MIA: Comintern Writers: William Z. Foster Archive
William Z. Foster
1909: Special Spokane Despatches from The Workingman’s Paper, November 20, 1909
1909: Special Spokane Despatches (cont.) from The Workingman’s Paper, November 27, 1909
1909: The Sweat-Box from The Workingman’s Paper, December 11, 1909
1909: Daily Despatches from Our Own Reporter from The Workingman’s Paper, December 18, 1909
1909: Foster's Last Despatch from The Workingman’s Paper, December 25, 1909
1909: Shocking Experiences from The Workingman’s Paper, December 25, 1909
1909: Three Spokane Mushrooms from The Workingman’s Paper, December 25, 19091910: Foster's Letter from Rockpile from The Workingman’s Paper, January 8, 1910
1910: From Foster in Jail from The Workingman’s Paper, January 22, 1910
1910: 47 Days in Spokane City Jail
1910: Spokane Fight for Free Speech Settled
1910: Treaty of Peace is Concluded from The Workingman’s Paper, March 19, 1910
1910: Our Foreign Correspondent from The Industrial Worker, September 3, 1910
1910: Insurgency or the Economic Power of the Middle Class
1910: Our Foreign Correspondent, II from The Industrial Worker, September 17, 1910
1910: French Rebels Active, Will Strike Soon from The Industrial Worker, September 24, 1910
1910: News of Our Fellows in France from The Industrial Worker, October 8, 1910
1910: Our Special Correspondent from The Industrial Worker, October 19, 1910
1910: Convention of the C.G.T.
1910: The Big Railroad Strike in France from The Industrial Worker, November 2, 1910
1910: Foster Gives the Latest News of the C.G.T. from Industrial Worker, November 9, 1910
1910: [French Railroad] Strike from Solidarity, November 12, 1910
1910: France, An Undeveloped Country from Solidarity, November 19, 1910
1910: Special News from France from Industrial Worker, November 24, 1910
1910: Note: William Haywood from La Vie ouvriere, December 5, 1910
1910: Special News from France (cont.)
1910: Special News from France (cont.) from Industrial Worker, December 22, 1910
1910: Special News from France (cont.) from Industrial Worker, December 29, 1910
1910: Stirring Events in France from Solidarity, December 31, 19101911: Sabotage from Solidarity, January 7, 1911
1911: Special News From France (cont.) from The Industrial Worker, January 12, 1911
1911: La lutte pour la liberte de parole a Spokane from La Vie ouvriere, January 20, 1911
1911: Special News from France (cont.) from The Industrial Worker, February 2, 1911
1911: La lutte pour la liberte de parole a Spokane, II from La Vie ouvriere, February 5, 1911
1911: The Socialist and Syndicalist Movements in France. Foster Replies to Robert Rives La Monte
1911: News From Germany from The Industrial Worker, May 4, 1911
1911: May Day in Germany from Solidarity, June 3, 1911
1911: Special From Germany from The Industrial Worker, July 13, 1911
1911: Le VIIIe Congres des Syndicats allemands from La Vie ouvriere, August 20-September 5, 1911
1911: German Unions in Congress from The Industrial Worker, September 7, 1911
1911: Labor Day in New York from Solidarity September 9, 1911
1911: Syndicalism in Germany from The Industrial Worker, September 14, 1911
1911: Budapest Civic Federation from The Industrial Worker, September 21, 1911
1911: The Socialist Labor Movement in Germany, part I from Solidarity, September 30, 1911
1911: Peonage in Germany from The Industrial Worker, October 5, 1911
1911: The Socialist Labor Movement in Germany, part II from Solidarity, October 7, 1911
1911: The Socialist Labor Movement in Germany, part III from Solidarity, October 14, 1911
1911: As to My Candidacy from Industrial Worker, November 2, 19111912: L’Affaire MacNamara from La Vie ouvriere, February 5, 1912
1912: Foster Takes Exception from The Agitator, February 13, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part I from The Agitator, April 15, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part II from The Agitator, May 1, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part III from The Agitator, May 15, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part IV from The Agitator, June 1, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part V from The Agitator, June 15, 1912
1912: Revolutionary Tactics, Part VI from The Agitator, July 1, 1912
1912: Syndicalism in France, Part I from The Agitator, July 15, 1912
1912: Syndicalism in France, Part II from The Agitator, August 1, 1912
1912: Syndicalism in France, Part III from The Agitator, August 15, 1912
1912: Syndicalism (with Earl C. Ford)
1912: The I.W.W. Convention from The Agitator, October 15, 1912
1912: The Molders’ Convention1913: The A.F. of L. Convention from The Syndicalist, January 1, 1913
1913: The Syndicalist International from The Syndicalist, February 1, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [La deuxieme affaire MacNamara/Une grande greve de la confection a New-York/Un journal socialiste suspend sa publication] from La Vie ouvriere, February 20, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, March 1, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, March 15, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [La greve de la Confection de New-York/Les attentats a la dynamite. Apres le proces/Dans le trust de l’Acier] from La Vie ouvriere, March 20, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, April 1, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [L’affaire Haywood/La greve de la Confection de New-York/Une invention policiere: le dictographe/Contre la guerre] from La Vie ouvriere, April 5, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, April 15, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [La duperie de l’arbitrage] from La Vie ouvriere, April 20, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, May 1, 1913
1913: The Revolt of Labor from The Syndicalist, May 15, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Une renaissance de l’A.F. of L.–les causes/Contre le sabotage patronal/Un exemple de solidarite ouvriere/Chez les cheminots/La greve de Paterson] from La Vie ouvriere, May 20, 1913
1913: "Mutual Interest" Policy Tried from The Syndicalist, June 1, 1913
1913: Theory and Practice from The Syndicalist, July 1, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Echec d’un grand projet des Compagnies de Chemins de fer] from La Vie ouvriere, July 20, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Une association capitaliste de corruption parlementaire] from La Vie ouvriere, August 5, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Le Congres des I. W. W.] from La Vie ouvriere, October 20, 1913
1913: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Greves et poursuites] from La Vie ouvriere, November 20, 19131914: Lettre de Etats-Unis [Le Congres de l’ “American Federation of Labor”] from La Vie ouvriere, January 5, 1914
1914: Lettre de Etats-Unis [La crise industrielle – La catastrophe de Calumet] from La Vie ouvriere, January 20, 19141918: How Life Has Been Brought Into the Stockyards April 1918
1919: Testimony in the Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Education and Labor in their “Investigation of Strike in Steel Industries,” September 1919
1920: General Report on Steel Strike Relief Fund
1920: The Great Steel Strike and Its Lessons1921: The Railroaders’ Next Step, Labor Herald Library No. 1
1921: Debs Tried Out One Big Union of Railroads, Plan Weakened Craft Bodies Says Foster
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 1 from The Toiler, July 2, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 2 from The Toiler, July 9, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 3 from The Toiler, July 16, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 4 from The Toiler, July 23, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 5 from The Toiler, July 30, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 6 from The Toiler, August 6, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 7 from The Toiler, August 13, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 8 from The Toiler, August 20, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 9 from The Toiler, August 27, 1921
1921: Famine Conditions in Russia from The Toiler, September 3, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 10 from The Toiler, September 3, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 11 from The Toiler, September 10, 1921
1921: William Z. Foster in Soviet Russia, article 12 from The Toiler, September 17, 1921
1921: The Labor Movement in France
1921: The Reaction in Italy
1921: The Russian Revolution, Labor Herald Library No. 2
1921: The Unification of Labor1922: The Principles and Program of the Trade Union Educational League
1922: Amalgamation or Annihilation
1922: The American Federation of Labor Convention
1922: Radical Tactics
1922: The Railway Employees’ Department Convention
1922: The Crisis on the Railroads
1922: The Young Worker and the Unions. An Interview with Wm. Z. Foster
1922: They Move an Inch. The Story of Four Railroad Conventions
1922: Foster’s Own Story. Kidnapping and Deportation Act of Revenge for Striking Rockefeller Steel Plant 100%
1922: Railroad Workers, Amalgamate!
1922: The Railroaders’ Next Step – Amalgamation, Labor Herald Library No. 1, Second Edition
1922: Lessons of the Shopmen’s Strike
1922: Gompersism in Full Flower
1922: The Left Wing in the American Labour Movement from Labour Monthly, September 1922
1922: The Revolutionary Crisis of 1918–1921 in Germany, England, Italy and France, Labor Herald Library No. 3
1922: Bankruptcy of the American Labor Movement, Labor Herald Library No. 4
1922: The Chicago Federation of Labor
1922: How I Became a Rebel, from The Labor Herald, July 1922
1922: Report on the Labor Union Situation in the United States and Canada, Dec. 16, 19221923: Five Vital Conferences
1923: The National Railroad Amalgamation Conference in the U.S.A.
