Student Partisan

From “Indexes to Independent Socialist Periodicals”, published by the Independent Socialist Press, Box 6332, Albany sta, Berkeley, Calif 94706, copyright 1969, 1970. This contains cumulative indexes for The New International 1934-1958, Anvil 1949-1960 and Student Partisan 1947-50 together with annual indexes for Labor Action 1949-1953 all compiled in 1969. Details and their introductions to the indexes are included in ETOL.

This magazine was launched by the Politics Club of the University of Chicago at a time when radical student activities were making a new beginning in the postwar period but no student movement had yet appeared on a national scale. In many ways the University of Chicago campus was to the late ’40s and ’50s was what C.C.N.Y. had been in the ’30s and Berkeley was going to be in the ’60s: the campus with the most activity of a “student movement" type. The focus of this activity was the Politics Club. Its relatively large membership was more heterogeneous than radical clubs had tended to be. It included socialists of various tendencies and even some liberals; but the largest single political current in the club was that of the youth group of the Independent Socialist League, called the Socialist Youth League. It was their views which gave the main political tone to Student Partisan.

A similar student magazine was launched in New York City in the fall of 1949: see the introductory note to the Anvil index in this volume. The two magazines were merged the following year, and the independent existence of Student Partisan came to an end after nine issues. In effect, the merged magazine continued Anvil (and continued Anvil’s issue numbering), though the title became formally Anvil and Student Partisan.

Following is a list of the nine issues which constitute a complete set of Student Partisan:

Vol. No. Issue Year
[1] [1 1] Autumn 1947
[2] [1 2] Winter 1948
[3] 1 3 Spring 1948
[4] 2 1 Autumn 1948
[5] 2 2 Winter 1949
[6] 2 3 Spring 1949
[7] 2 4 Summer 1949
[8] 3 1 Autumn 1949
[9] 3 2 Winter 1950


Index references give the issue, year and page number in that order; e.g., A48p6 = Autumn 1948, page 6.
A = Autumn
Sp = Spring
Su = Summer
W = Winter

BR = Book Review
Ed. = Editorial
FR = Film Review
L = Letter


ACADEMIC FREEDOM - See also Civil Liberties.
Miller: Death of a college [Olivet] Sp49p6

ANTI-SEMITISM - See Jewish Problems.

BOOK REVIEWS - listing author and title of book reviewed.
Chaplin. Wobbly. A49p28
Deutscher. Stalin. W50p20
Finer. America’s Destiny. Sp48p14; reply by Finer. Sp48p18; rejoinder Sp48p19
Gliksman. Tell the West, A48p21
Hollingshead. Elmtown’s Youth. W50p24
Howe &Widick. UAW and Walter Reuther. A49p23
Koestler. Thieves in the Night. A47p20
Mills. New Men of Power. A49p25
Schulberg. What Makes Sammy Run? A47p23
Toynbee. A Study of History. A48p18; Sp49p27

Ed.: [Devaluation] A49p1
Williams: Politics in Britain. W50p13

Chenoweth: The meaning of China. A49p14

Ed.: Civil liberties for Communists. W50p1
--: On Stalinists in the schools. Sp49p5
Martin: Civil liberties for Stalinists. Sp48p20

Geiger: Campaign for job eqiality on State Street. Sp48p7

COLD WAR - See Foreign Policy.

COMMUNISM - See also Russia.
Chenoweth: The meaning of China. A49p14
Coser: Reflections on Deutscher’s ’Stalin.’ W50p20
K.L.: Denazification policy in Russian-occupied Germany. A47p6; W48p16
Rousset: [An address] Su49p16

Ed.: [Civil liberties for Communists] W50p1
--: Letter on the A.Y.D. A47p11
--: On Stalinists in the schools. Sp49p5
Farrell: Letter on the A.Y.D. A47p12
Martin: Civil liberties for Stalinists. Sp48p20
Politics Club: Letter to the Communist Club. A47p25

Coser: Reflections on Deutscher’s ’Stalin.’ W50p20

ENGLAND - See Britain.

