Amin race attack is cover up for plight of Africans, by Roger Tembo
- Sergeant-turned-general (photo)
Bootle – where 17 men fight bosses and union, by Roger Rosewell
Labour loyalists combat mine militants, by Bill Message
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
By George! Look who’s made the Morning Star, by John Bell
Engineers get miserly deal, by Dave Lyddon
Manbre militants stick out (photo)
Plymouth strikers go it alone, by Paul Foot
Engineers locked out for 11 weeks, by Dave Peers
Tough fight for site men
Sites strike spreads and rocks bosses
- The head of Glasgow’s 15,000-strong builders march (photo)
Loyalist rift widens, by Mike Miller
Picket Lines
- Camborne
- Greenock
- Cleaners
Top profiteers threaten to close four factories, by Glyn Carver
Stronger links necessary in key Jaguar fight
Builders back tenants
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Racist bid to split workers, by The Editor
- [Militancy – the best antidote for racism]
- Facts you should know
A bigger paper – plus Paul Foot
World News
- Morocco: Nothing for the people, by Norah Carlin
General Oufkir with King Hassan (photo)
- Allende warns Left: We’ll use force, by Vic Richards
- [CGT stops interfering with the distribution of Lutte Ouvrière]
[Thirty-seven Russian intellectuals ...]
[The Nagas, a people fighting for independence from India]
[Cult of personality of Kim Il Sung]
“Now if only we could get the electricity to go faster!” (cartoon), by Evans
- How not to fight bosses
- The politics of conspiracy
Cottons Yarns
- Frank speaking
- WOW! – caption in Sunday Times (photo)
- [Anglo-Russian cooperation on containerisation]
- Police exposure
- Con men
- [Lowestoft Labour Party & non-union tilers]
- Corruption: how they tried to buy one Labour MP, from Tom Braddock
- [Uncritical article], from Brian Trench
On the threshold of new pay danger, by Chris Harman
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Fiddling books while jobs burn
Balance sheet on docks strike, by Tony Cliff
- [Tony Cliff] (photo)
- Militants fought the battle of the scab wharves (photo)
From Blackpool to Brighton ...
- Year of the seaside flounder ..., by Laurie Flynn
- Fether and friend at Number Ten (photo)
- Just for the record ... (quotes)
Jackson (photo)
- Why Sunday is a busy day for two top CBEs
Cooper & Smith (photos)
Pay defeat for engineers, by Roger Rosewell
- Manchester engineers (photo)
A quiet night for the army in Unfree Derry, by Eamonn McCann
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- When the unions held the reins, by Roger Rosewell
Will Paynter (photo)
- Only a dream hero, by Neil Springven
Jimmy Cliff (photo)
- Printed by Briant workers in occupation
What We Stand For
The Rents Battle
- Anger after council’s betrayal
- Pontefract
Foundry men in lock-out
Jaguar raise pay offer
British Leyland talks end
What’s On
Trade unionist is stabbed at demo, by Brian Parkin
Army get free hand to step up terror, by Mike Miller
Councils unanimous in refusing Tories’ Rent Act
Car men fight ‘no sackings’ fraud, by Dave Lyddon
- Basingstoke car workers on the march (photo)
Upper Clyde bosses set yet another deadline for unions
’I’d shoot them’ ... why Lord Cooper has murder in his heart
Deals could divide building strikers
- Building workers in Bristol (photo)
- Massive no to sell-out bid
Picket Lines
- West London
- Yorkshire
- Birmingham
- Wolverhampton
- Wigan
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Rents battle on the boil, by Hugh Kerr
TUC: the carthorse turns a cartwheel, by Laurie Flynn
- TUC delegates voting (photo)
World News
- Police link with chain of brothels revealed, by Norah Carlin
- Britain gave Africa racism, special report from Lusaka
A Ugandan Asian woman with her child ... at Heathrow (photo)
- Legal robbery
- Briefing:
[Raul Sendic, leader of Tupamaros, wounded and captured in Uruguay]
[Peruvian bishop forced out for support of Indians]
[Two Italian neo-fascists indicted for Bologna bombing]
[21 French die of poisonous talcum powder]
- Chile: the downward spiral continues, by Vic Richards
“All your tonsils need is a good rest ..., Mr Powell” (cartoon), by Evans
- Taking the pressure off
- Public funds scandal
Cottons Yarns
- Under the bridge
- [Miner’s order refused]
- [French comrades’ difficulty distinguishing British Party leaders
Edouard Heath [actually Harold Wilson] (photo)
- Four-letter ed
- Come again?
- [Bryn Jones ‘radical’?]
- Discredited
- [MPs’ expenses]
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- A gold for the Express – for racist poison
- Inflaming opinion on the Asians, from Mohinder Farma
- Eight on political trial call for funds, from Stoke Newington Eight Defence Group
- Builders: Stop distorting the facts, from Rosaline Kelly & John Coates
- The cancer, from Tony Greenstein
[Reply], by Editor
Immigrants, by Ian Birchall
- A Ugandan Asian family (photo)
- Vincent Flynn condemns the REAL parasites, statement by Vincent Flynn
BBC: Truth in the balance, by Robert Harrington
- Industry: only the ‘experts’ can voice an opinion (photo)
- Muggeridge (photo)
Driving us mad, by Sabby Sagall
- Suicide (table)
- The crack-up: ‘There I was, crying like a baby ...’, by Ginny West
- [Cuts] (photomontage), by Red Saunders
- Dealing with the symptoms – but not with the cause, by Delores Raymond
Solidarity pays: The workers’ message reaches through the prison bars, by Laurie Flynn
- [More than 80 prisoners on the roof at Peterhead Jail]
Whose finger on the computer button, interview with Mike Cooley
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Civilisation ... Huh!, by Ken Montague
Marcel Duchamp’s touched up Mona Lisa (picture)
- Would the real Lenin stand up, by Fred Hall
What We Stand For
The lessons and lost jobs of UCS, by Peter Bain
Sack for 1,000 R-R aircraft workers
NUJ stays off register
Shipyard still on strike
What’s On
Wages: Britain is being left behind
Army repression is growing daily, by Mike Miller
Victory for gas depot strikers, by David Gibens
Sit-in after 318 sacked
Lucas staff strike for parity, by Ken Appleby
Counter-demo meets racist campaign
110 walk out
Jaguar strikers settle for £44, by Dave Lyddon
Pickets shut big cement works
- Round the sites
Journalists spike pay offer (photo)
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Middle East: the real butchers, by Chris Harman
Low pay: the figuresd fiddle ...
Wigan on the march (photo)
World News
- Briefing:
[Olympic Games in Mexico City and Munich]
[China’s opposition to Bangladesh at the UN]
[Rocks in the path of left unity in France]
[Piet Koornhof, South African Minister of Immigration ...]