1923: The World Crisis and the United Front
1923: Amalgamation Movement in America
1923: Foster Shows T.U.E.L. Makes Big Progress from The Worker, February 10, 1923
1923: Foster Reports to the Red International of Labor Unions: The Revival of Industry from The Worker, February 17, 1923
1923: Letter from William Z. Foster in Chicago to Grigorii Zinoviev in Moscow, February 17, 1923
1923: Railroaders in Retreat
1923: Rail Strike Shows Price Workers Pay from The Worker, March 17, 1923
1923: Railroaders Hit Again by ’Labor’ Board from The Worker, March 24, 1923
1923: Rail Heads Balk Efforts at Solidarity from The Worker, March 31, 1923
1923: Russia Out of the Shadows
1923: W. Z. Foster on Witness Stand Explains T.U.E.L. Program from the Voice of Labor, April 6, 1923
1923: Foster Sees Labor Spurred Forward from The Worker, April 7, 1923
1923: Bosses’ Hopes Blasted from The Worker, April 21, 1923
1923: On Trial in Michigan
1923: Foster Sees Big Task Ahead for Militants of the East from The Worker, May 12, 1923
1923: The Needle, Shoe and Leather, Textile, and Eastern District Conferences
1923: Sacco and Vanzetti Must Be Set Free! from the Voice of Labor, June 9, 1923
1923: The Progressive Miners’ Conference
1923: Wm. Z. Foster’s Speech in Favor of the Formation of a Federated Labor Party from the Voice of Labor, July 14, 1923
1923: Organize the Unorganized
1923: The Federated Farmer-Labor Party
1923: Gompers Faces Triple Revolt
* * *1923: The Capitalists Want to Kill Foster! Workers! We Must Defend Our Leader! by John Pepper
1923: Attempted Assassination of Foster Fails in Reactionary War on T.U.E.L. Militants from The Worker, Sept. 8, 1923
1923: Foster Predicted Campaign of Violence As Next Step in War on T.U.E.L. by J. Louis Engdahl, from The Worker, Sept. 8, 1923
* * *
1923: An Answer to “Justice”, Baroff, Sigman and Yanovsky from The Worker, October 13, 1923
1923: The Decatur Battle
1923: Statement on Our Labor Party Policy, November 1923 (with James P. Cannon)
1923: The A.F. of L. Convention
1923: The Foster-Sigman Letter from The Worker, November 17, 1923
1923: The Social Role of Fascism1924: An Open Letter to John Fitzpatrick
1924: The Coming Miners’ Convention from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, January 13, 1924
1924: Foster Asks Floor in Miners' Convention to Refute Slanders from the Daily Worker, January 25, 1924
1924: Foster Denies Lurid Charges of Hughes' Anti-Russ Agent from the Daily Worker, January 25, 1924
1924: The Coming Struggle
1924: The Miners’ Convention
1924: Foster Calls on All Workers to Follow Communist International from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, March 5, 1924
1924: Statement of Party Activities. A document prepared by William Z. Foster and unanimously adopted by the CEC of the WPA, March 18, 1924
1924: Use Teapot Dome and Daugherty to Organize from the Daily Worker, March 19, 1924
1924: What’s Happening in Germany
1924: Our Left Wing Press from the Daily Worker, April 16, 1924
1924: Speech to the American Commission of the Communist International: Moscow, May 6, 1924
1924: A German Communist Meeting from the Daily Worker, May 6, 1924
1924: Foster’s Reply to Nearing from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, May 17, 1924
1924: Petty Bourgeois Leadership vs Proletarian Rank and File
1924: Aspects of the French Labor Movement
1924: Rail Chiefs' "Honesty" Keynote Riddled by William Z. Foster from the Daily Worker, July 8, 1924
1924: LaFollette vs. the Farmer-Labor Party
1924: Foster Scores Debs O.K. of LaFollete from the Daily Worker, July 16, 1924
1924: Foster in Plain Talk to Debs
1924: The Steel Campaign Fiasco
1924: Russia in 1924, Labor Herald Library No. 11
1924: R.W. Beattie, Labor Spy-Faker
1924: Abolition of Capitalism is Aim of Workers Party, Says Wm. Z. Foster to Daily Worker from the Daily Worker, August 21, 1924
1924: The Convention of the Congress for Progressive Political Action
1924: Gompers and Dawes; Twin Supporters of the Capitalist System from the Daily Worker, August 30, 1924
1924: For the Class-Struggle and Against Reformist Illusions from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, August 30, 1924
1924: The Next Task of the Left Wing
1924: T.U.E.L. Greets British Militants from The Labor Herald, September 1924
1924: Three Principles of the Program of Action
1924: Foster Slams Defense Day and Gen. Dawes from the Daily Worker September 16, 1924
1924: LaFollette, Gompers and Debs
1924: Foster Urges Real Workers’ Co-ops from the Daily Worker, October 10, 1924
1924: Foster Exposes LaFollette in Election Deals from the Daily Worker, October 21, 1924
1924: Steel Workers! Join Communists in Fight to Realize Labor’s Goal from the Daily Worker, October 23, 1924
1924: Destroy the LaFollette Illusion
1924: The Workers Party to the Fore
1924: Communist Campaign Success from the Daily Worker, November 4, 1924
1924: Russia and the World Revolution
1924: Campaigning for Communism from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, November 15, 1924
1924: Foster Exposes Tool of Imperialism [on Gompers and the AF of L Convention] from the Daily Worker, November 19, 1924
1924: Campaigning for Communism (continued) from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, November 22, 1924
1924: Thesis on the Political Situation and the Immediate Tasks of the Workers Party (with Cannon, Bittelman, Browder, Dunne, Berman and Abern)
1924: The Significance of the Elections. Three Stages of Our Labor Party Policy
1924: What Our Labor Party Policy Has Accomplished from the Daily Worker, December 4, 1924
1924: The Comintern and the Farmer-Labor Party from the Daily Worker, December 9, 1924
1924: Farmer-Labor Opportunism from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, December 20, 1924
1924: Minority Thesis Proposes Penetration of Third Party from the Daily Worker, December 24, 1924
1924: A Year of Party Progress (with Cannon and Bittelman) from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, December 27, 1924
1924: A Statement on 2 and a Half Internationalism (with Cannon, Bittelman, Browder, Dunne, Berman and Abern) from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, December 27, 1924
1924: As to the “Marxian Trunk” of the Party
1924: Workers Party Repudiating Farmer-Laborism from the Daily Worker, December 31, 19241925: Lovestone’s Labor Party Book: “The Government – Strikebreaker” from the Daily Worker, January 7, 1925
1925: The Daily Worker – A Communist Builder from the Daily Worker, January 13, 1925
1925: The American Federation of Labor Convention
1925: The A.F. of L. and Trade Union Unity (with William F. Dunne)
1925: The Left Wing in Trade Union Elections
1925: The British Conference on World Trade Union Unity
1925: Controversial Questions in the Workers Party of America/Recommendations to the American Commission (excerpt) (with James P. Cannon)
1925: Amalgamation from Below
1925: Gudok
1925: Party Industrial Methods and Structure
1925: Party Trade Union Fractions
1925: The Ladies Garment Workers Awaken
1925: Loreism and Maneuvers from the Daily Worker, August 11, 1925
1925: Party Trade Union Work from the Daily Worker, August 15, 1925
1925: Company Unions
1925: The Party Reorganization from the Daily Worker, September 17, 1925
1925: Call for Third General Conference of the Trade Union Educational League from the Daily Worker, September 25, 1925
1925: The Left Wing Railroad Conference
1925: Speech by Wm. Z. Foster at Y.W.L. Convention from the Daily Worker, October 9, 1925
1925: The Daily Worker Must Be Saved! from the Daily Worker, October 14, 1925
1925: The Left Wing in the Needle Trades
1925: Drive Against Left Wing in Trade Unions from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, December 5, 19251926: Company Unionism and Trade Unionism
1926: The Fight Against Company Unionism, in Robert W. Dunn's Company Unions, Labor Herald Library No. 15
1926: Russian Workers and Workshops in 1926, Labor Herald Library No. 16
1926: Final Crisis Closer, says Wm. Z. Foster from the Daily Worker, May 6, 1926
1926: Results of the [British] General Strike from the Daily Worker, May 15, 1926
1926: The Left Wing and the British Labor Movement from the Daily Worker, May 27, 1926
