Marx-Engels Correspondence 1864
Source: MECW Volume 41, p. 524;
First published: in the language of the original (German), in Annali, an. 1, Milan, 1958.
Dear Jenny,
Poor Lupus, as it now transpires — and as Borchardt already knew — had accumulated a nest-egg by dint of hard and unremitting work.
In his will (of December 1863) he appointed Engels, Borchardt and myself his executors, and the notary has just read us his will. In it he leaves:
1. �100 to the Manchester Schiller Institute
2. �100 to Engels
3. �100 to Borchardt and
4. The entire residue, amounting to six or seven hundred pounds, to me (to you and the children should I predecease him; he took care of all eventualities), likewise his books and all other effects.
I must now go to his lodgings and sort out his papers. Luckily he was living — during the final 6 or 7 weeks, at any rate — with exceptionally good and worthy people and enjoyed the best possible nursing. The inane telegrams about nursing attendants — of which Gumpert knew nothing — were sheer ostentation and consequentiality on the part of Bombastus B.
A thousand kisses to you and the children.