- Nixon rats on ‘Great American Dream’
Behind the American Dream (photo)
- Dockers get legal lesson, by Rasmus Rasmussen
- Brazil’s crazy circus spins on
“Stop these Blacks coming to Britain!” (cartoon), by Evans
- Exploiting real fears
- Scratch the surface
Cottons Yarns
- ... at the brotherly briny
- [To-ing and fro-ing between CP and Jack Jones]
Jones (photo)
- [Tribune held a meeting at the TUC]
- [Special treat for the Electricians’ delegation at TUC]
- [For the last word, back to George Smith]
- Ireland: Let them fight it out? from Mrs C. Walters
[Reply], by Editor
- Romantic myths from the Left, from Eirlys Hudson
- Strike pay and the SS, from Adam Buick
- Not enough just to counter lies, from Tony Greenstein
- In defence of defence? from John Ormsby
When the only passport was to death ..., by Roger Protz
- Goebbels (photo)
- The Many: Concentration camp victims
- The Few: Refugees arriving in Britain
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Bored boss who only made £10m
Crisis in the Air, by Coventry and Bristol International Socialists
- Weinstock is BAC hatchet man
[BOAC plane] (photo]
- Shop floor links are vital
Rolls Royce stewards on a recent picket line (photo)
- Conky – built by the many for the few
[Concorde] (photo)
Talk, talk, talk, as the TUC avoids the battle, by Laurie Flynn
- “I shall tell the Court – I do not recognise your authority – ... – Sir!” (cartoon), by Evans
The SDLP, a rickety crutch for British rule in Northern Ireland, by Eamonn McCann
- Gerry Fitt ... speaking at a rally in Trafalgar Square (photo)
- Hume (photo)
Political trial strips mask from ‘impartial’ law, by David Widgery
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Keeping it in the family, by Martin Tomkinson
Brando as head of the ... sssh! (photo)
- A chilly reception for ‘democratic socialism’, by Chris Harman
What We Stand For
The Rents Battle
- We will not pay the rises, say tenants
- Councils sell-out won’t stop fight
- Estates prepare for rent strikes
A float entered by Buxton tenants for the annual carnival (photo)
What’s On
Army raids end loyalists’ little tea party, by Mike Miller
Boilermakers go it alone on the Tyne, by Dave Peers
Building workers break up racist meeting
Two-month lock-out in battle for union righrs
Immigrants help to win strike victory
Builders leaders plan dirty deal
- Con trick they call a ‘model’
- Building workers giving mock Nazi and fascist salutes during their counter-demo to a Birmingham racist march (photo)
One of the banners used by British Campaign to Stop Immigration ... there was a Tory election poster underneath (photo)
- Engineers join march
- ‘We stay out’ vote
Lorry drivers fight the spy in the cab
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Threat to jobs and meat prices, by Laurie Flynn
- Vestey-designed ‘automated meat unloader’ (photo)
- Lord Vestey (photo)
World News
- Frelimo fighting on a new front
Rafael Romoja, Frelimo head of personnel, addressing a village meeting (photo)
- Briefing:
[New Arizona laws to break farmworkers’ unions]
[Peruvian revolutionary Hugo Blanco in prison in Buenos Aires]
[Philippines government launching drive against homeless people]
[McGovern getting rough treatment from Saigon television]
[Trade agreement being settled between Spain and Russia]
[Traffic warden arrested in New York for issuing ticket to cop car]
[Amnesty International issues report on political prisoners in Brazil]
[Reason for coup in Bolivia last summer]
[Empress Farah of Iran visiting China]
- Spain: strikers close down a town, by Vic Richards
“I suppose she gets the crumbs from the government ...” (cartoon), by Evans
- Low pay cover-up
- Choose your terrorist
Cottons Yarns
- Crime report
- Labour Party membership rising (graph), from Tribune
- [Bother over Myra Hindley]
- Absent friends
- [Crystal ball at the London Evening Standard]
- Off-white film
- [Stealing hot water worth 15p]
- Asians: It’s their class, not their colour, that I really object to, from Tony Galley
[Reply], by Editor
- Paper needs wider appeal, from Mrs Rosalind Goss
[Response], by Editor
- Funny ha-ha, or funny peculiar? from Sara Harvey, Wendy Henry, Glyn Carver, Davey Purdy & Judith Gray
Our Norman (cartoon), by Evans
[Reply], by Editor
- Racist ideas have to be fought, from Ian Birchall
- [Reply to Tony Greenstein], from Gordon Blair
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- The Munich massacre: how Fleet Street covers up for the lie machine
The people they call terrorists ..., by Chris Harman
- Refugees in Syria living in a cramped tent ... (photo), by Red Saunders
- Refugee huts blasted in the Israeli raids (photo)
[Trade unionists in the ‘corridors of power’], by Raymond Challinor
Overcrowding: city that gives lie to racist nonsense, by Murray Armstrong
- Housing for Glasgow’s 19th century rich and poor (photos)
- The Gorbals (photo)
Harry McShane: It’s not a question of black and white, but one of unemployment (interview), conducted by Steve Jefferys
Overpopulation: The myth of ‘inevitable’ poverty, by Peter Rankin
- Malthus (drawing)
- [Imperialism and poverty in ‘underdeveloped’ countries] (drawing)
Bosses who have a stranglehold on a town, by Dave Stark
- Boilermakers picketing at the Vickers Yard (photo)
Secret list of ‘danger’ power stations, by Paul Foot
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Solzhenitsyn: Searching for the roots of his oppression, by Alan Purkiss
[Solzhenitsyn] (photo)
- Hancock’s Half Hour
What We Stand For
Union elections the family way, by Dave Peers
Briant workers face threat of eviction
What’s On
The Rents Battle
- Dockers will strike to support tenants, by Hugh Kerr
- Glasgow
Clay Cross
Willie Whitelaw starts the chat show to background of UDA murder campaign, by Mike Miller
We want work cry as plant occupied
York IS region ships into gear, by Dave Gibson
Fine Tubes call vital conference
Wave of protest at builders pay deal, by John Fontaine
- Round the Sites
Five hundred socialists march in support of Ugandan Asians (photo)
Picket Lines
- Wolverhampton
- Halifax
- London
- Fife
BAC: 600 more for the chop, by Bob Whitfield
Football result
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Rent Strike!
