MIA: Harry Baldwin
Harry Baldwin
2010: Obituary: Harry Baldwin
May 1951: The World and the Vegans
August 1951: A Challenge to all workers
August 1953: A Labour MP on Russia
March 1966: Socialism: One World, One People says Harry Baldwin, Socialist Party of Gt Britain candidate for Hampstead
April 1967: Let's Protest!
September 1968: Another Lot of Insurrectionists
April 1969: How Foolish Indeed
February 1970: Slaughter in Vietnam
March 1971: Law and What?
June 1971: The Monday Club Tories
April 1973: Greater London Council election leaflet: Your choice. Capitalism or Socialism?
July 1973: Socialism means: An end to racist nonsense
December 1973: Some Implications of Socialism
May 1975: Vietnam - Who has won?
October 1976: For Carter and Ford - Read Capitalism Part 1
November 1976: For Carter and Ford - Read Capitalism Part 2
August 1977: Left Road to ... nowhere?