1926: Forward Follows Milstein in Discovering that the T.U.E.L. has an Office with A Doorway from Daily Worker, June 30, 1926
1926: Organize the Unorganized, Labor Herald Library No. 17
1926: On the Seventh Anniversary of Our Party from the New Magazine Supplement to the Daily Worker, August 28, 1926
1926: Keep the Daily Worker! from the Daily Worker, September 21, 1926
1926: The A.F. of L. Convention from the New Magazine Supplement to the Daily Worker, October 2, 1926
1926: Russian and American Trade Unions from the Daily Worker Special Magazine Supplement, November 6, 1926
1926: Strike Strategy, Labor Herald Library No. 18
1926: Program for the Needleworkers’ Union1927: The New War on Progress in the Trade Unions, from Labor Unity, January 1, 1927
1927: The Struggle in the Needle Trades
1927: Ruthenberg and the Labor Party from the Daily Worker, March 12, 1927
1927: C. E. Ruthenberg, from Labor Defender, April 1927
1927: Win the Miners' Strike!, from Labor Unity, April 1, 1927
1927: Industrial Democracy. Not Through Class Collaboration, from Labor Unity, April 15, 1927
1927: The Drift of the Labor Bureaucracy to the Right from the Daily Worker, May Day Issue, 1927
1927: Letter to the American Commission (with James P. Cannon and William Weinstone)
1927: The Watson-Parker Law: The Latest Scheme to Hamstring Railroad Unionism, Labor Herald Library No. 19
1927: The Sacco-Vanzetti Case from the New Magazine Supplement to the Daily Worker, August 20, 1927
1927: The Labor Movement and the Sacco-Vanzetti Case from the New Magazine Supplement to the Daily Worker, August 27, 1927
1927: The A.F. of L. Convention from the New Magazine Supplement to the Daily Worker, September 24, 1927
1927: Misleaders of Labor
1927: Wrecking the Labor Banks: The Collapse of the Labor Banks and Investment Companies of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers., Labor Herald Library No. 20
1928: The Crisis in the Labor Movement from The Communist, January 1928
1928: Long Live Daily Worker! from Daily Worker, January 13, 1928
1928: Capitalist Efficiency "Socialism" from The Communist, February 1928
1928: The Russian Opposition from Daily Worker, February 8, 1928
1928: W. Z. Foster Spikes Stolberg's Slippery Review in "New Leader" from Daily Worker, February 18, 1928
1928: "Save the Daily Worker!" is call of Wm. Z. Foster to All Militant Workers
1928: Capitalist Efficiency "Socialism" (continued) from The Communist, March 1928
1928: Labor and Efficiency Engineers from Labor Unity, March 1928
1928: The Socialist Press: A Tool of Reaction from Daily Worker, March 31, 1928
1928: A Show-Down in the Mining Industry from Labor Unity, April 1928
1928: Tasks and Lessons of the Miners' Struggle from The Communist, April 1928
1928: Background of the Coal Miners Struggle from Daily Worker, April 2, 1928
1928: May Day, 1928, Sees Rise of New Spirit of Militancy in American Labor Movement from Daily Worker, May 1, 1928
1928: Two Mine Strike Strategies from The Communist, May 1928
1928: Acceptance Speech as Candidate for President of the Workers (Communist) Party
1928: Mahon Surrenders to Mitten from Labor Unity, June 1928
1928: The Mining Crisis Deepens from The Communist, June 1928
1928: Old Unions and New Unions from The Communist, July 1928
1928: Foster Begins Tour. Interview with Communist Candidate from Daily Worker, September 8, 1928
1928: Foster Is Given Big Welcome at St. Paul Meet from Daily Worker, September 14, 1928
1928: New Tasks of the T.U.E.L. from Labor Unity, October 1928
1928: White, Negro Workers Must Unite – Foster from Daily Worker, October 9, 1928
1928: Gitlow Abduction is Another Link in Capitalist Chain of Terror, Says W. Z. Foster
1928: Foster Exposes Tammany Graft from Daily Worker, October 15, 1928
1928: Communist Drive Centers on War Danger, Class Struggle from Daily Worker, October 27, 1928
1928: Foster Urges a Strong Finish to Election from Daily Worker, November 2, 1928
1928: Foster Exposes All Three Boss Parties in Speech from Daily Worker, November 5, 1928
1928: The Workers (Communist) Party in the South from The Communist, November 1928
1928: America Speaks on Soviet Russia from Labor Defender, November 1928
1928: For a Correct Bolshevist Line in the American Party Against the Right Danger, and Against the Cannon-Trotsky Opposition. Statement by the Minority of the Central Executive Committee [with Aronberg and Bittelman]
1928: Theses of the Foster-Bittelman Minority. To the Plenum of the Central Committee, on the Tasks of the Party in Present Situation
1928: The Minority on the Results of the Plenum [with Alexander Bittelman]1929: Statement by Foster, Bittelman and Other Comrades from Daily Worker, January 7, 1929
1929: Statement by Foster, Aronberg and Bittelman for the Sake of Clarity from Daily Worker, January 10, 1929
1929: For Party Unity on the Basis of the Line of the Sixth World Congress (with Aronberg, Browder and Bittelman) from Daily Worker, January 21, 1929
1929: The Decline of the American Federation of Labor from Communist, January-February 1929
1929: As to New Lines and Old Lines Reply of Comrade Foster to Criticisms of his Article in the January-February number of "The Communist"
1929: Bourgeois Reformism and Social Reformism
1929: Bourgeois Reformism and Social Reformism (continued)
1929: Bourgeois Reformism and Social Reformism (continued)
1929: Trade Union League Calls Big National Congress; Aim New Trade Union Center for Class Struggle from Daily Worker, March 25, 1929
1929: Trade Union Unity Convention: A New Trade Union Center from Daily Worker, May 13, 1929
1929: Trade Union Unity Convention: Organization of Unorganized from Daily Worker, May 14, 1929
1929: Trade Union Unity Convention: Fight the Reformist Labor Leaders from Daily Worker, May 15, 1929
1929: Organize the Negro Workers! from Daily Worker, May 16, 1929
1929: Bedacht, Foster, Bittelman Urge Support of Address from Daily Worker, May 27, 1929
1929: For the Unity of the Party
1929: Trade Union Unity Call Gives Organizational Plan from Daily Worker, July 5, 1929
1929: Right Tendencies at the Trade Union Unity Conference from Communist, July 1929
1929: The T.U.U.L. Convention from Communist, September 1929
1929: Collapse of the Trade Union Capitalism of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers from International Press Correspondence, October 27, 1929
1929: The Party Trade Union Work During Ten Years from Communist, November 1929
1929: The Historic Southern Conferences from Labor Defender, November 1929
1930: The Growing World Offensive Against Capitalism from The Communist, March 1930
1930: Foster Exposes Department of Justice Lies from Daily Worker, March 1, 1930
1930: The Liberals and March 6. Some Aspects of Unemployment Campaign from Daily Worker, April 9, 1930
1930: The Seventh Convention from Daily Worker, April 18, 1930
1930: Foster from Prison, Calls for Class War from Daily Worker, May 27, 1930
1930: Foster Said: from Labor Defender, June 1930
1930: A Letter from Prison on Approaching Election (with Amter, Minor, and Raymond) from Daily Worker, June 3, 1930
1930: Foster Writes to Metal Workers' Conference from Daily Worker, June 13, 1930
1930: "Save Daily!" – Foster from Daily Worker, June 19, 1930
1930: A Letter from Prison to the 7th Party Convention (with Amter and Minor) from Daily Worker, June 23, 1930
1930: Rising Tide of World Revolution from Daily Worker, June 27, 1930
1930: The Soviet Union and American Workers from Daily Worker, July 3, 1930
1930: Soviet Union and the Intellectuals from Daily Worker, July 15, 1930
1930: The Soviet Union and the Social-Fascists from Daily Worker, August 1, 1930
1930: The "Socialists" and the Elections from Daily Worker, August 21, 1930
1930: Who Bears the Burden of the Crisis? from Daily Worker, August 25, 1930
1930: Free Speech in Boss-Ruled U.S.A. from Daily Worker, August 26, 1930
1930: The "Telegram" and Bread Riots from Daily Worker, August 28, 1930
1930: Foreign-Born Workers and the Elections from Daily Worker, August 29, 1930
1930: The New Wave of Wage-Cutting from Daily Worker, September 1, 1930
1930: Watching the Palatial Yachts from Daily Worker, September 6, 1930
1930: Foster Greets Ryan Walker on Joining Revolutionary "Daily" from Daily Worker, September 10, 1930
1930: "Socialist" Promises to Jobless Cover Their Starvation of Jobless in Practice from Daily Worker, September 15, 1930