Mass action ready to fight the Tory swindle, by Hugh Kerr
Heath’s two quid con game
Striking Merseyside building workers (photo)
Bigger paper – month to go
World News
- Dictator on the tightrope, by W. Enda
The Uganda-Tanzania border area (map)
General Amin (photo)
- Briefing:
Salary increases for top bureaucrats at European Commission]
[Japanese railway unions run 7-day ‘go slow’]
[Spanish workers strikjing in Vigo meet vicious repression]
[International solidarity action in Holland and West Germany stop closures]
[Danish ruling class ropes in astrologers to held win Common Market referendum]
[Salary increases for top bureaucrats at European Commission]
[Customs controls reintroduced between East Germany and Czechoslovakia]
[Angela Davis refuses to criticise Eastern European regimes]
[West German Christian Democrats censor primary school civics book]
[Proposal to reunite French students unions]
- Workers’ struggle grows in Ceylon, by Edward Crawford
Securichop (cartoon), by Evans
- Thieves fall out
- Kidding opponents
- Tory Frankenstein
Cottons Yarns
- Masked truth
- [Tribune carries ad for scab ‘union’
- [Memo to devout Christian Lord Longford]
- Eye, eye
- [Poster outside Shoreditch Church]
- White lies
Asians get quick taste of ‘apartheid’, by R.K. Nelson
- Asians arriven at Stradishall (photo)
- Labour: It’s a long history of betrayals, from S. Smith
- Sowing seeds of doubt, from John Somerset
- [Crude analysis of China], from Elliott Gingold & David Evans
- [Attempt to diproves Malthus fails], from Peter Marsden
- [Working for the People’s Republic], from Margaret Falshaw
- Leap backwards, from Phil Evans
- Travesty of facts, from Dr Harry F. Bugler
- Orange and Green still divide Scots workers, from D. Tierney
Rent strike ..., by Lee Kane & Richard Reiser
- St Pancras tenants marching on the town hall ...(photo)
- Council tenants defy Tory law
GEC: The ‘thirty sackings a day’ bosses
Labour’s charade: it’s time to check the record, by Martin Barker
- The Labour treatment for wages (photo)
- Harold Wilson (photo)
- The shambles they call housing policy
[Housing] (photo)
- Wedgwood Ben with UCS stewards (photo)
- Labour’s parliamentary thorn, interview with Dennis Skinner, conducted by Laurie Flynn
Dennis Skinner (photo)
A whiff of burning books ..., by David East
A graveyard road to socialism, by Sabby Sagall & Chris Harman
- Macdonald, Attlee & Wilson (photos)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- The extent of the crisis, by David Purdy
- TV:
The old idiot, lifetime dupe of the bosses, by Susan Barnett
- Do you sincerely want to kill people? by Nigel Fountain
[American patrol in Vietnam] (photo)
What We Stand For
UCS split endangers the struggle
Tyneside strike goes on
What’s On
The Rents Battle
- Row over ‘unfair’ rents ad
- Neath
New Courts just a smokescreen, by Mike Miller
- Ian Paisley addressing a meeting (photo)
Bid to deport victim of US frame-up
Setback for car workers’ jobs fight
Keeping tags on the bosses
Bosses attack key building sites
Striking engineers take over offices, by John Deason
- Walmsley workers man the gates (photo)
Flying picket succeed at Fine Tubes, by Colin Barker
Vestey may stir up docks again, by Bob Light
Textile occupation goes on
90 sacked for joining strike
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Labour funds aid Tories, by Paul Foot
- Callaghan (photo)
- Cunningham (photo)
Tax bonanza for the rich, by Jim Kincaid
Police attack anti-racists
World News
- Martial law as president aims for dictatorship, by Nigel Harris
Soldiers guard the Hilton Hotel in Manila (photo)
- Briefing:
[US Ambassador causing stir in South Africa]
[Background to Swedens ‘generous’ offer to take 300 Ugandan Asians]
[14 illegal strikers in South Africa deported to Transkei Bantustan]
[Words of love from Uganda to Transkei]
[Report of Fidel Castro on revolution in Chile]
[Leading Argentinian trade unionist released]
[French Maoist paper Le Cause du Peuple removes Mao’s picture from cover]
- Why Norway voted ‘No’, by Ian Birchall
- Rent rises international
Poulson Holidays Ltd (cartoon), by Evans
- Real facts on inflation
- Willie’s horse laugh
Cottons Yarns
- Pardon?
Amery (photo)
- [The tightness of big farmers]
- Flying high
- [In the footsteps of industry]
- Muted trumpets
- [Republicans recruits fail US Army intelligence test]
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Newspapers conspire to keep the secrets gag
- Propaganda seeks to isolate militants, from Mal Collins
- The sell-out that wasn’t, from Lee Kane & Richard Reiser
- PR for the Provos? from Keith Daultry, Mike Gilbert, John Newsingerr & Stuart Riches
- Class interest immigration, from Robert Neville-Archbold
[Reply], by Editor
- China and socialism, from Ian Birchall
- [“Tirade against Chinese Revolution counter-revolutionary”], from Julian Davis
- False testament, from J. McGibbon
Fight Racism!
- Stop the machine – I want to get my finger out, by Roger Kline & Trevor Shaw
Pickets outside Crepe Sizes ... and the imposing front of the factory (photos)
- On the offensive against attacks on blacks
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
The Great Rents Battle
- Involve all tenants – that’s the key to victory, by Hugh Kerr
[Fighting tenants] (photo)
- High rise racket, by Audrey Kincaid
Hyams (photo)
- Why Labour ratted on council fight, by Jim Kincaid
Crosland (photo)
Danger: new road ahead, by Jean Parkin
Terrorism – no short cut to socialism, by Chris Harman
- [Debris after bombing] (photo)
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- The rebels who rocked the 50s, by Ted Parker
Elvis: before and after the injection of money (photos)
- A few more twitching liberals, by David Widgery
What We Stand For
Bosses out to break rank and file, by Dave Gibson & Neil Davies
Naval dockyards fight on
Mr Eric Hammond (correstion)
What’s On
Parsons: blow for ‘elite’ unions, by Dave Peers
GEC strikers reject offer
Heath limbers up to hit at miners, by Bill Message
Sacking sparks strike, by Eve Brook
NALGO militants push for rents action
Strike firm is blacked
Strike wins £3
Walmsleys back
Docks cold war set to boil up again, by Bob Light
Thousand-strong counter-demo stops racist march
Rent strikes sweep estates
- Some of 2,500 protestors at ... Fair Rents demo in Trafalgar Square (photo)
- Canterbury
South Wles
Picket Lines
- Bosses hit at militants
- Cardiff
Back Fine Tubes campaign grows
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
We reveal secret rundown plans – Big threat to steel jobs, by Bob Clay
Profit boom for big business, by Paul Foot
500 challenge racists (photo)
World News
- Election campaign begins amid corruption allegations, by a correspondent in Frankfurt
- ‘Slump’ fear swings vote, by Rasmus Rasmussen
- Ceylon: big protests against repression, by Edward Crawford
- Briefing:
[Three revolutionaries, two Jews and one Arab, arrested by Israeli authorities]
[New repressive press laws in South Vietnam begin to bite]
[Jewish immigrants to Israel from Georgia return to Russia]
[Strike by Citroen workers in Spain ended]
[Black children allowed to ride donkeys in Johannesburg zoo]
[Lutte Ouvrière announces negotiations for election agreement]
[Edward Gierek, Polisch CP boss, gives interview to Le Monde]
“I suppose people without cars will travel by post ...” (cartoon), by
- Labour lets off steam
- Better means worse
Cottons Yarns
- Andy capped
- [Chinese government banquet for delegation from Times Newspapers Ltd]
- [How Transport Union fights Industrial Relations Act] (facsimile)
- Bed sores
- [Make love, not war ...]
- Jermyn’s treat
- Ticked off
- China: check the record not the rhetoric, from Peter Martin
- Opponent of Taiwan terror faces 32 years in US jail, from Tzu-Tsai Cheng Defence Committee
- Sectarian violence in Six Counties: redressing the balance, from Mike Miller
- We’re laughing at the nastiest jokes, from Joanna Bornat & Richard Bornat
- Porn: the wrong target, from Bob Kornreich
The B Men return, by Mike Miller
- “B” men and victim in 1968 (photo)
Heath’s pay fraud must be smashed, by Tony Cliff
- [Tony Cliff] (photo)
- The miners’ strike raise the ‘unofficial’ wages norm (photo)
News on a Slant
- Freedom of the press – freedom for a few powerful men, by Sabby Sagall
Murdoch (photo)
- Lord Thomson swallows the Times (cartoon), by Gerald Scarfe, from Private Eye
- Forget the ‘conspiracy’ theory ..., by Carla Greene
- Newspapers attack the workers, by Ginny West
Lord Thomson (photo)
Ford: Nothing less than £10 will do, by Colin Beadle
- The big walk-out (photo)
- Is this value for money?
