Marx-Engels Correspondence 1864
Source: MECW Volume 41, p. 526;
First published: in Russian, in Voinstvuyushchii materialist, 1925.
Sweet child, Badman,
Probably I shall leave Manchester on Thursday (May 19) this week, and probably Engels will come with me. If arrangements be changed, I'll advertise you timely.
I visited Ernest Jones yesterday and renewed my old friendship with him. He received me very cordially. Eichhoff, who is here at this moment, and sends to all of you his compliments, wrote me this morning that the son-in-law of Dr. Rohde — Marriett — has suddenly died; the daughter being thus thrown back upon Liverpool and the parents. Eichhoff has at last settled down as a commercial employ�.
Little Dronke, who to-day arrived from London, told funny stories as to the meeting he had a few days since with Freiligrath. Fazy, Freiligrath’s master, was present at the rendezvous at 2 Royal Exchange Buildings.
Strohn, an old friend of mine — who, unhappily, finds himself in a very bad state of health, and whom I was hardly able to recognise — came down from Bradford to see me; Eichhoff having told him of my sojourn at Manchester.
Gumpert has been blessed with a son.
I address these lines to you, because you will probably have to make room for Engels, your room being, I believe, the only disposable one. You don’t want to care about wine which we bring with us, but a dozen bottles of Pale Ale for our Manchester man will be welcome. I cannot finish my business here, because this week is a holiday for lawyers here. So things will not be settled before next week, and in my absence.
I have seen, from M�hmchen’s [Jenny’s, Marx’s wife] letter, with great concern, that Marie Lormier is not going on in the right direction. These doctors are a lot of quacks.
Any letter you'll address me, will still find me at Manchester, if you post it tomorrow before 5 o'clock p.m.
I hope, my dear child, to find you in full bloom. My humble compliments to your successor, and my knowing wink to mine secretary.
Your truly
Old one
I should very much like to buy here Manchester silk for the whole family, but the delay that, consequent upon the holiday, has taken place in the settlement of affairs, prevents me from indulging my fancy.
G. J. Harney, as you may tell M�hmchen, has again married, and, moreover, left Europe for Australia [in fact Harney emigrated to America in May 1863].