Rajani Palme Dutt

Message of Greetings to the Congress of the People

Kliptown, Johannesburg, 25th and 26th of June, 1955


Source: Messages to the Congress of the People, Kliptown, Johannesburg, 25th and 26th of June, 1955 http://historicalpapers-atom.wits.ac.za/ad1812-eg3-2-3-3-001-jpeg-pdf (Wits University Research Archives, University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa), pages 5-6.
Transcription: Juan Fajardo.
Fair Use: Marxists Internet Archive (2023).




R. Palme Dutt: London

Democratic opinion throughout the world is looking with confidence to the Congress of the People of South Africa to voice the true aspirations of the South African people against all racial discrimination and oppression, and for the fulfilment of human freedom without distinction of race and colour.

The heroic struggle of the African, Indian, and Coloured people of South Africa against oppression, together with the European democrats who have had the courage to stand by their struggle against the revival of Hitlerite tyranny, has already been demonstrated and won the admiration of the world during these years of heavy trials, and will assuredly reap its harvest.

As Hitlerism, after all its crimes and boasts of a thousand years of power, fell in ruins within twelve years before the advance of the liberation struggle of the peoples, so no less certainly will the puny disciples of Hitler today meet their just end.

The Bandung Conference of Asian-African peoples representing the majority of mankind, has sounded the call to all the peoples of Asia and Africa for the ending of colour and racial discrimination, for peace, and the victory of national freedom and human rights.

All good wishes for the success of your Congress and the achievement of the aim you have set yourselves to form a Charter of Rights of the South African people and lead the way forward in building up the indissoluble unity of the people which will guarantee the future victory.

We in Britain pledge our solidarity with you in your struggle. Your cause is the cause of freedom throughout the world.

With warm fraternal greetings.