- Millionaire Henry Ford II (photo)
City where immigrants are made the easy scapegoat, by David Evans
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Prime candidat for the chop, by Philip Eastman
Lee Marvin (photo)
- In every worker there is a human being trying to get out, by Colin Barker
What We Stand For
The Rents Battle
- Irish tenants call for big strike, by Michael O’Connor
- Victory on the picket line
- Bosses versus tenants
- More on strike as Tories get tough
- Militancy spreads: 400 tenants storm town hall
- Miners back action
What’s On
Leyland: crucial talks continue
Car workers on strike
Students defend lecturer
Marcher beaten up
Walk-out at tyre works
IS branch formed
Work-in leaders call it a day – with a compromise, by Steve Jefferys
‘Fight to finish’ – Tyne boiler men, by Dave Peers
Tenants in Hackney ... picketing local rent office (photo)
Picket Lines
- Glasgow
- Wolverhampton
- Goole
Strikers stage union sit-in
Workers fight closure threat
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
£2 No pay freeze! by Roger Rosewell
Fine Tubes must win
Commando raids on rents
- Manchester tenants ‘commando squad’ in action
World News
- Army Court jails bomb militants, by George Gionis
- Briefing:
[Australian general election set for 2 December]
[Stirring words from Mao’s man at the UN]
[Chou En-lai talking to Wall Street Journal about Taiwan]
[South African government hopes to stop coloured students acting solidarity with black and Indian brothers]
[Statement on treatment of prisoners in Gaza prison]
[China to send delegate to “scientific management” conference]
- Israel is getting richer
- Black servants ordered back to the ghettos, by W. Enda
Armed police evict an African family (photo)
“It was Ted’s idea, actually ...” (cartoon), by Evans
Cottons Yarns
- Unpopular Front
Feather (photo)
- Change partners
- [AUEW matches]
- Warm red
- Price right
- Final reel
- Thanks for the support that helped us win, from Yarrow, BSC, Babcock & Wilcox workers, Drax Power Station construction site
- Get your priorities right ..., from Brian J.Martin
- Provos, from John Newsinger
- Population, from J.W. Ford
- Battle for ideas, from David East
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Burying Benn with abuse ignores the problem
Mr Mogg want Taverne in the town, by Paul Foot
- Taverne (photo)
- Jobs ravaged by heavy sackings
How Godfather Vestey puts country democracy into cold storage, by R.K. Nelson
Today’s Lesson Is Obedience
- Education keeps you in the right class, by Chanie Rosenberg
“Please, Miss – what’s milk?” (cartoon)
- School students fight back, by Mary Attenborough
- [School students] (photo)
- The school that tried to break out, by Michael Duane
[Risinghill sign] (photo)
The army’s killer snipers, by Mike Miller
- An army checkpoint at an entrance to the Belfast Royal Victoria Hospital (photo)
The Prices Fiddle, by Jim Kincaid
- The figures that prove the TUC is being taken for a ride
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Trotsky’s killer – ours not to reason why? by Paul Foot
Alain Delon as Trotsky’s murderer (photo)
- Making the dramatic into a drama, by Celia Deacon
What We Stand For
The Rents Battle
- Flying pickets protect tenants, by Tony Boyle & Micky Keating
- Another Labour council surrenders
- A member of Liverpool Scotland Road tenants (photo)
- Estates up in arms at increases
- Council promises: no evictions
- ’Traitors’ shout
- Students refuse
What’s On
Sit-in is strength in fight for jobs
’Back to work’ order, but electricians strike on
Student demo ‘was distorted’, by Neil Hutton
Union delay stabs miners in the back, by Bill Message
6,000 walk out in protest against top Tory
Dockers’ pickets defy union orders
Workers at the gates of CAV, at Fazakerly, Liverpool (photo)
£2 Low paid workers in revolt
- Productivity heroes demand £5.50 rise
- Action in the NHS, by a Health Service worker
Thousand steelmen claim £8 rise, by Rob Clay
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
2,000 on demo to rebuff racists (photo)
Vital boost for Fine Tube strikers
Big price hoax, by Paul Foot
World News
- Allende is forced to back down at home and abroad, by Vic Richards
President Allende (photo)
- Socialists challenge Nixon at the polls, by Ian Birchall
- Briefing:
[The Right in Israel has proposed moves to counter Arab ‘terrorism’]
[Apartheid Israeli style]
[Biography of de Gaulle to be published in Russia]
[Chinese leadership moving away from policies of Cultural Revolution]
[Portuguese socialists picketed Portugues Embassy in London]
Army seeks peace with Loyalists, by Mike Miller
Witch Hunt! We Nail
- How the News of the World launched its campaign (facsimile)
- News of the World distortions, by Gerry Kelly
Chapple (photo)
- Tory fifth column
- Red monarch
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Grey’s elegy
Dai Davis (photo)
- (“Leicester is our city!” says National Front leaflet from Croydon)
- Mug’s game
- Leading blight
- [Embarrassing mentions of Andrew Cunningham, GMWU boss in North East]
- Post waste
- Extracting the urine (facsimile)
- General twit
- [Rivers of tears in Cardiff]
Beware of muggers (cartoon), by Evans
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Lies that make an asset stripper the darling of the City
Fight the Tories!
Scotland, by Murray Armstrong
- On the dole in Glasgow (photo)
- The fight back against scourge of unemployment, by Peter Bain
- Motorways before homes, by Jennifer Ross
A Glasgow slum (photo)
S. Wales
- Jobs toll hts valleys, by Tony Goodchild
Che Guevara: the myth begins to fade ..., by Ian Birchall
Safety scandal: these men are 200 ft up ..., by Peter Ingham
- Painters at work on roof beams (photo)
News in View
- Plot to murder railways, by Laurie Flynn
- Tories plan to divert more dangerous chemicals on to the roads (photo)
- British Rail’s Advanced Passenger train (photo)
- [If a British Roadway’s Board existed, its 1967 accounts could have looked like this (diagram)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- That over used word revolution
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Back in the fold? by David Widgery
Herbert Marcuse (photo)
The tree of tyranny, by Peter Marsden
Bookworm’s eye view
- Interview:
Johnny in full Speight, conducted by Nigel Fountain
Speight with Warren Mitchell (photo)
- Pop:
Get-up-and-fight, Lennon, by Tony Tait
What We Stand For
The Unions
- ’Ultra-left’ attack, by Bob Williams
- Need for socialist ideas in the unions, by Roger Rosewell
- Distorting the facts in the Six Counties, from Stuart Morgan
- Violence, from Bill Swanson
- Trotsky, from Sam Rohdie
- Too many misses won’t make a hit, from T. Read
[Reply], from Editor
Raymond Challinor (column)
- [Raymond Challinor]
- Oh! for the days when Labour men had backbones
- AB Heath
- Royal ride
- Obscene
Solidarity link by car plant strikers
Blow for sit-in men
Dunlop men strike to save jobs
Stnd-by ban by social workers
White-collar workers hit by Heath’s £2 deal, by Mike McGrath
What’s On
Round one to the boss
Buses stopped
IS News
[Workers occupying the Gainsborough Cornard factory in Great Yarmouth] (photo)
Tories refuse ‘step in’ plea, by Dave Peers
[The Rents Battle]
- How house prices have zoomed
- Rent rises: Tories set to move in
- We’ll back you, miners promise tenants
- Strike prepared
Big power crisis is looming, by Colin Barker
Tribune Group throws in the towel
‘Spineless’ Labour slammed on race
Picket Lines
- [Kirkcaldy]
- [Fleet Street]
- York
- Edmonton
- Manchester
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Victim of the profits scramble (photo)
Big pay lie campaign!
World News
- Doctors strike after ‘Tupamaros’ swoop
- Briefing:
[Irish-American protest against Mrs Richard Nixon]
[Books forbidden by Israeli authorities on West Bank]
[Chinese praise Common Market]
[Pamphlet about Ceylon]
[“We will not point firearms at ... union representatives”]
[Token strikes against fascism by 14 million Italian workers]
[New contribution to Prayer Book]
- Vietnam: all over – bar the shooting, by Ian Birchall
America weaponry (photo)
The killer bridge, by Arthur Malone
- Men fighting to rescue their workmates from the wreckage (photo)
- The chaos after the collapse (photo)
That election revival is racist, not Liberal, by Julian Harber
- Return of ‘Red Plot’
- Going to the dogs
- Soaring Sung
Foot Prints, by Paul Foot
- Black Liberals
Cyril Smith (photo)
- [Not made you holiday plans yet?]