1930: Mr. Broun Advertises His Qualities from Daily Worker, September 18, 1930
1930: Here Is Something “New” About the Soviet Union from Daily Worker, September 29, 1930
1930: We Can Rally Masses of Workers to Vote for Communism Nov. 4th from Daily Worker, October 6, 1930
1930: "Who Needs This Prohibition 'Issue' Now?" Asks Foster from Daily Worker, October 10, 1930
1930: Fight the Injunction Menace! from Daily Worker, October 14, 1930
1930: Civil Liberties Union Blow at Gastonia Boys is Socialist Trick, Says Foster, Resigning (Letter From Foster To The Civil Liberties Union) from Daily Worker, November 3, 1930
1930: Wm. Z. Foster Reads Communist Party Challenge to the Fish Committee Hearing from Daily Worker, December 6, 1930
1930: Before the Fish Committee from Daily Worker, December 12, 1930
1930: Workers! Don't Starve! Fight! Hunger Lines Keep on Growing from Daily Worker, December 27, 1930
1930: On the Question of Partial Demands from Daily Worker, December 30, 1930
1931: 1931 Will Be a Year of Sharpened Class Struggles[missing text due to printing error] from Daily Worker, January 1, 1931
1931: Starvation Stalks Through Coal Fields of Pennsylvania from Daily Worker, January 2, 1931
1931: Speed Up the Unemployment Campaign; Fight Starvation from Daily Worker, January 3, 1931
1931: "Stagger" Plan and Gradual Firing Steel Bosses' Weapon from Daily Worker, January 5, 1931
1931: Speed-Up and Mechanization Show Need for Organization from Daily Worker, January 6, 1931
1931: New Books for Workers to Read from Daily Worker, January 17, 1931
1931: Calverton's Fascism from the Communist, February 1931
1931: Intensify the Struggle for Jobless Insurance from Daily Worker, February 9, 1931
1931: The Training of T.U.U.L. Functionaries from Daily Worker, February 11, 1931
1931: The Americanization of the Party from Daily Worker, February 18, 1931
1931: The Awakening of the West from Daily Worker, February 21, 1931
1931: Fighter and Organizer [on C.E. Ruthenberg] from Daily Worker, February 28, 1931
1931: On the Question of Trade Union Democracy from the Communist, March 1931
1931: Women Bitterly Exploited in Industry; Answer Will Be Greater Organized Struggle from Daily Worker, March 2, 1931
1931: The Meeting of the T.U.U.L. Nat'l Executive Board from Daily Worker, March 25, 1931
1931: Howatt and Trotzkyites in New Betrayal of the Miners from Daily Worker, April 9, 1931
1931: Halt Wage Cut Drive of Bosses from Daily Worker, April 30, 1931
1931: Little Brothers of the Big Labor Fakers
1931: Foster Administers Crushing Defeat to Muste in Lively Debate; Exposes Demagogy from Daily Worker, May 11, 1931
1931: Musteism – “Left” Demagogy a la Mode from Communist, June 1931
1931: Railroad Workers, Organize and Strike Against Wage Cuts! from Daily Worker, June 4, 1931
1931: Foster Tells of Strike of 20,000 Coal Miners Spreading; Fight On in Face of Difficulties from Daily Worker, June 11, 1931
1931: "Save Daily!" – Foster from Daily Worker, June 19, 1931
1931: The Coal Strike from the Communist, July 1931
1931: War in the Coal Fields from Labor Defender, July 1931
1931: Send Delegates to Pittsburgh from Southern Worker, July 4, 1931
1931: National Conference July 15th to Unify Miners' Forces for Struggle from Daily Worker, July 4, 1931
1931: Labor and Coal – A Review from Daily Worker, July 4, 1931
1931: Factors Governing Our Tactical Line from the Communist, August 1931
1931: Next Steps in the Coal Strike from the Communist, August 1931
1931: Build the Workers International Relief from Daily Worker, August 17, 1931
1931: 1,000 Hosiery Workers Cheer Foster Calling for Fight Against Wage Cuts from Daily Worker, September 5, 1931
1931: Shop Organization and Shop Activity from Daily Worker, September 7, 1931
1931: The Workers Delegation to the Soviet Union from Daily Worker, September 25, 1931
1931: Build the Youth Movement from Daily Worker, September 29, 1931
1931: Good Resolutions versus Bad Practice in Negro Work from Daily Worker, October 26, 1931
1931: The March of the Revolution from the Communist, November 1931
1931: Support the “Liberator” Drive from Daily Worker, November 7, 1931
1931: Resolution of the Trade Union Unity League National Executive Committee Points Out the Road to Build Mass Revolutionary Unions
1931: Dilettantism in Strikes from the Communist, December 1931
1931: Foster's Speech Rips Into Walker's Role in Mooney Case from Daily Worker, November 7, 1931
1931: Victorious Socialist Construction in the Soviet Union1932: Trade Union Unity League Calls for Fight on R.R. Cut from Daily Worker, February 5, 1932
1932: Wm. Z. Foster Appeals to Save “Daily” from Daily Worker, February 12, 1932
1932: Revolutionary Unions and Int'l Women's Day from Daily Worker, March 2, 1932
1932: Foster Declares TUUL Will Fight Lynch Verdicts from Daily Worker, March 31, 1932
1932: Foster Calls for Mass Action to Free Frank Borich from Daily Worker, April 6, 1932
1932: Communists Propose Platform Against Hunger, Imperialist War; Wm. Z. Foster for President, J.W. Ford, Vice-President from Daily Worker, April 28, 1932
1932: Swinging Into Presidential Elections from Daily Worker, April 29, 1932
1932: Toward Soviet America
1932: Deportation Doak Wants You! from Labor Defender, May 1932
1932: The Socialist Party and Trade Unionism from Daily Worker, May 4, 1932
1932: Opportunity and Danger Confronting the Party from Daily Worker, May 9, 1932
1932: Mass Work in the Election Campaign from Daily Worker, May 12, 1932
1932: Shop Work in the Election Campaign from Daily Worker, May 13, 1932
1932: “Is the Only Worker Party.” Accepting Nomination, Foster Points Issue from Daily Worker, May 31, 1932
1932: Some Elementary Phases of the Work in the Reformist Unions from the Communist, June 1932
1932: We Must Follow St. Louis, Says Foster from Daily Worker, July 18, 1932
1932: Foster Hails Struggle in N. Carolina from Daily Worker, July 25, 1932
1932: Caught! Socialist Sheet Steels Foster's Speech, Substitutes "Socialist" for Communist
1932: Foster Calls "Red Plot" Story Pretext for Raids; Says Bankers Ruin Banks from Daily Worker, July 29, 1932
1932: What Foster Says of Socialist Political Swindle from Daily Worker, August 1, 1932
1932: William Z. Foster Says "Let Us Save Our Daily" from Daily Worker, August 10, 1932
1932: Foster Arrested in Scranton; Arrest is Move for Wage Slash from Daily Worker, August 15, 1932
1932: Socialist Party – Foster – and the War. Regarding Charges Circulated about Foster, and the Motive Statement by Central Committee, CPUSA
1932: The Revolutionary Way Out!
1932: Foster Challenges Cox to Defend Program of His "Jobless Party" from Daily Worker, August 27, 1932
1932: Who is Roosevelt?
1932: Who is Roosevelt? (continued) from Daily Worker, August 30, 1932
1932: "The Success of All Our Struggles Depends on Your Answer!" Says William Z. Foster, on Behalf of the Trade Union Unity League from Daily Worker, September 6, 1932
1932: Foster and Ford Appeal from Campaign Front to Workers to Save "Daily" from Daily Worker, September 10, 1932
1932: For a United Struggle Against Starvation Speech of William Z. Foster, delivered at the Chicago Coliseum, Sept. 10, 1932
1932: Foster Sick; Unable to Speak for Period; Dunne Fills Dates from Daily Worker, September 13, 1932
1932: Tour Strain Forces Rest on Foster from Daily Worker, September 15, 1932
1932: Culture and the Crisis an An open letter to the writers, artists, teachers, physicians, engineers, scientists and other professional workers of America
1932: Bosses Consciously Building Up Norman Thomas; Fear the Rising Struggles of Workers, Says Foster from Daily Worker, October 3, 1932
1932: Bankers, Trusts Responsible for Ruin of Farmers; Boss Parties Their Tools; Socialists Smother Fight on Monopolists, Says Foster from Daily Worker, October 5, 1932
1932: "U.S. Bosses for Imperialist Gains at Expense of Irish Masses," Foster from Daily Worker, October 17, 1932
1932: Foster Charges Wide Denial for Votes to Unemployed, Negroes; Bosses Fear Rising Revolutionary Mood of Toilers from Daily Worker, October 18, 1932
1932: Foster Calls for a Big Red Vote from Daily Worker, November 2, 1932
1932: Foster To Phone Speech to Crowd in the Garden from Daily Worker, November 4, 1932