Porter: ’Monsieur Verdoux.’ A47p24
Porter: ’What Makes Sammy Run?’ A47p23

Chenoweth: International significance of the Marshall Plan. A47p16
-: The meaning of China. A49p14
Del Monte: The occupation of Japan. Sp49p11
Ed.: Question of war and peace. Sp48pl
Howe: Herman Finer s’en va-t-en guerre. Sp48p14; discussion Sp48p18,19
Mendelson: The French people and the cold war. W50p17
Wright: [An address] Su49p8

FRANCE - See also R.D.R.
Altman: We were five thousand. Su49p3
Ed.: Explanation of this issue. Su49pl
Mendelson: The French people and the cold war. W50p17
-: The Gaullist upsurge in Prance. A47p2
-: Rassemblement Democratique et Revolutionnaire. Sp48p5
-: The strike wave in France. W48p9
Rose: Why we are with the RDR. Su49p20
Sartre: [An address] Su49p4

Bettelheim: Dynamism of anti-semitism in Gentile and Jew. A48p10; Sp49p20
Coser, L.: Western Germany. W49pl
Coser, R.: Death of a revolution. A49p2
Ecker: Some democratic principles and the ’German problem’ (L) A48p23;
reply by K.L. A48p24
Ed.: The problem of German guilt. W49p11
-: Socialist youth in Germany. W49p18
Goldbloom: What’s what in the Ruhr? W49p23
K.L.: Denazification policy in Russian-occupied Germany, A47p6; W48p16
-: [Reply to Ecker] (L) A48p24
Knees: German resistance today. W49p6
Macdonald: Responsibility of peoples: some further speculations. W49p19
Plievier: [An address] Su49p19


ISRAEL - See Jewish Problems.

Levi: [An address] Su49p6 JAPAN

Del Monte: The occupation of Japan. Sp49p11

Bettelheim: Dynamism of anti-semitism in Gentile and Jew. A48p10; Sp49p20
Ecker: Koestler completes the circle. A47p20
Winograd: The Palestine problem. Sp48pl0
Wolfson: Collectives in Palestine. A48p8

Ecker: Koestler completes the circle. A47p20

Friedland: Architects of the future (BR) A49p23
Goldsmith: Mills’s men of power (BR) A49p25
Karsh: Critique of recent industrial relations theory. W48p22
Mendelson: Needed, a labor orientation for AVC. W48p7
Potter: A romantic Wobbly (BR) A49p28

Camus: [An address] Su49p11
Farrell: Social obligations of the novelist. W48p11
Sartre: [An address] Su49p4

Chenoweth: The heritage of Marxism. W48p2
Wax: The concept of alienation. A49p17

Ibrahim: [An address] Su49p23

PALESTINE - See Jewish Problems.

R.D.R. [Rassemblement D�mocratique et R�volutionnaire] - See France; also whole issue of Su49.

RUSSIA - See also Communism.
K.L.: Denazification policy in Russian-occupied Germany. A47p6; W48p16
Schoen: ’Tell the West’ (BR) A48p21
Wright: [An address] Su49p8

SOCIALISM- See also Marxism.
Ed.: Correspondence. W48p27
J.F.: [Letter] W48p27
-: The new appeal. Sp48p22
Potter: A romantic Wobbly. A49p28
Riesman: Some observations on community plans and utopia. W50p8
Wolfson: Collectives in Palestine ’as socialist communities. A48p8

Karsh: Critique of recent industrial relations theory. W48p22

STUDENTS AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES - See also Author Index for Editorials; Politics Club.
Correspondence. W49p17
Mendelson: Intercollegiate socialist federation. A48p20
Miller: Death of a college. Sp49p6

Ed.: Collapse of the Fair Deal. Sp49p1
-: The 1948 elections. A48p1

Mendelson: Needed, a labor orientation for AVC. W48p7

WAR - See Foreign Policy.

Ed.: A letter on the A.Y.D. A47p11
--: Socialist youth in Germany. W49p18
Farrell: Letter on the A.Y.D. A47p12
Hunt: Youth and class. W50p24

ZIONISM - See Jewish Problems.

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