- Heavy boys
- 12 men good and true couldn’t tell them apart. Can you?
Sir Gerald Nabarro & Mrs Margaret Mason (photos)
- Worcester sauce
- Down under
- [Lonrho ‘feasibility study’]
- Prize Dick
Richard Briginshaw (photo)
- Holding their fire
“He says it’s fair because his wage-increase will be the same as ours ...” (cartoon), by Evans
Raymond Challinor (cloumn)
- [Raymond Challinor] (photo)
- Spare a job for the boss
- Sorry, folks, it’s not gold
- For whom is justice swift?
Cuba 1962: when the world was on the brink, by Chris Harman
- Kennedy & Khrushchev (photo)
Fight the Tories
- “Spaghetti Junction” (photo)
- Brum: No pipe dream, by Hester & Larry Blewitt
- This is the real Southall, by John Rose
- Leisure for rich and overtime for poor
- The slogan on the wall says it all (photo)
- The program has a massive mtorway programme (photo)
News in View
- Fishy fingers in the Cod War ..., by Laurie Flynn
Landing the catch at Seyoisfjorour, Iceland (photo)
[Iceland] (map)
Trawlers (photo)
Nixon: Most corrupt president ... since LBJ, by Ian Birchall
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- It could never happen here!
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Russia’s poverty line, by Chris Harman
Students on the street, by Martin Shaw
Bookworm’s eye view
- Artists:
Artists set up union, by Laurie Flynn
- Trotsky:
Trotsky in power (photo)
Trotsky: A Documentary Record, by CH
- Television:
TV on the workers’ side, by Alvaro Miranda
What We Stand For
The Unions
- No fight at top as miners face attack, by John Charlton
Gormley (photo)
- Setback for printers, by Russ Pritchard
- Don’t cover up for the Provos ‘mistakes’, from Bob Harrison
- Priorities of bigger paper, from Roger Kline
- Trotsky film: What is reality? from Ian Birchall
- In pain words, from Julian Wells & Peter Smith
- Piggery jokery, from Pete Firmin
- Privileges, from Keith Daultrey
- Assessment, from Ruth Morton
- Taxes, from Sandra Wells
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
Sorry for delays
Tenants heckle Tory Minister
Councillor hits at ‘Labour quislings’, by Tony Goodchild
Policy of words, not deeds
Scotland: Unions to back big rally against Rent Act
Shouts of ‘traitors’ as councils put up rents, by Dick Williams
Students back tenants
Policies rapped
What’s On
Did you see this man arrested? (photo)
Big backing for Fine Tubes, by James Fenton
- George McCormack ... speaking at ... conference (photo), by Mike Cohen
- Bill Freeman, Jnr (photo), by Mike Cohen
- Five hundred delegates resolved ...
- Quotes
Tories turn back on Stormont, by Mike Miller
Indians stage big pay fight
Picket Lines
- [Building workers]
- Middlesbrough
- Birmingham
Hospital workers angry (photo)
Boilermakers accept deal
Strikers appeal for union help
Stirling students fight witch-hunt
Strike victory at ICI
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Smash Tory wage freeze
- What trade unionist should demand
- Watchdog on prices
Striking mother who gets 20p a week Social Security (photo)
World News
- Briefing:
[Israeli Army pursuing illegal Arab child labour]
[Alec Douglas Home in China]
[Workers’ conference in France]
- ‘Bosses’ strike’ is threat to Allende, by Ian Roxborough & Vic Richards
- Trudeau on the brink, by Norah Carlin
Canadian premier Trudeau (photo)
- Italy: Workers’ struggle hots up
Freeze – rich will get richer
- Prices: vital loopholes for profiteers
- How freeze aids shares (diagram)
- Reshuffling the board of Britain Ltd, by Paul Foot
Old Bailey trial: eight say police framed them, by Robin McKenzie
- Leopard’s new tack
- Plain duty
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Silent service
- [Double-faced Sunday Times]
- White Reiss
Reiss (photo)
- Room boom
- No joyride fro Jomes
Wish you were here (photo)
- Vic’s kicks
- Unlocked
- Making Hay
- Sankey panky
“– nor will we change our position on equality for women ...” (cartoon), by Evans
Raymond Challinor (column)
- [Raymond Challinor] (photo)
- Bed and board for the Villiers
- What Labour cannot do
- The price of a prefab
- Just who is paying whom?
Fight the Tories
- Oxford: behind the dreaming spires, by Emily Wallace
Behing the facade of the university (photo)
The £25 breadline (photo), by Mike Cohen
Labour’s Record (series), by James Fenton
- The myth of a Labour alternative
- Programme for povedrty
Rip van Winkle union at Little Snoring, by Jenny Hawke
Justice wilts in the Garden, by Paul Foot
- 1. A very grave offence
A Garden House manager examines the broken windows (photo)
- 2. No one to blame
Firemen lower the body of a victim of the Garden House blaze (photo)
News in View
- Green paper, Orange flavour, by Eamonn McCann
[Whitelaw] (photo)
- The men the Tories consulted ...
Faulkner, Paisley & Fitt (photos)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- The sham that they call parliament
- Books:
That sound like snapping concrete, by Colin Barker
For a shorter working week, by R. Croucher
Bookworm’s eye view
- Cartoons:
Pow! Cartoons against Tories, by David Widgery
The Builders Story (comic strip), by Peter Kirkham & somebody else, from Mole Express
The Industrial Relations Act (comic strip), from Liverpool Big Flame
Varoomshka,Beryl and Florrie ... (cartoon, from The Women’s Newspaper
Varoomshka (comic strip), from The Guardian
- Orwell and others:
End Piece (column), by Peter Sedgwick
What We Stand For
The Unions
- ’Blackshirt’ smear on print union militants
Lawrence (photo)
- Power-man Chapple – key pillar of the right
Chapple (photo)
- Keeping fingers off the Pulse, from Philip Jackman
- Don’t blame union chiefs, from R. Williams
- ‘Two nations’ theory ignores Irish reality (1), from John Molyneux
- ‘Two nations’ theory ignores Irish reality (2), from Kevin O’Doherty
- Sick society, from Jack D. Martin
- East’s best, from Stephen White
- Don’t ignore party that’s a barrier to socialism, from Judy Smith
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Viyella’s warped priorities: fewer jobs, bigger profits
Boss uses strike to get more cash
- Owen McSweeney ... and John Fontaine ... (photo)
Power claim sellout is big setback, by Colin Barker
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Other Meetings
- Notices
Strike threat saves jobs for 400 printers
IS News
The Rents Struggle
- Tenants strike in more thanm 80 towns
Letter shows how far union is betraying dockers
- The letter to Dagenham Storage boss (facsimile)
Blacking call in fight to same 1,200 jobs, by Roger Rosewell
The Strife Makers: another lie
Court threat to Engineers’ Union
Teachers robbed by pay freeze
Solidarity strike spreads
- Indian women workers picket outside the factory (photo)
Rush to a bad deal
Victory over the Lump
Backing for sparks
Mass walk-out after sacking
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
‘Pension up’ – strike call, by Peter Ingham
- [76-year-old Nelly Barnes] (photo), by Mike Cohen
Help us step up ant-Tory fight ...
