Marxist Writers: George Novack
George Novack Archive
George Novack
“The elements of dialectical logic can be learned by anyone with a determination to study them.” Lecture IX
Biography (marxist glossary entry)
Biography (biography provided from from their
Bio-bibliographical sketches of selected Trotskyists page)
Passports to Utopia, November 1934 (as John Marshall)
Passports to Utopia II, December 1934 (as John Marshall)
Captive Science, January 1935 (book review, as John Marshall)
US Capitalism: National or International?, October 1935 (extended review article)
Comrade Candide and Comrade Browder ... A Tragi-Comedy, November 1935 (as John Marshall)
Marxism and the Intellectuals, December 1935
American Intellectuals and the Crisis, February/June 1936
The Function of the New Deal, April 1936
Homage to John Brown, January 1938
Marx and Engels on the Civil War, February 1938 (extended review article)
Pluperfect Plutocracy, March 1938 (book review)
Plebeian Caesar, April 1938 (book review)
History to Order, May 1938 (book review)
Call Out the Militia!, June 1938 (book review)
Review of Matthew Josephson’s The Politicos, August 1938 (extended review article)
Revolution, Black and White, May 1939 (book review)
The Struggle Against the Oil Octopus, July 1939
The Struggle for National Supremacy, 1789–1848, August 1939
Negro Slavery in North America, October 1939
The Colonial Plantation System, December 1939
Autopsy of the New Deal, May 1940
The Presidential Campaign, June 1940
Trade Unions Urged to Start Military Training Under Its[sic] Control (letter), August 1940 (as W.F.W.)
Elements of Dialectical Materialism, August 1940 (as William F. Warde)
Roosevelt After the Battle of France, August 1940 (as William F. Warde)
War Deal Easy on the Rich; Doesn’t Try to Draft Wealth, August 1940 (as W.F.W.)
Engels on Dialectics of Nature, December 1940 (as Wm. F. Warde)
American Imperialism Grasps Its Manifest Destiny, January 1941 (as W.F. Warde)
The War Deal’s Economics, March 1941 (as William F. Warde)
The War Deal’s Economics, May 1941 (as William F. Warde)
Roosevelt Fights on Two Fronts, July 1941 (as William F. Warde)
FDR’s 8-Points Hide Real War Aims, August 1941 (as William F. Warde)
The Right Of Revolution, August 1941 (as William F. Warde)
The Aims of American Imperialism, October 1941 (as William F. Warde)
Are Capitalist Bosses Necessary?, October 1941 (as William F. Warde)
Trial an Alarm Signal to Labor, November 1941
Capitalist Frame-up: 1941 Model, December 1941 (as William F. Warde)
Introduction to the Logic Of Marxism, 1942 (book)
The People’s Front and the Coming Elections in Chile, January 1942 (as William F. Warde)
Clement Opposition in S.P. Is Typical Centrist Group, February 1942 (as William F. Warde)
The Liberals and the War, February 1942 (as William F. Warde)
Norman Thomas Does Not See ‘Practical’ Alternative to War, February 1942 (as William F. Warde)
GPU Lynch Campaign Is on International Scale, March 1942 (as William F. Warde)
Roosevelt and the War Crisis, March 1942 (as William F. Warde)
From Revisionism to Social-Chauvinism: I. The Degradation of Sidney Hook, June 1942 (as William F. Warde)
The Roots of Inflation, December 1942 (as William F. Warde)
Roosevelt’s Financial Problems, January 1943 (as William F. Warde)
Ten Years of the New Deal, March 1943 (as William F. Warde)
Roosevelt’s “Hold the Line” Order, May 1943 (as William F. Warde)
The Roosevelt Regime in Crisis, August 1943 (as William F. Warde)
The Progress of Inflation, October 1943 (as William F. Warde)
Europe in the Sixth War Year, September 1944 (as William F. Warde)
Real Aims Uniting the Allies at Secret Crimea Conference, February 1945 (as William F. Warde)
Secret Allied Conference at Yalta Designs Plans to Dominate Europe, February 1945 (as William F. Warde)
The Big Three at Potsdam, September 1945 (as William F. Warde)
Economic Prospects in Postwar America, October 1945 (as William F. Warde)
The Big Five at London, November 1945 (as William F. Warde)
Revolutionary Policy in Western Europe, January 1946 (as William F. Warde)
