Erich Honecker


Letter to Yasser Arafat,
Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization

1 August 1983


Written: 1 August 1983, in Berlin.
Publication at Erich Honecker Archive, September 2024.
Source: "August 1, 1983. Letter from Erich Honecker to Yasses Arafat",, Wilson Center Digital Archive. Translated from German by Bernd Schaefer. Original upload date: 2011-11-20. Record ID: 113290.  Original document sourced from German Federal Archives (BArch): BA-SAPMO J IV 2/2A/2583.
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Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany
The General Secretary


State Council of the German Democratic Republic
The Chairman



Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization
and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces
of the Palestinian Revolution,
Comrade Yasser Arafat


Dear Comrade Yasser Arafat!

Since our meeting in Kuwait [on 17 October 1982] and the fruitful exchange of opinions we had there, the international situation has aggravated in grave terms as a result of the imperialist policy of confrontation. It also has increased the danger of nuclear war with its catastrophic consequences for humanity. The militarist and hegemonic policy of the most aggressive circles of imperialism, headed by the United States of America, has taken on qualitatively new features.

Among the attempts of the United States to destroy the military-strategic balance and to implement its hegemonic plans, is the deployment of new intermediate nuclear missiles in Western Europe planned for this year. Under the pretext of “protecting own interests”, the most aggressive forces of imperialism are increasing their interference in internal affairs of other states and foment conflicts in various regions of the world. Especially dangerous to the Arab peoples are such actions by the United States aimed at expanding and embedding its military presence in the Middle East.

As you know, the leading representatives of the socialist states have pointed out this dangerous development with distinct clarity during their meeting on 28 June 1983 in Moscow. At the same time they have submitted new proposals for securing the peace based on the principles of parity and equal security. These proposals are not the least based on our conviction that is possible to overcome the current dangerous period in international relations through a coalition of all peace-loving forces.

The dangerousness of imperialist policy and the difficulty of the struggle by the anti-imperialist forces is currently evident quite distinctly in the Middle East. The plans of imperialism to force its political and military diktat on this region are a cause of deep concern for us in the German Democratic Republic. It is apparent that the attempt to fragment the anti-imperialist forces and to cripple their effectiveness is a substantial element of these plans.

During his most recent visit to the German Democratic Republic, Abu Iyad [a.ka. Salah Mesbah Khalaf] informed us on your behalf about the conflicts with officials of the Farah. At the same time, he explained to us your efforts to end this dangerous dispute in the interest of the higher, just goals of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The reaction by the United States and Israel to the current conflicts in the Arab camp are proof that a split of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the destruction of its anti-imperialist alliance with the Syrian Arab Republic, will only serve the objectives of the imperialist Middle East policy.

In light of the ongoing aggression pursued by Israel with the support of the United States against the Palestinian people and the other Arab peoples; and in light of the imperialist attempts to force separate agreements on the Arab states by ignoring their sovereign rights, like in the case of Lebanon: the Socialist Unity Party of Germany views the unity of all anti-imperialist forces in the region and the coordination of their joint approach as a decisive condition for the defense of their legitimate national interests. In this context, the Syrian Arab Republic is currently in objective terms a main force for prevention of the hegemonic plans of the United States and Israel in the region. The strengthening of a fighting community between the SAR [Syrian Arab Republic], the PLO, and the patriotic forces of Lebanon is an urgent demand of present times. All disputes and issues must be subordinated under this higher objective. The cessation of mutual polemics would certainly be a first step towards creating an atmosphere of understanding.


Dear Comrade Yasser Arafat!

The heroic history and the valuable fighting experiences of the PLOP, as well as your great personal enhancement for the cause of the Palestinian people, encourage me in my conviction that the PLO will also master the current complicated situation. As we know, history teaches us that it is important, when differences in opinion arise between comrades-in-arms, that one cannot be diverted by disputes from the main questions of the struggle. The objectives of the Palestinian people are outlined in the documents of the PLO. The tasks for the next phase of the struggle are clearly defined by the decision of the 16th Session of the Palestinian National Council. Therefore, more important than ever before are strong political actions by the PLO on all levels inside and outside the Palestinian homeland in order to implement these decisions.

Please be assured that, as in the past, so also in present and future, the German Democratic Republic firmly stands in this struggle on the side of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The GDR will continue to support the struggle of the Palestinian people to implement their inalienable national rights, especially its right concerning the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Also in the future, the GDR will be advocating consequently for the emergence of a just and durable resolution of the Middle East conflict under the inclusion of all interested sides, including the Palestine Liberation Organization. Here we are viewing the constructive Soviet proposals from September 1982, as well as the principles from the 12th Summit of the Arab League in Fez [held 6 to 9 September 1982], as a realistic foundation for convening an international conference on the Middle East.

For you, dear Comrade Yasser Arafat, and the Palestine Liberation Organization I wish, in the name of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, new successes in the struggle for the just cause of the Palestinian people.

Please receive my best wishes for your health and work energy.

With socialist greetings



E. Honecker

Berlin, 1 August 1983