World News
- Germany: The choiceless election, by Ian Birchall
- Nixon’s crack-down ahead, by Sy Landy
Nixon (photo)
- Briefing:
[Former Nigerian finance minister awarded damages against The Economist]
[9,000 cotton workers in Karachi take over mill]
[Delegates from IS attended conference organised by Lutte Ouvrière]
[Michael Harrington resigns from American Socialist Party]
[Israel ‘earned’ £8,820,000 in 1972 from occupation of Arab territories]
Courtauld spinning lies in Lancashire, by Steve Emms & Laurie Flynn
- Workers outside the Skelmersdale plant (photo)
- Kearton (photo)
The prices swindle
Equal pay, Newcastle sets the pace, by Sandra Peers
Killing of the week
- What we think ...
- Assist government
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Commons touch
Amery (photo)
- Cooperation
- National fuzz
- The laugh makers
Facsimile from News of the World
- Men in hard hats
- In the pink
- Biggles?
- [Labour camps in Britain?]
- Van men
- Jail tails
Raymond Challinor (column)
- [Raymond Challinor] (photo)
- That lie in was against the law
- The scandal of cancer research
Another big step forward
Sinking roots in Yorkshire, by John Charlton, Bill Message, Kevin Schirn & Sheila McGregor
- The Battle for Neap House Wharf (photo)
- Miners set the pace
- Rent Act rebel tears up party card
- Militant views
- Throwing down the gauntlet to race-hate peddlers
Inside a modern textile mill (photo)
Labour’s Record (series)
- Incomes policy fraud – Wilson style ..., by John Rose
Clay Cross – rent ‘no go’ area, by Nick Howard
- Councillor David Skinner (photo)
The police: muggers at work, by John Phillips, Paul Foot & David Widgery
- One man who beat frame-up
Darkus Howe (photo)
- The four blacks (photo)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- Organised violence that is the state
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Wintour of our discontent, by Roger Protz
The nature of capitalism, by Chris Harman
Bookwork’s eye view
- Films:
Chaplin with a red flag, by Laurie Flynn
- Television:
The war that came in from the cold, by Nigel Fountain
- End Piece (column), by Peter Sedgwick
What We Stand For
The Unions
- Curious case of the 350 miners’ ballot papers, by a Yorkshire miner
Arthur Scargill (photo)
- Danger strings in MDW deal, by an Austin worker
- National campaign can defeat Fine Tubes, from Roger Cox
- How to get round the freeze, from K.G. Davies
- French Left and unions, from J.R.
- Bridge disaster: were we right to publish? from Vic
Flashback to our November 4 front page (photo)
- Bedfellows, from Tony Westall
- Veterans’ farewell to a ‘good fighter for
mankind’, from Hugo Dewar & Harry Wicks
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- The radical Mirror image starts to crack
The man who was sacked by a kangaroo court ..., by Dave Peers
Fine Tubes blacked
Lead poisoning plant belches on, by Mary Phillips
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Other Meetings
- Notices
Militant strike ends
Chrysler 4,000 win sacking reversal, by Andrew Sayers
Big picket keeps car plant closed
Fight for union rights
Victimised militant now faces union ‘charges’
Wome machinists strike for sacked convenor
Hospital workers in revolt, by Gerry Dawson
Tenants sent eviction notices
Some of 2,000 marchers on Anti-Internment League protest in London (photo)
Picket Lines
- Newton-le-Willows
- Oxford
- Southampton
Four-hour sit-in protests against the wage freeze, by Mike
Another worker killed
Textile strike in third week
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Good start for IS fund
Unions face new attack
400 strikers shake bosses and unions (photo)
World News
- Briefing:
[10,000 striking workers in Nigeria return to work]
[Statisitics on industrial accidents in Italy]
[Brezhnev’s interpretation of American presidential election]
[President Suharto of Indonesia give explanation for concentration camps]
[No more registered letters in Brazil]
[Interesting light on working class conditions in Poland]
- U.S. gets ready to ditch South Korea, by Nigel Harris
- Can Pewron fool the workers? by Vic Richards
General Peron (photo)
Ancvhor death toll now at seven, by Laurie Flynn
The prices swindle
Danger of dodgy spuds, by Ian Gibson
Killing of the week
More victims of police muggers
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Three just men
- Trust house
- [Law and order department] (cuttings), from the Daily Telegraph
- [ ‘Men’s wages should be brought down to that of women’]
- Stone cold
- [Ford’s tangible ‘thank you’]
- Cherry ripe
Mr John Bairstow
- Ho-Ho-Ho
- By thumb
- At the inn
“It’s all your fault!” (cartoon), by Evans
Raymond Challinor (column)
- [Raymond Challinor] (photo)
- While the rich just stood by laughing
- Hoist with his own phrasing
- Trouble is brewing
- Shades of Dirty Alex
Another big step forward
How would you like to have £16,000, by Colin Barker
- Lord Cowdray & Duke of Norfolk (photos)
Labour’s Record 3, by Hugh Kerr
- Reduced to rubble – pledge on homes
[Rubble] (photo)
Shachtman – renegade with a proud past ..., by Robert James
- Shachtman in the 1930s (photo)
News in View:
The Aldershot File, by Eamonn McCann
- A victory for the ‘civilised society’
- The men sent to prison: Francis Kissane, Noel Jenkinson & Michael Duignan (photo)
- The officers’ mess at Aldershot after the explosion (photo)
- This is a coppers’ nark
John Park (photo)
The key speech the press ignored, by Bernadette Devlin
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- How the army stopped Home Rule
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Getting inside the revolution, by Nigel Fountain
Uprooted into crime, by Juliet Ash
Bookworm’s eye view
- Television:
One man’s fiftieth anniversary gift: The sack, by David Widgery
Is Aunty ready for a pension? by Robert Harrington
Tommy Handley, of ITMA, celebrating the end of the war (photo)
What We Stand For
The Unions
- Postmen in union clash over sorting machines, by a London postman
Jackson (photo)
- Teachers in thick of anti-freeze fight, by Chanie Rosenberg
Morris (photo)
- Simplifying union fight, from Tony Warren
- Irish left must sink differences, from Tom Gallagher
- Don’t build a wall round China, from Barry Turner
- Sudan, from some socialists in Sudan
- Rank and file paper needs your support, from Frank Allaun MP, Norman Atkinson MP, Lawrence Daly, Michael Foor MP, Brian Nicholson, Ernie Roberts & Ken Graham
- Taxes, from Bern Harrison
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- You’ll wonder where the workers go if you invest in Calico
Big victory at World’s End
- Bill Lloyd & Don Quinn (photo)
- Victorious strikers on the building site (photo)
Dublin repression against IRA leaders, by Brian Trench
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Other Meetings
- Notices
IS News
Lead: dusty answer for tenants, by Mary Phillips
Steward threatened with court action
Wage freeze challenged steelmen, by Roger Rosewell
Sackings plan proves BSC lies, by Bryan Rees
Asbestos workers out on strike
‘100 rates of pay’ strike in fifth week
Big breakthrough by Indian workers, by Paul Foot
- Pickets stop a lorry (photo)
British Rail provoke strike move
Bakery workers angry
Clay Cross rent rebels under fire
Picket Lines
- [Teachers]
- [Hospital ancillary workers]
- Coventry
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Heath-Lynch crackdown, by Chris Harman
Our fund appeal: cash is urgent
Pensions strike is historic (photos)
World News
- Vietnam: split over peace move, by Ian Birchall
- Briefing:
[National conference of independent community organisations in Italy]
[Greek colonels want new power station in East Macedonia]
[Telephone company in New Orleans forced to withdraw increases]