Why Big Business Profiteers Are Trying to Blame Inflation Upon Labor’s Demand for Living Wages, February 1946 (as William F. Warde)
Success Story, April 1946 (as William F. Warde)
Rail, Mine Workers Face Fierce Anti-Union Attack, May 1946 (as William F. Warde)
Wallace and the War Makers, May 1947 (as William F. Warde)
Party Branches Step Up Their Pace in S.W.P. Election Fund Campaign, October 1948 (as William F. Warde)
A Suppressed Chapter in History of American Capitalism, January 1949 (as William F. Warde)
A Forgotten Fighter Against Plutocracy, February 1949 (as William F. Warde)
Destruction of Indian Communal Democracy, April 1949 (as William F. Warde)
Revolutionary Course of American Society, May 1949 (as William F. Warde)
Program of the Opposition, August 1949 (as William F. Warde)
Two Lessons of Reconstruction, May 1950 (as William F. Warde)
The Movement for American Independence, July 1950 (as William F. Warde)
Trotsky on the Role of the USA, July 1951 (as William F. Warde)
Understanding History, 1956–1968 (book)
The High and the Mighty, Winter 1957 (extended book review, as William F. Warde)
The Evolution of Randolph Bourne, Spring 1957 (book review, as William F. Warde)
The Rise and Fall of Progressivism, Summer 1957 (as William F. Warde)
“The Good Old Cause”, Winter 1958 (book review, as William F. Warde)
Revolution in West Africa, Winter 1958 (book review, as John Marshall)
For Political Ornithologists, Summer 1958 (book review, as W.F.W.)
Progress of World Socialism, Summer 1958 (as William F. Warde)
Progress of World Socialism – II, Summer 1958 (as William F. Warde)
Life on Other Planets, Spring 1959 (book review, as John Marshall)
Socialism and Humanism, Spring 1959 (as William F. Warde)
Socialism and Humanism – II, Summer 1959 (as William F. Warde)
Jefferson, Lincoln and Dewey, Summer 1959 (as William F. Warde)
Alienation, Fall 1959 (as William F. Warde)
John Dewey’s Theories of Education, Winter 1960 (as William F. Warde)
Where Nationalization Went Wrong, Winter 1960 (as John Marshall)
The Fate of Dewey’s Theories, Spring 1960 (as William F. Warde)
The World of C. Wright Mills, Summer 1960 (as William F. Warde)
Trotsky’s Views on Dialectical Materialism, Fall 1960 (as William F. Warde)
Mills and Marx, Winter 1961 (as William F. Warde)
The American Civil War: Its Place in History, Spring/Summer 1961 (as William F. Warde)
From Lenin to Khrushchev, Summer 1961 (as William F. Warde)
Who Will Change The World? The New left and the Views of C. Wright Mills, Summer 1961 (as William F. Warde)
American Philosophy and the Labor Movement, Spring 1962 (as William F. Warde)
Review of C. Wright Mills’ The Marxists, Summer 1962 (as William F. Warde)
Some Thoughts On The Emancipation Proclamation, Spring 1963 (as William F. Warde)
New Judgment on the Sino-Soviet Rift: Monthly Review and the Great Debate, Summer 1963 (as William F. Warde)
Documentary Studies: Sino-Soviet Rift, Summer 1963 (book review, as W.F.W.)
The Living Trotsky, Winter 1964 (book review, as William F. Warde)
Debate On Peace: CP and Its Critics, Spring 1964 (as William F. Warde)
Is Nature Dialectical?, Summer 1964 (as William F. Warde)
From Lenin to Castro: Importance of the Individual in History-Making, Winter 1965 (as William F. Warde)
American Sociology, March 1965 (extended book review, as William F. Warde)
Some Reflections On The Life and Death of Malcolm X, March 1965 (as William F. Warde)
Existentialism and Marxism, Spring 1965
Liberal Morality, July 1965
Buffalo Hunters, July 1966 (book review)
The Political Crisis in China, July 1966
Theories of History, May 1967
Malcolm X, Black Nationalism and Socialism, July 1967
Radical Intellectuals in the 1930s, September 1967
Third Parties in American Politics, May 1968
The Case of Leon Trotsky, July 1968
Positivism and Marxism in Sociology, July 1968
Can American Workers Make a Socialist Revolution?, November 1968
The Problem of Transitional Formations, November 1968
Empiricism and Its Evolution — A Marxist View, 1969
Sociology and Historical Materialism, September 1969
Further reading:
Summary of Dialectics, Lenin, 1914
The ABC of Dialectical Materialism, Trotsky, 1940
Last updated on 21 August 2021