Time Has Long Passed That You Could Rob the Fattest Bank in America

Against the Current, No. 188, May/June 2017

By Kim D. Hunter

time has long passed that you could rob the fattest banks in america and spread the money and names of true criminals where either would do the most good

we have lost every secret place where the wind could relieve you of your name where electricity does not swallow light and gently vomit motor noise invisible and deafening

so we must sing other public secrets rent to own paycheck to paycheck hand to mouth


ended up on television in the emergency room
waiting to pay
for something fried and unrecognizable
numbers answered every question

if you need safe passage
to be here now

said the nurse
who was almost too tired to breathe

then you must go where they house and warehouse
songs of true love
open kangaroo court prosecution of
black lung power grids
end of life loans
bloated corpse food service
you must visit the library
where you can borrow the mindset
of the one who wrote

he’d give up all his comfort
and sleep out in the rain
if she said that’s the way it ought to be

a museum of lost and untenable rivers
night in the moon’s hands
the no missile defense program
a vaccine
against the scourge of moneysellers
an open mouth kiss
a clearing in the clearing

May-June 2017, ATC 188