[Israeli government attempts to remove Arabs]
[Report of FAO Review that in many countries people worse off]
- General strike hits Lebanon
Demonstration in the centre of Beirut (photo)
- Militancy a year after murder, by W. Enda
£¼m – the high cost of Robert Carr’s door, by David Widgery
- Anna Mendelson, John Barker & Hilary Creel (drawings), by Roy Knipe
- Quotes
The prices swindle
Killing of the week
Racists take to the hustings
- What we think
- Tools of tyranny
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Fred the Red
Peart (photo)
- Ghose writer
- Poor marks
- Show Oleg
- [Future of the New Statesman]
- Free man and slaves
[John Freeman] (photo)
- Georgy gorgy
Science, by Tim Shallice
- Knocking our health to boost the motor trade
Another big step forward
Socialism on the map in Manchester, by Wendy Henry & Glyn Carver
- 3,000 Oldham tenants on the march (photo)
- Racism: IS takes up the challenge others ignore
Police in action on the Blackburn antii-fascist march (photo)
‘A fighting socialist party is the only way forward’
- Mike Smith (photo)
- Trafford Park workers hold SW discussions, by Ron Murphy
Labour’s Record (series)
- Apartheid? We need the trade, they said ..., by Basker Vashee
- Barbara Castle (photo)
Stirling – in the hands of the money men, by Laurie Flynn
- A section of last week’s massive solidarity march at Stirling (photo)
- Unbiased reporting in the Mirror (facsimile)
Starvation wages, by Jenny Hawkes & David Feldman
- Out in all weathers (photo)
- ... but without them we’d starve
- Blackmail holds back a fight
- Norfolk [...] (photo)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- Parliament no through road
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Chances they missed, by Ross Pritchard
Getting ready for the struggle, by Peter Goodwin
Bookworm’s eye view
- Theatre:
Please knock the Tories ..., by Roland Muldoon
A character from The General Will’s play
- Film:
The End Piece (column), by Neil Hamilton
- John Berger’s challenge, by John Berger
What We Stand For
The Unions
- Two-faced Tories dodge Equal Pay issue, by Margaret Renn
Macmillan (photo)
- Teachers’ leaders attack militants, by Hester Blewitt
- Resolutions:
Glasgow Central EEPTU
Neath No. 1 AUEW
Bradford Trades Council
NUJ Magazine and Book Branch
- Brief look at China is not the final word, from Norah Carlin
- Forgotten workers on the land, from Geoff Hobson
[Comment], by Editor
- One man’s life on the ‘modern’ railways, from L.N.H.
- Fine Tubes, from R. Williams
- Putting the Bootle in, from T. Henderson
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- Passing up golden opportunity to expose the press
‘Emergency only’ byn by Essex firemen, by Terry Segars
Workers step up sit-in battle, by Steve Emms
Teachers say ‘No’ to freeze
‘Friendly’ firm to sack 720
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Other Meetings
- Notices
‘Work-in’ man victimised
2,000 strike to back ‘higher pensions’ call, by Bill Message
- There’s no harm in hoping (photo)
Tenants call for total rent strike
Hospitals: rank-and-file anger grows
Sit-in workers win back day’s pay, by Harry Tait
Treachery! So Indians strike again
Tees steelmen locked out, by Roger Rosewell
- Workers waiting outside Middlesbrough Town Hall (photo)
Victory for sit-in in defence of closed shop
Bosses’ bid to break picket fails
Socialists killed in car crash
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Major slump in new homes
- Figures that spell misery for millions (table)
The most important worker in Britain ...
Old Bailey trial
World News
- Briefing:
[Justice, Italian style]
[Nixon’s new Secretary of Labour]
[General meeing of Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights broken up ...]
[80 African miners in South Africa deported to Mozambique after striking]
- Toothless sanctions let Smith step up apartheid, by Roger Tembo
Rhodesia (photo)
- Right and left line up in Dutch elections, by Edward Crawford
Why we need £30,000, by Jim Nichol
- Premises in Bethnal Green
- Rank and file journals printed by IS (bannerheads)
Nigerian’s brush with British justice
Dublin bomb blasts: were they Jack Lynch’s ‘Reichstag fire’?
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Tall, white and have none
Jonathan Guinness (photo)
- [Ad for family house in North London] (facsimile)
- Banda ban
- [The Daily Express and Martin Bormann]
- Justice
- [‘Trouble-shooter’ with troubles]
- Vic’s kickback
- [Selling Kerrygold Butter to the English]
- Con’s con
- Cell sell
- [Accountant’s praise for Jimmy Reid and Jimmy Airlie]
Jimmy Reid & Jimmy Airlie] (photos)
- Fiery words
- Heath Robinson
- [Chief fire officer confirms SW report]
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- Fake poverty – worth million pounds to the thalidomide makers
Jobs go west in East Kilbride, by Steve Jefferys
- Tory Scottish overlord Gordon Campbell (photo)
Delay caused one man’s agony
- What we daid on 23 October (facsimile)
£3 for a 60 hour a week, by Paul Foot
- Miners receive their food at one of Consolidated Gold’s compounds (photo)
- Carr, Powell, the Archbishop of Canterbury & Lord Widgery (photos)
Labour’s Record (series)
- Keeping the world safe for profits, by Stephen Marks
A town under the axe ..., by Colwyn Williamson
- [Ebbw Vale] (photo)
- Davies, Melchett & Foot (photos)
- Malcolm Bourton & Keith Brookman (photo)
Ireland: the tradition of bloody terror, by Mike Heym
- De Valera reviewing republican troops in the 1920s (photo)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- The real meaning of Democracy
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Bookworm’s eye view
Part of the Irish problem, by Mike Heym
Now for the seven-hour day, by Chris Harman
- Television:
Ding-a-ling: is Mary off her trolley, by David East
- End Piece (column), by Peter Sedgwick
- Film:
Blowing my soul through a white man’s machine, by David Wild
The black experience (photo)
- Film Cuts:
[Next week ...]
NFT galore
What We Stand For
The Unions
- Sugar on anti-union act leaves bitter taste
- Roberts to contest AUEW vote for top post, by Roger Rosewell
Conway & Scanlon (photos)
- Works committee thanks I.S.
- Miners leaders back down from action for tenants
- Hiding the truth on women, from Melanie Landells
- Remember Derry dead, from Fenner Brockway, Donald Soper, Gwynfor Evans, Stan Newens, Tony Smythe, Gordon McLennan, Digby Jacks, Peter Hain, Bill Jones, Ernie Roberts, Joan Maynard, Brian Nicholson, Ken Coates, Collin Sweet, Louis Eaks, John Berger, Adrian Mitchell, Malcolm Caldwell, Joan Gabriel, Chris Farley & Pat Arrowsmith
- Parker: the union view, from Tim Fell
[Comment], by David Widgery
- Palestoinian resistance, from Louis Eaks
- [Hunger-striker], from Miss Maria Turner & Mrs Anne Turner
- Illegal action by police, from Susan Bruley
Raymond Challinor (column)
- [Raymond Challinor] (photo)
- Of mine and men
- Barbarianss
- The Unofficials
Shipyard workers ready for bosses’ offensive
‘Fight farm wages freeze’ call in Norfolk
Big London rally scores in campaign against the Tories (photos), by Jeff Pick
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Othere Meetings
- Notices
Sacking in bid to break union, by Dermot Smyth & Derek Moffatt
Student ‘guilty’ despite evidence
250 march against racism
- Uxbridge International Socialists leading Saturday’s march (photo)
Massive demo backs council rent defiance, by Nick Howard
Anti-union air firm sacks four
Angry health workers decide: We strike
Motorbike firm tries to sack shop steward
More blacking of Fine Tubes
Rent rises refused
Strike in seventh week
Teesside steel lock-out longest in twenty years
Now union turns on Chrysler militant, by Martin Bramham
It’s official!
