MIA: History: ETOL: Fourth International: 1971 5th Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores: Resolutions of the April 1971 Executive Committee Meeting
Fifth Congress of the
Partido Revolucionario de los TrabajadoresFOOTNOTES
1. Antagonistic within the party.
2. Showing itself in a muted and partial form, like the CGT party relationship. (The growing proletarian curÂrent opposed the Morenoist slogan for a CGT workers party.)
3. The party adopted this name at its first congress (1965).
4. It is important to know these facts so as to put into its proper place the attempt by the centrists to trace the origin of the Leninist wing to Bengochea’s group and, by doing this, saddle us with his putschist position.
5. This conclusion was spreading generally at the time among the sugar workers and broad sectors of the workÂing class vanguard throughout the entire country.
6. Draft self criticism resolution, p. 1.
7. Ibid., p. 2.
8. Ibid., p. 1.
9. Ibid., p. 1.
10. Ibid., p. 1.
11. The Only Road, p. 61.
12. [The footnote was not included in the published text, probably because of a printer’s error. Translator.]
13. [This footnote, too, is missing. Tr.J
14. Draft self criticism.
15. Ibid., p. 5.
16. Draft self criticism, p. 9. (For security reasons we have replaced the figures by “X.”)
17. Draft self criticism, p. 9Â
18. [No footnote indicated. Tr.]
19. These statistics were prepared in June, before the Fifth Congress. Later, the relationship of forces became more favorable for the Leninist wing with the incorporation of those who were undecided and other compafiros. FiÂnally, after the actual split had occurred in the Center, 95 percent of the worker members and 85 percent of the total membership remained in the party.
20. Karl Marx, “Thesis on Feuerbach.”
21. [Point “c” is missing in the published document. Tr.