1932: "The Capitalists Are Unable to Operate Industries," Says Foster Address, Madison Square Garden, Sunday, November 6, from Daily Worker, November 7, 1932
1932: Wm. Z. Foster Issues Statement on Results of U.S. Election from Daily Worker, November 10, 1932
1932: Only Militant Struggle of the Masses Can Defeat the Bosses' Starvation Program from Daily Worker, November 17, 1932
1932: Rally Behind the Hunger Marchers from Daily Worker, November 24, 1932
1932: 'Aid Scottsboro Fund Drive' from Daily Worker, December 10, 19321933:"Daily – One Paper that Leads", Says Foster from Daily Worker, January 2, 1933
1933: "We Will Not Meekly Submit!" Says Foster from Daily Worker, February 25, 1933
1933: Foster Calls All Union Members to Support Hunger Relief Demands of “Forgotten Men” to Roosevelt Government from Daily Worker, February 28, 1933
1933: Technocracy and Marxism [with Earl Browder]
1933: Marine Workers Must Prepare for the Coming War
1933: TUUL, Through Foster, Proposes Unity Action
1933: Foster Visits Soviet Union from Daily Worker, August 23, 1933
1933: Wm. Z. Foster Appeals for Help for Daily Worker from Daily Worker, October 28, 1933
1934: William Z. Foster, Improved in Health, Returns to U.S. After Stay in Soviet Union from Daily Worker, January 19, 1934
1934: William Z. Foster Visits "Daily" for the First Time in Sixteen Months; Praises Improvement, Hails Drive for 10,000 New Readers from Daily Worker, January 22, 1934
1934: Trade Union Unity League Hails the Return of Foster from Daily Worker, January 26, 1934
1934: "Party Must Become Youth-Minded, Wrest Youth From Fascist Influence" from Daily Worker, March 19, 1934
1934: McNamara, Framed Labor Leader Begins 23rd Year in Jail from Daily Worker, March 24, 1934
1934: Foster, In T.U.L.L. Call, Urges United Aid to Toledo Strikers
1934: Convention Roars Ovation at Greetings from Foster from Daily Worker, June 8, 1934
1934: Foster Urges Trade Unions Aid Thalmann from Daily Worker, June 8, 1934
1934: Steel Strike Victory Prospects Now Greater Than 1919 – Foster from Daily Worker, June 9, 1934
1934: Foster Praises "Our Lenin" by Ruth Shaw and Harry Alan Potamkin from Daily Worker, June 14, 1934
1934: The 9th Year of the International Labor Defense from Daily Worker, June 28, 1934
1934: "Trade Unionists, Rescue Herndon!," Urges William Z. Foster from Daily Worker, July 16, 1934
1934: The 1919 Steel Strike Has Valuable Lessons for Steel Workers Who Have Just Been So Crassly Betrayed, Says William Z. Foster, Veteran Labor Leader
1934: Foster Urges A.F.L. Parley Delegates to Wage Battle for Trade Union Unity
1934: Foster Appeals for I.L.D. Scottsboro Defense Fund from Daily Worker, November 10, 1934
1934: Foster Congratulates Mooney on Writ Victory from Daily Worker, November 14, 1934
1934: Fight Anti-Labor Drive, Says Foster
1935: Workers’ Bill Central Issue Before Workers, Says Foster from Daily Worker, January 8, 1935
1935: Foster Appeals for Defense of Foreign Born from Daily Worker, January 9, 1935
1935: Trade Unionists! Back Scottsboro, Herndon, Mooney Fight! from Daily Worker, January 11, 1935
1935: Foster Hails Move to Issue Italian Daily from Daily Worker, February 13, 1935
1935: J. B. McNamara Proletarian Fighter from Labor Defender, February 1935
1935: Foster Urges Huge Demonstration in Madison Square Garden Monday from Daily Worker, February 22, 1935
1935: The Story of William Z. Foster. A Tribute on the Occasion of His Fifty-fourth Birthday, by John Howard Lawson, from Daily Worker, February 26, 1935
1935: Foster Tells History of Struggle for Trade Union Unity
1935: Tom Mooney's Appeal Should be Answered by U.S. Working Class from Daily Worker, March 16, 1935
1935: McNamara, Framed Labor Leader Begins 23rd Year in Jail from Daily Worker, March 24, 1935
1935: The New Political Bases for a Labor Party in the United States
1935: Fascism Is Read Peril in America, Foster Tells the World Congress [of the Communist International] from Daily Worker, August 7, 1935
1935: A Trip Through the White Sea-Baltic Canal from Daily Worker, August 13, 1935
1935: Foster Greets Red Candidate in Winnipeg from Daily Worker, September 20, 1935
1935: Fascist Tendencies in the United States from The Communist, October 1935
1935: Foster Returns from Soviet Union from Daily Worker, November 6, 1935
1935: Foster to Return to Active Work; Will Speak Sunday from Daily Worker, November 11, 1935
1935: Victory Banquet Hails Appearance of Foster from Daily Worker, November 19, 1935
1935: Meaning of Lewis's Resignation and the Industrial Union Fight from Daily Worker, November 28, 1935
1935: Syndicalism in the United States from The Communist, November 1935
1935: Foster Exposes Frey Flaunting Wishes of His Own Union from Daily Worker, December 23, 1935
1935: Foster Appeals for Funds for Our Hundred Neediest – Jailed First Rank Fighters from Daily Worker, December 24, 1935
1935: Communists Call for Building Farmer-Labor Party Now (with Earl Browder) from Daily Worker, December 26, 1935
1936: For a Powerful United A.F. of L. (with Earl Browder)
1936: Why Trade Unionists Should Join the Communist Party from Daily Worker, February 18, 1936
1936: The Industrial Union Bloc in the American Federation of Labor
1936: Foster's Speech [opening the 9th CPUSA Convention] from Daily Worker, June 25, 1936
1936: Foster to Preside at Sunday Session from Daily Worker, June 26, 1936
1936: All Labor Must Answer Steel Barons' Declaration of War! from Daily Worker, July 1, 1936
1936: Foster Points Out Lessons of Great 1919 Steel Strike from Daily Worker, July 6, 1936
1936: Foster Stresses Need of Discipline in Steel Drive from Daily Worker, July 8, 1936
1936: Foster Says Steel Labor Must Rely on Own Strength from Daily Worker, July 10, 1936
1936: Foster Refutes Green Claim of Aid by A.F. of L. Chiefs in the 1919 Steel Campaign from Daily Worker, July 10, 1936
1936: Foster Outlines Organizing Tasks in Steel Drive from Daily Worker, July 13, 1936
1936: Foster Answers Green on Finances, Says Gompers Sabotaged 1919 Strike from Daily Worker, July 13, 1936
1936: Foster to Head Communist Election Campaign Committee from Daily Worker, July 18, 1936
1936: Foster Announces National Committee for Election Drive from Daily Worker, July 20, 1936
1936: Steel Trust Concessions are 'Illusory,' Foster Asserts from Daily Worker, July 25, 1936
1936: Foster Assails 'Suspension' of C.I.O. as Great Crime Against the Working Class from Daily Worker, August 8, 1936
1936: Industrial Unionism
1936: Unionizing Steel
1936: Steel: The Great Battlefield [review of Unionzing Steel] from Daily Worker, August 19, 1936
1936: Foster Sends Personal Appeal to All Communists in Missouri to Put Party on the Ballot from Daily Worker, August 20, 1936
1936: Forward to a Mass Communist Party! from Daily Worker, September 16, 1936
1936: Steel Workers Eager for Unionization; W. Z. Foster Urges Drive Be Intensified from Daily Worker, October 5, 1936
1936: Election Drive in Danger. Foster Appeals to Units from Daily Worker, October 6, 1936
1936: Foster Urges Full Support to YCL Drive for 20,000 Members by Jan. 1 from Daily Worker, October 12, 1936
1936: Organizing Methods in the Steel Industry
1936: Foster to Speak at Chicago and Detroit Election Rallies. Beloved Labor Leader to Appear at Scene of Greatest Battles from Daily Worker, October 21, 1936
1936: The Communist Party on the Results of the Elections (with Earl Browder) from Daily Worker, November 7, 1936
1936: The Crisis in the Socialist Party
1936: Prevent the A.F.L. Split from Spreading; Re-Unite the Trade Union Movement (with Earl Browder) from Daily Worker, November 7, 1936
1936: Foster and Browder Ask Action in Drive for Daily Worker (with Earl Browder) from Daily Worker, December 15, 1936
1937: What Means a Strike in Steel?
1937: The Convention of the American Federation of Labor
1937: Full Steam Ahead! Unionize All Auto Shops!
1937: Questions and Answers on the Piatakov-Radek Trial
1937: The Significance of the Sit-Down Strike from the Communist, April 1937
1937: The Renaissance of the American Trade Union Movement
1937: Political Leadership and Party Building [Based on speech delivered at the plenary meeting of the C.C. of the C.P.U.S.A., held June 17-20, 1937] from the Communist, July 1937
1937: A Manual of Industrial Unionism
1937: Railroad Workers, Forward!