- Mansfield Hosiery strikers (photo)
World’s End steward victimised
Women strike for union recognition
Three councillors back rent strike
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Strikes can beat Tory fines!
- Centre of the storm (photo)
Pensioners boost our fighting fund
World News
- How the colonels persuade voters, by George Gionis
- US firms disrupt Chile copper sales, by Vic Richards
Miners at El Teniente, the largest of Chile’s copper mines (photo)
- Briefing:
[The affair of the Lyons brothel keepers and their police protectors]
[French footballers on strike]
[Wage cuts in Yugoslavia]
[Call on Italian housewives in Florence to fight rising prices]
[Israeli school for ‘fund activists’]
- Vietnam: murder raids go on
Labour bows to racists’ hate message, by Mike Caffoor
Education on the cheap – that’s new Tory plan
Mrs Thatcher (photo)
Hospitals revolt over pay and jobs, by Gerry Dawson
Health workers demonstrating outside their union headquarters (photo)
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- 12 Angry Brigades
- [Remington Rand backdates price rise] (postmark)
- [Lawrence Daly put name to NCB sales brochure]
- Tender trap
- Clockwork Orangemen
Graham Fyfe, Rangers player ... dropped from the team (photo)
- [Jack Jones at the Savoy]
- Clapped out
- Tittle Tatler
Extract (facsimile)
Wages – Prices (cartoon), by Evans
Old Bailey verdict a warning to police bomb-planters, by David Widgery
Slum in the middle of nowhere, by Bill Message
- The village from the colliery (photo)
- The children’s playground (photo)
Taking the council for a ride, by R.K. Nelson
By gum! – welfare cuts begin to bite, by Lionel Sims
- [Dental treatment] (photo)
Yakir may be star of latest show trial, by Chris Harman
Report from the South, by Brian Trench
- Lynch stays as IRA dithers
- In the North, workers march against political repression (photo)
News in View
- Union in a tangle ..., by Paul Foot & Victor Knight
- Mansfield Hosiery strikers and their families occupied the union’s office ... (photo)
- Wisdom at the top: Prendergast, Gibson & Roma Dexter (photos)
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- Well what about Russia then?
- Books:
Pop go the pundits, by David Widgery
[Bob Dylan] (photo)
Official seal of approval
Countess Markievicz (photo)
- Interview:
Critic who wants to overturn ‘culture’, conducted by Laurie Flynn
John Berger (photo), courtesy of Penguin Books
- Films:
Films, festivals and funerals, by Marc Karlin
What We Stand For
The Unions
- After Cooper, GMWU looks for new image
Lord Cooper (photo)
- IS banned by clerks union in big clampdown, by an APEX Action member
- Libel charge
- Stop sneering at ‘gays’, by Don Milligan
- Discussion is vital, by Chris Small
- OAPs angry over licence, from Ernest Offen
- Youth need your help, from Chris Tyndale
- Damage, from Ena Coyne
- ‘Anti-Chinese ravings’, from S. Nwosu
Spike (column), by Ron Knowles
- James the Scab’s brief honeymoon with press barons
We fight again in 1973, say steelmen, by Roger Rosewell
Anti-union firm gives in as neighbours join picket
- The strikers ... marching through South Shields (photo)
Strikers hold out against scab labour
The Rents Battle
- Tories start to get tough with rebels
- Tenants against the auditor
- 7,000 refuse to pay rent rise
- £20,000 threat to pit village
- Put up rent ultimatum
- Eviction move stalled
What’s On
- IS Meetings
- Other Meetings
- Notices
Late Letter
- You’ve got me wrong, says Michael Foot, from Michael Foot
Counter-demo dwarfs racists
- Leicester International Socialists on the anti-racist march (photo)
Face yet another con trick, by John Charlton
24 hour stoppage backs stoppage
Rank & file back AUEW
- Profile of a Super Scab ...
- Goad brandishing his union card (photo)
Asians: no union help
Left wobbling aids the right, by Roger Rosewell
Picket Lines
- Wolverhampton
- Coventry
- Chelsea
Socialist Worker
Weekly Paper of the International Socialists
Bust freeze move by low paid
Eviction threat to 5,000 tenants by Labour Council
Pickets at Marks & Sparks (photo)
Holiday behind bars
IS fund tops £6,000
World News
- Briefing:
[Bulletin of Committee to Defend Czechoslovak Socialists]
[Two French revolutionary socialist organisations to run 309 candidates]
[Committee of Egyptian parliament attacks gopvernment]
[In Italy top state officials given a magnificent Christmas present]
[Trybuna Ludu complains about widespread absenteeism in Polish factories]
[French army called to clear rubbish Paris after dustmen’s strike]
- Pay cut threat in Yugoslavia, by Peter Hitchcock
Tito (photo)
- Vesteys feel the breeze in Argentina
Grove (photo)
- Union buster bosses back off, by Richard Kirkwood
Bomb Squad’s new victim, by John Telfair
Foot Prints (column), by Paul Foot
- Fishing or Goading
[Letter from Guildford Conservative Association] (facsimile)
- Directly, sir
- News of the World and violence
- Double beds
- Wise guy
Professor Swann (photo)
- Swann song
- Anchor man
- [Bradford Labour Party call for proscription of International Socialists]
Ding-dong merrily on high, the cash tills are ringing! by Laurie Flynn
- The spirit of Christmas present (collage), by Red Saunders
In the City (column), by T.H. Rogmorton
- £3,000 profit – by lifting a phone
Vic Whittington – a cautionary tale for Christmas
- Sir Vic worked in the union garden (drawing), by Phil Evans
- The Giant whirled his Acts ... (drawing), by Phil Evans
- A disgusting creature started to slobber and spit (drawing), by Phil Evans
Out of Your Mind (column), by Duncan Hallas
- How the revolution led to Stalin
Our Norman (comic strip), by Evans
- Books:
Offered council flat – rent too high, by Hugh Kerr
Frank Allaun (photo)
From the man in Hampstead to the man in Whitehall, by Jock Young
- Television and Others:
What chance for the big man’s widow, by Peter Sedgwick
Parlour pink’s Queen Mum (photo)
All rung up at the BBC ..., by Nigel Fountain
Austin Mitchell & Ludovic Kennedy (photos)
- News of the World’s vicious slanders of Irish militants, from Basil Miller, Carol Coulter & Paddy Healy
- Not alone, from Bob Boyd
- Wrong on Ireland, from Allen Esterson
- Why ‘gay’? from Roland Muldoon
- Farm workers need other union support, from Peter Martindale
World’s End builders win again
Scottish rents rebels in retreat, by Steve Jefferys
Vestey closure aimed at Midland militants
Redder Tape in a white collar
Rank and file teachers oppose union leaders
55,000 Health Service workers join massive protest
- Women Health Service workers on the London protest march (photo)
Sacking after lead poison report, by Paul Foot
Print unions plan deal for Briant Colour
What’s On
Cleaners breakthrough
Hosiery strike mill took on 100 blacklegs
- Indian workers on the picket line outside the Mansfield Hosiery Mill (photo)
- Hosiery union publishes National Front tract
Big backing for the AUEW
- Thousands out in 24 hour stoppages
Whites scab on Indians’ struggle
500 walk out over sackings
Last updated on 4 April 2021