Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

People’s Democracy

People’s Democracy was a journal published by the Revolutionary Review Press. Four issues appeared. In the fourth issue, the journal notified its readers that publication was being suspended due to “certain internal and external contradictions.”


Volume 1, No. 1, January-February 1978: The Nature and Character of the American Revolution’s Present Stage (first of two installments)


Part I: A Brief Analysis of the Concrete Conditions Internationally and in the U.S.

Part II: The History and Present State of the Contemporary Revolutionary Movement in the U.S.

Chapter One: The Spontaneous Mass Movements of the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s Giving Rise to Anti-Revisionist Formations
I. The Civil Rights Movement
II. Black Power
III. The Anti-War Movement
IV. The Black Liberation Movement
V. The Movement of Other Oppressed Nationalities

Chapter Two: The U.S. Anti-Revisionist Movement
I. The U.S. Anti-Revisionist Movement's Origin and Development
II. Periods
III. The U.S. Anti-Revisionist Movement's Impact on American Society
IV. The Scattered, Disunited, Isolated State of the U.S. Anti-Revisionist Movement and the Movements Unity Around the Line of One-Stage Revolution

Volume 1, No. 2, March-April 1978: The Nature and Character of the American Revolution's Present Stage (second of two installments)


Publisher's Note

Part III: What is a Completed Democratic Revolution and Must Such a Revolution Precede Socialism? 

Part IV: Was the Democratic Revolution in the U.S. Completed? 

Chapter One: The War Of Independence And The First Democratic Revolution
Chapter Two: The Civil War And The Second Democratic Revolution
Chapter Three: America’s Second Hundred Years

Part V: The Nature and Character of the American Revolution’s Present Stage Summed Up 




Volume 1, No. 3, May-June 1978


About this issue

A Brief Review of the History and Basic Principles of Dialectical Materialism (first of two installments) 

I. What is Philosophy?
II. The Two World Outlooks
III. The History of Materialism

On the U.S. Anti-Revisionist Movement’s Anti-Left Tendency  

I. The Emergence of the Anti-Left Tendency
II. The Anti-Left Tendency's Three Sub-Tendencies
III. The Further Consolidation of the Neo-Revisionist Sub-Tendency
IV. Summary and Conclusion

Volume 1, No. 4, July-August 1978

About this issue

A Brief Review of the History and Basic Principles of Dialectical Materialism (second of two installments)

IV. Metaphysics
V. Dialectics
VI. Dialectical Materialism’s Philosophical and Practical Aspects