1937: From Bryan to Stalin
1937: More Pages from a Worker's Life
1937: American Origins of the People's Front from the Communist, December 1937
1938: The Congress of the Communist Party of France from the Communist, February 1938
1938: Introduction to The Meaning of the Soviet Trials (written by E. Yaroslavsky)
1938: World Fascism and War from the Communist, April 1938
1938: Stop Wage-cuts and Layoffs on the Railroads. A Reply to President T.C. Cashen of the Switchmen's Union of North America
1938: The Socialist Party Convention from the Communist, June 1938
1938: Win the Western Hemisphere for Democracy and Peace! from the Communist, July 1938
1938: The American Federation of Labor and Trade Union Progress from the Communist, August 1938
1938: The Communist Party and the Professionals from the Communist, September 1938
1938: Panacea Mass Movements from the Communist, November 1938
1938: Panacea Mass Movements, Part II from the Communist, December 1938
1938: Anent the American Medical Association from the Communist, December 1938
1938: Norman Thomas: Defeatist from the New Masses, December 13, 1938
1939: Isolationist Defeatism! from the The Communist, January 1939
1939: Books: 'American Labor' Fails to do Justice to the Theme from the Daily Worker, January 6, 1939
1939: Foster Says R.R. Cut Stopped by Resolute Stand; Sees New Danger from the Daily Worker, January 17, 1939
1939: New Methods of Political Mass Organization from the Communist, February 1939
1939: The Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba from the Communist, March 1939
1939: The Human Element in Mass Agitation from the Communist, April 1939
1939: Stop, Look, Listen! from the Daily Worker, May 2, 1939
1939: Trade Unions and the Peoples Health from the Daily Worker, May 5, 1939
1939: Forward the C.I.O.! from the Daily Worker, May 19, 1939
1939: The Technique of the Mass Campaign from the Communist, May 1939
1939: Amter's Election Would Challenge Reaction, Strengthen People – Foster from the Daily Worker, May 29, 1939
1939: Main Organizational Tasks of the Democratic Front from the Communist, June 1939
1939: Green Tries to Split the Latin-American Labor Movement from the Daily Worker, June 15, 1939
1939: Your Questions Answered on Politics, Peace, Economics, Anti-Semitism, Race Prejudice, Religion, Trade Unionism, Americanism, Democracy, Socialism, Communism
1939: Building the Western-Hemisphere Democratic Front from the Communist, July 1939
1939: World Labor Unity Must Blockade Fascism – Foster from the Daily Worker, July 3, 1939
1939: Trade Union Unity: A Vital Political Necessity from the Daily Worker, July 8, 1939
1939: Secondary Aspects of Mass Organization from the Communist, August 1939
1939: Foster Tells How Pact is Aid to Peace [on the Hitler-Stalin Pact] from the Daily Worker, August 29, 1939
1939: Taking the Railroad Moguls for a Ride from the Daily Worker, September 1, 1939
1939: Twenty Years of Communist Trade Union Policy from the Communist, September 1939
1939: Foster Brands Dies as War Monger; Assails 'Visit' by Agents in Chicago, from the Daily Worker, October 4, 1939
1939: The Decisive Role of the Soviet Purge, from the Daily Worker, October 7, 1939
1939: The Arms Embargo, from the Daily Worker, October 25, 1939
1939: Foster Answers Dies on Conditions of American Negro, from the Daily Worker, October 30, 1939
1939: Specific Organizational Features of the Democratic Front in the United States from the Communist, October 1939
1939: The Dies Committee: National Menace, from the Daily Worker, November 9, 1939
1939: Text of Foster Statement, [on attack on Party meeting in Detroit] from the Daily Worker, November 11, 1939
1939: Trade Union Unity, from the Daily Worker, November 23, 1939
1939: He Wrote His Name in the Heart of the Masses, tribute to Moissaye J. Olgin
1939: The Soviet Union and the War, from the Daily Worker, December 1, 1939
1939: Lenin and Stalin as Mass Leaders1940: The War Crisis. Questions and Answers
1940: William Green Reconstructs Labor History from the Communist, January 1940
1940: Seven Years of Roosevelt from the Communist, March 1940
1940: The War Aims of American Imperialism from the Communist, April 1940
1940: World Socialism and the War from the Communist, June 1940
1940: Capitalism, Socialism and the War
1940: What's What About the War
1940: The Three Basic Tasks of the Communist Peace Policy from the Communist, July 1940
1940: The Pan-American Conference in Havana from the Communist, September 1940
1940: The Trade Unions and the War from the Communist, October 1940
1940: For a People's Policy in U.S.-Soviet Relations! from the Communist, November 1940
1940: The United States and the Soviet Union1941: Organized Labor's Two Conventions from the Communist, January 1941
1941: Socialism. The Road to Peace, Prosperity and Freedom
1941: World Capitalism and World Socialism
1941: Earl Browder Remains the Heroic Leader of the People from the Communist, March 1941
1941: James B. NcNamara from the Communist, April 1941
1941: American Fascism Speaks Out from the Communist, April 1941
1941: Communism versus Fascism
1941: Earl Browder and the Fight for Peace from the Communist, June 1941
1941: The People's Program of Struggle for the Defeat of Hitler and Hitlerism (with Robert Minor) from the Daily Worker, June 30, 1941
1941: Yankee Imperialism Grabs for the Western Hemisphere from the Communist, July 1941
1941: Seattle Rally Hails Foster Call for anti-Hitler Unity from the Daily Worker, July 9, 1941
1941: Text (abridged) of William Z. Foster's Report to the National Committee of the Communist Party [on the Nazi invasion of the USSR]
1941: For the Military Destruction of Hitlerism! from the Communist, September 1941
1941: The Soviet Union: Friend and Ally of the American People
1941: The Soviet Union and the Course of the War from the Communist, November 1941
1941: The Tasks of the Communist Party in the War from the Communist, December 1941
1942: Labor and the War
1942: Trade Unions in the War Emergency from the Communist, January 1942
1942: From Defense to Attack
1942: The Rio de Janeiro Conference from the Communist, March 1942
1942: Smash Hitler's Spring Offensive Now!
1942: John L. Lewis and the War from the Communist, July 1942
1942: The War and Labor Unity from the Communist, September 1942
1942: The Miners' Convention from the Communist, November 1942
1943: The People and the Congress
1943: The Reactionary Offensive and the War from the Communist, April 1943
1943: The Strike of the Coal Miners from the Communist, June 1943
1943: For Speedy Victory The Second Front Now
1943: Labor's General Staffs Meet from the Communist, October 1943
1943: Soviet Democracy and the War
1943: The CIO National Convention from the Communist, December 1943
1943: War and Postwar from the New Masses, December 14, 19431944: The New Anti-2nd Front Line – Talk Up 'Big Casualty' Scare from the Daily Worker, January 17, 1944
1944: Letter to the Communist Party National Committee
1944: Foster Reviews New Book on Hotel Union from the Daily Worker, June 30, 1944
1944: Election Scene: Wendell Willkie at the Political Crossroads from the Daily Worker, July 7, 1944
1944: Election Scene: Demagogy Can't Hide GOP Reactionary Aim from the Daily Worker, July 17, 1944
1944: Election Campaign: The Twin Dangers of Complacency and Pessimism from the Daily Worker, July 18, 1944
1944: Election Campaign: Chicago AFL Unions Show the Way from the Daily Worker, July 20, 1944
1944: Election Campaign: The Dewey Threat to World Democracy from the Daily Worker, July 25, 1944
1944: The Hoover-Dewey-McCormick Election Threat to Teheran from the Communist, July 1944
1944: Election Campaign: The AFL Council and the Democratic Party from the Daily Worker, August 1, 1944
1944: Election Scene: The Duty of the AFL Council from the Daily Worker, August 10, 1944
1944: Election Scene: The Million New Businessmen from the Daily Worker, August 14, 1944
1944: Election Scene: Mobilizing AFL Politically from the Daily Worker, August 19, 1944
1944: Election Scene: Will Winning War Lose the Election? from the Daily Worker, August 29, 1944
1944: Justice in France from the Daily Worker, September 11, 1944
1944: Labor Builds Biggest Political Movement from the Daily Worker, September 14, 1944
1944: The Executive Council vs. AFL membership from the Daily Worker, October 6, 1944
1944: 25th Communist Anniversary: The Anti-Fascist Vanguard from the Daily Worker, October 7, 1944
1944: U.S. Will Decide its World Course Nov. 7 from the Daily Worker, October 27, 1944
1944: A Glaring Omission by Rail Union Journal from the Daily Worker, October 30, 1944
1944: Dewey's Imperialist Outlook from the Daily Worker, October 31, 1944
1944: How Election of Dewey Would Prolong the War from the Daily Worker, November 2, 1944
1944: Dewey and Teheran from the Communist, November 1944
1944: The AFL and World Labor Unity from the Daily Worker, November 20, 1944
1944: Rail Labor Paper Needs Progressive Track from the Daily Worker, December 5, 1944
1944: AFL Progressives Should Speak Up from the Daily Worker, December 25, 19441945: The Coal Miners. Their Problems in War and Peace
1945: The World Trade Union Conference from Political Affairs, March 1945
1945: A New World trade Union Federation is Born from Political Affairs, April 1945
1945: Organized Labor Faces the New World
1945: The Danger of American Imperialism in the Post-War Period from Political Affairs, June 1945
1945: Foster on Revisionism in the CPA: Speech to the National Board Meeting, California State Committee CPA Discussion Bulletin, Number 1, June 1945
1945: On the Question of Revisionism
1945: The Struggle Against Revisionism
1945: Browder on Revisionism, Daily Worker, July 25, 1945
1945: Introduction to the pamphlet The Present Situation and the Next Tasks [A resolution adopted by the Communist Party at its national convention, July 26-29, 1945]
1945: Correspondence Between Luis Carlos Prestes and William Z. Foster from Political Affairs, October 1945
1945: The Strike Situation and Organized Labor's Wage and Job Strategy
1945: An Indispensable Labor Manual from Political Affairs, November 1945
1945: Truman's Bomb Policy from New Masses, November 20, 1945
1945: Opening remarks at the meeting of the National Committee of the Communist Party, November 16-18, 1945. [from the pamphlet America at the Crossroads, by Eugene Dennis]
1945: For a Fighting Communist Party!
1945: The Party and the Veterans
1945: The Rankin Witch Hunt1946: Leninism and Some Practical Problems of the Postwar Period from Political Affairs, February 1946
1946: Browderism Condemned in Latin America from Daily Worker, February 11 1946
1946: U.S. Relations with Latin America from Political Affairs, March 1946
1946: On Self-Determination for the Negro People [From a speech at the National Board, C.P.U.S.A. March 28, 1946] from Political Affairs, June 1946
1946: On the Expulsion of Browder from Political Affairs, April 1946
1946: Elements of a People's Cultural Policy from New Masses, April 23, 1946
1946: Problems of Organized Labor Today
1946: American Imperialism, Leader of World Reaction from Political Affairs, August 1946
1946: One Year of Struggle Against Browderism [Opening remarks at the plenary meeting of tht National Committee, C.P.U.S.A., July 16-18, 1946] from Political Affairs, September 1946
1946: Speech in Nomination of Eugene Dennis for the General Secretaryship of the C.P.U.S.A. [National Committee meeting, C.P.U.S.A., July 17, 1946] from Political Affairs, September 1946
1946: Remarks of William Z. Foster [at the discussion of the Negro question at the plenary meeting of the National Committee of tbe Communist Pary, December 3-5, 1946] from the pamphlet The Communist Position on the Negro Question1947: Workers, Defend Your Unions!
1947: On Building a People's Party from Political Affairs, February 1947
1947: The British Empire Communist Conference from Political Affairs, April 1947
1947: The National Question in Europe from Political Affairs, June 1947
1947: The New Europe
1947: American Imperialism and the War Danger from Political Affairs, August 1947
1947: Organized Labor and the Fascist Danger
1947: Why Let the Kids Swelter in the Cities? from Fighting Words. Selections from 25 Years of the Daily Worker
1947: Marxism and American "Exceptionalism" from Political Affairs, September 1947
1947: The Battle for the Youth from Political Affairs, October 1947
1947: Quarantine the War Mongers
1947: The Meaning of the 9-Party Communist Conference
1948: The Political Significance of Keynesism from Political Affairs, January 1948
1948: Organized Labor and the Marshall Plan from Political Affairs, February 1948
1948: World Democracy's Struggle Against American Imperialism from Political Affairs, March 1948
1948: Labor and the Marshall Plan
1948: On the Theoretical Work of the Party from Political Affairs, April 1948
1948: The Crime of El Fanguito. An Open Letter to President Truman on Puerto Rico
1948: Danger Ahead for Organized Labor
1948: Specific Features of American Imperialist Expansion from Political Affairs, August 1948
1948: The Plot to Outlaw the Communist Party from Fighting Words. Selections from 25 Years of the Daily Worker
1948: The 1948 Elections and the Struggle for Peace [The keynote address at the opening session of the 14th National CPUSA Convention, August 2, 1948] from Political Affairs, September 1948
1948: Concluding Remarks at the [14th National CPUSA] Convention from Political Affairs, September 1948
1948: On Improving the Party's Work Among Women from Political Affairs, October 1948
1949: The Two Major Variants of Keynesism from Political Affairs, January 1949
1949: Patriots Fight for Peace! (with Eugene Dennis)
1949: In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders
1949: The Twilight of World Capitalism
1949: Cannon, Lovestone and Browder from Political Affairs, September 1949
1950: Keynote Message of Greeting to the Plenum [Sent to the Plenary Session of the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A., March 23, 1950] from Political Affairs, May 1950
1950: People's Front and People's Democracy from Political Affairs, June 1950
1950: Introduction to Ideas They Cannot Jail, by Eugene Dennis
1950: A Letter to Trygve Lie (with Gus Hall) from Political Affairs, August 1950
1950: The Domination of the Capitalist World by the United States
1951: American Capitalist Hegemony, the National Emergency, and "Isolationism" [message to the 15th National Convention of the C.P.U.S.A., December 28-31, 1950] from Political Affairs, January 1951
1951: Truman's "State of National Emergency" from Political Affairs, March 1951
1951: Outline Political History of the Americas1952: History of the Communist Party of the United States (off site)
1952: On A Marxist History of the North American Indians. A Reader's Letter and a Reply from William Z. Foster from Political Affairs, May 1952
1952: A Letter to Congress: Defeat the Anti-Labor Smith Bill!
1952: The Steel Workers and the Fight for Labor's Rights1953: Stalin and American Imperialism from Political Affairs, February 1953
1953: Malenkov At the Helm from Political Affairs, April 1953
1953: Fighting War with Peace and Democracy
1953: Left Sectarianism in the Fight for Negro Rights and Against White Chauvinism from Political Affairs, July 1953
1953: The Explosive Situation in Latin America from Political Affairs, August 1953
1953: The 34th Anniversary of the Communist Party
1953: Reader's Guide to William Z. Foster's History of the Communist Party of the United States
1953: Foreward to the pamphlet The Case of Puerto Rico
1953: Marxism and the American Working Class
1953: The "Putschist" Danger in American Foreign Policy from Political Affairs, December 19531954: The "Daily Worker" – Fighter for Peace
1954: Eisenhower's Message
1954: The United States and the Atom Bomb from Daily Worker, January 25, 1954
1954: The Working Class Needs the Jefferson School
1954: Again the Dulles Speech from Daily Worker, February 3, 1954
1954: Eisenhower's Path to Economic Crisis from Daily Worker, February 14, 1954
1954: Redbaiting: A National Menace
1954: What About Indo-China
1954: What About Germany? 4
1954: The War Bases in Pakistan
1954: The Negro People in American History, (200Mb)
1954: To the Second Convention of the Labor Youth League from Political Affairs, March 1954
1954: Hands Off Guatemala! from Daily Worker, March 12, 1954
1954: Stamp Out McCarthyism from Daily Worker, March 17, 1954
1954: Dulles Threatens War without Congress Sanction
1954: Dulles Foments Civil War in Italy
1954: McCarthy's Charge of 20-Year Treason from Daily Worker, March 24, 1954
1954: CP Hits Move to Persecute Foster from Daily Worker, April 1, 1954
1954: Foster Affidavit Charges Govt. Seeks Death Warrant from Daily Worker, April 2, 1954
1954: Dulles Prepares Aggressive War
1954: Study and Apply the Draft Program from Political Affairs, April 1954
1954: The Hydrogen Bomb Danger
1954: Don't Drop It, Mr. Dulles! from Daily Worker, April 7, 1954
1954: Lost, Strayed or Stolen – The United Nations from Daily Worker, April 9, 1954
1954: Foster Corrects N.Y. Times on Draft Program of Communist Party from Daily Worker, April 13, 1954
1954: Dulles Stabs at Geneva
1954: The War Danger in the Present World Situation from Political Affairs, May 1954
1954: An Interview with the CP's Chairman: Foster Discusses Communist Aims from Daily Worker, May 2, 1954
1954: Dulles Chased from Geneva
1954: The McCarthy TV Show
1954: The Fall of Dienbienphu
1954: Peace as an Election Issue
1954: The Wall Street Defeat in Indochina
1954: The Supreme Court and Segregation from Daily Worker, May 20, 1954
1954: Foster Corrects News Agency on Communists' Draft Program
1954: The Lewis-Beck-McDonald Trade Union Pact from Political Affairs, June 1954
1954: Foster Hails Victory of Paraguay Leader from Daily Worker, June 7, 1954
1954: The Army-McCarthy Fiasco from Daily Worker, June 14, 1954
1954: The U.S.-Soviet Chess Match
1954: Lippmann and Falling American Prestige
1954: War-Mongers Defeated in France from Daily Worker, June 21, 1954
1954: Guatemala and the Wall St. Invasion
1954: Seat China Despite Wall Street!
1954: The Cease-Fire in Indochina
1954: How Stupid Can the State Department Get?
1954: The Hainan War Provocation
1954: The Question of the Peaceful Co-Existence of the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.
1954: Syngman Rhee: Warmonger
1954: The Big Four Conference
1954: Dulles Pipes Down
1954: Foster's Greeting to Communist Party National Electoral Conference
1954: What's Behind Atlee Trip to Moscow and Peking?
1954: What the Record of the 83rd Congress Shows: It Went Far Toward Setting Up a Police State in Our Country
1954: Big Four Parley Holds Key to Real Plan for European Security
1954: Humphrey's McCarthyite Move Hurts Demo Electoral Prospects
1954: One Bid Defeat – Another Being Prepared
1954: SEATO: A Dulles Dud
1954: The Atomic-Pool Flim-Flam
1954: Stevenson Invites Election Defeat from Daily Worker, September 16, 1954
1954: Dulles' Biggest Blunder
1954: Reply to a Priest's Letter from Political Affairs, October 1954
1954: The Significance of the London 9-Power Conference
1954: The KKK Rides Again
1954: Meany versus Morrison
1954: The Paris War Pact from Daily Worker, October 26, 1954
1954: Is the United States in the Early Stages of Fascism? from Political Affairs, November 1954
1954: The McCarthy Trial from Daily Worker, November 9, 1954
1954: McCarthy Redbaits the Senate from Daily Worker, November 12, 1954
1954: Eisenhower and Coexistence from Daily Worker, November 19, 1954
1954: Norman Thomas: 70 Years Old from Daily Worker, November 22, 1954
1954: Soviet Stress on History Writing from Political Affairs, December 1954
1954: Knowland versus Eisenhower from Daily Worker, December 1, 1954
1954: The McCarthy Censure
1954: The Patterson Case
1954: Janus Eisenhower
1954: Trouble Brewing in Indochina from Daily Worker, December 17, 1954
1954: The Peril of Militarism
1954: The Question of Trade Union Unity from Daily Worker, December 31, 1954
1955: The Bulldozing of France
1955: Defend Workers' Education from Daily Worker, January 7, 1955
1955: The Shaky Capitalist World Economy from Daily Worker, January 10, 1955
1955: The Jailing of the 13 Communists from Daily Worker, January 13, 1955
1955: A Valiant Fighter Against Jim Crow from Daily Worker, January 25, 1955
1955: The Formosa War Threat from Daily Worker, January 26, 1955
1955: The Perspectives for a Labor-Farmer Party in the U.S. from Political Affairs, February 1955
1955: Matusow Confesses Perjury from Daily Worker, February 1, 1955
1955: China Gives Wall St. Its Answer from Daily Worker, February 7, 1955
1955: 'Preventive War' Instigators
1955: Significance of Bulganin's Election from Daily Worker, February 10, 1955
1955: AFL and CIO Merger Plan
1955: Foster Hits Double Jeopardy
1955: Prison Release and New Persecutions from Daily Worker, March 8, 1955
1955: The Formosa War Provocation
1955: Ben Davis An Indomitable Fighter of Jim Crow from Daily Worker, March 14, 1955
1955: Why Yalta Papers Were Published
1955: On the Release of the National Committee Members
1955: Eisenhower and Keynesism from Political Affairs, April 1955
1955: The History of the Three Internationals
1955: The Role of Mao Tse-tung, from History of the Three Internationals
1955: Max Eastman – Renegade! from Daily Worker, April 6, 1955
1955: Is There a War Party?
1955: Some Truths About Yalta from Daily Worker, April 13, 1955
1955: On Judge Dimock's Decision
1955: The Bandung Conference from Daily Worker, April 29, 1955
1955: Notes on the Struggle for Negro Rights from Political Affairs, May 1955
1955: The Atombomb War Crime
1955: A Big Four Peace Parley and the German Question
1955: The Eisenhower Peace Myth
1955: Steve Nelson's "The 13th Juror" from Political Affairs, June 1955
1955: The Fight on A-Weapons
1955: Eisenhower and the 4-Power Conference from Daily Worker, June 15, 1955
1955: Ten Years of the UN from Daily Worker, June 30, 1955
1955: The Marion Bachrach Case from Daily Worker, July 8, 1955
1955: The Geneva Conference
1955: Geneva: A people's Victory
1955: On the Fight Against Keynesism from Political Affairs, August 1955
1955: The Indonesian National Liberation Movement from Daily Worker, August 5, 1955
1955: Her Jailing is Country's Shame [on Elizbeth Gurley Flynn] from Sunday Worker, August 8, 1955
1955: Meany: Diehard Warmonger
1955: The Sickness of NATO
1955: Geneva: Background and Perspectives from Political Affairs, September 1955
1955: The Nixon Threat
1955: Soviet-West German Agreement from Daily Worker, September 16, 1955
1955: Post Geneva: The Fight for Peaceful Coexistence from Political Affairs, October 1955
1955: Stop Nixon! from Daily Worker, October 3, 1955
1955: France and the UN from Daily Worker, October 5, 1955
1955: W.Z. Foster Comments on Aptheker's New Book from Daily Worker, October 10, 1955
1955: Israel's Interest Is with Anti-Imperialist Peoples from Daily Worker, October 12, 1955
1955: Lynching and Strike Violence
1955: The New Philbrick Fabrications
1955: Truman and the Atombomb
1955: Back Steve Nelson's Defense from Daily Worker, November 9, 1955
1955: Defend Claudia Jones!
1955: Was the Geneva Parley a Failure? Foster Says the Answer to That Question is a Definite NO! from Daily Worker, November 17, 1955
1955: The Meaning of Morocco from Daily Worker, November 30, 1955
1955: Thoughts on Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's Autobiography from Political Affairs, December 1955
1955: The AFL-CIO Merger
1955: The AFL-CIO Merger [follow-up article]
1955: Rekindling the Cold War from Daily Worker, December 23, 1955
1956: The Communist Democratic French Election Victory, from Daily Worker, January 5, 1956
1956: Free Morton Sobell
1956: Dulles Lets the Cat Out of the Bag, from Daily Worker, January 17, 1956
1956: The Dulles Skullduggery
1956: The Advance of Socialism to World Leadership from Political Affairs, February 1956
1956: Has World Capitalism Become Stabilized? from Political Affairs, March 1956
1956: Imperialist Aggression and the War Danger
1956: Lessons in Internationalism
1956: Outline History of the World Trade Union Movement
1956: The Revaluation of Stalin's Work, from Daily Worker, March 16, 1956
1956: Lessons from the Stalin Question, from Daily Worker, March 28, 1956
1956: The Road to Socialism, Part I from Political Affairs, April 1956
1956: What Was Done to Check Stalin?, from Daily Worker, April 2, 1956
1956: How the Stalin Cult Developed, from Daily Worker, April 4, 1956
1956: Why the Stalin Revaluation Takes Place at this Time, from Daily Worker, April 10, 1956
1956: Stalin's Excesses and Distortions, from Daily Worker, April 19, 1956
1956: The Road to Socialism, Part II from Political Affairs, May 1956
1956: The "Managed Economy" of the U.S., Part I from Political Affairs, July 1956
1956: The Stalin Cult of the Individual, from Daily Worker, July 2, 1956
1956: Achievements As Well As Mistakes, from Daily Worker, July 5, 1956
1956: A Reply to the New York Post..., from Daily Worker, July 25, 1956
1956: The "Managed Economy" of the U.S., Part II from Political Affairs, August 1956
1956: Gov't Attacks on Party Members and the 'Big Lie' Took Heavy Toll, from Sunday Worker, August 26, 1956
1956: Left Writers on American Themes, from Sunday Worker, September 16, 1956
1956: Marxism-Leninism in a Changing World, Part I, from Political Affairs, September 1956
1956: On the Party Situation, from Political Affairs, October 1956
1956: Karl Marx and Mass Impoverishment, from Political Affairs, November 1956
1956: Reject the Gates Political Action Ass'n, [Speech Nov. 11, 1956] from 16th National Convention Discussion Bulletin, No. 2, November 27, 1956
1956: Foster Writes on the Hungarian Question, from Daily Worker, November 21, 1956
1956: Foster Discusses 'Stalin Era' by Anna Louise Strong, from Daily Worker, December 3, 1956
1956: Marxism-Leninism in a Changing World, Part II, from Political Affairs, December 1956
1957: A Reply to Bill Norman and Others, from 16th National Convention Discussion Bulletin, No. 4, January 1, 1957
1957: The Origins of the Crises in the CPUSA, from Party Voice, Seventh Discussion Issue, January 1957
1957: The Question of CP 'Name and Form': Two Statements, from Daily Worker, January 9, 1957
1957: Marxism-Leninism and "American Prosperity," from Political Affairs, February 1957
1957: Concerning Dr. Kardelj's Article from Mainstream, February 1957
1957: Opening Remarks to the CPUSA's 16th National Convention February 9, 1957
1957: Address to the CPUSA's 16th National Convention February 9, 1957
1957: Remarks at the Final Session of the CPUSA's 16th National Convention February 12, 1957
1957: Draper's "Roots of American Communism" from Political Affairs, May 1957
1957: Differing Estimates of the U.S. Communists' Convention, from Daily Worker, June 12, 1957
1957: Howard Fast's Call to Surrender, from Daily Worker, June 17, 1957
1957: Lessons of the Supreme Court Rulings, from Daily Worker, June 26, 1957
1957: Foster Lauds Aptheker's 'Truth About Hungary', from Daily Worker, July 9, 1957]
1957: The Synthesis of Socialism and Democratic Movements Under Capitalism from Political Affairs, August 1957
1957: Two Views on the Road to Peace and Socialism, from Daily Worker, August 18, 1957
1957: Joll's "History of the Second International" from Political Affairs, September 1957
1957: The Flynn Signature Campaign, from Daily Worker, September 18, 1957
1957: Foster Reviews Soviet Report on "People's Capitalism," from Daily Worker, September 20, 1957
1957: Foster Assails Critic's Letter as "Outlandish"
1957: The Soviet 'Moon,' from Daily Worker, October 9, 1957
1957: Foster Progressing After Cerebral Stroke from Daily Worker, October 21, 1957
1957: People's Capitalism – and Djilas from Political Affairs, November 1957
1957: The Party Crisis and the Way Out, Part I, [reply to Bittelman] Political Affairs, December 19571958: The Party Crisis and the Way Out, Part II, [reply to Bittelman] Political Affairs, January 1958
1958: The Superiority of World Socialism Over World Capitalism, from Political Affairs, May 19581959: Work in the Two-Party System from Political Affairs, January 1959
1959: A Letter to Mao Tse-tung from Political Affairs, March 1959
1959: Notes on the Negro Question (A Discussion Article) (with Benjamin J. Davis) from Political Affairs, April 1959
1959: The Gates of Fable from Political Affairs, April 1959
1959: The Struggle for a Mass Labor Party in the U.S.
1959: On Early U.S. History from Political Affairs, June 1959
1959: The Cold War and the People's Welfare from Political Affairs, July 1959
1959: On the Draft Resolution from Political Affairs, December 19591960: Canada's Fight for Freedom from Political Affairs, March 1960
1960: Lenin's 90th Birthday from Political Affairs, April 1960
1960: Browder Tries Again to Destroy the Communist Party from Political Affairs, June 1960
1960: The Japanese Mass Movement from Political Affairs, July 1960
1960: The Latin-American Revolution 1810-1826 from Political Affairs, November 1960
1960: America's Steel-Workers from Political Affairs, December 19601961: William Z. Foster is Dead at 80; Ex-Head of Communists in U.S.
Comment on Foster by Max Eastman
Labor's Own William Z. Foster by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
William Z. Foster. An Appraisal of the Man and His Career by James P. Cannon
William Z. Foster: An Appreciation for His 75th Anniversary by Joseph North
William Z. Foster: American Working-Class Leader by Gus Hall
William Z. Foster by Fred Carlisle [for the Progressive Labor Party]
Last updated on 30 October 2023